Dear Daughter: Here’s Why I Didn’t March For You

Dear daughter of mine,

You are so young and precious and innocent. You pass your days amidst sippy cups and Cheerios; amidst Minnie Mouse and your beloved dolls and toy kitchen.

But someday—sooner than I’d like—you’re going to grow up. And you’re probably going to hear a lot about something that’s happening right now.

You’ll learn about the unprecedented election of President Donald Trump, and you’ll learn about the thousands and thousands of women who came out to march all over the country in protest.

They were very loud. Some screamed; others gave speeches. Many carried big signs; others locked arms together. Some even wore “funny” outfits.

What were they upset about? I’ll tell you, sweet one.

They’re mad because we women don’t make as much money as men. They’re mad because we women don’t have full rights over our bodies. They’re mad because we women have to pay extra taxes for things that Mommy will tell you about later, while men don’t pay taxes for other things Mommy will tell you about later. They’re mad because men are abusive to us women; because men harass us. They’re mad because people don’t care about our smarts. They’re mad because we don’t all get paid maternity leave.

They’re mad because you and I, dear daughter of mine, are second class citizens.

And you might wonder why Mommy didn’t go and march for you. You might wonder why there are no Facebook pictures of us two out there together, like so many of your future counterparts’ mommies posted.

That’s why I’m writing you this letter.

Baby bird, I didn’t march for you because I didn’t need to. I didn’t march for you because you were blessed enough to have been born into a country and an era where you already enjoy all the freedoms and rights (that yes, other guys and gals fought for years ago) that men do; you live in a country where you can vote; in a country where you can fly to outer space, run major companies, run for president, and even run the first successful female-led presidential campaign in history; in a country where you can live a full life as a mom and a professional—or whatever you choose.

I’m writing this letter to tell you that what some people are yelling very loudly today (and will continue to yell very loudly for years to come) are lies.

Terrible, horrible, no good very bad lies.

It’s a lie that because of sexism, women don’t make as much money as men. First, let Mommy explain what “wage discrimination” is. It’s when a fully capable, trained and talented woman makes less than her fully capable, trained and talented male coworker in the EXACT same position under the EXACT same conditions. But that is demonstrably NOT what’s happening in this country. What’s happening? Well, for starters, women tend to choose careers that don’t pay as much, which affects the median income everyone’s talking about. Women also choose (and that’s an important word, honey) to do things like take a few years off of work to stay at home with their kids, and so when they go back to their jobs—their counterparts probably got a few raises in the meantime. Men also tend to work longer hours and are more likely to push for a raise.

It’s a lie that because of sexism, we don’t have full rights over our bodies. You are technically (we’ll chat about what you’re allowed to do later) able to do whatever you please with your body. No one’s stopping you, or any other woman. But these ladies think that being a woman gives us gals the right to decide what happens to other people’s bodies—bodies that are biologically, genetically, and scientifically separate bodies even though they’re growing inside of us when we’re pregnant.

It’s a lie because of sexism, women have to pay a special tax for products that we biologically must use. There is no special, bespoke tax for these products. On a state by state basis, they’re lumped in with a ton of other products that the government taxes.  And it’s certainly not because they’re for girls. It’s also a lie, honey, that because of sexism, men pay no taxes for things that they use exclusively.

It’s a lie that because of sexism, we women are the only ones who have to worry about harassment and abuse. Yes, some women do get harassed. (Someday I’ll tell you about how Mommy walked to work every day in Mexico to cat-calls of “ayyyyy güerita.”) Yes, some women do get abused. But so do men. You don’t know this yet, but today boys make up half of those who are sexually exploited commercially in the United States.  You don’t know this yet, but today, “a man is the victim of domestic abuse every 37.8 seconds in America.”  You don’t know this yet, but today, “in the 71 percent of nonreciprocal [meaning, where violence is inflicted by only one side] partner violence instances, the instigator was the woman.”

It’s a lie that because of sexism, people don’t care about our smarts. In fact, for the past 50 years, women have led the pack in education. Today, “women today get the majority of college degrees in America. It doesn’t matter what kind — associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral — women beat men in all the categories.” Pretty impressive in a society that “doesn’t care” about their smarts, if you ask me.

It’s a lie that because of sexism, there aren’t more female leaders. Yes, there was a time when women were soley relegated to the roles of homemaker or secretary or assistant, but that’s just not the case today.  Just ask Meg Whitman (CEO of Hewlett-Packard), or Susan Wojcicki (CEO of YouTube), or Ginni Rometty (CEO of IBM), to name a few. Remember what Mommy told you about women choosing other careers? That’s part of it. Not all women are choosing careers that lead to leadership. Want to be a leader? Pick that path. No one’s stopping you.

It’s a lie that because of sexism, we don’t all get paid maternity leave. It’s simple economics, honey. Maternity leave is expensive. Believe me, I know—I paid for part of mine when I had you. It has nothing to do with suppressing women. But that cost has to go somewhere—which is why not every company can offer it. (And it shouldn’t necessarily be the taxpayer’s responsibility to pay for it, either.) There are things you can do, though. Like working hard and landing a job at companies like Netflix or Amazon or Spotify, which have privately decided to give their employees well over the paid average.

Finally, it’s a lie that any of our human rights as women are going away just because someone whose politics these ladies don’t agree with suddenly became president.

No honey, I didn’t march for you. Let me tell you what I WILL do for you.

I’ll teach you money isn’t everything. But I’ll also teach you that if it’s important to you to make a lot of money, that you’ll need to work hard and choose the right career.

I’ll teach you about amazing women like Marie Curie or Madame C.J. Walker and the incredible lives they led—and I’ll also teach you about bad women, like Margaret Sanger, who told women the lie that they can kill their own babies, and who believed that not all races are equal.

I’ll teach you to respect your body. It’s a beautiful creation—and I’ll teach you not to cheapen it by dressing like it means nothing.

I’ll teach you that vulgarity doesn’t make you stronger; it cheapens you.

I’ll teach you that raunchiness doesn’t make you impressive; it makes you look like a piece of meat.

I’ll teach you that we are biologically and physically and emotionally different from men, but that doesn’t mean we’re less. It means we’re special. And you should celebrate that.

I’ll teach you that you should always be kind and honorable—even though there are people (even our leaders) who might not always say the nicest things.

I’ll teach you how to disagree strongly and firmly—but honorably.

Most of all, I’ll teach you to be a woman of noble character, like the one in like Proverbs 31—an amazing, hardworking wife, mother and businesswoman who rejoices in all of her roles.

No honey, I didn’t march for you. But thank goodness, I don’t have to.

Mary Ramirez is a full-time writer, creator of (a political commentary blog), and contributor to The Chris Salcedo Show (TheBlaze Radio Network, M-F, 3-5. ET). She can be reached at:; or on Twitter: @AFutureFree

2,348 thoughts on “Dear Daughter: Here’s Why I Didn’t March For You

    • But very wrong. I have made considerably less than the man who replaced me with the same credentials at the same job. This is happening all over. We may have our health care taken away from us. We are being legislated to not have control over our own bodies. We are asked to turn a blind eye when others are discriminated against. It isn’t just for women, its for all minorities.

      • Agree completely. This article was insulting and hurtful to me. Glad other people have similar opinions.

      • ya cuz I equals all? you just proved the article correct… you ladies are so fucked up in the head in this country its irrational. oh btw the gender wage is an out right lie. deal with it. btw buy my dinner? you pick me up? get on your knee? you buy the ring? you can assume I know better about our kids or your sexist? You will give me choices I will refuse you to even entertain.. get it hypocrite. Its pretty easy- women in the US are the most entitled and pampered bunch of children in the modern world period. Hardly a victim and most often a liar and a kidnapper.,

      • Stem fields, currently some of the best paid fields, show a 2 to 1 preference for hiring females over EQUALLY qualified males. Military has quotas for women that have to be promoted many of which for lower requirements than men in the same field. And if a company could really get away with paying women less for the SAME QUALITY work they would hire only women. Business is not the church, where only men can be in power, business is about money.

        Legislated to not have control of your body how? Abortion? Let me tell you something about that a woman can get an abortion without the father’s knowledge let alone consent. There is no way for the father to get out of parenthood. Even if he wants nothing to do with the child the mother can come after him for support. (Sperm donors can be sued for child support, a woman can rape a man get pregnant and still come after him for child support) A woman can opt out of parenthood, but a man cannot. Whats wrong with making it equal? Either both can or neither can.
        “Well if he didn’t want to be a father he should have kept it in his pants”
        A: “if she didn’t want to be a mother she should have kept her legs closed.”

        Women have destroyed the meaning of the word rape to mean everything from actual rape to just having a man look at a woman in public without permission.

        Women can get a man fired from work for ACCUSING him of sexual harassment because it is automatically assumed a man is at fault. False accusations have happened often enough and are continuing to happen because women have this power and don’t fade consequences because they are women. Why is that? When did we stop believing in innocent until proven guilty? Are women magically infallible? Bunch of hypocrites looking for power.
        If you cannot use facts to argue a point at least use sense.

        Women protesting at conventions for men’s health because men already have it so good… How is that not discrimination against men.

        Colleges with designated “safe places” where men are not allowed. But if there was a men’s only equivalent there would, as has in the past been, huge explosions over the exclusion of females. More hypocrisy.

        Equality means no special treatment for specific groups it means all are equal.

      • I am a 52 year old women who just replaced her 32 year old male counterpart! That’s right. Don’t blame the world for what you could be doing, just get out and do it! Find something else stop blaming!!!!

      • We fought and win the equal pay for equal work fight in the early 1970’s. I was a part of that movement. If you are still being discriminated against, speak up. It is in he law. As far as having rights taken away, of which “right” do to speak? Having mandatory health care? Do you understand the meaning of MANDATORY? Then you speak of controlling your own body, if you are speaking of abortion, are you not destroying the child’s rights in the process? Then you speak of “others” that are being discriminated against. Who? The illegals? Since when should they have rights in the USA? I won’t give my opinion on marchers. You must absolutely do what your morals dictate. All I ask is that you examine those very closely.

    • Pop your bubble…

      Marc Belisle

      Everyone is missing what is happening here.

      Trump’s Muslim ban getting slapped down by courts, the media condemning it, protesters coming out, politicians from both parties finally starting to speak up about it, all tee up something.

      Now, with Steve Bannon on the NSC, and the DNI and Chair of the Joint Chiefs sidelined, the ONLY thing that needs to happen is for a big terrorist attack by a Muslim refugee, especially a green card holder. No previous president would ever have done this, but we’ve gone through the looking glass. That attack would give Trump and Bannon rhetorical space to say that not only are Muslims the problem, but also, politicians from both parties are a problem, the media is a problem, protesters are a problem, and the courts and judges are a problem. They’ve already prepared all of this. Kellyanne Conway was on TV this morning saying that the ruling of the “Obama appointee judge” doesn’t affect the executive order, because the order is “preventing not detaining” and it’s only a small percentage of people affected. They’re TRYING to cause a Constitutional crisis and tee up the idea that national security, and executive law enforcement, trumps EVERY other consideration. Almost every Latin American country that copied our constitution fell to dictatorship because of that argument that national security trumps court rulings at some point in the last hundred years.

      And since Trump’s national security establishment has been hollowed out by purges and hiring freezes, and since the Constitution forbids military deployment within the US, Trump can say that government law enforcement isn’t working, we need to contract out to private law enforcement.

      Erik Prince, the former CEO of Blackwater, the private army that occupied Iraq, is reportedly “advising Trump from the shadows.” His sister is Betsy DeVos, one of Trump’s biggest donors. There is already a mercenary army waiting in the wings.

      Russia won this election for Trump for a reason, and we are failing to appreciate the gravity of it. We are so much closer to zero hour than anyone in Washington seems to realize. Trump is already in violation of the emoluments clause. He MUST be impeached before it’s too late.

      • Get a life, nelle. Yeah, it is surprising. Imagine, how crazy that he read it on the same day it was posted and commented then and yet no woman commented until several days after it was posted. You would think that one of the first comments of praise OR criticism would come from a woman but no women commented until the article was posted for 3 days. But, you know, lets come down on a man because he commented a complement on the article first. The sad part is that it took 3 days for a single woman to respond in any way here.

        Jacob Avery, good for you putting yourself out there.

    • It was a lovely letter but it didn’t take into account how many different reasons families were on those streets marching. You talk much of sexism. There were over 600 partner groups involved. Groups like the SEIU that looks out for all workers from hotel staff, factory workers, and up. Alliance for Justice, Alliance for Nurses for Healthy Enviroment,Center for Relationship Abuse Awareness, DC Lawyers for Youth, many groups to help out lower income families, and certainly many groups for all of the unique cultural backgrounds women have in this wonderfule country. I could write on and on about the positive and uplifiting reasons people were there but it would be a novel. You can find the list at I am unsure why you single yourself and your daughter out as a “second class citizen”. What does that mean? You somehow struggle more that the rest of us? I know people living in New Your City that live like rats in apts. so small 3 units will share a wash tub as their shower, I know people living in the midwest living in mansions. In fact usually my experience.. i think we all struggle. I mucked stall for years to help pay for my college. Grants ans local universities, We all struggle. That march covered so much and was so filled with women supporting women from all walks of life. It quite simply, was beautiful. I’ll bet you have made up your mind about who I am, but I happened to have spent the entire previous month on that site designing and preparing for 45’s Inuguration.

    • Some women accept the station in life to be second class citizens. That is their right to choose. I would never accept that station in life and I would never teach my child to.!

    • OMG, thank you so much for marching for me Judy. I can sleep more soundly knowing that my rights as a woman are now protected again because of the men and women who marched around in those stupid pink hats and listened to hysterical celebrities give inane speeches. You know what I get paid that exact amount of pay as my male counterpart given he has the same level of education as me. I also chose not to kill my two children while in my womb because they were conceived of love and economical concern for my situation. I didn’t use abortion as birth control because I knew better not to put myself in a tough decision about choice.

      • You get paid the same as your counterpart due to new federal legislation put into place under Obamas administration. You’re welcome, but don’t get used to it cause there’s no telling what legistion trump will overturn. Open your privledged eyes.

      • Lilly bedwetter. Why don’t you have faith in women? I bet Cynthia is perfectly capable of making equal pay based on her qualities and merit. Real women don’t need the government’s help.

      • You may have not aborted your kids ( neither did I) tell that to the thousands of Women who get raped by these so called men who impregnated them and now must carry her rapist baby and be constantly reminded of the hell he put her through (that reminder never really goes away ever no matter how hard they try to forget it’s always there because of judgemental people like yourself demonize Women to the point they are afraid to tell anyone because said rapist threatened death if she opened her mouth… But people like you who don’t care about anyone but yourselves. You can sit behind a keyboard and pass judgment onto others Monday through Saturday and Sunday morning want to act like a good God fearing Christian…. I hope one day you tell your children how their 45th President raped and sexually assaulted Women and a 13 year old child and your honest enough to tell your child that you are ok with rape, I hope they see how big of a bully he was along with his supporters, I hope you tell them that you weren’t a racist but you supported racism so that makes you no better than Trump, how you voted someone in who’s White Privilege signed for pipes to be laid in S. Dakota and once again in history the White man stole and damaged the Native Americans land, tell your children the truth that you voted for a man who was hell bent on keeping Hispanics and Muslims out of this supposedly diverse and culturally excepting Country and you voted for and helped pay for a wall that kept loving, hard working parents from their kids and spouses because you didn’t want them here for lack of a piece of paper, tell your children that you excepted how the President elect used racial slurs against the Black people in this Country and explain how Trump gave his supporters the platform to spew their hate and racism to all those of color, those who wern’t White. Tell them all the above because that IS the TRUTH.. Hopefully when you tell the truth to your children they won’t grow up to be just like YOU.

      • Lilly- Actually there was a law passed in 1963 (Equal Pay Act) to prevent men and women with the same job and the same education from getting different wages based on their gender. It has been regulated by the EEOC before Obama was even in office. Not sure where your idea came from that Obama created a law to protect wages for women 🤔

      • I also get paid the exact same as my equal male counterparts, as a member of the military we get paid based on a pay chart determied by our rank and time in service Not our gender.

      • Aren’t you lucky that your children were made with love. This is not always the case. Abortion does not apply to just living cells. Celebrities screaming obscenities, like our elected celebrity president. People marched for more than just women, which by the way was left out. People marched for love, not hate. People marched because the women who did are called bitches, baby killers, pussies who won’t get in line. No sir, people marched because we have to. Why is it so hard to understand the reason that people have rights today is because of marches before this one? I wonder what the view of those pposed of the civil rights or women’s suffrage march said after.

      • Obama passed a law called the Lilly Ledbetter law that corrected a flaw in the equal pay statutes that allowed employers to keep paying women less then men. Look t up for yourself. Also regarding taking care of Children after they are born, Congress voted this past week to eliminate the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIPS) that allows the children of poor families to get Medicaid until they are 18. Now if you have kids and cannot afford Health insurance your children will get no medical care except forgoing to the emergency room and the Taxpayers will pay 10 times the cost of care than a Doctor’s office. Do not pretend that you care about making sure children are born but don’t care if they die after they are born. All you really care about is forcing other women to suffer for having sex. What you really are for is forced birth, you are NOT pro life. All of you so called “superior” women that do not need any help supporting yourself or your kids may just be surprised one day when your meal ticket leaves you for a newer model.

      • IMO anyone who finds negativity or cannot see the point of this letter and how it empowers people is one who is always looking for someone else to blame. You are so right Cynthia, WE make choices and others should not be forced to pay for them but before this mentality will work, people must find value in TRUE love such as that between a mother and child and then spread THAT kind of love, not this hatred spewed by women such as Madonna, Ashley Judd, etc. It would be wonderful if ALL women only conceived and gave birth to those children they could afford and were willing to give all their love, common sense and wisdom to, those they will teach to be accountable for their choices.

      • Maybe you should quit listening to the teabaggers. I don’t need to listen to celebrities to have a fucking opinion.

      • Lilly Ledbetter, Where I word men, women, black, white or whatever working under the same classification of work were paid equally long before Obama con America to gain access to the White House. You muddy the water.

      • Lilly ledbetter
        I’m not sure about you but I got paid the same as my male equal partner long before Obama even thought of running for president. He had nothing to do with it. You need to learn your history.

      • Well congratulations on your choice to have your children, but somewhere right now a woman may be told if she was to continue with her pregnancy she may die and maybe that said woman has a child at home that would be without a mother. Or maybe a little girl was molested and became pregnant by her drunk uncle and should she continue to have this baby, or maybe she should have the right to terminate the pregnancy as soon as she found out, before the embryo becomes a fetus, under proper medical care. It’s not always as simple as some slut using abortion as birth control!!!!! Just for the record, I’m not pro abortion, I’m pro choice because it’s none of my business! If you choose abortion as a form of birth control, you are sick, but rarely that’s the case!

      • I don’t believe she was referring to the recent march, she was talking about the women that marched for our right to vote, go to war, work for equal pay……. Maybe you should re-read the letter.

      • Yes! Yes Cynthia Rogers! Thank you. Thank you for being a woman. Thank you for being honest. Thank you for being your own person. Thank you for standing up, to tell it like it is. Thank you for being a realist. But, most of all, thank you for being an American!

      • Lilly- Back in 1970 after graduating school to become an X-ray technician, a fellow student (who later became my husband) & I both got our first jobs making the same exact salary doing the same exact job. Just an FYI.

      • Cynthia, you are blessed to have 2 children and the economic well being to raise them. You were lucky enough to be able to make that choice. Why do you assume other women will be irresponsible when given that same choice? Will you step up to raise that child after its born? Why do you wish pain and suffering upon a mother forced to give birth to a child when she knows it will die from an untreatable malformation? Or what will you do to save a child born to an addicted mother? Or a rape victim who was completely unprepared for a child? If you are unwilling or unable to protect all of these children, then don’t tell other women you know better than they do how to live their life. The world is much more complicated than your life. Abortion is one of the most difficult decisions facing any women, often a choice made to save her own life to be alive for her other children, so don’t make that decision any harder.

      • Well said Cynthia. I got paid the same as the males on my job also. We were all treated equal. I wouldn’t have had an abortion either but in some cases I do understand why a woman would. And no I don’t need to march. If I do it will have to be for a good reason. Something that would really help Senior Citizens and the future Seniors.

      • Good for you, but what about those who don’t make the exact same? Shouldn’t there be law enforced saying no employer is able to discrimate based on the fact that you are a women? That’s great you chose not to abort your children, were they products of incest / rape? No? Wow you kept a wanted, healthy pregnancy. Let’s all pat you on the back and call you the Virgin Mary. Good for you. Sadly not all pregnancies are wanted, would you rather a fetus be removed or have anothe child in the system? Would you rather a women terminate her pregnancy KNOWING THEIR CHILD WILL DIE UPON ARRIVAL? Or keep the fetus and then have to go through the trauma of birth only to have to bury their child, never seeing their chest rise with breath? Just because that was your choice doesn’t mean other women should have the choice to do what they feel is right. Certainly it does not mean that our government should dictate what happens to a woman’s body.

      • I am just reading through these comments and wondering why no one seems to understand the importance of Lilly Ledbetter. All women do owe her a “thank you.” The equal pay legislation that was put into effect during the Obama administration was done so do to her many years of working the same job as men and making less. It took many years of determination on her part to change this for all women and was too late to make any difference to her. I don’t get disrespecting a person lie Lilly. I salute you and all you have done to even the playing field for all women. Thank you, Lilly.

      • All great movements began with resistance and protest. The Women’s March was no different. Those who minimize it’s impact are in denial. The above article is inane in it’s naiveté and white privilege.

      • Lilly, what a load of bunk. I get paid as much or more than my male counterparts. Way before Obama. No one “gave” me that. I earned it. I worked hard, negotiated well, and made choices that enabled that.

      • Good for you I’m happy you live in a country where you are taken care of. But not all women are. Many have 0 rights from birth! Don’t forget that we do not choose the lives we are born into. You need some perspective. 🙂

      • I’m responding to this Bre person, so I’m sorry if someone else gets the notification that I responded to them, but anyways. Ma’am you seriously need to calm down. He’s our president and you need to deal with it. Stop telling other people how to raise their child. I think this post is honestly beautiful and points out a lot of key and important things. In my opinion (and this is my opinion so I’m sorry if you don’t agree with it) but I think protesting is going to do abouslety nothing. So for her to say she won’t march I think is completely fine. Also, if I got rapped and got pregnant I would keep the child so I could raise the child and teach them not to rape, and how to protect themselves from it. Once you’re raped that memory will never go away. Killing a child is not going to stop the memory and make everything better. I’m sorry you don’t like our president I’m not much of a fan of him either. But you need to deal with it, you hate him that much please move. I’m not saying that what he did to sexually assault those women is right because it’s not and I am disgusted by it. But no amount of protesting can change the fact that he is our president. Protesting will not get any law as passed, or remove any laws. But getting back to the abortion topic, if a women gets raped, or gets pregnant for that matter, I believe she should keep the baby. The child deserves a shot at life and the child is our future. why kill the child? What good does that do? And to all the people who have got abortions I’m not shaming you either that’s your choice I would just like to say I think it’s wrong and you basically are killing someone. I’m sorry to bother you, and I understand that you have an opinion I just felt I should share mine, so I hope you have a nice day.

      • Please try not to forget that you would be very unlikely to be able to obtain a decent education or be employed at all (or have the right to your own wages/money/possessions) if not for the efforts of women and men who were during their own time, described as hysterical.

      • Privilege is when you do not THINK something is NOT a problem, because it is NOT a problem to YOU personally. You are privileged. As for the abortion stuff at least you know you would HAVE the choice if needed.

    • Yes, with many in vagina suits/hats and screaming obscenities. It made them look horribly unintelligent and like a joke that no one took seriously. As a woman, I was embarrassed for them. I am FULLY strong and capable of being whatever I want to be and working hard to get there. I also don’t need to kill children to assert that I am a woman with rights. This march was more of an embarrassment than anything. It didn’t change things. People like Rosa Parks changed things for women. She was HONORABLE, strong, passionate and many times didn’t say a word to make her point. This is a woman with class and dignity. A woman that was a world changer. The women acting the way they did in costumes, hats, screaming obscenities and trashing the streets with litter, did not.

      • Hey, who said we trashed the streets, except outside Trump’s property. Who said we shouted obscenities; I didn’t hear any. Who said we wore funny costumes. I didn’t see a one.

      • Those few women who thought it would be funny or draw attention to their cause by wearing those “suits” are not representative of the many real women that marched. I have seen through my own work experience and my daughters that we are not getting equal pay. My daughter is by far more qualified than the man she replaced, she has as much time in the facility as he had and she has a higher degree in their related field and was paid 20% less then ha was when she took over. Why? Because she was a women and they thought she would not fight it. Sad for them she did and won!!! As for the abortion, when you stand up for the child outside the womb I will march with you for repeal! Until they stop the cries of “no more SNAP or Medicaid or WIC to help the small children then I feel that you really don’t care about the child just about your right to govern their bodies.

      • N. Roberts,
        Maybe your daughter made less because she just assumed the position and her male counterpart that she replaced had held the position for many years and earned raises to have that pay. See when you start off a new position regardless of how long you r been at said place you start off at the bottom work hard and EARN your pay. You don’t start off making as much as others who’s been at the same position for many years. Stop crying and blaming crap on others and get out and earn what you deserve.

      • Well, dear Kendra, I was there. The vagina suits were very few and far between, I never saw one. I also did not hear obscenities, and the women I went with and the women I saw were surprisingly normal women like you see at the grocery store and church, many were “older” as in the baby boomer women who fought for all these rights you now feel you’re are entitled to and will never lose. Pray God you are right, but just in case you missed the Trump/Breibart agenda, I went for you, to put them on notice, that women are not going back to the kitchen. I love my kitchen and I cook for 10 children a day, but I want those children to have the right to education, careers, health care, and dreams, I will not let Conservative right-wingers tell them they only have value if they are white males. By the way, did you read the Breitbart article about women not being happy since the invention of the washing machine and birth control? Interesting perspective. I marched for you, and your children, no need to thank me.

      • Rosa Parks was a secretary for the NAACP. This didn’t mean she too notes. Rather, this incredibly dangerous job required her to drive into places like Texas to interview the families of men who had been lynched and women who had been raped in the name of bigotry, to decide which cases were most likely to change the course of the law of the NAACP filed lawsuits. So–a black women,driving–already dangerous–going to homes where the Klan was actively harassing people, interviewing them in detail–so staying long enough to be noticed–driving home and writing up analytical reports to send to Thurgood Marshall et all in New York City. That she was not allowed to speak at the million man march is a symbol of the double burden she faced as an African-American and as a woman.

      • Kendra – You do realize the silly hats and costumes were to highlight the absurdity and appalling character of the man just elected as Pres or should I say Pussy-graber-in-chief? The March, however, was much more than a few “extremists.” Had you bothered to come out and observe in person you would have seen thousands and ultimately millions of everyday folk like myself, my husband and our daughter marching for a cause much greater than ourselves – human rights, civil liberties and for those less fortunate. It was a peaceful, empowering experience. Go ahead and criticize all you like, but you may have witnessed the largest worldwide protest in the history of mankind. I think the joke is on you.

      • NRoberts, If that’s true about your daughter then you should have taught her to negotiate better. If she took the same job, with the same qualifications for less pay, then that’s her own fault. No one forces you to work somewhere. Men and women differ in the sense that men will have more of an aggressive approach when negotiating wages. Women just don’t utilize the skill as much. That’s why you see more men in distribution and sales (the field I’m in) because men don’t shy away from the sometimes awkwardness of bartering and negotiation.

      • Actually Rosa Parks would have been (and undoubtedly was) treated by many privileged people as a criminal for questioning the conservative laws. How dare she step out of her place as a black woman? Hindsight is 20/20.

      • HA you think having “class” and “dignity” means keeping her mouth shut. If you remember back the story of Rose Parks and what courageous thing she did that day…she RESISTED, she VOICED her thoughts. When she was asked to move she said “NO”. She resisted peacefully. EXACTLY what the women’s march participants did.

        its everybody else fault that you take what you get and not stand up for yourself. I am reading stories where women stood up and got equal pay, but they stood behind their work and stood up to their employer and not marching in the streets making fools of themselves
        why is everything wrong is always someone other than the person in mirrors fault.

      • I am not privileged. Far from it. But I work my ass off and don’t take sh*t from anyone. I have no college education because I couldn’t afford it and I didn’t qualify for assistance due to my race (yes, that’s what I was told). I still managed to work myself up the chain and into the upper-middle class with smarts, skill and dignity. So knock off the judgemental attitude and stop making excuses simply because you have not earned what you believe you are “entitled” to as a female. If you want something then get up off your ass and go get it! That’s what REAL women do! That’s what N Roberts’ daughter did and it worked. Good for her!

      • Agree with the response above me. Single mom, started out at $12 an hour as a bookkeeper. Worked my way up to Corporate Controller while taking care of a little one and earning my MBA through loans that will take me years to pay off. If you don’t like your circumstances get up off your butt and work to change get them. There is nothing about the current system that will prevent you from doing so. No more excuses.

      • Well said, privilege may not be felt by those who have it, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not there.

      • Pretty much. I also think women should be entitled to not be sexually assaulted, raped, and abused…I don’t think that’s too much to ask for.

      • These women that marched are the same ones who would have marched for you in the 1920s while you sat at home, because your husband’s vote cancels yours out, right? If you don’t feel like a second class citizen in this country, I feel sorry for you, because you’re too used to men telling you how to think and feel, you don’t even notice it. Some of us don’t want to be raped, discriminated against or told by men what we can do with our bodies. No one likes abortion. I have never had one. I have 6 kids and probably wouldn’t ever have one, but I would NEVER tell a woman what to do with her body. I am married, but I would never tell a woman she needs to be or slut shame her if she had children without a husband. I am not on welfare or WIC, but I don’t shame women who need help to support their children. It is ridiculous how we attack each other. Why do you think our government is controlled by men when women make up 55% of the population? Because men have been telling you what your place is for hundreds of years. Those women might have seemed crazy to you, but so did the suffragettes in the 1920s.

      • Why do you always jump to the conclusion that someone is “privileged” when they don’t believe exactly the same things you do? If it’s not “privileged”, it’s “bigoted, racist, sexist, islamophobic, etc. etc”. So tired of this attitude. Instead of engaging in any meaningful dialogue about the subject after hearing someone’s heartfelt statement, you just spit out a name.

      • And your response, Michelle, is the typical response to any woman who holds a view different than yours. You simply throw out a demeaning comment and walk away. Real courage doesnt diminish other women.

      • She says she’s not privileged but she is. She’s also been brainwashed by a book full of fairytales. She also has too much time on her hands to write this non sense article. She didn’t have time to March… Or parent

      • “Exactly. This is a typical privileged response to the women’s march.” What, is she supposed to be grateful because women marched for her, even though she disagreed, and didn’t ask them to? Is she supposed to feel indebted, a sense of overwhelming support and gratitude because many women took upon themselves- that is made a conscious choice of their own free will- to march for what they believed in and assign her as an ally simply because of her being a woman? Isn’t that being sexist, since you assume that all women should feel and behave exactly as you do?

        Since when do other women get to decide things for other women without consulting them? When does your sex allow you make decisions for other people of the same sex as you? When did she lose the right to disagree or dissent with you as a female or another female for that matter simply because she is Female and you are too?

        That’s the context of the word “privileged” when it’s used to refer to women who spoke out against this march. That They were women and that they were expected to just shut up, sit down, and be humbly thankful for having a decision made for them. How ironic. How tyrannical. How typical of so called “progressives” in this country.

        I’m not sure what your definition of diversity is, but I was taught that Diversity included opposition. In this case Diversity means the welcoming the right to dissent, and respecting that right to dissent. Clearly that’s something Progressive women, like you and a few more who have written against her, have forgotten- even when it comes to their “sisters”.

        Diversity for progressives is forced assimilation. Progressives force you to walk, talk, and think like they do they leave no room for dissent or choice. That is Fascism and Totalitarian Authoritarianism is it’s purest form. Have you even read “A Brave New World” or even “1984” and then actually , critically, listened to the rhetoric of these so called Progressives? The answer is “no” because you threw out a line like “privileged” which is full of prejudicial bias.. You actually think that because she is a Woman she should agree and automatically be “thankful and appreciative” of this march. You left her no room to dissent and have that dissent respected which is contrary to the supposed Ideal of the March.

        Women’s right’s includes the right to disagree with other women, and to have that right of dissent respected by other women, not to blindly accept a creed or rationale they may not agree with because other women are espousing it. When you can embrace that Ideal then you’ll know what true diversity is, until thing you’re just another “Brown Shirt” in the making..

    • I can honestly say that NOBE of the women that marched represented ANY part of me as a Christian woman, wife, mother of 8 daughters, healthcare professional, and decent productive member of society! Why they did do for me was confirm that I’m embarrassed to know that those people even think that they’re real women.

    • Mommy didn’t march for you honey, because if something doesn’t impact mommy, she doesn’t care about it. Mommy is too self involved. She tries to cover up her selfishness by denying these things happen to anyone else, because they are not in her social circle. Mommy even tries to act like she is a Christian while she says hateful and judgemental things about people she doesn’t know. But don’t worry sweet Angel, a lot of people did march for you.

    • The women of today who marched, and all the women in history who have fought for our rights (which changed laws in women’s favor) marched for you and your daughter. YOU ARE WELCOME!

    • You didn’t march for anyone but yourself, and the next time you all march just say your marching for abortions and be done with it . And you ” nasty women” speak for yourselves cause your not speaking for me. A bunch of TRASH.

    • Yes Little Bird, and thank God you are white, middle class, have parents that will pay for your education and your health care regardless of your age, and you will never be impregnated by a rapist or have a life threatening pregnancy. Thank God for these gifts because over half of the world’s women do not celebrate your privileges.

    • The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world! If men are so horrible what went wrong after all woman raised them Did we not teach them right?

    • I am thankful for the millons of women around the world that marched and for the ones that continue to do so. It troubles me the way people manipulate the words to make a situation look “normal” when it is not….There is even a term to justify it, “alternative facts”. The fact is that we have a very unstable, unfit president that can not differentiate the importance of his actions and its consequences. The reality is that everything that the people before us fought and died for, to ensure that ALL OF US live in a civilized and compassionate society, is been challenged by this president. We The people march for the rights that YOU, our beloved sons and daughters, were born in, and for the future of the ones yet to be born. Learn history, be informed and Make Your Own Desicions. This is your right too. Peace, Love and Compassion FOR ALL HUMAN KIND. March On!!!

      • This was beautifully written…. I’m a mother of grown boys but I have a 5 year old granddaughter that I would like to know these truths when she grows up…. You have an extremely Blessed Daughter to have a Mother with a Strong Mind and Amazing Common Sense

      • It was beautifully written, and a breath of Fresh air. Thank You!!! I do not a little one (my daughter is 19) but I will make sure she reads this as well, I know she will appreciate it, as do I.

      • I loved this too. I taught for 25 yrs and the men in my dept with the same degree and education and longevity as me got the same paycheck as I did. We were paid on a scale that took into consideration education and longevity. If a man made more than me, it is because he has taught longer than I and he was on a different column of the pay scale. I don’t need to run around with vaginas on my head to realize how special my body is. It was created that way for a reason. My body does incredible things that a man’s body cannot. Unfortunately I was never able to use my body to produce children, but that is not Donald Trumps fault. That was the luck of the draw. Had I been able to have my children from my own body, the 7 children I adopted, as a single woman, would not be here today, thriving and happy.

    • I just sent it to my teenage sons as well! ❤ You can’t rationalize with irrational people. Ignore the negativity momma(To Mary! 🙂). We are only temporary citizens here… God is sovereign, even over this season of insanity! ❤

      • Yes, because all of those thousands of people are irrational for not beleieving the same exact thing as you. Geez, do you people hear yourselves? Probably not because if you ever said this stuff outloud you’d be shocked at how ridiculous it sounds.
        You are just a regular human person too! If the judgement and glory is for god, get off your high horse don’t comment on others and their beliefs. Which means you need to delete this post because a judgement is all that it is.

    • Great. Then they can have a messed up view on women, just like you seem to. Thanks for raising more mysoginists! Just what we need.

  1. For all of the Daughters and Granddaughters, I marched for you because this mommy voted for an evil man for president of the United States. This man mommy voted for has admittedly grabbed women by their private parts without their permission, this man walked into the dressing rooms of young girls and women while they were in various stages of undress without their permission, and has said very naughty things about these girls; this man is wanting to send your friend’s mommy and daddy back to the country that they came from because they wanted to bring you here to America for a better way of life. This man that mommy and daddy voted for wants to make people pay more money so he can be more rich than he already is and he is using the office of the president to line his own pockets while taking away healthcare from that little girls and boys like the ones in your class that don’t have very much money, and that their mommy and daddy look for help with insurance from the Children’s Health Insurance Program that this man your mommy and daddy voted for took away. So now your friend cannot afford to go to the doctors when he or she gets sick. Or when their mommy and daddy who so bravely fought for our country have been denied the benefits that help them now that that have to live with the anguish of having to fight in a brutal war. This evil man took away so much from so many, this man who has everything would rather see people thrown out into the streets then lend them a hand. So children like you will now have to do without because of this mean, nasty-mouthed and disrespectful man is creating a country of hate based on countless lies and abuse of power and privilege. But you know what, Sweetheart? There were millions of mommies and daddies who did march for you and your mommy because even those she may see things differently than I, I still have her back, and I will always have her back whether she appreciates it or not. So don’t you fear, little one. We’ll make it a America a better place once again, a nation where we can once again know if you work hard enough, do well in school, and eat all of your vegetables, we will be the land of the free where hope may once again be a reality – without this mean nasty man. Yes, we can. And we will do it just for you ❤

    • I love your response! ❤
      HOW THE HELL DOES THIS ‘WOMAN’ think she got these rights?
      Such a sad commentary. So happy she has lived this life where she has not been sexually assaulted at work, or raped by her father or his friends, or beaten up by her husband for merely looking in the same direction of another man, or kept home to ‘serve’ her husband, or made to be ‘assistant’ to the boss and not the boss, because you couldn’t work a few days due to staying home and taking care of your sick children, or being charged more for healthcare because you might have kids someday… I could go on and on!!
      May you always be protected in your ivory tower.

      • I am not against the March, but I did not March. I understand the importance of what it was about though. I am not 100% educated on everything that is going on, so please educate me. I respect what you have done and I know that there are a lot of injustices in the world.

        I was not aware there was a possibility that women could lose their right to vote. How would this be possible?

        I feel afraid to post this, in fear of it being taken the wrong way, and I will be ridiculed by you and the other people who did march. Neither side is without fault. I’ve seen attacks by both sides. If you want our daughters to speak out, we all have to lead by example. You want women to be able to speak out without being ridiculed, but reply to this woman’s own thoughts that she put out to the world, and you call her privileged and that she lives in an ivory tower. Lead by example.

        Fear of not being raped or killed: we need to have a better trust with our police departments. Rape and murder will not stop because we hope it will. But we need a better relationship with the people who are there to protect us.

        Clothing: we have all judged someone based off of the clothing they wore. Men and women the same. This is a personal thing, and not something that can be stopped by any government regulations, or women’s marches. If so, please explain as I may have not gotten the meaning you were wanting to portray.

        Makeup- the statement you made sounds like it is an issue with self worth. if that is the case, what does that have to do with looking pretty for your man. Unless he made the woman feel less worthy, it has nothing to do with him. it comes down to the companies that sell the make up and market it to make it seem that you need this product to be the best person.

      • Jan, you are right. Any privilege they/we have today was because somebody marched. People/women died for the right to vote. Women who get raped are still blamed, even though they are the victims. And our geographical place of birth does not give us the right to condemn others.

      • All American citizens should and most likely will always have a right to vote, no one on earth can speak their mind without ridicule… because there will always be someone who has a difference of opinion. Us women who believe killing an unborn baby is murder and that women should not have a choice to be able to do that, face ridicule from those like you all the time. A woman or man for that matter will never be able to walk down a dark alley without fear of being raped or murdered dear. Our world is full of sin and that will never end until the Lord comes back… also you should always avoid dark alleys… common sense. Also, a woman of dignity and morality should always dress with class and cover her body. To keep men from lusting, but also to be reapectful of herself. Although, no matter what a woman wears, a man will still lust after her because man ( and woman) are human and without a close relationship with Christ, and constant leaning on Him, we will fail and let sexual immorality win. A woman can wear whatever she wants by the way, many of you women who marched looked absolutely ridiculous in your obscene outfits as you yelled and screamed foul things. But still, you were able to wear them. Also, if you are so against Men, why do you want to look pretty for them? All it is going to do is make them lust after you! Hahaha. Just curious. 🙄🙄 I’m so over it.

      • Do you really think marching is going to ensure any of those things? People going off on things that have been going on since the beginning of time…….. And things that haven’t even happened ????? And You can vote and say and wear what you want – hearing and seeing some of the vulgarity out of the “ladies” that marched was evidence of that ! Got a news flash for you buttercup – some of those women made Trump sound like a saint. That was a total embarrassment to women and to our country.
        Don’t know where you’ve been but we’re being charged more for healthcare and health insurance than ever. We don’t know what’s being proposed but there’s a possibility it could be better than what we have now !!! This “oh, poor me” attitude is getting old, and nobody owes you a freaking thing. Be part of the solution, not the problem.

      • You say you marched so women won’t lose the right to say what’s on her mind without fear of ridicule, yet that’s what you are all doing to her for her simply stating her mind.

      • I have to wonder if the real Lily Ledbetter has responded here and if so, do people responding know who she is? I have to think that they do not based on their responses. I marched as well and was proud to. We were marching for more than just reproductive rights and equal pay. I received some criticism – from men and women – for doing so. I saw the fat meme folks were sharing.My sister and her friend marched with me. My sister let folks know that sharing the fat meme only made them look small. She was a hospice nurse for a long time and said none of her patients cared that she carried extra weight. And that her husband of 32+ years didn’t care about the size of her butt but he sure cared that she was by his side when he passed away. I was told I should have just volunteered and that would have done more for people. I let folks know that I can multi-task and can march to protest our rights and I can volunteer to help people, which I do. I wish I could have protested today regarding the immigration ban but ready for the next one.

      • Actually, you sound like you are on your high horse Jan. The march was a joke with women marching around in Vagina costumes…REALLY??! Madonna dropping the F*** bomb every other word. Not many people I know live the privileged life. They worked their butts off to get ahead. You marching didn’t ensure crap…sorry to burst your bubble. Going to college and earning a degree to better myself ensures me a better future. Learning to protect myself by attending handgun classes and a gun permit ensures that I am able to protect myself. So please stop being a man’s just getting old. The real march was the March for life….You not killing those little babies, which 50% are women is the real story. These men, women, and children did not’ wear vagina costumes or threaten to blow up the White House or scream at men…and blame them for everything they don’t have. Pull on your big girl panties and work for it …instead of blaming others. I pray for all men & women….even you.

      • Thank you for fighting to ensure that our rights will not be infringed upon ever again!!

        I’ve had this same go about over and over.

        “Why are the marching ? They have rights ”

        Me: ” they are ensuring that no one ever takes our rights away”.

      • No. You did not March for women like us. Women like us are not privileged. We just aren’t so easily offended. We don’t blame an entire country for the wrongs of individual men. I’ve been assaulted. I’ve been raped. Do you honestly believe that your March will stop that? These things are already illegal. You can’t force a mindset into the entirety of America. Monsters exist. Protect yourself. Carry pepper spray. A gun, if you’re comfortable with it and of a good mind set to do so. The marches do nothing but confirm the stupidity and irrelevance of the cause. The hats. The costumes. The vulgar words. The “nasty woman” speeches. They’re shameful and an embarrassment to a lot of women. It isn’t just me. You ignore our opinion on this matter the same way you ignore the facts. The same way that the majority of us ignore this entire movement.
        You want change and yet no plausible proposal FOR change has been presented. What do you all ACTUALLY want to be done to solve all your terrible problems. There is already an equality act for men and women. And it IS enforced IF you fight it when it is violated. Rape has never been legal. Assault has never been legal. Words are just words. Ignore them. I do it. Every. Day. And no one forces you to wear make up. Maybe you need to choose less crappy men. I wear make up for me. I love it. I love feeling pretty. And I earned the money I used to buy it all by myself at my crappy job that I don’t complain about because I put myself there. I can work wherever I want. Including military. Ya know, they’re calling a mandatory female draft? Which means any and all women could be forced into service. Just like the men. That’s equality right there. Just what ya’ll want. But see, in the military, you’re opinions mean NOTHING. Literally NOTHING. Granted, no draft has been used since the 70’s. but still. There’s a possibility our daughters could BE FORCED to participate in WAR.

        So no. You do not represent women like me and Mary. You are not fighting for us. That’s ALL you.

      • Are you serious??? What would you have the govt do to prevent the scenarios you listed. There will always be stupid people. And you didn’t march for my right to vote. Nice try though.

      • Well said Jan! And to all the women who attempted to ridicule the women’s march and stated. ” We marched our asses to the polls and voted for Trump” It’s because of the kind of women who marched in the women’s march that they even have the right to march their asses to the polls and vote. This is just another attempt to pit women against each other, the old divide and conquer. Stick together ladies! If you want to see something get done just tell a strong women it’s impossible and she will prove you wrong every time.

      • If these were all the things you all marched for then why were you wearing vagina hats, and carrying posters for abortions, you guys looked really stupid and please don’t ever march for my rights you all just make women look bad.

      • Hi Jan,
        Anyone who speaks their mind runs the risk of being ridiculed. Some fear it, some don’t. Free speech goes both ways. People here have the right to speak their minds as well as the right to ridicule others for doing so. So how then do you expect any president to keep this from happening?!? Bad things can happen to men and women when “walking down a dark street.” It would be great if there were no criminals in the world but there are no matter who the president is and which party is in control. Are you being told what clothing you are allowed to wear? I’m not aware that the US has a dress code for men or women, unless you are referring to public nudity being illegal or school’s having dress codes. Also, please fill me in about the women being forced to “spend large amounts of money to wear makeup.” Your post is the best example of alternative facts I’ve seen today but I am truly sorry if the world you describe in your post is your reality.
        Lastly, I know it is easy to disregard the comments of anyone who doesn’t think women in the US are oppressed by saying that the people making them live in an ivory tower. It is easy to assume that anyone disagreeing with you must have voted for the other party’s candidate (and that therefore automatically makes them wrong in their thinking). It is also easy to assume that any woman who agrees with Mary’s essay must not have ever been the victim of sexual or domestic abuse. I can’t speak for everyone but I can at least tell you that all of these assumptions you made about the author – and now probably make about me – are completely wrong in my case.
        Also, just because Mary has a different view than yours doesn’t make her any less a woman. She’s a woman, not a ‘woman’! Just like you. Just like me. I’ve heard a lot this week about sisterhood but true sisterhood is about love and respect for ALL sisters, not just the ones who share the same beliefs.

      • So you’re marching for an irrational fear of losing something that by laws of the land can’t be taken from you. You have fallen for the left wing media’s campaign to spread irrational fear into susceptible people just to stir up mass hysteria. Congratulations, you took the bait hook line and sinker. As for things President Trump did in the past, are blameless of any wrongdoing in your life? Even in the Bible God used men of of ill repute to move accomplish his perfect plan. This President needs to be given a chancef to prove he has the country’s best interests in mind. He’s already done more to ensure our safety than Obama did in 8 yrs. So take your irrational fears of “what may” happen and put that energy to doing some positive to make this country what is best for all. Marching with a pussy on your head just proves yo uhh have no rational thought.

      • Thank you Jan. I am thankful for those who marched for me, my mother, daughters, and granddaughters. May our future generations benefit from assertive “nasty” women who let the world know our culture must change.

      • what world do you live in because majority of what you stated in your comment is the not the responsibility of the government? Sentencing your rapist father relies on the government, but the government didn’t permit him to rape you. When did Donald Trump or any presidential candidate say they wanted to take the right to vote away from women?


        1. He never said he was going to take women’s right to vote.
        2. no one said women can not speak their minds.
        3. You need to learn self defense, I have never felt safe with ANY president walking down a dark alley, it’s not a political thing it is an evil thing.
        4. You ARE able to choose any clothing you want,
        5. If you are spending “Large Amounts of Money” on makeup so you can look “pretty for your man”, You are dating/married to the WRONG man.

        It’s all about our Freedom of Choice, which we have. Screaming and threatening and running around in stupid costumes, belittle your “cause”.

      • Yes, yes, and yes, Jan! I’m hoping this author’s daughter gets away from mommie dearest as soon as she can and discovers for herself what a sheltered and pampered life mommie lives. And that she discovers for herself that there’s a big old diverse, engaged, and intelligent world of women out there whose lives and experiences contradict all of mommie’s deepest held beliefs.

      • All of the things you are referring to are more an issue of social pressure or someone breaking the law. Is there a law that your daughter has to wear make up that I am not aware of?? Or cannot speak her mind? Talk about entitled. Have you ever stepped foot in a country where women cannot actually speak their mind? Or vote? Or can get raped without a law being broken? These are the women you should have been marching for!! You marched so your daughter wouldn’t get raped in a dark alley?? What magical march was this?? Last I checked there was a difference between rights and the perfect world. Our rights were won by proud women marching and acting like they deserved to be treated equal to men. Not be screaming, throwing fits in the streets and wearing vaginas on their heads. It was embarrassing.

      • I’m sorry but you do not know her life story, you have no clue what she has or has not been through, so stop assuming you do…..It only makes you into an ass.

    • Don’t you ever say Obama did shit for our military lady. The military is worse than it has been in years because of him and so is the Healthcare for them. Yall can go back and forth about your stupid women’s March but when you use the military to try and prove your point, DONT GO THERE!

      • Army veteran here:

        I am furious as to the turnout of this women’s march. I am angry because I feel an amazing opportunity was wasted. I am angry because one of the largest movements in history’s response was a tweet on social media, BECAUSE of the women who skewed the message with their “costumes”, hate and vulgarity. I’m angry because now, further attempts wont be taken seriously. I am angry because a celebrity who is idolized around the world, who could have made a serious impact, had the opportunity to give a version of a MLK speech, instead choice to make dumbass comments about how she dreams of blowing up the White House. I have every right to be angry at the way this march played out. I fought for this country, I bled for this country, my brothers and sisters died for this country. It brings me to tears that the rest of the world laughs at us, our own president won’t take us seriously because of the actions taken during this march. Yea trump is watching, and fucking laughing behind his ugly ass gold curtains.

        So yea I’m pissed. I am seriously disappointed. Am I done fighting? No. But I will not participate in these movements while they continue to look like a circus. And please, do not give me the “it’s okay I will march for you” crap. I don’t want any association if you think the actions of those individuals who chose to be inappropriate, were just. I will continue to break down walls in my own way, without hate, without vulgarity, but by using the proper channels and presenting myself as a strong woman with integrity and vigilance.

        And the women who choose to follow the same path, the ones who did march with dignity and the respect they deserve, I commend you. You will be the ones to shatter that glass ceiling. I am sorry that the ones who chose to be inappropriate overshadowed you this time. We cannot let that happen again.

      • Actually in 2015 the House Appropriations Subcommittee voted to remove $1.4 billion in veteran’s services from Obama’s 2016 proposed budget. The Republicans also voted against Bernie Sanders’ Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act in 2014 after attaching unrelated amendments to the bill. But sure…keep telling yourself it was all Obama. Or maybe stop being a useless lazy person and do some research.

      • In 2004, W Bush used veterans to Swiftboat John Kerry then turned around and cut the living crap out of the funding for VA hospitals after he was re-elected.

      • Tell that to all of the men and women who were finally able to add their loved ones to their page 2 (Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data) in 2013. Prior to 2013, same-sex couples were not recognized on the page 2. This meant that the service member could not designate their loved one for important benefits. The page 2 is the military’s official document that is used to determine person(s) to be notified in case of emergency or death, person(s) to receive the death gratuity, person(s) to receive unpaid pay and allowances including money accrued during missing or captured status, unused leave, travel, per diem, transportation of family members, transportation of household goods, etc.
        The Obama administration supported the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which is what led to this change. So for some people in our military, Obama certainly did do shit.

    • YES!!!! Best response on here! I don’t understand how some people don’t get it. Isn’t it blatantly obvious what a horrible man he is?! I don’t even understand how that needs explaining. Hopefully people will come to their senses but I wish that would have happened before November.

      • Actually Kara, I think we have come to our senses and that is why we voted the way we did. This is not nor ever was a nation of free handouts, it is a place where every American has the right to work hard to better their lives. As far as our President, have you googled Bill Clinton lately or are you assuming that just because he is a democrat that he is above doing anything “nasty”. And while you are at it, Google his wife who was the defense attorney for a rapist. Boy are you in for a shock! You could actually go back further than Clinton, but the point remains that Pres. Trump “said” something 10 years ago and is being castigated for it. Have you never said something that was wrong, or bad, or incorrect? I agree with you that I don’t even understand how any of this needs explaining, because the facts are out there, and maybe you should use your due diligence to find out the whole truth before you start sharing your bias and ignorance. As I see it, Pres. Trump has made some mistakes (haven’t we all), and is doing a pretty good job for 1 week in office. So far he has opened up new jobs for thousands of people, has removed the funding for sanctuary cities (those were STUPID regulations), his executive orders are transparent (he actually explains what they are for, not like our previous president), and the stock market is up considerably which indicates that there is generally a feeling of hope for the future of this country for the first time in 8 years. My suggestion to you is that you and others like you in the Millenial Group not be sheeple, but actually find out what is factual and true and go with that. And before you jump to the conclusion that I am running you down or some such, I am merely explaining that there are ALWAYS 2 sides to everything. And, maybe you should find out the facts before you go off in a tirade (I learned that the hard way). I’m not saying you have to like him, but he (like everyone) deserves a chance.

      • Can someone please explain to me how WOMEN teachers are being charged with sex crimes with students and are getting less of a punishment for it than MALE teachers who are also being charged with sex crimes? Also, in both situations, the students are claiming consent. (I do not claim, in any case it is right, I’m just curious where the equal rights arguement falls here)

      • If you think he is so horrible please state how you think Hillary was any better. She set a really bad example for girls and women in general by accepting her husband running around on her with multiple women. Is that the example you want to show your daughters and sons? That it’s ok for your spouse or partner to run around on you with multiple women? It is really alarming to me that women who claim to be for equal rights for women think this behavior by her is acceptable and want to vote for her.

      • DITTO! Trump is like a nasty cult, you can speak the truths yet he hasn’t said anything but, it’s gonna be great, hugeeeee, or fantastic ….he hasn’t said how, what, where, or when it’s just going to be huge! The man is a want a be con artist and he preys on the weak, meek, and ignorant! You will not hear his hearings on rapes etc. Because. He has already dissolved the ethics committee , blocked the cameras and the newspapers from Congress! If that isn’t a sign of guilt just in time for his hearings to start. I have been following this worthless garbage Trump for years. I suggest all of you go back thirty years and start reading the truths!
        We are marching because, we don’t want another HITLER and that’s exactly what this man is, and he’s showing his true colors!!

      • Deluded aren’t you. Suck it up butter cup…we suffered and languished for 8 years under Obama. People are fed up and taking back our country. We were mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. I for one was fed up being called a racist anytime I voiced my opinion contrary to the idiots who are now rioting and protesting like petulant children because they didn’t get their way. Too freaking bad! Our turn to turn this country around. This was our one last chance to make things right. We are not racists because we do not agree and we are not bigots for trying to keep our country safe. We have what a lot of you people lack…its called common sense. It is sad when people that do not get their way have to resort to name calling. Buck up and grow up butter cup…if you didn’t like the elections, you are really going to be hating life. But that’s too freaking bad!! We want our country back…Obama can keep his change!! We are going back to being the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

      • so is it about him personally? or womens rights? cause I heard several yelling how it was never about him personally, but womens rights. I guess I am confused?

      • Still pushing this repeatedly debunked lie, Carolyn? Hillary Clinton was appointed to defend a rapist. Do you not understand that people who commit crimes, no matter how heinous, are awarded the right to an attorney. I’ve never said I was going to grab anyone by the genitals so…yeah….I’d say that makes me a better person than Trump. I’ve also never cheated on my spouse. I guess you must be really pro-life and love the thought of those refugee children being killed in a war zone. Man, you are a piece of work. Brainwashed by fake news and a terrible human to bet. I would hate to be your child.

      • Carolyn, I am just asking; is adultery multiple times just “mistakes?” I am just wondering because everyone does point to Bill Clinton for this but no one seems to care that Trump has cheated on each wife with the next one. That is certainly more than just saying something disrespectful about women. In fact I remember the first time I thought he hated women, it is when he berated Carly Fiorina for her looks. It was disgusting; and it wasn’t 10 years ago and she is also a Republican. It was at the beginning of his campaign and left me feeling low and sad. I remember when I was a child, looking up to the president, no matter the party lines and thinking they were a respectful, decent human being. I do not feel that with President Trump. I do not name call him; nor do I disrespect him in any manner; but I also do not look up to him or look to him to show me an example of how a Christian man should behave. I also do not agree on the policies he is laying out and plans on laying out. I wish I could say America First. But honestly, I would rather say People First; Empathy First; Humanity First.

      • I don’t agree that he’s “horrible” but put your personal opinions about his personality aside. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe people didn’t vote for him because they thought he was a nice, approachable, pushover? It’s obvious that he won the election because people wanted ACTUAL change. I don’t care if he’s brash and not politically correct – I didn’t vote for him to be my friend, or my child’s role model, I voted for him to fix this broken country.

      • I totally agree with Carolyn White, if you lie to yourself enough times about PRESIDENT TRUMP (I love the sound of that) you will believe anything! Obama almost destroyed this country but people prayed and God answered! After 8 long miserably years were finally great again!!!!

    • You’ve repeated a lie before you even got to t the third sentence of your diatribe. Donald Trump didn’t “admittedly” grab any woman’s “private pasts” without their permission. What part of “and they let you” did you not understand? I know it may be a shock to you that there are women out there who let men grab their “private parts”- did you march for them, too?

      • “Letting” someone do something after they have already done it without asking (his own words)…is not consent!

      • That was locker room talk. The actress he was referring to already said nothing happened. He also publicly appologized. Which one of you libturds is perfect? All of the sexual assault charges were debunked and dropped. Set up by the dnc. Timing wasnt a bit odd? Dont be lemmings. You are so unforgiving to Trump yet you give Hillary a free pass on how she treated those women after Bill raped them or how she defended a child rapist. She has no soul. Give the man a chance. We gave Obama one. Didnt cry riot and protest. Grow up and move on.

      • Yes! They want to twist what was said to push their own agenda. He never said he grabbed anyone without their permission.

      • I caught that too! He admitted nothing of the sort and anyone who took that talk seriously is a moron. Billy B knew it was bullshit when he heard it why do u think he laughed so hard. Good lord ladies cover your v Jay Jays Donald’s in “power”..or just walk around in giant replicas of them you keep doing you. Vomit.

      • “They let you”

        Yeah, and when bullies took money from me in grammar school, I “let” them too; I was way too intimidated by their strength and power to resist. You know, the way that many victims of sexual assault “let” the rapist do what he wanted because they thought the consequences would be far worse if they actively resisted?

    • Please stop forwarding that lie “against their permission ” he said “and they let me” there are many women who would let a billionaire do whatever he wanted if he just asked. I’m not one of them but at least use truth to make your argument

      • He did not ask permission, “they let you” means that they did not stop him, which is not permission. Several victims have come forward with accounts that support this.

      • And that makes him a man of integrity? Maybe people would “let” him because being rich means you can buy your way out of anything. Look how many lawsuits he buys himself out of. But I guess all the women who said he groped them are liars, right? Man, you are naive. Here you have a guy bragging who could grope women’s genitals and then women say he has done things like that and you defend him. Maybe you’re raising a little future rapist of your own.

      • Isn’t one’s person sacrosanct? What would be your reaction if a man walked up to you and grabbed your crotch? Would you allow your children to do that? What would be your reaction should someone grab one of your children by their genitals? Do you think that if a woman dresses in sexy clothes she loses the right to have her body respected? I find it extremely frustrating that Republicans often tout less government, fewer regulations, but that attitude/agenda does not apply to women’s bodies, among MANY other problems I have with the current Republican agenda. As a liberal independent, and yes, I am a liberal independent, I find the idea of anyone dictating what I can and cannot do with my body, including having its sovereignty rejected, rejected.

    • ❤ and this is exactly why we marched! And why we will continue to do so. The OP's privilege is showing. It hasn't affected her so she doesn't see it…yet.

      • I’m 68 years old and I haven’t “seen it yet.” I grew up in the 60’s, have lived through some pretty bad presidents and am willing to give President Trump a chance to prove himself to do what he said he would do. I remember Obama promising “hope and change” I’m still waiting. He changed this country alright, but definitely NOT for the better. I have to laugh at some of you young woman who think you have it SO BAD in this country, wow!

      • Lilly I was paid the same as my counterpart as a cook before Obama ever even thought of going into politics most companies do pay the saME ONLY A FEW DID NOT AND THOSE ARE THE ONES HE WANTED TO TEACH A LESSON TO AND FAIRLY SO BUT DON;Tput it as all companies he did it for

      • Fran, You probably haven’t seen it because you’re above it/ not looking for it. It’s like being in a tiny lifeboat floating on the ocean. You might not be AS privileged as the folks floating in the yacht, but you’re a heck of a lot better off than the person wearing the cement shoes on the ocean floor.

    • I would love to see every single one of your claims proven through a factual reputable source. Then I will open my eyes to what you are saying. As far as I can tell without backed proof, you are rambling on about nonsense.

    • Umm, take away health care. Yes, everybody should have health care. I can agree on that. Obama did not make health care affordable. He raised the prices tremendously to give some people free healthcare. Maybe people should get off their lazy butts and stop reproducing when they can not afford to properly care for their family. Stop being raised to take hand outs and work for a living. I’m aware that many people need help, but so many people abuse the system. Why is it fair for people who bust their butts to make a good living to have to support everybody else?

      • So anyone who can’t find work is lazy and worthless and now we have a President who is supposedly going to bring jobs back. So all those people who voted for him are lazy and worthless? How’s that plan going to replace the ACA by the way? How will that make it more affordable and accessible to everyone? Oh wait, that’s right, you can’t answer that because they have nothing.

      • Without places like Planned Parent Hood, that provide affordabe and free contraceptive care, or the right to safe and legal abortion….. Do you really think the population is going to decrease?

      • You do know that statistically, most people on government assistance actually work right. There are a few whom abuse the system. But that number is minor compared to the honest hard working people that collect aid.

    • Wow. Where did it ever say that she voted for Trump? Talk about jumping to conclusions and basing an argument on unsubstantiated facts. I didn’t vote for a Trump, and i didn’t march’. For many of the reasons listed here. My mom wasn’t separated and widowed when I was three years old and we lived in a housing project for a time. I was the first in my family to attend college. I dropped out, returned later in life, got my degree, went on to law school, and repaid my law school loan on my own following my divorce. I was faced discrimination based on my gender while I was married, I got a job in the rural south despite the good ole boy culture, and my paynwss equal to that’s of the men I worked with who had equal education and experience. While Inhave never had children, that is not because of a choice to have an abortion, but through birth control that I paid for myself. I would never deny another woman the right to choose whether or not to give birth, though. That is an individual decision that she must determine.

    • Pump the brakes! Trump is not taking any of the presidency salary, he doesn’t need it. If you had been watching, reading, listening, you would know that. Yes, he did grab their private areas, but he was young. He apologized, no that doesn’t make it right. We’re all human, we make mistakes we regret. I’m sure you’ve made plenty. You’re bringing up military, but Killary let a bunch of them die! But you don’t care about that part, do you? She didn’t care about those men and women. Freedom isn’t free, freedom comes with a huge price tag. The price of life. Obama didn’t care about the many men and women serving our country. Obviously you don’t either. He said he didn’t care for foreigners coming here, if they do it LEGALLY! And I agree 100%. I pay my fair share of taxes, I can’t get health insurance because Obama had that jacked up right from the start. I can’t get Medicaid, food stamps, or any kind of government assistance, but those illegals sure can! 99% of them will take a dead persons SSN and use it. They take someone’s identity for their own. Is that fair? No! They use a fake ID and file for taxes they didn’t pay in! When the IRS catches on, they just simply get a new identity. I didn’t March because I do have as many rights as men. I choose the life I’m living. I work hard for everything I have, I don’t expect the government to take care of me, only lazy people think the government and world owe them something. That’s just selfish. If you want something, you work hard for it.
      You’re a big time Hilary supporter, did you know that she believes in late term abortions? Do you know how they do those? Those babies are innocent, and they should get to choose what happens to their own body too. But you don’t think that way, they feel pain like we do, maybe worse than we do. Because their nerve endings aren’t done developing. So please tell me why you think it’s ok to kill them?

      • Look at history. Other presidents did much more than grab at women. Some, while they were in office. Right Hillary?

      • Eduction, education, education. By law, he has to take a percentage of salary. You’re repeating everything you heard on Fox News.

      • He was young?! He joked about grabbing women’s genitals in his FIFTIES. Is that considered young now? Everything you’re saying is untrue and based on fake news. No wonder you haven’t succeeded in life. You’re a loser who wants to blame everyone else for your own inability to be good at anything but complaining….and then complaining that liberals complain. How pathetic.

      • “Yes, he did grab their private areas, but he was young.”
        -Sherburt on January 28, 2017 at 5:00 pm

        Trump is 70 years old, he made those particular statements in 2005. Here they are to refresh your memory.

        “I moved on her like a b**ch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
        “I did try and f**k her. She was married.”
        “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
        “Grab them by the p***y. You can do anything.”
        -Donald Trump 2005

        He was a very young and naive 58 year old boy… Thanks for pointing that out.

      • Sorry, just had to reply to “Yes he did grab their private areas, but he was young.”

        Young? That was 2005. He was pushing 60. 6-0. SIXTY. YEARS. OLD.

        Ladies and gentlemen…a Trump supporter! 😂

      • Have you ever made the “mistake” of sexually assaulting someone?? What felony tripped you up in this life time that you had no consequences for afterwards? Please share.

      • You’re gross. You people defend that vile man as if he was your father. He was young? That’s an excuse for his behavior? First off NO that is not an excuse and 2nd he was not “young.” You’re starting to believe you’re own lies

    • Funny all of this is hypothetical because it hasn’t happened yet. Get off your soap box already. You want to see a change go be the change. Have you made a real difference in someone’s life today? This week? This month? If you can’t answer yes to those then don’t think marching with a vagina on your face is really going to get you anywhere.

    • Glynda, You marched and nobody cares! You are speaking of a future that doesn’t exist. No one has taken a thing from you! You can still murder your child if you want! My opinion counts as a woman too, don’t you think? I choose not to pay for your abortions. Pay for them yourself! Back in our Hippie days we saw to it you had a safe clean environment to have one, but girls paid for their choices themselves. Long before Obamacare when my husband lost his job I had better health care then with the insurance we paid for. Obamacare was horrible! I was forced to pay for insurance that I would have done better without. You don’t know what your talking about…. Few Doctors even accepted it. Nightmare! Do you not see the moral decline of this nation? Wake up! You talk about Trump going into dressing rooms. Right or wrong he owned those dressing rooms! You don’t care that men can come into your public restrooms with your daughters, just because they aren’t sure of their identity. Men have always entered dressing rooms of clubs! You have a choice not to work there! His agenda is towards making benifits better for the Vet! Right now understand previous admiration it’s not so good is it.must you really distort the truth! You really want men to come into this country illegally who hate women and little girls and rape and maime and murder them! We can’t have a better way of life with them taking over and that exactly what they are doing. Oh, you are so niavive! The gay community mays as well hide under a rock, because under sharia law. Gay=death! I will March for my sisters when in fact my privileges are being taken away! Fact, they have not! Fact, things are looking better! I for once have hope in America! God bless this Nation.

    • “This man is wanting to send your friend’s mommy and daddy back to the country that they came from because they wanted to bring you here to America for a better way of life.”

      What?!? That is a ridiculous thing to say. So Trump wanted to send them back because they wanted a better life for their kid? Nice way to put a spin on that subject. Listen, if you come here illegally then you have commited a crime. I have no problem with people coming to our country as long as they do so the legal way. If you came here illegally to birth your child here, then you put your child in danger and that is dumb. At the very least they should be forced to register for being here illegally and pay a fine, as well as go through the citizenship process the correct way I don’t expect any foreign country to circumvent their laws just for my sake. Trump is not Hitler, you can keep trying to say he is.. but he isn’t. Women are not second-class citizens. The system isn’t perfect, but women are far from second-class citizens..

      • “These people” as you’ve ignorantly stated did NOT come here illegally. They have green cards and visas. People do not come through JFK illegally. 🙄 Trump is very close to becoming Hitler, while Bannon pulls the strings. He is a self proclaimed Leninist. Who praises Darth Vader, Chaney among others. Please open your eyes and stop watching Fox News. It’s clear you’re incapable of empathy, you might want to at least try sympathy. Y’all are unbelievable.

    • I understand the fears of so many women, and men. Take a breath, people who voted for Trump. Think about what you’d be thinking if the only news you listened to came from MSNBC, CNN, or NPR. I’ve always listened to them, too. Still do. Those outlets have always leaned left. This year they went off the cliff. We saw the same thing in the primaries from many republican politicians. Nobody wanted a nonpolitician. They view him as a threat to they’re way of governing. Networks are used to political power because of their reach to thousands of people. They’re used to being able to destroy people if they so choose. They spent the entire election cycle engendering fear on both sides. It’s what they do. Only time will help heal our country. Time for President Trump and his administration to show that, men and women who are not career politicians, can and will work to better our country for everyone. These men and women understand that a strong country requires a strong middle class. A peaceful country requires opportunity for all people. Opportunity that includes the ability to afford things like homes and healthcare. They will have to prove through their actions that they are not racists or homophobic. That they’re not anti-immigrants. That they’re not callous about the plight of refugees. The left media has spread a lot of fear in an attempt to elect someone they they could still control. Only the actions of the Trump administration can help them prove those fears were fabricated.

      • He is a narcissistic sociopath. And his chief strategist is a Leninist. He is pulling all the strings and wants to destroy everything we stand for. He’s on the record saying this. They both are absolutely racist. If you cannot see the forest for the trees, there’s no hope for you. This is only going to work for the oligarchy. See Russia. This is where we’re headed. Good luck with that.

      • Well said. If Liberals could understand what you’re saying, it would save them a lot of unnecessary angst.

      • So are you arguing that it’s a good thing that we have Trump being hostile to members of the media? Threatening them and having Breitbart alt-right overlord Bannon telling them to shut up? They have already enacted policies to hurt immigrants and refugees. How could you possibly argue that they haven’t? They say this ban on people from seven countries is not about Islam and yet they say they’ll take Christians from these countries. You are truly the one with your head buried in the sand. Supporting racism and proudly proclaiming there’s no way you could possibly be racist.

    • Are you serious?? The man has not been in office for a month, and you’ve already accused him of doing these things. If you paid attention, he said that criminals who were here illegally are the ones who will be deported, and that he would not tear apart law abiding families. Yes, he made some poor choices in the past, but haven’t we all? Hillary was and is a criminal who has put our country at risk on more than one occasion, and when our men needed help in Benghazi, refused to send it. When it comes down to it, I will choose a hot head who needs to learn some manners, than a dishonest criminal any day of the week.

    • Ma’am….you did not march for me. And I voted for that nasty man. I want my children and grandchildren to feel safe in this country like I did. I want the police to be able to do their jobs and feel as if their lives matter. When I am pregnant, my body is not my own…I share it with another human being. Abortion is murder….(agree that there are extreme circumstances) As for health care…Obamacare made it so my children couldn’t afford health care. You don’t speak for me or my community…!! Not ever do you speak for me!

    • Love this! If I were physically able, I would have been marching along with you and thousands of other women who really see what is going on in this country. Thank you!

    • Glynda. Fantastic response to the “Phyliss Shafly’s” out there. They are the most misogynistic of the misogynists.

    • A lot of the points you made here are not even correct…? I would maybe do some research.

      Also, the fact that you stole this authors tune to voice your opinions was ill-thought and classless…

    • I read the first 3 lines of your comment and had to stop due to lie after lie you spewed. You did not March nor speak for me or mine…

    • CHIP was in place long before Trump or Obama. What about the hard working parents who pay such high deductibles now and their co-pays continues to rise so much that they cannot afford to use the health insurance for which they pay? What about the fact that the illegal immigrants broke the law to come here while others wait in line to come here ? And don’t you dare call me privileged because I’m a veteran who has earned two degrees, yet gets paid minimum wage while not receiving child support.

    • You do realize that Obamas net worth prior to being POTUS was 1.3 million dollars and that when he left it is now 12.2 million dollars,that seems like are 438% more than he went in with,so I wouldnt use the term of Trump lining his pockets,he needs zero dollars from his presidency,in fact he clearly stated he wouldnt take the salary,you should make better points.

    • You are so uninformed. PRESIDENT TRUMP is not the evil man you portray. He is for all women’s rights! What this man did or did not due years ago has nothing to do with how well he does his job now! He is doing all he can to protect all Americans.So you need to get informed of what he is doing to MAKE AMERICA GREAT! Leave all the campaign garbage behind! MOVE ON!
      If you liberals would stop condemning our President and make an effort to join with him to make things left in shambles by his predecessor better again he can accomplish more quicker .

    • I marched for my younger self, who was brought up to be a third class citizen. I March for the decades it took to unlearn those lessons. I March for my mother, my grandmother and all women who do not value their own voices. I March for my children, because I want them to have eyes that will see injustice. To hear silenced cries. To empathize with the less fortunate. I won’t teach them to hide or look away from adversity. I will arm them with humanity. That will be their strength.

    • Please don’t pretend to do my children any favors I will raise them to control their own emotions and wellbeing. I will counsel them to stay away from narrow minded people like you.

    • If you voted in the presidential election then you are a citizen and can’t be sent back to the country you came from. Couldn’t read any more of your post because you lost credibility right there. Thank goodness you have a husband that has never in his life grabbed or touched a woman on her vagina or behind without her permission. Thank goodness he never viewed or purchased the SI swimsuit edition or maxxim or cosmopolitan or playboy or penthouse magazine. Thank goodness your daughters can look up to a man that NEVER went to a gentlemens club or a bikini bar or a strip club. And thank goodness you can tell them that all through daddy’s life did he not view or partake or purchase anything pornographic. So thank goodness you and your husband can be up on your high horse and tell your children that never once in your life have you ever made a mistake or had to apologize or ask for forgiveness. Thank goodness you are perfect.

      There are some of us that voted for this man and just like the last man and the man before him, will support him because we the people spoke, voted him in and are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    • (Glynda,) I absolutely love this. Thank you for hitting the key points! I also love that you mentioned you’ll have her back, even if she doesn’t appreciate it. ❤ Very well put!

    • The only reason you MIGHT not have had to march, is that many women fought, bled and died for all our rights. Shame on you for caring about you and yours ONLY.

    • Brainwashed twit on display. I bet hese negative types all so anxious to kill children didnt even read this article.

    • AMEN GLYNDA ALLISON. You give hope that even in darkness and a sea of seriously misguided morons, intelligence and grace will prevail.
      What a shockingly disturbing piece of writing, and what limited minds commenting from atop their horses. Wake up ladies and thank your lucky stars that women are standing up for your daughters. You should be ashamed of yourselves for not doing so personally, and I will be sure to tell every daughter who enters my classroom, when we cover the travesty that was this election and the events that followed, how little you did to protect them.

    • Beautiful! Everyone needs the march. This article feels dedicated to the upper white class. As in, none of this will effect you, just put your coach bag on and go about your day. Don’t mind the dying refugees. No one else is, why should we? This is not my America. He is not my president. I stand with my country, not him. #resist

    • Thank you, well said. I marched for them too because the president should represent and be respectful to all people.

    • You did not march for me or my daughters. I have raised them to be self reliant, independent and know that to succeed they must work for it. I would also like to say that you are not a kind understanding person, you are a hypocrite by all rights. While making your case against President Trump you resort to name calling like a five year old. Based on what you have written I am assuming you are a Clinton fan and believed all the B.S. that she sprouted out during her campaign. But how can you stand behind a woman who remained with a man who HUMILIATED her in front of the world, a woman who has taken funds to from countries that degrade their women. A woman who has put her own agenda ahead of the American people. So do not say you marched for my daughters or myself. If we thought the march was something to be proud of we would have been there. Just to let you know I have your back and will continue to until the next election. Bless your Heart

    • Thank you!! I marched to retain the freedoms we have just as those march and fought before us. These rights that we have now are due to the sweat and tears of the women of the past. Never forget or downgrade their battles.

    • If you choose to work in a strip club then don’t get upset when someone treats you like your a vagina. And I don’t believe you where turned down for scholarships or student loans bc you don’t have to mark your ethnicity. Now if you are an illegal immigrant than damn right you shouldn’t get financial aid. Get a social security number start paying taxes and then I have no problem with immigrants make this the land of the free and home of the brave. You are brave by posting such a luscious comment bc hillary Clinton would never be my choice as a centre of American. I’m a smart girl and it took me 8 years to get a degree bc I worked my way through school and I had health insurance through my employer. Wanna know how old is was !!?? 19 ! I worked 40 hours a week, went to college, got married and was 7 months pregnant when I graduated! Yes I’m a woman and no I don’t come from a mild class family. My bank was that of determination and long hard hours. I also graduated with a 3.7 b.a. in history, associates degree in education and a minor in religion! I will teach my daughters proverbs 31 and what ever the choose to do, so it well and better than anyone else.

    • Dear daughters. Don’t be misled by women who lie. This post by Glynda is another reason there is so much confusion. The women you should be grateful to came before us and Obama had nothing to do with the benefits we women enjoy.

    • Sorry, but your shotgun approach, negates your supposed logic and competency! In the first half “..this man is wanting to send your friend’s mommy and daddy back to the country that they came from because they wanted to bring you here to America for a better way of life. …” IF you entered Mexico (or any other Country’s Sovereign territory) BY MEXICAN LAW, ANY MEXICAN CITIZEN can physically seize you and use any force to detain you until Police arrive to ARREST you, if they merely suspect you are illegally in the country. Do they escort you to the Border and shove you back across? OH NO! You get, for the FIRST offense, TWO YEARS in a Mexican Prison! (BTW, Mexico DOES NOT feed you, when you r in Prison! You better have or your family better have the MONEY to BUY your meals! (The MS-13 Type Gangs run the Prison interior, and sell the food! Will you bet it’s McDonald value meal priced?)
      In direct Contradiction to your above statement you tell this child:…”Or when their mommy and daddy who so bravely fought for our country have been denied the benefits that help them now that that have to live with the anguish of having to fight in a brutal war.” Madam! Illegal Aliens don’t fight our wars Brutal or not! I am a 1970’s U.S. Marine and I went through Boot Camp and I.T.R. with a Scottish National who enlisted for 4 years! Guess what, When he received his HONORABLE DISCHARGE, he ALSO RECEIVED the FULL CITIZENSHIP he EARNED! He CAN”T BE SENT BACK! Furthermore MADAM, Veterans were Blowing their brains out and DYING at HOME for THE ENTIRE EIGHT YEARS UNDER OBAMA! VA SCANDAL AFTER SCANDAL! Please list for us WHICH UNCARING, INCOMPETENT piece of trash Bureaucrat, EVEN JUST ONE waste of Democratic flesh was prosecuted, let alone fired! Which VA Hospitals were fixed? Finally, If Every Veteran is a U.S. CITIZEN, then just who the He** were you saying the Evil Man wanted to “send back where they came from”? Our Veterans come from OUR COUNTRY!
      Yet in the later section you tell this child how “This evil man…”he is using the office of the president to line his own pockets while taking away healthcare from that little girls and boys like the ones in your class that don’t have very much money, and that their mommy and daddy look for help with insurance from the Children’s Health Insurance Program that this man your mommy and daddy voted for took away. So now your friend cannot afford to go to the doctors when he or she gets sick….” MADAM: I will not use common adjectives to declare the micro aspect of your minimalist intelligence quotient! I will say you need to be able to read and walk into ANY hospital EMERGENCY ROOM! They plastered with the Federally mandated signs declaring your RIGHT to medical care REGARDLESS of ability to pay!!! BOTH in English and SPANISH!
      Perhaps you can’t read English (or apparently Spanish) so perhaps you are an Illegal Alien from China, Yugoslavia, Romania, Latvia? You couldn’t be an illegal Alien from Ireland, England, Scotland or even Canada because they all can read American English for commerce purposes! Perhaps you can read, but restrict your reading solely and exclusively to Bovine Byproduct propaganda the SOCIALIST Democrat Party Members spoon feed you!
      May you find meaning for your life beyond terrifying children and being a Minion to the EVIL ONES!

    • Maybe Glynda should tell her about all the wonderful things Obama and Hillary did,and about the evil man that promoted violence in the streets,and destroyed property that others worked so hard to have….About the evil dishonest man and dishonest Sectretary of State that sold weapons to our enemies,and was allowed to launder money through a huge Foundation created to benefit themselves and our enemies….You should be ashamed for telling your child such disgusting things to begin with,but then I wouldn’t expect anything else from a hater.We all have an opinion,and Thank God ours is different.Be sure and tell her about the Art teacher that shot a water gun at a picture of the The President in the classroom and said she wanted him dead…That is a really good example for your little one….

    • So you marched because you hate the new president, not for women. Why didn’t you just say so?! Ohhh, you guys had to call it a “women’s march” so that wearing private parts out in public would make sense. I can see clearly now. Thank you.

    • Well said Mary. Thank you! These comments are all over the board, but I want to address the most outrageous and incompetent ones.

      Why are liberals always so bad at math? And facts? We have over 350 million people in this country. If we continue to allow more people to illegally flow into our porous southern border, that leaves less tax $ to pay the welfare programs for the legal, honest American citizens. Eventually the scale of MAKERs to TAKERs tips, and the entitlements will collapse. So give Trump a chance. He’s trying to fix a trillion $ deficit, so we all must tighten our belts in that effort. And stop comparing the US welfare system to other countries—not all of them have 350 million people to take care of!

      People are sure to start bitching on here about the temporary immigration policy for the 7 Middle East countries soon, so I’d like to address that as follows: After September 11, Secretaty of State Condoleezza Rice was asked in a Congressional hearing about a memo, from prior to the attacks, that stated “Al Queda intends to fly planes into buildings”. She was grilled about why no action was taken to stop this. I suspect you lefties would do the same to Trump. His actions suggest, the best defense is a good offense. I support that.

      For those of you not calling the women’s march what it really is, I will. You’re pissed off, because you wanted to have the first woman president. Your disagreement with President Trump has a lot less to do with Trump saying the word pussy or immigration, etc, than it does with the fact you just can’t understand why Hillary lost. I’ll explain it to you. In Hillary’s last government job, 4 people were brutally murdered. Then she lied about it. Then there’s the whole failure to protect government secrets, because she wanted her own server. When you do a shitty job in your last position, you don’t get a promotion. Nor do you deserve it, simply because of some twisted social justice seeking “we need a woman president” mentality. (Or maybe she lost because Madonnas promises of blow jobs to liberal voters weren’t “all that”). As far as superior moral high ground over Trump, Hillary didn’t have that either. She aided and abetted a serial womanizer for years. She’s forever clung to Bill Clinton in her quest for political power. Unfortunately, his charm didn’t transfer to her. And where were you “morality” feminists when she was discrediting the women Bill abused? Or when she defended a child rapist? Or when she kept Podesta on her staff despite all the damaging emails he sent while working on her campaign. Why didn’t you lefties cry foul when she was given the debate questions in advance of the debate?

      For the woman complaining about making less pay than a man in her department and you’ve been there for 10 years, why not quit and find the job and pay you think you deserve? For Godsake if you want to be “equal” and run with the big boys, then you need to grow some proverbial balls. If you think it’s too much trouble or too hard or too inconvenient to find another job, then that is likely what current employer sees in your current work behavior and you will never get what you believe you deserve in your current job either. I made the jump twice through my career for many of the reasons you people are bitching about. The first time was 1988 and I was young and working for a team of men that were all sexist 60-somethings. By 1989, I’d learned a lot and I turned in my resignation and took my experience with me. I was the better for it (pretty sure the sexist men are all dead now). Be a better judge of character! When I applied for other positions, I knew the signs of what I did NOT want in an employer and I rejected those job offers. My next company I held 4 advancing positions over 22 years. In year 17 I started a small business and worked both at the same time. Corp by day, small business at night. After 5 years, things were going well enough to quit the corporate job. How did I do it?—I tightened my belt….no cell phone, no eating out, simple meals, simple wardrobe, NO wasteful purchases (lest I mention no booze, drugs, cigarettes, tattoos and other stupid shit people spend their $ on). Smart living gets you what you want. Make sacrifices. IF YOU WANT EQUALITY–STOP SEGMENTING YOURSELF! Just get in there and do it and the boys wont know what hit ‘um.
      Good things don’t happen to you just because you run around the public square in a pussy hat! You need to get off your ass and work for what you want. Put your time to better use than marching with a bunch of washed up singers and actresses. I decided to do a 1 woman march that day doing something positive and actionable helping the elderly.

      For those of you commenting about rights of LGBTQ, get your facts straight. Trump has already said when asked about the gay marriage issue, “it’s already settled”. If you paid attention at all you would know that Peter Thiel, an openly gay man supported Trump at the Republican convention. Excellent speech by him, btw. So what LGBTQ rights do you perceive are in jeopardy exactly?

      For people bitching about paying for education. I worked my own way through college–no student loans. So it can be done, you just need to sacrifice. Your accomplishment will mean far more to you when you earn it yourself.

      And finally, abortion rights… for those of you who feel your right to choose is in jeopardy, get over yourself. Let’s leave rape, incest, and health of the mother out of this, because everyone agrees there. My state outlawed abortions after 20 weeks, which I support. 20 weeks people!! How long does it take for you to decide you don’t want a pregnancy?? I realize it’s a tough choice, but COME ON! I’m a person who had considerable trouble maintaining a pregnancy—you want to know pain, suffering, depression….consider the millions of women like me who suffer through miscarriages and infertility. There’s NO government entitlement program for that! If only our lives were so simple as a “right to choose”. That’s why I believe every woman should have the right to as many abortions as she can afford to pay for. If that’s you, I already contribute to your birth control through my sky high health insurance premiums. If you can’t get that right, handle the next expense yourself.

    • I read what u wrote fully, but unfortunately you’ve been misinformed. Donald Trump refused to even take a Presidents salary, yet u accuse him of using his office to “pad his pockets”. That’s funny because that’s exactly what Obama & his family did. $80 million of tax payers money to take their monthly vacations? Golf courses refusing to let Obama golf because they felt their were more pressing things for him to take care of. Let’s see, the health care u speak of that Obama enforced was not a choice. It was mandatory to buy insurance that wasn’t in the least affordable or they would get hundreds of dollars in fines. Hmmmm guess he needed more money for his vacations. Trumps not dumping the whole thing because he very well could. He is going to have it revamped tho so that it can actually be affordable for school teachers, police officers, fire fighters, & all the other people with jobs Obama detested. No we did march around acting like a bunch of entyutled toddlers dressed up like vaginas because let me tell ya something sister, I’m more then what got decided to put between my legs thank u very much. I’m a daughter, a mother, a grandmother, a wife, a sister, a friend, a confidant, a defender of my loved ones, & many many many more things then a vangina. I was embarrassed & ashamed of halls actions & I can assure u I’m not the only one. What I saw was a bunch of crude, trashy, definitely unclassy fools whining like a bunch of little cry babies because who they voted for didn’t win. U want to speak about privileges? Its a privilege to be able to march, to rant & rave like lunatics, to have ur small children out there holding signs with the word FUCK on it & screaming pussy to the tops of yalls lungs. Its ur constitutional right of free speech. Our constitution allows u the privilege to get out there & act like y’all had lost halls ever loving mind. Funny how Obama was so set on revamping the constitution. I doubt freedom of speech would have been left in there when he was done. It would’ve been gone right along with our right to bear arms to defend our selves & our country. Y’all did all that screaming & yelling for nothing. No one will take u seriously because of the actions u chose to put forth. Ur little trashy march was an epic fail on so many levels that it boggles the mind. Let me give y’all a little advice. If u want to be taken seriously start acting like human beings that have a little sense to u instead of raving lunatics. & for all those women who had ur children out there holding those vulgar signs, CPS should knock on each & every one of yalls doors for a thorough home check. They might also need to order a psych eval be done as well.

    • I feel like you just repeated a segment of CNN. Watch a different news channel or even read. Dig to the truth of all of the lies you just talked about and you will find that they are lies.

      And for the record, I know of several people who could no longer afford insurance under Obamacare. They are the people you speak about who are having to make tough decisions for their children regarding medical care.

      Furthermore, if you voted for Clinton then you were going to allow a man back in the White House that not only was accused of all the things you listed above, but was fully charged and convicted. Maybe you weren’t alive went that went on, but Bill Clinton actually paid out settlements to several women before impeachment trials began. His wife, the one you probably voted for, was convicted of making threats to the women and blaming. So who is the real oppressor of women?

      One last thing, when has Trump ever said that if you weren’t born in this country you have to leave? For the millionth time he wants to stop ILLEGALS from coming in. ILLEGALS!! If you come in this country legally then more power to you. All of us Americans hope you do well and succeed. If you are an illegal then get out!

      Oh, what the heck, while I’m on a rant, if you want to call someone racist and a bigot why don’t you look into Hillary Clinto. After all, she calls Margeret Sanger a hero of the 20th century. In case you don’t know any facts other than the ones CNN tells you, Sanger started planned parenthood as a way of “exterminating black people” (in her own words). She also fought very hard for the sterilization of black people. She waned their race wiped out. So, here you have a man (Trump) who is fighting to stop abortion and a woman who calls the founding leader a hero. Who is the racist? Trump cares about saving those babies lives no matter their ethnicity.
      And don’t get me started on all of the KKK members Hilary has ties to.

    • Bien dicho… Well said, even when this Mami words made me mad to the core, I’m glad I scrolled down and saw your post because as a #Hispanic#black#femele makes me feel good people like you have my back and I will have yours. Gracias, Thank you.👣 walk the walk…

    • I love that you said you would always have her back regardless of having different views! That is how we are going to change the atrocious behavior of Mr. Trump. Kindness, perseverance and respect at the most basic level. The grassroots effort of citizens representing what America truly is will keep America great!

    • I literally can’t believe what I just read. Do you know what makes some women and men look ignorant? It’s not being informed on what is actually happening. Continue to watch all the news and internet feeds that talk bad about Trump for the ratings…that makes you smart and looks like you know everything! Better yet, go actually learn what is really going on. I find it humorous what some women are saying on this post. You are making Trump out to be some women hating monster!! We should march about the ignorant women who have NO idea what they are talking about. Just wait and see ladies and gents, I’ll be telling my two girls (who became my little girls the moment they were conceived) that I witnessed some great things and that we live in an amazing place where people who don’t even know us fought for our freedom, worked hard to have equal rights for all, and that’s why you’re kicking ass at college getting your Ph.D! It sure wasn’t because Obama did it, it was because YOU did it, and you were allowed to do it because all women have EQUAL rights.

    • President Trump is human being and like the rest of us has said and done things we wished we hadn’t. For his, he apologized.
      None of which was “evil” or even close to that.
      I get it that you are very angry but to label and slander is not honorable.

    • Wow! When did he do all that? He really has no good intentions? Are you that naive????He took all that stuff away from all those people, lined his pockets blah blah blah… wait, you didn’t say anything about oil yet! Don’t you hear yourself? It’s the same old garbage you say about EVERY SINGLE OPPOSING PRESIDENT! I am old enough to be incredibly sick of it and would think a few of you would be smart enough to figure it out yourselves. Perhaps you could realize people with opposing views are human too, not EVIL. Clinton did do worse things to woman by the way but I am sure you idolize him. And Hilary lied and protected him while demonizing the women… hmmm.

    • I support my friends both Male and female who did march and those who didn’t. I did feel compelled to reply to you specifically though because you have a clear emotional response to the things donal trump said (he didn’t actually grab anyone by their p****) yet I wonder if you voted for bill Clinton who most certainly took advantage of his authority and violated his position and a woman? Or if you were voting for Hillary who helped cover it up and then when she could no longer, made accusations about the character of the women her husband assaulted. I can’t fathom how one side is vehemetly disgusted by one side and hypocritically supports the other. Neigher Clinton or trump were my candidates.

    • Trump never said he did grab women. He said he could. Probably because some women will let men do anything when they smell money. You know its true. Bill Clinton DID srxually abusr eomen and the rape charges are probably true. He paid 850 k to make it go away. Do you really think wearing vagina costumes helped? I am really proud of all the women that marched in the pro life march.

      • More than a dozen women said Trump assaulted them. Or did you conveniently forget that? Let me guess: they are all liars, but Clinton’s assailants aren’t. Trump supporter logic.

    • You talk about sexual innuendos and him grabbing private parts…..I never heard that, only locker room banter. But was it OK for a President to abuse and degrade women while in the White House? Oh, yeah, Clinton was a liberal and that makes it ok. Nothing has changed, President Trump has not taken anything away, I don’t know where the “facts” you post are coming from. The media is doing a good of getting people to believe anything. Do research before you post..

    • Yes and let’s talk about the alternative! Hillary, one of the most corrupt and self serving people ever. Her husband was WAY worse than Trump against women but, that is somehow ok??? He sexually assaulted women and she STAYED with him and helped threaten them to keep their mouths shut, so tell me how she “RESPECTS” women! She doesn’t pay her staff equally. If the Democrats had a backbone they would NOT have allowed Hillary to manipulate and steamroll her way to the election. And then RIG her nomination with Bernie Sanders! Really?! This is who should have been President???? I don’t think so…. I read articles written by Muslim women who decided not to vote for her because she took money, fir her own personal gain, from countries that TRULY treat women worse than we will ever know. So although I do not agree or condone everything that Trump does or says, I just couldn’t imagine EVER having Hillary in the White House. Like I said, had the Democrats chosen a much better candidate, surely there were plenty, then that person probably would have won. There have been PLENTY of people in politics that I couldn’t stand but I would NEVER talk about blowing something up or wishing harm to anyone. These people have families outside of their job. But, so many trashy, classless idiots do and say terrible things. I am a strong woman raising daughters and I will teach them how to disagree or stand up for what they believe in WITH CLASS AND DIGNITY.

    • Beautifully said, Glynda Allison! I’m teaching my twin daughters to steer clear of women and girls like this author. I’m teaching them that they will always encounter women such as these who have an innate lack of self worth but that their mommy marched in solidarity with women who don’t feel the need to kowtow to anachronistic patriarchal rules. Thank you!

    • Yeah right! Her mother didn’t march because her president’s behavior of grabbing women by the pussy is acceptable for her and her daughter, because her president’s behavior of mocking a disabled person is OK for her and her daughter, because her president’s behavior of stiffing his contractors, workers and drove them to bankruptcy is OK for her and her daughter, because her president’s behavior in choosing greater profits, more money over protecting the environment to provide her daughter with clean air and water is acceptable for her and her daughter, etc. Her mother didn’t march because she is a self-serving, privileged, short sighted, and coward woman, who didn’t see beyond her own comfort. Her mother’d better start to shape her as a nice piece of @$$ for sexual perverts/predators like her mother’s president. However, I do hope that the daughter will grow up to be a well rounded individual, professional who would come to appreciate all the marches by the women before her time to provide her with better opportunities and a clean environment for her own children.

    • Who are you talking about? Obama? Bush? Clinton? Clinton is a womanizer who has repeatedly publicly humiliated his wife by his actions, who had sex in the Oval office with a young intern, and repeatedly lied to the people and Congress. His wife supported his cover up and raged at the women he had affairs with while he was President, (and before, and after he left office). What did that show to women?
      Is he the mean, nasty man you are writing about here, because I think Clinton’s messages about the value of women has been out there for many years, and I never once heard CNN call him a liar.
      Clinton sold the people of the U. S. down the river by his passage of NAFTA. Who was it that denied veterans their benefits? Who was it that filled their own pockets with money that was not theirs?
      Don’t march for me, lady, educate yourself about the history of our country. There are many women who have succeeded without the excuses that you are putting out there, women who work hard for what they have, and would never expect the taxpayers to pay for their medical care, or their educations, because they worked for those things themselves. Protest all you want to, because you have that right in America, but don’t pat yourself on the back and believe that protesting takes the place of common sense, or morality, and working to take care of yourself and your family.

    • BRAVA, Glyda This article started out nice and than I became nauseous. This woman is ridiculous and Girls around the world are dumber from reading the stupid article. As I scroll down through the entire article as I read all of it I saw (the blaze radio) wow of course. Its women like this I call the real cry babies because it makes them so upset that people the majority of this country will never accept this tangerine president. They just can’t handle it, it really really upsets them and angers them to point that they choose to wine and create propaganda this woman should be ashamed of herself. I feel sorry for her daughter. Not lies, Ramirez however you probably lie to yourself everyday so I can see why you can’t tell the difference.

    • I love this! This article could have made me throw up. The only reason she can right all these mommy this and that is all the women before her marching, and rallying for women’s rights. Just because this mommy is privileged enough not to feel the sting of others realities doesn’t make it untrue for so many.
      The article does make the odd decent point I will give it that, but for the most part it screams religious holiness, and neglects every other woman.
      As a woman in a males industry who almost lost her job because of being a chick, who works with so many of these women’s husband’s. It would shatter you almighty souls to hear the words out of their mouths.
      I didn’t march, but not because I didn’t need to, but because I was busy with my baby girl.

  2. Wow, thank you so much for your beautiful words, Mary. I’m crying. I had to read it twice and will share, it was that good.

  3. Wow. Shocked at the way you’ve belittled all the women out there marching for you and your daughter and people all over the globe. We have a president right now that is threatening our democracy and collective rights. We marched on Saturday to stand up against all that the man represents- against the patriarchal mentality that powerful men can grab whatever they want, that they can choke the world to death with their quest for dirty oil, that they can recklessly cut fundings to science and art and human health services. We were standing up for the millions of women throughout history who never had a voice or got the chance to take to the streets in solidarity with eachother. We were standing up against a patriarchy that punishes women, LGBTQ, POC – anyone not like their own kind – with socially oppresive and divisive tactics. We must fight back– to show solidarity for something we can all agree on— EQUAL RIGHTS! For many of us (4 million!) whom you are so quick to toss aside here, the march was an incredibly powerful and reaffirming day/moment/human event. It’s a shame you can’t see it for what it truly was, or for how the spirit of it can and will benefit you and your daughter.

    I pray that you can see where we’re coming from. When you’re ready, we welcome you both to join us.

    • Dear whoever you are,
      You used the word “prayer” in your commentary. How insightful that you have such a misplaced sense of what prayer is and what it is used for. Our Creator, had He been at the “rally”, would have shed a tear for all of His created beings that have so flippantly cast Him aside for their own misguided, demeaning, and utterly disgusting self interests. First of all, not having conjugal visits would certainly avoid the need for killing a baby in the womb, saying NO – may help, if not, there are a variety of products that can be used to intervene in a potential for re-creation – BEFORE the fact – NOT after! Any pregnancy could culminate with the most brilliant human being ever birthed – perhaps one that has already been killed was sent here to rid us of Cancer and the shellfish “mother” aborted her or him. As to the other issues those repugnant “celebrities” were screaming about, our new President hasn’t yet strung up anybody on the yard arm so why sink the ship? If he does, there are plenty of folks that will intervene. A little purposeful, honest prayer would be good to help guide the new captain and his crew to put and keep our Country on a better course than the one we’ve been traveling for the last eight years. Yes, I lost my job because of our previous leader but instead of spending valuable time walking in the street and making myself look like the “trash” that was on YOUR march, I spent my time searching for and acquiring a new job so I could honor my obligations. Yes, I settled for a little less money – hard to replace what had been built up over 38 years – but soon was rewarded for the hard work invested and regained my stature in the market place. It’s called The American Way – stop whining and get to work – plenty of opportunities available besides wearing out the bottom of your designer sneakers. Here’s a novel idea – why don’t you spend some of that “marching time” helping the disabled or a wounded veteran who sacrificed his mind and body for your freedom. Oh, you sorry souls – we will all be praying for your enlightenment.

      • Which veterans were YOU helping on saturday? Also prayer belongs to the person and the lord, not for you to define. Jesus, the nice middle eastern activist would have marched at the front, if you believe the stories in the book. He defended the downtrodden not the system so what makes you think he’d act any differently today?

      • Saying “no”? Why is it on the woman? Guys are so, soooo pushy starting in teenage years. They whine & guilt trip & don’t want to use condoms, BC they don’t feel good…. Oh but its all the girl’s fault when she gets pregnant… Should ve been stronger & said no, no matter what. Its ok for men to take a drug that makes them hard & horny, BC they don’t seem to have any responsibilities towards getting a girl pregnant. It’s not ok, tho for women to have access to affordable(not free) birth control. Put it all on the woman, even tho men are in charge, signing the papers to keep them in charge, & keep women having to work harder for the same pay & respect. I work 2 jobs, I pay my bills. I don’t need handouts, but I have no problem handing to those less fortunate. It’s what Jesus would do, don’t you think? I, luckily have no children. I can’t imagine bringing more children into this divided, hate filled world today. I work w kids, & try to instill confidence, intelligent decision making, compassion. I hope they grow up to care about others, & make the world a better place.
        The majority of the marchers are employed people. They pay their bills. They pay their insurance. They believe in equal rights. It’s not all about you, it’s not all about me, it’s all about us. So many people these days are all about themselves. It seems that we are moving farther away from being “united”. It does nt matter who voted for who anymore. We have a new administration. However, that does not mean we have to sit back & take what ever happens. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

      • Your “creator” I’m assuming you mean God, or your parents, who actually created you, wouldn’t even be allowed in the country because of Trump. This whole article is BS! Most of you are too. You sound like a bunch of hens clucking to the same tune. Like you’re all brainwashed! For yours and your daughters sake, I hope noting terrible happens to you and you need, oh I don’t know, an abortion late term due to complications or your asked for sexual favors to get a raise at work. I hope your husbands don’t leave you for the hot new female employee his company hired because ya know, you have 3 kids at home and you’re starting to look a bit rusty. You anti march ladies live in a plush little bubble. Enjoy it. For it can all be taken away in a flash.

      • Do you think your version of God sheds a tear for the refugee children not permitted into this country for fear that they are terrorists? Does your version of God shed a tear for the immigrant families that may end up deported? Or does your version of God not care about brown people in general, even if they are Christian? Interesting that you raise up people who research cures for cancers. Are you aware that most scientists are not religious? I’m also curious how a good Christian like yourself deals with your version of God when you go around calling people trash and making them feel less worthy. I guess a fetus isn’t really of much value to you if it can grow up into a liberal. Then its life it utterly useless, vulgar and disgusting in your mind. I wonder at what age you begin to see them that way. Do you hold the same hate for children whose disgusting parents had “conjugal visits” and can’t find work? Are those children despicable and worthy of being homeless and starving? Because really that’s what you make it sound like. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by any of this coming from a fake and hateful “Christian” like you. I guess if I believed in your version of God I’d tell that one to shove it.

      • Dear Diane,

        I’m thrilled to let you know that Our Creator did in fact take part in the march! I saw Him in the crowd at the Mobile, Alabama gathering. Unfortunately, He was wearing one of those stupid pussy hats. It really challenged my faith. Cool Guy though, surprisingly laid back. Turns out, He IS against human abortion. He didn’t mention anything about shellfish reproductive rights.

      • God Bless you. You wrote so eloquently what my heart and thousands of other women like us feel too. Thank you with all of my heart.

      • Jesus, being from the Middle East, wouldn’t have been allowed here to march in the first place 😂

    • “We were standing up for the millions of women throughout history who never had a voice or got the chance to stand in the streets in solidarity with eachother” what about the millions of babies throughout history who never had a voice or got the chance to do ANYTHING because they were taken that right away by their mother when they felt they had a choice to murder them? Just a thought….

    • I really wish you ladies would quit saying you marched for me, because you didn’t. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you did not march for all women. There women such as myself who would not to be associated with a mess such as this. Women running around dressed in vagina costumes, or writing on feminine products, or running around shirtless, and strapping profanity to little children’s back. This march that took place was a train wreck. There was no dignity in the way you represented women. Why don’t you think you have equal rights?

      1. You have the right to vote. There are women in the world who do not have the right to vote.
      2. You have the right protection from violent crime, there are still women in this world that if they are rapped for example. They are the one punished, or even quite possibly put to death.
      3. The simple right to drive a car, women in other countries don’t have.
      4. You do have the right to abort. In other countries women do not have that right, and the horrid truth some of those women is. They will carry a child to term and if that child is not a boy, that child could be killed.
      5. You have the right to walk proudly down the street dressed as you please, and for all the ladies out there who have husbands you can walk proudly beside your husband. In other countries women can’t do that. The only part of them that can be uncovered is there eyes, and they have to walk behind there husbands like humbled little dogs.
      6. How many of you were traded off to your spouse for a cow? I want honest answers here. None. There are women this happens to every day in other countries.

      Don’t say you marched for me because you didn’t. Here is suggestion, you want to march. Catch the next plane to one of these countries were a woman is no more than property and march. You wont do that because you wouldn’t make it back home alive. You know that as soon as you stepped off the plane you would be done.

      So you see you didn’t march for all women. You went out in the streets and had a tantrum.

      Finally.. I support your right to protest, and I support your right to assemble.

    • Thank you, propermountain. I’m a mom of 3 daughters who marched along side them, in remembrance for the way things were when I was young – and in determination that they will never be that way again. Those who call us names for marching, the young moms and dads, will never know what it was like to be a woman even 40 years ago. I thank Alice Paul and the suffragettes for my right to vote, I won’t waste it. I thank Rosa Parks for her bravery, I won’t take my ethnic privilege for granted. I thank Gloria Steinham and Robin Morgan for their ceaseless efforts to give your daughter her “equal rights” you speak so highly of. When I married, it was still legal in that state to for a Man to beat his wife. That was only 30 years ago. You have no understanding of our fear of losing the rights we fought so hard throughout history to give your daughter, because we have lived without those rights. It pains me that the young have not been educated on the truth, but on a bastardization so that it will fit a minority agenda. You cannot make the desire of some to stop all abortion a litmus test on every issue. Without a commitment to care of those already living on earth, many of the unborn are doomed to lives of poverty, neglect and pain. I didn’t have to agree with everything said, worn or carried that day to know it was the right thing to do. I marched proud, I marched long, and I will do it again.

    • We already have equal rights so that was not the reason for your march. Looking closer we can see the real and not so subtle reason. Those women used equal rights as a platform to spew their hateful and vulgar attack on President Trump.

    • Many belittled themselves by the way they acted.
      Nowhere does she state she voted for Trump not sure why these comments are so politically charged.
      I agree with it. Many didn’t march, because they don’t feel the same way as those who brought this march together do. I couldn’t march because I am pro life. How does a woman marching for justice provide such injustice to another woman? Many stand here on this form preaching hate toward our new POTUS. Hate against fellow human beings that like this letter. For what good? You provide your wisdom as truths all must agree to or you cut them down like they are worthless. Stop fronting as a fighter for all women and start realizing you are only a true fighter for women that feel the same way you do.
      Great letter to the author I commend you for putting this out. And I couldn’t agree more.

    • I love this!
      This article could have made me throw up. The only reason she can write all these mommy this and that is all the women before her marching, and rallying for women’s rights. Just because this mommy is privileged enough not to feel the sting of others realities doesn’t make it untrue for so many.
      The article does make the odd decent point I will give it that, but for the most part it screams religious holiness, and neglects every other woman.
      As a woman in a males industry who almost lost her job because of being a chick, who works with so many of these women’s husband’s. It would shatter you almighty souls to hear the words out of their mouths.
      I didn’t march, but not because I didn’t need to, but because I was busy with my baby girl.

  4. I have 6 daughters. Some of them are white. Some of them are black. One of them is transgender. I will march for them forever. I will be loud for them forever. I will fight, protest, resist, advocate, educate, learn, get political, speak up, speak out, and never, ever be silent in order to make others more comfortable. And guess what? The 7 of us will fight for your baby girl even if you won’t, and we will fight for you even though you don’t believe we need to.

    • Well said Libby, To the rest: Oh, sorry you’re offended by those of us who marched. I marched because I could see that women still are not treated as equals, in fact when you look at the Women’s movement of the 1960s, we have not made much progress, we were so hopeful then, when I was a college student. Some things have changed and improved, the laws tend to be supportive of women’s rights, but when someone, like Trump and his colleagues continue to treat women as playthings and adornments, rather than human beings, I feel degraded. When men are making decisions about our reproductive health, I feel degraded. Marriage should be a partnership, with shared decisions about our roles in the family, and what’s best for our children, not meek little women bowing to men’s dominion, (or meek guys bowing to a woman’s dominion) for that matter.

      • You shouldn’t decide if another human lives or died. The baby IS NOT YOUR BODY. It is a human being with the same right to life as you.

      • I marched because I can. I’m using a right while I can to keep it from disappearing. I marched for unity because I live in a divided country. I don’t want to write a letter to my daughter telling her I am sorry I didn’t stand up to protect the document my forefathers left for me. Blessings to this mom and her daughter. May freedom ring.

      • I believe “Marriage should be a partnership, with shared decisions about our roles in the family, and what’s best for our children, not meek little women bowing to men’s dominion, (or meek guys bowing to a woman’s dominion) for that matter” is very true. However, today’s feminists attack men. They are missing the key part of respect. Also, when things happen in the world that make you feel degraded, look at the media, musicians, Hollywood, even the current clothes we wear, they all portray women as sex objects much more than your average Joe or even politician. If you want respect, act respectful. We women aren’t. You don’t just get it because you ask. You earn it. I believe that we should have the right to an abortion, but today’s woman has lost the art of being a women. we’re not men. We should recognize this and celebrate the differences. I was very successful in business before I stayed home to have my kids. I was not ever treated like I was less because I was a female by men. Meanwhile, the females out there were cutthroat and viscous. I think they thought they couldn’t make it on their own, which is not true. You think we haven’t make much progress since the 60’s, it’s because not every woman wants to be in the workplace. I feel you and I are closer in belief than apart, and it’s nice to hear a woman say what you did. I just think that as women we need to own the change we want to happen.

    • That is because you are someone with a kind, selfless heart. I know your daughters will grow up to be amazing women, because they have an amazing mother! Thank you and God bless you.

    • I love this! This article could have made me throw up. The only reason she can write all these mommy this and that is all the women before her marching, and rallying for women’s rights. Just because this mommy is privileged enough not to feel the sting of others realities doesn’t make it untrue for so many.
      The article does make the odd decent point I will give it that, but for the most part it screams religious holiness, and neglects every other woman.
      As a woman in a males industry who almost lost her job because of being a chick, who works with so many of these women’s husband’s. It would shatter you almighty souls to hear the words out of their mouths.
      I didn’t march, but not because I didn’t need to, but because I was busy with my baby girl.

    • I was at the Commander in Chief’s Inaugural Ball – I had the honor of standing beside Kristen Beck, a former navy seal who is a Purple Heart recipient and transgender woman. She was there cheering President Trump on with me, as were many other men and women in uniform of all different races…there was unity among all of us…
      No fighting, no shouting, no marching, no anger…
      So why are you?

      • As a white woman, I totally agree. Many white women just don’t understand the privilege they are afforded simply because of the color of their skin. Wake up and see it! It’s nice to be able to put down the defenses and begin to understand the perspectives of marginalized people 🙂 It’s a transformative process, but one that I suggest you consider taking.

    • Shukura that’s because they will never truly understand how someone of color are discriminated or have racial slurs spewed at them, they came from family that taught them to hate and look down on others that are not the same color as them. White women don’t care because they have White privilege etched into their brains and they continue to teach that hate to their offspring and so on… I am White but I chose not to listen to those who tried to yeach me hate, I rose above that and became my own person. I’m so sick and tired of hearing privileged assholes run their mouths.

      • Wow….i may be white but I am not racist. I could care less or more what color, culture, country or religion you are. But you’ll think because I’m white then I must be racist. Hmmmm I think Trump is wrong to go against discrimination act and sign it about Muslims and other non- christians from our country. My fiance is Muslim and now he won’t come back to USA because he is being discriminated by a “good” so called Christian man. Who wasn’t even in office more than a week who who do that and this so called “wall” he’s going to have built and make Mexico pay for it or supposedly. Hmmmm I remember the wall that seperated east & west Germany. I remember how great it was to see that wall brought down. Now we’re gonna be govern that. Did I get transported back into timewhen that wall was erect, when millions of people were put into concentration camps and gas chambers. we fought against that kind of ruling. And people are calling me a sheeple….no the ones who are sheeples are the ones who are backing him. Oh and I need to add that my fiance isn’t on the 7 countries that are banned nor is it a country that he has hotels or any other interests or making money off of them.

      • If he’s not in the listed countries why would he be stopped.

        All you heard was Muslim ban, right? Didn’t bother to read anything more?

      • Why do you assume that every white woman is racist and bathed in “white privilege”? I am a white woman, and I have zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind. A persons heart and actions are what I focus on. I do not believe that ANYONE is entitled to anything. We (as in “we the people”) are owed nothing. If one wants an education, then do what you need to in order to get it. Bust your butt in school, earn scholarships. If you cannot get a scholarship, many cannot, Work your way through college, lots of people do it. If you have a family to take care of, then take care of it. Yes, you might have to work 2 jobs, 7 days a week with horrible hours, but you do what you have to do. You (as in the general “you”, not you specifically) cannot continue to have multiple children and expect others to pay for them. Now, I am fully aware that life happens, and sometimes people need help. Jobs are lost, folks get injured or sick, and sometimes bad things just happen. That is what WIC, welfare, and programs like it are for. If you need that help in order to feed your family or to keep a roof over your head, by all means, get it, that’s what it’s there for. However, it should not become a way of life. Taking that help, while driving a new car, having the latest phone, and carrying the newest, most expensive handbags is simply wrong. Work your way out of it. YOUR family is YOUR responsibility, and that goes for EVERYONE. No one owes you anything because of your race, gender, or sexual orientation.
        Finally, simply because I am a white, middle class woman, and these are my opinions, does not make me a racist. It makes me a person who believes that everyone is equal, and equality means that all people are treated the same way and given the same opportunities as everyone else. If you expect to be given special treatment because of your race, gender, or sexual orientation, then what you want is not equality. You want special privilege, and isn’t that what you’re accusing me of?

      • What are you talking about? I hear racial slurs cause I’m white. Just because someone is a certain color doesn’t mean they’ve never felt anything. A lot of times people have been put through things also, so stop assuming everyone is the same. I hear so much hate from those who preach love and equality, but when I point it out, my view doesn’t matter cause I’m white. So stop saying that.

      • I am white and also what some would like to call privileged! Both my husband and I have worked very hard to get to the point we are at in life. My parents both grew up very poor and worked hard to become “upper middle class”. We were not taught hate, we were not taught to belittle anyone. We were taught if someone is hungry feed them, if they need help then help them. We were taught that your as good as the next. It’s about mentality and how hard you’re willing to work for what you want in life. I don’t judge anyone based on their color of their skin or sexual preferences.
        It’s so easy to blame people or make excuses for what you’re lacking in your life. It’s easy for people to assume that everyone was taught hate, fed from a siver spoon and lump them into privileged racist. It kind of seems you’re the one that’s a bit racist and judgemental.

      • There are about as many white women who are brought up with racist hate taught to them as there black women. It works. It’s ways.
        Not very white woman is brought up privileged. I grew up with a single mom working two jobs to support us. Fathers were not in the picture at all. We went on welfare a couple of times but my mom worked her butt off to get us off. We always lived in poor, run down neighbor hoods and always went to the “low class” schools. I ate beans and cornbread formmorw dinners than I could count because that’s all we could afford most of the time. Sound like a privileged life? I didn’t think so. But, I’m white so I must be a privileged racist.
        It’s your mentality that makes this country struggle with racism.

      • This is such crap. My boss is a black women who is freaking amazing. SHE chose her path, got out of the neighborhood, got an education and makes a ton of money and has a successful career surrounded with men who make the same or less than she does. So sick of people playing the crybaby role or the race card. I started working in HS – didn’t finish college but found a career I loved and have excelled at! Stop bitching and get up and do something for yourself!!! That march was NOT for me. It was embarrassing to me as a woman. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT IF YOU TRY PEOPLE! Great Article – I will be sharing it with my daughters when I get off WORK!

      • I’m glad you think there is so much privilege for white people Cause I only see it for the rich like HOLLYWOOD or POLITICIANS I was raised by a poor Grandmother there was no privilege n I & my husband worked hard for everything we have. I was not taught to hate nor did I spread hate to our children. I’m bi racial so get off of your BS about privilege for everyday people that have EARNED their life through HARD WORK.

      • Excellent article I whole heartedly agree with the content of your writings. As a father of 3 daughters all of who were embarrassed by the Women’s March and two serving in the military I thank you for hitting at the core at why you didn’t March. Your little girl is lucky to have such a confident, wise, loving lady for a mother!!!

      • Mary Ramirez, just remove yourself from society. Your essay is a perversion of the what is actually happening in this country today and your child would be better off in the hands of someone who won’t lie to her about reality and who won’t judge her by the way she dresses. You are a disgrace to your gender and your species.

  5. The women I marched with were good Christian women (including clergy). Most of us were old enough to remember the struggles women have been through over the years and are sad that such a misogynistic, racist, shallow, boorish, narcissistic individual received votes from so many misled individuals, that he was elected our president. This fear of what he and his appointees could do to this country led us to march. Our wish that our sons and daughters could experience a world where all people are treated fairly as humans no matter their race, gender, education, ethnicity, or how rich or poor they are.If you want to prevent abortions, education and access to birth control does much more than harsh laws.

      • With all due respect…

        And that was exactly why millions of men, women and children marched globally. They marched for healthcare, LGBTQ, the environment, domestic violence, respect for humanity on all levels, tolerance, etc., etc., and women’s rights!

        We don’t want to go back and “live in that same world”

      • I have read your letter and many of the replies and am dumbfounded as well as angry and sad. I marched. I am a white, college educated woman of privilege. I marched for my daughters, grandchildren, the poor, disenfranchised, refugees, people of color, LGBT and for equal rights for EVERYONE in America including people like you. Not sure where some of the respondents live or work but if they haven’t encountered sexism, unequal treatment, etc in the workplace or any place else, they are in a bubble. It is alive and thriving in our country. Women can aspire to be whatever they want in our country but will be confronted by 100 obstacles to 1 for a male. He will be strong, she will be a bitch. She will be deemed uncaring if she chooses a career over family, he will be a wonderful provider.
        If you and the women who mock those of us that marched took the time to see why we where there instead of criticizing, you would learn something to pass on to your child. We marched because we cared about not ourselves but OTHERS. We value the differences that make this country great and the rights of the people. We marched so that there would be no Muslim registry! No defunding of Planned Parenthood(Fed. funds NEVER pay for abortions which are only a minuscule portion of their services), We marched to protect the environment. We marched for the Native American Indians who are protecting their lands from the Dakota pipeline. We marched for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. We marched for Black Lives. I could go on but I’m sure since you didn’t take the time initially, you don’t care now.
        Sad that you and other women only see the “I” and not the “We” in the world. Compassion and empathy for others is what needs to be passed on to your children, not criticism of others who care!

      • How dare you, Mary, tell us “why we marched.”. Your entire piece might have been written by a man. The cognitive dissonance was absolutely stunning.

      • No, we don’t live in the same world. You are benefitting today from the blood, sweat and tears of all the women who marched for you in the past.
        Rights gained can be lost, especially when you out a man in the White House who thinks he was elected king.

      • Mary you don’t live in that world BEACUSE SHE MARCHED THEN AND SHE MARCHED AGAIN! Your daughters and their peers are systematically becoming more and more marginalized. No thanks to you and your drivel. Don’t worry tho Mary, soon you won’t have the right to free speech, to vote or to be in control of your own life, never mind your children’s. Shame on you, Darwin’!

    • Cant even get through this garbage. Yeah vote for clinton the elitist or trump a self made billionaire. omg he said mean things stfu. Better has been done in 8 days then the last 8 years. Cry some more

    • I think the people who are really mislead are the people who think the know President Trump. You know him by listening to our liberal news media which has sadly painted a picture of the man THEY want you to believe he is…they painted this picture by taking sound bites of what he said – totally out of context…He is not any of the things you all love to keep saying he is…Who he is – is a man who sacrificed everything to become our president in order to secure our country , our freedoms and our well being.

  6. This is incredibly ridiculous and inaccurate. Mommy didn’t march for you because she had to work in order to provide for you. Mommy would have loved to go and stand up for our rights. We are in a time of many uncertainties. A time when someone unqualified and unpredictable has become the leader of our nation. Mommy fears for our future, and will fight for the rights of all women, races, and classes. I will continue to advocate for healthcare for all and paid maternity leave if we are the only developed country without it why can’t we. We need to learn compassion as a society because what does it say about a society that won’t care for the poor and the sick. This letter that she wrote is exactly what the politicians and corporations want you to think. They want you to roll over and believe that its not possible. We are in a time where a sexist, racist man is president.

    • Its not the governments or tax payers job to prvide health care. Equal opportunity doesnt mean equal outcome. Get over yourself stop spreading hate.

    • I guess you didn’t hear Trump and his daughters plan for maternity leave and workplace daycare. Obama never mentioned it and it didnt happen during his 8 years.

    • Qualifications for the Office of President
      Age and Citizenship requirements – US Constitution, Article II, Section 1
      No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.

      This means that according to the law being that he is a natural born citizen and over the age of 35 that he according to the Constitution of the United States, qualified to fill the office.

  7. Ms. Ramirez it is my intention to share this with everyone, women and men. This “letter to your daughter” is incredibly moving. I am proud to be a woman.

  8. Every time you, your daughters, and grand-daughters go to the voting booth to choose your candidate – republican or democrat – you are doing so because of women who marched.

    Every time you, your daughters, and grand-daughters refill birth control so that you may plan and decide the best time to have children (or how many) – you are doing so because of women who marched.

    Every time you go to a job outside the home to provide for you or your family – you are doing so because of women who marched.

    Every time you open a checking account or credit card, buy property, or make an independent financial decision family – you are doing so because of women who marched.

    The things you have today are a product of protest, social unrest, activism, and resistance. Even the most anti-feminist 21st century woman still lives in the shadows of female activists who were willing to fight for generations they would never know. For those of you who feel the need to pray instead of joining the resistance, I ask that then please pray that women will continue to make their voices heard.

  9. Dear Mary: I am sorry that I didn’t see you at the March. I was there, with my teenaged son and daughter. It was an amazing day–peaceful, empowering, diverse, fantastic, and positive. For the first time since November 9th, I felt hopeful. I am sure that the 4 million people who marched had a variety of different reasons for marching, and you can reference the incredibly clear and articulate Unity Principles here:
    But I believe we were largely united in our opposition to Donald Trump…from the way he speaks about women, to the way he physically assaults women, to the way his administration plans to roll back basic women’s rights (i.e. reproductive health care, violence against women act). I marched on Saturday, and this week has brought fresh reasons to be fearful and wary of Donald Trump…particularly his open lies and his far-reaching executive orders. Yes, it is true that the United States trails the developed world in the percentage of women CEOs. Yes, we have far fewer women in public office than many Western nations. Yes, our maternity leave pales compared to much of Europe. These are all reasons to keep marching and fighting, and I am glad that you will join us in this fight. And hopefully, your daughter will soon as well. In sisterhood, Sara

    • Did you vote for Bill Clinton both times? You are just mad your candidate lost and are spewing nonsense. You think you are suppressed here, then go check out many many many other countries. We are free to do and choose what we want. We can choose to march in the military, a real march, to defend this country and our rights that we have been so graciously provided by the selfless men and women of this country. You choose everyday what you want to wear, eat, live, sleep etc. You choose where you want to work, who you will love, and how you want to live. You make choices for yourself everyday and my friend it’s not because YOU marched for me. It is because I marched for you and I fought for your rights and MENS rights in the United States Navy. I would just rather you just thank me and the many others that fought for you to go out in the streets and protest/riot because you want to choose to murder your unborn, you want to choose healthcare for free while many hardworking Americans are getting raped paying higher premiums. You need to check YOUR priveledge and realize who it was that really fought for you. March for them to get good medical care and better pay. Without them, you just might not be able to wear your pink hats and cry about taxes on your tampons. By the way You are welcome. Heather K. United States Navy veteran (who deployed to the gulf twice that really marched in a real organization extraordinaire)

      • Thank you for your service Heather! Finally a woman who knows what “marching orders” really are.

      • I am a USN vet, married to a USN retired and I really think you are off the mark here. If it weren’t for women like me you would never have been there. I was one the first 1500 females to be stationed on a ship. We fought for you to do what you have done, if not you would have been behind a desk pushing papers. That’s why women march. We march to get ahead, to fight, to get equal pay and yes, to have the right to say what happens to our bodies. When you have to pay full price for your birth control and a man gets his boner pills for free (because the insurance companies pay for erectile dysfunction) then talk to me. And when you take in the child you save from an abortion, you can have the one where the dad raped the daughter, then talk to me. Thank you for your service. I will thank my husband for his 3 tours in the Gulf as well!

      • Thank you for your service Heather and telling it like it is. I am thankful as Americans we have more rights than many others and thankful for people like you that defend our freedoms by making the ultimate sacrifices that you do.I am proud to be a woman and American and I don’t have to March to prove that.

      • Hummmm. You were on a ship…. I served over during the gulf war. TWICE. I’m sure you didn’t march to be able to be on a ship. I am sure you were just put there. I was not forced to be on the ships I was on. I wasn’t forced to go over and float during the gulf war. I wasn’t forced to be offered the opportunity to be ONE OF the FIRST FEMALES ON AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER… I, however, turned it down because I wanted to do another deployment to the gulf SO I CHOSE TO take a ship that was getting ready to leave on deployment back to the gulf.. keep your insinuations to yourself. …. My insurance pays for BC pills, and women take viagra too so yes it covers it too. Me, as a nurse, knows this. Plus my Dr offered it to me because my anxiety pills give me no libido. I chose to work through it though. Maybe you should march for better freaking healthcare or better regulations for insurance companies. You are pro-choice… Mrs Roberts? So the life of a baby out of rape doesn’t matter? That baby would be less than a person or human? A monster perhaps ??? 😡😡😡 It isn’t the baby’s fault or the mother’s that they were raped or conceived. You are a hypocrite. All lives matter. I would take that baby in a heartbeat since I was only afforded one child after trying for TEN YEARS. So IF/when you go through hell for ten years and you turn your nose up at an innocent baby just because of how they were conceived then you need to be aborted. How would you turn your head against that baby? That baby is a LIFE a human… she/he might be the next president of the United States. She/he may discover the cure for cancer or another disease. But because she was conceived out of rape, you feel that the child is less than a person so let’s just KILL/MURDER them. My whole family is a mix of cultures, colors etc. we are a family of generations upon generations of people that served in the military. My great aunt was a wave in the navy so dont give me YOU were the one that led the way for me. The woman of suffrage are the ones that paved our way…. not you pink hat, “vagina costume wearing” idiots, if that’s what you think then please let me just say no thank you. I choose to be “oppressed, unequal” just in the way you think we are….(because we actually aren’t).

      • thank you for your service heather .. i, too, am a navy veteran .. not just that, i pioneered the way for the women under the age of 21 to be able to enlist .. i turned 63 yesterday and i can tell you, a lot of women couldn’t do anything without parental consent .. i was born into a poor family, had to grow up under a hard name to overcome but i did it .. i was bullied, made fun of, but i never let that destroy me .. i moved from the village i was raised in and went to california to live with my uncle and his family .. he eventually wanted to send me back to louisiana because i was being treated terribly by his wife .. i knew i wasn’t going back there so i made the decision to join the navy .. went to do all my tests and was accepted except the papers my mother had to sign never came back .. i was ready to give up but my recruiter said, ‘let’s guinea pig’ with you .. so i was the first girl to be inducted into service under the age of 21 in los angeles county .. i was 19 years old at the time .. at least i was proactive doing something that actually resulted in change for women even if the ok did come from men .. i spent 12 years in the navy and never complained like a lot of the people did .. a lot of jobs were closed to us .. but an explosion of jobs were opened to women for being jet mechanics, whatever the man could do, so could we .. we were once relegated to kitchens, typewriters, nurses and supply .. thank those women of the 60’s and 70’s who paved the way for you .. they’re the ones who did the really hard legwork for you .. george bush, jr was cutting some of the veteran’s health benefits when he was in office and i was in the hospital at the time when he was doing the cutting .. just remember, as heather stated, the veteran men and women in the past, and the active duty men and women gave up a lot so you can go run your mouths .. these people you are quick to criticize and ignore, most of the time don’t have a covered shelter complete with beds to sleep in .. they’re in sleeping bags in the sand, they eat sand in everything, but get no respect .. these are your sons and daughters living in substandard conditions ..

      • You are awesome…sincerely! If those of you think you have no rights in the United States you should pack up and move to another country and see what rights you have there! Thank you Heather…many of them will never get this…sorry to say!

      • Thank you for all you (and other like you) have done for ALL people, Heather! You are the true heroes. ❤

      • Funny how you leave out how many times a Republican Congress voted against funding for veterans. You know, like this time just to name one:

        Out of curiosity, do you do anything to help children in poverty seeing as how this country has the highest rate of it out of all developed countries? Anything to help feed, clothe, house, educate the disadvantaged children? I guess it’s not worth it. They’re all just freeloaders who want healthcare. I guess according to you we should just let those kids die in the street. Or just their parents, maybe? And how about that high rate of sexual assault in the military? Should we be proud of that as well?

      • Thank you for you service, Heather. And for your words. I agree with you. I don’t serve in the military but I stand with my husband while he does.

      • Okay: Ivana Trump, Jill Harth, Jessica Leeds, Kristin Anderson, Cathy Heller, Temple Taggart McDowell, Karena Virginia, Mindy McGillivray, Rachel Crooks, Natasha Stoynoff, Jessica Drake, Ninni Laaksonen, Summer Zervos, Cassandra Searles…

    • I would love to know why you compare the US to European countries? We aren’t European, we fought a war to stand alone as s country! Why in the world would we want to go back to some other countries standards?
      And if you really did your research about the accusations of Trump’s treatment of women they are all in the past and he never said that he just assaulted a woman, he said they let me! Yes some women become extremely star struck and allow men of wealth and power to use them sexually.
      Also while you’re at the research look at how Bill Clinton has used and abused women his whole life, the lack of respect he has shown and Hillary stood by his side. Oh wait a minute she was nasty and belittling also to the women who came forward during his Presidency and claimed he sexually abused them. The difference between those women and the ones who claim Trump abused them, the real abuse was proven and the man was impeached because of it. Clinton should be in prison but sadly he wasn’t removed from office.
      So don’t bother marching for my daughter, granddaughter or myself because we know how to act like a real woman.

    • You need a major fact check. How exactly does our President speak about women that offends you so? Or are you still speaking of a comment he made to Billy Bush years ago in a private conversation when he was a reality TV star? And when exactly has President Trump EVER assaulted a woman? You don’t have any facts to support your assumptions yet you are full of judgment . I feel so sorry for the women of our country who have nothing to protest for – yet for some reason – feel angry in their own lives – and so they want to protest something – anything . Where were all of these woman when Hillary was a presidential candidate? Why weren’t you protesting that such a woman whose own husband raped women, had an extramarital affair while in the White House and LIED to her and the people about it – stayed quite about all of this????
      I mean???? Really???

    • so trump is not qualified. So someone that has built an empire is elected over a woman who has done nothing but destroy and play the system her entire adult life. she should have been commander and chief after 8 years of the worse and most incompetent president in history whose only back ground was a neighborhood watch commander that we barely survived. Look all i know is my retirement has increase more in the past 2 months than it has in the past 6 years and that is just with an attitude change and no actions. We finally have someone in office that gets the real meaning that running a country is a business.
      Deal with and if you are working and saving and paying taxes, which i would guess you are not, then count your money as it grows and be happy you may have a chance now to retire with dignity some day.

      BTW Clinton was real gentleman and didn’t take advantage of any women and i bet you strongly supported that womanizing bastard.

  10. Mary, I have yo say thank you! You have found a way to beautifully put words to why so many of us were not involved in the marches! Definitely worth sharing!

  11. The world your mommy lives in does not exist. It’s a figment of her own delusional mind. A mind full of denial and ignorance. If your mommy knew what the men she works with take home in pay, she wouldn’t be happy. If your mommy got out sometimes and noticed that there are literally millions of other mommies around who can’t afford to “take a few years off” to spend with their children, perhaps she would be more understanding of why paid maternity leave is necessary. She would find out that it lowers employee turnover and keeps the best employees at their jobs which saves businesses money in the long term. If your mommy accepted the fact that not every woman believes the same things she does she’d understand that female autonomy means that NO ONE has the right to tell any woman what to do with her body, including your mommy. If your mommy wants to give you 20 brothers and sisters, she has the right to do that. If she doesn’t, she has the right to do that too. If your mommy wants you to grow up with all the rights and privileges men have she would educate herself about psychology, history, propaganda, manipulation and suppression. Your mommy believes if she doesn’t experience it, it doesn’t exist. Not exactly the stance of an enlightened or intelligent mind, or of a heart filled with compassion and empathy. The latter was something that Jesus Christ was filled with and expressly taught his followers how critical it is to their salvation. But I’m sure your mommy won’t go to hell for being so ignorant. Unless of course, she voted for Donald Trump.

    • ..Wow a bit crude I see no compassion or empthy from you, your comment was ignorant for saying someone would go to hell for voting for Trump, I didnt know people had only one choice for President, your choice, that shows real intelligence on your part, we have freedom to make choices even if they aren’t yours. I don’t think we will be sent to hell for making choices for president. Your ignorant for making remarks like that.

    • I also believe in paid maternity leave. But, I do NOT believe that it is the responsibility of the federal government to pay for it. The employer or maybe even the state government if they choose to. Not the FEDERAL government.

    • So, I’m going to hell because I’m a female that voted for President Donald Trump…hmmm… guess I have been reading the wrong Bible every night because the one that I read doesn’t say that at all! Maybe I should have picked up and read “your” Bible before I decided on who I voted for. However, the Bible I read does condemn the murder of the innocent…just saying.

    • I love this reply!
      This article could have made me throw up. The only reason she can write all these mommy this and that is all the women before her marching, and rallying for women’s rights. Just because this mommy is privileged enough not to feel the sting of others realities doesn’t make it untrue for so many.
      The article does make the odd decent point I will give it that, but for the most part it screams religious holiness, and neglects every other woman.
      As a woman in a males industry who almost lost her job because of being a chick, who works with so many of these women’s husband’s. It would shatter you almighty souls to hear the words out of their mouths.
      I didn’t march, but not because I didn’t need to, but because I was busy with my baby girl.

    • It’s clear this was a march against Trump – I just wonder why you all waited to do it? You want better healthcare and paid time off for maternity leave? Why now? Why not last year. Just call
      It what it really was “an anti-Trump” march and quit hiding behind issues that have been here for years.

  12. This article has made me more sad than any other article negatively speaking about the womens march. What a shame. So ignorant.

    If you really agree with this article…you totally missed the point of the march my friends.

    • Gee, I can’t imagine how I could have missed the point of hate filled females dressed up like their private parts, screaming about their private parts, who want … hmm yes. I totally missed the point. Sorry.

    • I can safely say many of us missed the point of the March. Because what most of you marched for as said many times, is to disrupt the order and agenda of the new president Donald Trump. We have a system in place here in our country called voting. He was the winner of the vote. Many who marched did not vote. Many were not legal citizens. I for one am so so tired of and disappointed in what many are teaching our youth, that if we don’t win, or get our way…We will protest! In the history of elections, never before have the losers stomped their feet and said he’s not MY PRESIDENT. WE DEAL with it, and give it a chance. I didn’t vote for Obama. But I gave him a long chance (8 yrs in fact) to do something good for our country. He had his own clear agenda and ended up leaving our country in worse shape than when he began! Being a president is a tough job, and these issues that our country is dealing with cannot be improved overnight. Instead of tearing him down, why don’t you try getting behind our current leader. Unify. Instead of dividing each other every chance there is. And if you aren’t happy with the results, find a candidate or step up and change the world your way. In 4 yrs the process will be up for grabs again. Choose wisely, but please stop pouting that life isn’t fair because you didn’t get your way. Life isn’t always fair, that’s life. But deal with it. And for all the people who voiced their threats of leaving the country if he became president, stop crying wolf. Back up what you say. Heck I`m positive many people would help you pack, and March you right on out of the United States of America. You have it pretty good right here where your at and you know it, or you’d be gone. If you didn’t vote, shame on you. Your voice doesn’t count. And please, one more thing you should know..I’m not racist, or privileged, or able to afford health insurance at all because I work hard, and don’t qualify for any assistance or programs. But I am so over my hard earned money and tax dollars paying for illegals to walk into this country and handed the very things that I myself am not able to also be given. That is wrong. And if you were as poor as me, you would finally get it. It’s a basic concept…a take care of our own, or you will be the one on the outside looking in. And please stop the race thing. Why does that always get thrown in on top of everything else? I’m truly curious? I pray our country can come together and calm this hysteria, or it will be the death of us all. All this hate has to stop.

  13. So, I’m keep seeing this 4million women marched number. Where is this coming from?? I heard there were a little over 400,000 in Washington…. don’t know for sure all the other marches added together. But 4 million seems quite the stretch…. hmmmm
    BTW, I really liked this.

    • Going only with the low estimates, the number for the USA is ~3.2 million + 250,000 more worldwide.
      High estimates push that up to 5.2 million for America + 360,000 more globally.
      London, UK accounts for 100k of that alone. New York has as many as Washington, Denver about 100k.
      60k in Atlanta, 20k in Houston, 70k in Portland, 25k in Des Moines, 250k+ in LA, 150k in San Fran – it adds up.

  14. So depressing youve sold out your sisters for the comfort of the patriarchy. I’m sure your daughter will really heed these words when she makes less, still real, in every industry, by every measure ive ever seen, or when she cant get rape crisis counseling because womens health has been gutted or when she isnt allowed to make decisions about her own body or when marital rape becomes okay again, dont think they wont try.

    Im sure she’ll well up with pride with your disinterest in the future of women in america as you read about the daily executive and legislative attacks on health and safety, you citing stats about assault on men as she grows up to realize almost every woman she knows has been attacked somewhere into adulthood.

    I just hope she meets a woman with self respect along the lines, early on.

      • So women who are sexually abused are just victims and worth nothing? Nice. I’ve been groped more times than I can count and I guess the only part of that that interests you is what I was wearing when that happened. If you reject feminism maybe you should shut up and go back to making sandwiches instead of having opinions, right?

  15. You shouldn’t tell your daughter these things because they are false. Please don’t raise the future generation of women with thoughts that sexism isn’t real. It will put us back a hundred years.

  16. Eloquently stated Mary. I was involved in the 30 million woman march this past November. And I managed to do so with dignity.

    I also was a strong supporter of the March for life that occurred yesterday. Not covered by the media, but just as large, if not larger than its dishusting counterpart a week ago. But then again, disgusting gets the ratings, the air time, the attention. The best thing about the inane march last weekend is that I have, in one place, the ability to teach my two girls and two boys how NOT to behave, what lies exist than so many are trying to shove down our throats. I can tell them exactly how not to embarrass and demean themselves. It’s downright valuable!

    Again, thank you for writing this. And for having to endure the vitriol and hate and nastiness that the “love trumps hate” gang spews.

    • you should have turned on your Tv or radio. Your march was covered, as well as the women’s rights march was. Don’t fall into “alternative fact” land.

    • It doesn’t get media coverage because its an annual event and it’s not really “news” anymore. There’s a lot going on out there this week- should we focus our attention on an annual march, or maybe pay attention to actual news that will affect our lives for the next 4-8 years?

      Also, to the author of this blog, I’m not cold, so people in Alaska don’t need sweaters. Glad you don’t need feminism or care that there are blatant inequalities between genders. Some people do, that’s why they marched. Maybe you can hold a march about how offended you are about it.

    • Heidi I agree with you. I had to wonder where all the self-respect these marchers talk about was when they flaunted their tiny little daughters with a neon sign saying “Fuck your Bullshit” and a father smiling as he walked with his tiny little daughter carrying a sign saying “Mr. Trump, please stay out of my panties.” It was disgusting to me. that some of you had so little respect for the age and innocence of your daughters that you would denigrate them, as you condemn others for doing so. Wear your stupid vagina hats, carry your vulgar signs yourself, but have the intelligence and self respect not to use your young daughters in this manner. In my estimation, these parents did to their children, in a sense, the things they are accusing others of doing. I am a woman, a mother, a grandmother and a great-grandmother of both males and females and would never would have used any in this manner.

  17. This is probably the most well thought out, respectful, statement that I’ve seen in quite a while. It was a pleasure to read something that was written without vitriol and hatred while very eloquently getting your point across. Thank you Ms. Ramirez.

    • Thank you, Lisa 🙂

      Unlike so many of the comments I’ve seen here, it’s always my intention to get my point across without resorting to the lowest common denominator.

    • “written without vitriol and hatred” – nice to see that not all Trump supporters write or speak like he does.
      Let’s hope he learns something in the next few years that he’s managed not at all in the past SEVENTY

  18. My point is you have those rights because women before you fought hard for them. They weren’t handed to us on a silver platter. You don’t have to march because many before you did so you could enjoy the life and family you now have. America is all about freedom to do what in your heart you believe to be true and just. No you didn’t march, but many did because they still want respect, (talking Donald Trump here) equality and justice for all people, and not just for women, but all people.

  19. You’re showing your privilege. This is a very self centered article. You go and do you, regardless of the rest of humanity.

  20. You are wrong about the gender wage gap. I am a white female engineer with a Master’s degree and 18 years of experience. I have male counterparts with less than a quarter of my experience who make the same or more as me. I have been passed over for promotions and opportunities that have gone to men less qualified than me. My work is far superior to theirs, yet they are viewed as the better candidate. DO NOT DELUDE YOURSELF IN THINKING WE ARE TREATED AS EQUALS!!! I’m so happy you have a privileged life where you are not exposed to the injustices of gender disparities, but stop lying to yourself that the millions of men and women who marched had nothing worth marching for!

  21. Thank you. I’ve been searching for words for my ten year old about why I didn’t feel the need to march or show support of those who did.

  22. Dear grandaughter;
    On a cold day in January many women marched in Washington D.C. Your great Aunt was one of them. Why didn’t Yaya march? Yaya was going to get treatment for her cancer. If I could have I would have! You see grandaughter, women still in this century do not have the rights men do. I look at the women before you that stood up for us, your great grandmother is a great example, she would not take a position she didn’t want just to get her foot in the door. She asked for, wanted and ultimately got the position she wanted, even though they said it was a man’s job! She was the first women to be the department manager of housewares for a dept. store!!! No other women had held that dept. until her!!!! I was so proud to be her daughter!! There was and is this thing called a “glass ceiling” that women need to break, and that, my dear sweet Eliza Mae is one of the reasons they marched.
    I hope that when you read this that the world has progressed to the point that what I have to say next is common place and not an issue anymore. They marched so that women can rule their own bodies. That if you want to you can say no I do not want to have this baby. There are reasons are circumstances that a woman should have the right to say NO! That reproductive rights are not up for debate. That you can get help from organizations that will help you with your decision, no matter what it is! That if you need help with a live saving test such as a mammogram, OB exam, or (god forbid) a test for a sexually transmitted disease, you can get the help you need! Maybe in your day people will understand that pro-choice does not mean anti-life. It means you are the ruler of your own body, not the government.
    These are the things that weigh heavy on my mind as I write this. I am afraid that in your future you may not have the option of being what I know you can be! You can be the princess you want to be right now! You can be the princess of business, you can be the princess of science, you can be the princess of the environment, and you can be the next president! That is why they marched!!!!
    If I can leave you nothing else, I want to leave you with this: you are more than any man will tell you you are! You are not less because you were born female! You are an exceptional female and do not let anyone, male or female, tell you otherwise!!
    You matter and have every right to be the person I know is in your heart!
    I hope that in your time women can choose if they work or not, and I hope that if it is the man who chooses he may stay at home as well. But in my time, that is not a choice. I only got 60 days off when I had my children, then straight back to work! I worked right alongside of my male counterparts, same hours, same days.
    When the time came, I could not choose to stay home or work. The cost of childcare overrode that. If I would have been paid the same as a man it would have been so much different. You see, I could not cover the expense and make a living. Thank God I had Pop-pop, at least one of us could work!
    This is the one and only time I will talk about or address this. Roe Vs Wade, abortion. This is the subject that tears at us. This is that divides us. No women goes in to get an abortion and is happy. The abortion comes because of rape, incest, neglect, uneducated, and yes, stupidity. NO women in her right mind wants an abortion, no women says this is a form of birth control. If this is repealed when you become of age I hope the back-alley doctors don’t kill more than they save!
    And on that note, if this happens, you will see that the people that have put an end to Roe Vs Wade are finding it in their hearts to take care of and love all these children they have “saved”!
    And if you see some women dressed in ridiculous outfits….. They were the “nutty” ones. Not representative of the whole!

    Love you to the moon and back, and all around the galaxy!
    P.S. I didn’t march, but wish I could have!!

  23. I find it hard to believe how fractured , bassakward, mean, horrible, bullying, venomous, hateful comments towards other women do anything for ‘US’ women. I have been abused by men, paid less for the same job, chose family not education, worked jobs not careers because I chose to focus on family. I have a higher IQ, research topics of discussion that affect this country. So you can stop thinking that it hasn’t affected me and I don’t have a clue what women go through elsewhere.
    Violence against men by women is real. Wage discrepancy among male peers is real. Men are sexualized as much as women. Pretty sure when there is abuse against women in this country it is happening to men. So where is the outcry? Because women would invalidate a man so fast his head would spin. Women are twice as vicious with words than men ever are. Women right now are acting entitled to this opinion that males are the oppressors and we do nothing wrong. Back the bus up ladies. In the March for your cause you have been far more destructive to your ’cause’ than men ever were. The vagina hats…. if I could unsee that I would.
    No I didn’t March. Neither will I. Ever. Not for my rights in this country. I have them. I will not march DEMANDING anything because I do have it. It isn’t handed to me on a gilded platter and it shouldn’t be. What gets handed to me I do not appreciate near as much as what I do on my own. So when I say stop, I mean it. Stop demanding what you have. Rise to those rights. YOU. Or do you want men to hand that to you? It is your responsibility to rise not men to lift you up. That is entitlement.
    The March was more about one man riling up public outcry than anything else. You paid so much attention to him, a man with casual disregard for you, who likely didnt even spend a moment even thinking about your march. You got defensive and marched around with vagina hats to show it. You might not feel that way when you stop a moment and realize how cruel, arrogant and hurtful you really are towards men and women who don’t believe men are the problem. Get a grip.

    I don’t need you to have my back- I’ve got it thank you.

    To the author- I saved what you wrote. It was perfect. Excellent way to raise your daughter.

    • I respect your right to be outraged at what you see as bitter women. However, I have seen that wage inequality is still there. My daughter took over for a man in a retirement home as the activities director and had to fight for the same pay. Mind you she had more qualifications and had been in the employ of said facility for just as long. This is not going away. The first woman was created from the rib of a man. She was not made from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal to him.
      I am a liberal women who thinks those costumes were disgusting!

      • I was talking about this the other day. My father taught me to ask for more money (when I was 20 and working, now 46). I was scared when I did it, but I got it. And, as upper middle management for a large company, I can tell you that they hire EVERYONE for as little as they can. It’s their job to be profitable. So we need to teach our kids of both genders how to negotiate and get more. I wish I could make that not be there, but greed is real. Use it against them.

    • I’d love to hear your statistics on how many women have started wars, how we are murderers more than men and more. I’ll wait…..

  24. Mary, I support your decision not to march. But like other women on this comment feed, I found a lot wrong with your arguments. I took the time to address these individually below.

    On wage discrimination: Mary, you state “women tend to choose careers that don’t pay as much, which affects the median income everyone’s talking about.” Why is it that women’s fields are paid less? Careers that are women dominated are paid less. Teachers made more money when it was a male dominated field. As it became a more women-centric career, wages too fell.
    You state, “Women also choose (and that’s an important word, honey) to do things like take a few years off of work to stay at home with their kids, and so when they go back to their jobs—their counterparts probably got a few raises in the meantime.” Staying at home with kids is important. But often moms stay at home not because they want to but because they have to. BECAUSE of wage discrimination, and social roles (which you Mary didn’t go into so I won’t either) mom’s are the ones that have to leave or lessen their time in the work force, because it makes more economical sense. This has long lasting negative impacts on mothers and therefore children too.

    You state “It’s a lie that because of sexism, we don’t have full rights over our bodies. You are technically…able to do whatever you please with your body. No one’s stopping you, or any other woman.” Actually people are stopping you, by taking away your ACCESS to women’s healthcare and counseling to make the appropriate choice for YOU. Instead lawmakers and lobbyists think they are better able than women to make the choices that affect women, despite a Supreme Court ruling that women legally have options available to them.

    You state “It’s a lie because of sexism, women have to pay a special tax for products that we biologically must use. There is no special, bespoke tax for these products.” When in actuality, 42% of the time items marketed to women (from shampoo to blue jeans) cost more. Why is it that 40 US states do not place necessities for women like tampons into tax-free categories, when other hygiene products are?

    You state “It’s a lie that because of sexism, we women are the only ones who have to worry about harassment and abuse… Yes, some women do get abused. But so do men… You don’t know this yet, but today, “a man is the victim of domestic abuse every 37.8 seconds in America.” Mary you fail to mention that your daughter has somewhere between a 20-33% chance of being sexually assaulted. That many of the men who are abused are gay, and that yes women marchers were marching for them too (and straight men, and women, and gender fluid people) because everyone should have access too a safe and loving home.

    You state “It’s a lie that because of sexism, people don’t care about our smarts. In fact, for the past 50 years, women have led the pack in education.” However, despite the fact the women are more likely to have a college education, they are less likely to run a company, which takes us to our next point…

    You state “It’s a lie that because of sexism, there aren’t more female leaders. Yes, there was a time when women were solely relegated to the roles of homemaker or secretary or assistant, but that’s just not the case today. Just ask Meg Whitman (CEO of Hewlett-Packard), or Susan Wojcicki (CEO of YouTube), or Ginni Rometty (CEO of IBM), to name a few.” I’d love to ask Meg Whitman what it’s like, what it’s like to be one of 21 women that are the CEO of a fortune 500 company. That’s 4.2% of CEOs Mary. Please don’t say this has to do with ability. It’s been shown that having more women in leadership leads to a more profitable company.

    You state that “It’s a lie that because of sexism, we don’t all get paid maternity leave. It’s simple economics, honey. Maternity leave is expensive. Believe me, I know—I paid for part of mine when I had you. It has nothing to do with suppressing women.” It might not have to do with suppressing women, but that is the impact. Discrimination happens during the hiring process— companies don’t want to have to pay maternity leave, or give that time off. Which is why there is a push for paid PARENTAL leave. Giving men and women time off will lessen the chance either sex is unfairly discriminated against.

    “Finally, it’s a lie that any of our human rights as women are going away just because someone whose politics these ladies don’t agree with suddenly became president.” Actually— he will be in control of many policies that impact the above.

    So Mary, when you tell your daughter what you’ll teach her, don’t say “I’ll teach you to respect your body. It’s a beautiful creation—and I’ll teach you not to cheapen it by dressing like it means nothing.” Say, No matter how you dress, your body should be respected and valued by you and others. Nothing you do can take away its value.

    Instead of saying “I’ll teach you that vulgarity doesn’t make you stronger; it cheapens you,” say I’ll teach you that your words are powerful, and you should not be silenced because of your sex.

    Instead of saying “I’ll teach you that raunchiness doesn’t make you impressive; it makes you look like a piece of meat.” say You are not a piece of meat. Period.

    Instead of saying “I’ll teach you that we are biologically and physically and emotionally different from men, but that doesn’t mean we’re less. It means we’re special. And you should celebrate that.” say, Our differences from men have made us historically marginalized. And that the work to celebrate our differences is ongoing for both sexes. This is why it’s so important to educate yourself and others about privilege and oppression.

    Instead of “I’ll teach you to be a woman of noble character, like the one in like Proverbs 31—an amazing, hardworking wife, mother and businesswoman who rejoices in all of her roles.” say I hope you find your passions in life, whether its motherhood or work or both, and that I hope you find a life partner who helps you achieve these dreams, and shares in all of these roles.

    Instead of “No honey, I didn’t march for you. But thank goodness, I don’t have to,” I can say one day “Yes honey, I marched for you so hopefully one day you don’t have to.”

  25. Mary, as a female combat veteran of the Marine Corps, I would caution you against looking down on and dismissing other women. It can be so easy, but what’s good is never easy. Consider those celebrating your words– is it the poor, ignored, the less fortunate? Or do you think the rich, leaders of corporations, and those in power are applauding you? I implore you to examine your actions. We will all have to look back on these moments and recognize our actions, and it would be a shame to stand on the wrong side of history.

    • With all due respect, doesn’t the fact that you’re a combat veteran in the Marine Corps sort of prove my point? I’m not dismissing women, by the way. I’m suggesting that we’re being lied to, and it is in fact that basis of lies that holds us back.

  26. So sad you naively believe you are equal financially, socially, educationally and in the work place to men. The bubble you have lived in as a woman must be one borne of privilege or pure ignorance. I feel sorry not only for you, but any daughter you may have or influence over any female you may have. Respectfully, a woman who has worked in a male dominated profession, that is highly educated, yet still treated less than equal to male colleagues.

  27. Not sure why I clicked on this article. I have been avoiding anything to do with the “women’s march” like the plague. Thank you for this. Very well written and would have been perfect if not for all the nasty comments left underneath. Unlike many of the marchers (and most of the women commenting, I’m sure) I actually deployed to a country where women are truly oppressed. Where she cannot even be in a room with men unless she is serving them. I urge all of the women in these comments to travel to Iraq and live a life of true oppression for awhile. And don’t forget your vagina suits! You’re going going to need to cover up! Cray Crays. Smh.

  28. This is such a ridiculous piece of nonsense. The dads should be just as responsible as the mother when having children. The assumption you make that women do not get paid as much is because they take time off to get in the kitchen and make sandwiches is absurd. I am privileged that I make enough my wife can stay home with our children, but never would I ever try and convince her or my daughter or my son that anyone should be paid less for doing the same exact job as a counterpart. If they are more qualified and do it better than regardless of gender they should be paid more.

    This is the backwards thinking masked by Christianity that drives people away from the church. Gods ultimate lesson from the New Testament was to love all and accept all. Let’s try doing that for a moment and give off your preverbial high horse that a women is not as valuable as man.

    • Precisely, Gabe. This is part of the reason fewer people than ever in American history do not associate with an organized religion. And those numbers will continue to rise. As an atheist, I’m actually good with that. I raise my child with kindness and she doesn’t need religion TBH

    • I’m in agreement with you Gabe. Jesus only taught us in a multitude of ways to love one another, and treat EVERYONE right. I will share this with my daughters so they learn how to deal with people who’s life view is so narrow that they are totally blind.

  29. Baby bird, your mommy didn’t march for you but slews of women and men did world wide. Just like our ancestors that did before us for the continuance of basic civil and human rights. Baby bird, forgive your mother for her simplicity it’s clear she loves you, but ignorance is not bliss. You are the future of the world, you will find your way despite your mother’s misgivings. She can shelter you for only so long, and like any bird you shall leave the nest unprotected-that’s the harshest lesson you will learn because your mother failed to teach you how to protect yourself. Not acknowledging these fractures doesn’t delete from society, fire will still burn, and people will still take advantage of the weak, naive and uneducated. Shame to a mother that would set any child up for that. Fortunate for you there is a world still full of people that love and respect you regardless of your mother’s misgivings. That will keep watch especially for little birds as yourself so you won’t become victims of the evil in this world. Mary, get a grip on reality! You are setting your child up to be a victim of circumstance by filling her head full of delusions. You are leaving her unprotected because you fear reality. You cannot keep her in the nest forever, and as a parent it’s your goal to give her all the tools she needs to survive in a world that is forever changing. I didn’t march, I couldn’t for health reasons but I’m thankful for all that did. I stand behind the lines and do what I need to support the front, to continue the message. I live in reality, not the alternate universe you portray. They, we have your back….always will.

      • Right, because there are and have been people that have fought so you aren’t inhibited. Mock people all you want, look down your nose at others that continue to stand up for your rights. Turn your blind eye, but some day your daughter will learn the full truth not just the alternative world you desire to portray to her. It will get harder, and harder for you through the years to keep up appearances and there’s nothing funny about it.

      • I am so confused as to why the people who marched ( especially those with their “suppressed ” daughters) think it’s ok for the “celebrities” that spoke to do so with such obvious displays of hatred. Not to mention the vulgar language. Oh, and who of the suppressed and demeaned attending might actually take the thoughts of Madonna seriously. I don’t care if you march, I don’t care if you feel differently than me and I respect your right to feel differently than me. What I don’t appreciate or respect is you taking the time, effort and resources to march only to pay homage to such vulgar and angry celebrities spewing the language and displaying the deep hatred they did. Is that what you want your daughters to learn? Would that behavior from your daughter make you proud if you saw her on that stage behaving that way? Would it make you proud if your daughter actually thought that blowing up the White House is the answer since Madonna said she’d thought about it? If you want to make changes and insure your daughters are treated fairly, equally and with respect, then don’t allow them to lower themselves in the first place. Because I didn’t see any “role models” on that stage in Washington that I would want my daughter to aspire to. And please afford me and those of us who do feel differently than you the same respect……to not agree with you. That is our right.

      • I’m glad you feel fufilled, and I myself feel like I’ve had lots of opportunities. But then when I read something like this “Texas Lawmaker: Jail Time For Abortions Would Make Women ‘More Personally Responsible’ For Sex” “They know that they have a backup of ‘oh, I can just go get an abortion,’” State Rep. Tony Tinderholt said. (NY Magazine) It’s not just the woman’s responsibility to ensure pregnancy does not occur. In a world where online dating involves mostly requests for sexual encounters, when teenage girls with little self-esteem are pressured into sex, where men can get Viagra, but there is talk of womens contraceptives not needing to be included in any upcoming national health plan, where women are afraid to report rape because they think they won’t be believed, there is a discrepancy of how men and are treated. When I want to buy a car, and my husband tags along, and the dealer immediately assumes he will negotiate the buy instead of me, then the sexes are not treated equally. The sexism is sometimes blatant and sometimes subtle, but it still exists. I didn’t march, but found your remarks condescending.

    • I love this! This article could have made me throw up. The only reason she can write all these mommy this and that is all the women before her marching, and rallying for women’s rights. Just because this mommy is privileged enough not to feel the sting of others realities doesn’t make it untrue for so many.
      The article does make the odd decent point I will give it that, but for the most part it screams religious holiness, and neglects every other woman.
      As a woman in a males industry who almost lost her job because of being a chick, who works with so many of these women’s husband’s. It would shatter you almighty souls to hear the words out of their mouths.
      I didn’t march, but not because I didn’t need to, but because I was busy with my baby girl.

  30. You’re a fucking idiot, and, I suspect (by the pathetic overuse of cute talk), a man. Women do not have the same rights as men, or three million PEOPLE would not have marched. All you morons who voted in these dicks without brains are about to send our country up in flames. Good thing you don’t really have a daughter you care about; there won’t be a free country left for her. Enjoy the show, jackass.

    • Thanks the language. And yes, this blog and my radio appearances are all an elaborate hoax to cover up that I am indeed a big fat misogynistic slob.

      Thanks for playing tho 🙂

      • Awesome response! I just wasted 20 mins of my life reading through these crazy comments. So glad I scrolled a little longer. Keep up the good work, Mary! Clearly your voice is needed.

    • I have two girls of my own and I applaud this letter. Yes, women do speak this way, and I don’t find the ending as “cute”. I find it as a well put together list of things I too will teach my girls. I also applaud you for stating your own opinion, but I agree with one thing said in this letter that you could apply to yourself.
      “I’ll teach you how to disagree strongly and firmly- but honorably.”

    • I do have a beautiful smart, well educated mother-of-two woman who is my daughter, and we CHOOSE not to march!! If you have a daughter I can only hope she’s a nicer person and has a cleaner mouth than you!! I cant wait for the new that’s coming to this country oh guess what “march” all you want cause some of us “voted” Trump for President!! I guess yall will have to march for the next 4 years least!!!

    • the language you use is not great but the point is exactly right on and I believe you are right about every thing you said

  31. All of you women (and I use that term lightly out of generosity) that marched did NOT March for ME! You don’t represent Me or my Daughter’s. You all ave your panties ruffled over things Trump has said years ago in private, locker room talk! And don’t even try to tell me you women never talked like that, even said things similar about men, because you would be lying if ya did. Trump is not perfect, and I don’t agree with a lot of what he say’s, but I would rather have an inexperienced business man as MY President, than an over qualified politician!!! What about Bill Clinton and all of his scandalous behavior? I mean, come on a blow job under the Oval Desk must count for something. The man was Impeached of his ACTIONS, not his words!!!! What this “WOMAN” wrote in her story is every bit true, but you bitter bitches that “hate” Trump for whatever reason (your blaming him for things he hasn’t even done yet) but your OK with Bill Clinton? Hypocrite’s Much? Grow Up and stop blaming MEN for your own faults! Your only limited by your own imagination. Oh wait, that would be plagiarism against Michele Obama! Everything you are complaining about that you say you don’t have, you already have. If you would just STFU and get your heads outta your asses and took a good look around, you might be able to see that! You all claim your fighting for women’s equal rights, but your ok with killing innocent future women by abortion? Lord, I would hate to see what would have happened had Hilary won the election and set HER VIEWS in motion as laws pertaining to abortions. Under her leadership, it would be just fine and dandy to KILL a newborn baby born OUTSIDE of the womb up to two hours old!!! Christ Almighty, that is just flat out LEGALIZED Murder! People can be prosecuted for Criminal Homicide of an unborn child (which means murder) but it would be ok to “KILL” a 2 hour old baby and claim it was an abortion? GTFOOH! How do you all sleep at night knowing this? Never mind, it would be the same answer as too why you all are ok with Billy “BJ” Clinton, your on his same level of disgusting!!

    • Great comment, it amazes me that they look right past I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN, what a disgrace he is, and yet people act like they are the best thing, why because they, are Democrats, and pussy whipped. They can excuse behavior like that but can’t accept that someone made a statement years ago that was not acted upon, but is supposed to be valid today, give me break, Hypocrites. Between the media, and not checking facts and listening to all the bashing and hate, it sickens me to know how entitled and victimized people think they are which is all disgusting. People have choices, seems like many are making ignorant ones. Maybe the President needs to really get a higher education in place so these people can raise their intelligence level, I’m talking the supposed adults here. Lets see how the POTUS does and then we can give a mature, intelligent and calmer response if its not in our best interest. But in the mean time act like an adult instead of child throwing a temper tantrum because you can’t have your way. It’s apparent actions speak louder than words and the man is doing what he said he would.

    • All the false hoods in your statement make me sad. I don’t agree with what BJ did but, he isn’t our currently sitting president. What Trump bragged about doing, actually happened to me. So, pardon me if I don’t think he was just having “locker room” talk as they have courted you graciously into repeating. I’m ok with accepting what you called me, a “Bitter Bitch” because you know nothing of being violated and watching the man who did it to you go free because it wasn’t rape, just assault. You know nothing of having that affect every aspect of your life. This “Bitter Bitch” prays it never happens to you or anyone you know. Try supporting people instead of throwing stones.

      • I know all too well what it’s like! Over 5 years of abuse when I was a child (age 9, 10, 11, 12, & 13) and he was never brought to justice. But I don’t hold ALL men responsible for what one man did!!! Where was all of your fighting and concern when Bill Clinton was President? Yes, I am going back to Clinton again, because what he DID was entirely much worse than what Trump ever said but there was none of this protesting and complaining back then!!! You need to get a life and stop trying to bring other women down to your pathetic level. You want something, go get it! You want equal pay, earn it! Stop thinking the world owes you because your female! Your only limited to what limits you put on yourself.

    • Sorry, Teddy, but you are using an unsupportable argument. You can’t point back to Clinton and try to defend Trump. Unfortunately for you, they rise or fall together. Bill was accused of one rape and two instances of sexual assault. One of the instances of sexual assault was shown conclusively by Ken Starr to be fabricated. Both of these allegations were made years after the alleged incident happened and only after he began running for the highest office in the US. We don’t know whether these allegations are true or not. And I would not presume to dismiss them. But the problem for you is that Trump is in a way worse situation. Trump didn’t just do “locker room talk”. That is just a misogynist’s excuse to dismiss his bragging about sexual assault. However, it isn’t just talk with him. Over a dozen women came forward and accused him of doing exactly what he bragged about. He was said to have sexually assaulted each of them. Further two women have come forward and actually started to sue him for raping two 13 year old girls. They dropped the suit only after Trump supporters started issuing death threats against them. Finally, Trump admitted on Howard Stern that he used his position as owner of Ms Teen Universe to go into the dressing area and force naked teens to talk with him as he ogled their bodies. Several of these victims confirm that it is true. So, now you are in a bad place. If you want to claim that Bill is guilty of one rape and one instance of sexual assault, then you have to then admit that Trump is serial sexual predator with at least 12 women as victims, a double child rapist, and a sexual predator that victimized untold number of teen beauty contestants. If you insist that Trump is innocent of these charges, then Bill is also to be acquitted. Why? Because there is no difference between the situations surrounding these allegations except for only one of them (Trump) actually bragged on tape about it. Tsk tsk.

    • Billy ‘BJ’ Clinton had consensual sexual relations. DJT, on the other hand, bragged about assaulting women, walked in on them naked and watched them without their permission, cheated on multiple wives, and has said on more than one occasion that women are less than men. There is a big difference.

    • Ugh, so would you be okay with Trump joking about grabbing your daughter by the pussy? I doubt it. Funny you bring up Bill Clinton’s infidelities because he and Trump have that in common. And Trump is on gold digger number three by now. How Christian! I also love your comment about hating overqualified politicians and loving the inexperienced. Out of curiosity, would you apply that same logic to a doctor? GIVE ME THE MOST UNQUALIFIED ONE! I HATE ELITIST DOCTORS! Honestly, I can’t imagine what your own IQ is. Actually, I probably can given the amount of your spelling errors and random capitalization.

    • “Under her leadership, it would be just fine and dandy to KILL a newborn baby born OUTSIDE of the womb up to two hours old!!!” – what is this? Is this something you read somewhere or is this just something you’re worried about? Is this a real thing?

  32. Loved this!! Thank you for you wise words. I’m curious –
    To those who feel the need to express disdain towards this beautiful expression of opinion and viewpoint,
    (Wait- wasn’t your march supposed to support all women…?)
    *Why do all who “marched” assume that those of us who disagree with the march are priveledged or happily living in our la la land of luxury?? Sooo very false!!!
    *Why didn’t you march when your president Obama was in office?
    If you are so unhappy with women’s rights in America, why did you wait until now to march?
    If Obama was your man, why didn’t you ask him to hear you?? Why didn’t you ask him to take away taxes on feminine products?
    (Though- those taxes come full circle when used to help fund WIC, free healthcare, etc)
    Again- why did you wait?
    *Also- all the bashing of our current president is mind boggling! Do you remember the lies of your love Clinton?? “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” And Hillary, who defended those you find so immoral & disgraceful.
    I’m shocked by the ugliness expressed by those who don’t like the beautiful words shared.
    All women have rights & all women have a right to be heard!! Not just those with filthy mouths!!

  33. This is wrong. You are swimming in privilege if you believe this article. Just because it isn’t a problem for YOU doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

  34. I love the way you explained the view of almost every woman I know. The problem is the loud mouths are mostly the only ones heard. If you don’t want to make a spectical of yourself you are not heard. Again I agree with the way you explained the way most of the rest of us feel. Thank you for saying it in such a simple way.

  35. First of all you don’t know what you’re talking about because Trump isn’t trying to line his pockets at all! In fact its just the opposite. He’s NOT taking a salary, his son in law isn’t taking one either. Also any monies/profit that is made in his companies from any foreign companies is going straight to the TREASURY to be given back to the people! So get your facts straight before you start trying to ruin a man’s character, a man who is doing more for this Country than ANYONE ELSE EVER HAS!!!

  36. This is absolutely the most beautiful thing I have read in a very long time. All I must say to you, Mary, is “thank you”

  37. Beautifully said! I don’t have any little girls, but I have girl cousins and this is exactly what I want them to see!

  38. Reblogged this on Waiting For Hello and commented:
    My Dearest Girls,

    Mommy didn’t write this, but it sums up my feelings wonderfully. Mommy had many friends marching and though I support their rights to march I do not agree with their cause. These are my reasons.

    As you ladies become adults I hope that you will both take the time to do your research and become informed before forming your own opinions. Know that whatever they are they will not be agreed on by everyone and that is ok.

    I love you both and hope you both become strong, independent, women.



  39. White privilege at its finest. People like her are oblivious to the world and would rather lie to their daughter instead of tell her the truth about how the world really is. Shame.

  40. I work in a department that is mostly men. I have worked in this department longer than all but one of them. They all make more than I do. Don’t speak on things you know nothing about just because it doesn’t happen to you. Try to lift up women instead of being one of the millions that don’t. We aren’t asking for anything but fairness. What purpose did your little “baby bird” letter serve? Unite in Sisterhood of those that sat quietly and want others to make me feel better about it? We are continuing to fight so our rights don’t get taken away. What are you fighting for?

    • Funny, I worked in a dpt of mostly men in a male dominated field….one where many PEOPLE have a mindset that women shouldn’t work in that field…still got the job no problem. Still was treated with respect…possibly even favoritized. My efforts were recognized. The fact that i am a female was applauded, and i happen to know for fact that i made the same amnt or more than my male counterparts.

  41. THANK YOU!!!!!! Brilliantly articulated for those of us who have been dumbfounded by the vulgarity of the Wonen’s March.

    You will no doubt be attacked and bullied for this piece of simple truth. I’m sure your intelligence, loyalty, and worth will be called into question. Your opinion will be chalked up to priveledfe instead of personal interpretation and experience. Ignore the hate and stay true to your values, although we are quiet there are more of us who support you than those who won’t (over 30 million in fact).

    I will be sharing this with my young daughter.

    Again. Thank you.

  42. Hi, it’s great that you haven’t experienced wage discrimination, but I have! I even went so far as to look up reaching out to a lawyer, but I found that the cases are rarely won because companies can just claim ignorance. When I did finally have my wages adjusted I was told that multiple women in my company also has theirs adjusted because of my complaint. This was in 2015 people. I don’t think it’s malicious, there has been research done on people’s subconscious bias. It’s the subconscious bias that we have to change.

    I work in the engineering field. While your article is correct that women are being educated at the same rate as men (or more), when I was getting my degree, less than 10% of the class were women. On top of that, a majority of women drop out of the engineering field 3 to 5 years after graduating. And I know why, it’s hard:. there are no female mentors, there is little to no maternity leave, men around you prefer the opinions of other men to yours. You’re constantly trying to prove yourself and going home and thinking, why do I even bother.

    It’s great that you haven’t experienced these things, but for you to claim that everyone who marches is lying about the need for equality just feels like a betrayal. I’m actively fighting and before now I felt like I was completely alone.

    • Going into engineering is a choice you made. You could’ve chosen to go into another field that did have female mentors, better paid maternity leave, and better working conditions.

      Congrats to you for fighting for the better wages and causing other women at your place of employment to also receive better wages.

    • It’s great that you are fighting for equal pay. But Trump did not cause that problem. And he never said he didn’t believe in equal pay for women!

  43. Thank you. You took the words right out of my mouth. I strive every day to be this woman. God Bless you.

    Karenjune Kay

  44. WOW!!!! Mary, thank you…I couldnt have verbalized all this. It is all in my mind but couldnt find the rifht word. You did and I thank you !!!

  45. This is great and I am definitely sending this to my daughters! People need to remember these issues were around before Trump was even born so placing the blame on him for women being raped,high crime and unequal pay is unfair. Do you really think if Hillary won the crimes would stop and there would be Peace, Love and Happiness worldwide? Sadly there will always be punks harming people no matter what party is in the White House. For the lady blasting Trump for not taking care of children outside the womb: first of all maybe that person should have used protection or she could have always put the baby up for adoption and a loving family would have even paid for her expenses and the baby would have a chance to live. Second, about SNAP, Medicaid and the other government assistance programs, not to do away with them but screen people more so people aren’t taking advantage since those programs are to help people not let some people who don’t want to work be slackers. I work in the medical field and see pts on medicaid driving new cars, Coach purses and just had pedicures but my hard earned money is helping them not work while I bust my butt and drive an older vehicle. Also mandatory drug testing to keep their benefits. I gladly didn’t march and those ridiculous women do not represent me. I would have loved to be in the March for Life if I lived closer.

  46. You are amazing Mary! It is refreshing to see that some who don’t agree with you are reading your blog! Just maybe some of your wisdom will permeate their indoctrinated minds! If they feel the need to comment it means the truth is seeping in!

  47. Wow, this is a privileged piece of bullshit. The people who NEED paid maternity leave and cannot afford to take any time off are the very people who can’t “go get a job at Netflix.” Good for you, you worked hard, we all do. Not everyone who works hard is rewarded in the same way. “Pick a career path that leads to leadership” – yeah, again, you are saying this from a position of privilege. Some people cannot ever go to college. Some people are lucky if they are able to finish high school. Some people have to take jobs you yourself wouldn’t deign to take. And I know, you’re thinking “I would do whatever it takes for my family.” And I’m sure you would. But the only jobs open to you wouldn’t be fast food or low paying manual labor. People who sit back because, from their point of view, things are fine, are the people who let atrocities happen. I’m glad you think that if you work hard every door will open to you, but for many people, especially women of color, this is not the case. I’m glad you are in a position where you know your daughter will be afforded the same opportunities as you. Many women don’t, and they are fighting to change that. I’m sure you’re offended that I am saying you’re privileged, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t. You simply can’t see it because you haven’t truly had to fight for it. You probably think you have- but you haven’t.

  48. LOVED THIS! I have 3 daughters, and a son. And this is exactly how I feel! Thank you for writing this, even though you are going to get a lot of hateful comments for it, which I wish was not the case! Know, at least that I enjoyed it!

  49. This is exactly how I feel about it, thank you for putting it in to such eloquent words! Funny how, if you don’t agree, you’re suddenly ‘privileged ‘. Been accused of that a few times already. So I lost my rights because I’m a woman, yet I have more rights because I’m white. So, do they cancel each other out then?

  50. Wow! You realize, of course that women like you didn’t march to get the vote? That women like you considered those that did vulgar and loud and crass? That women like you thought that it wasn’t ladylike to march or to vote or to demand a voice?

    Please add that to your letter and don’t forget to add that you didn’t march for all the people that weren’t as lucky as her to have been born into privilege.

  51. Very insightful, love that this mother is intelligent enough to see the lies, and wants teach her daughter how to be a strong successful woman, and lady!!! Kudos to you mom!!!

  52. I like your words ! It is what I believe also! At 64 years of age and the travels I have taken around the world ! Women in the us should thank about the women in other countries that could use there help!

  53. Sadly experience has opened my eyes to inequality and glass ceilings and the like which do exist currently in the United States of America, and I like most professional women I know resent this authors ignorant assertion that if we’d picked the right career we wouldn’t be up against it. If I were so privileged to be a stay at home mommy who never had to go out into the world where I needed to work harder and bring more to the table and get compensated less than my male counterparts, I think I would still not align with the author – who clearly never experienced or got educated on real issues along this vein that still exist in the US. But what’s worse, is that none of the women with this shortsighted platform seem to care at all about women’s issues abroad. If we don’t teach women’s issues we won’t solve them and if we’re to be more intelligent and more global we cannot close the doors and windows, we cannot eclipse and dismiss women’s issues. IMO, the author does her baby girl and all girls and activists a disservice in putting together this passive aggressive attack on free speech.

  54. Thank you for your thoughts and words, you have certainly opened yourself up to countless ridicule for having a mind and opinion of your own.
    To those who are slamming the author of this blog, just remember, she has full control over which responses she allows in. I applaud the fact that she has let everyone have their own facts and truth be heard.
    it’s obvious that the media and propaganda publishers have truly done their job. The divide on both sides is immense and very tragic.
    Yes, you have a right to march with silly hats and offense hats, yes, you have a right to march and scream/write epithets that you feel resonate with your ideals, yes you have a right to have your voice and concerns heard, yes you have a right to defend what you feel is important to you and your view of what is unjust.
    Just as the writer is this blog has her right to disagree, about anything.
    We live in a country that allows us the freedom to assemble and protest.
    Do not mistake that for the right to tell someone they are not untitled to their own opinion on a blog that they pay for with their own funds.
    Debate ladies and gents, don’t misalign.

  55. I absolutely love this. It is spot on. Well written, articulate, and truthful. Thank you for writing such a beautiful piece!

  56. It’s shameful so many can’t see how good this letter is. And that people can be so cold hearted and hypocritical to talk about rights but not include unborn children. Murder is never right. Unborn rights are human rights too!

  57. I am so sick of hearing people whine about Trumps comment about grabbing someone because they let him a statement he made years ago. Why arent you same people out their protesting Miley Cyrus, Florence Henderson, Halle Berry, Madonna just to name a few of the women who their are pictures of grabbing men by the privates.What about Hillary Clintons interview with Lena Dunham talking about Lenny kravitz penis. Wheres the outrage on that. Lets teach our daughters that we are not pieces of meat and shouldn’t be treated that way by walking around naked and lets justify this by saying its ok because we are protesting. The issue is woman are marching because they want to be treated the same as men which in theory is fine, but that not whats occurring. You want a man to be punished because of statements he made but are perfectly ok with woman saying similar things. If you want to be seen as a intelligent individual dont dress up in a vagina costume because to be honest you just look stupid. Getting respect from others starts with respecting yourself stop walking around with your butt, boobs ever other part of your body. Its fine to protest for something you believe in but think about the way you doing and the message you are really sending across.

  58. This is everything I thought during the “march” (and still think). All I could do was shake my head and wonder what decade these women are living in, because it isn’t this decade! They act like men are never abused, or aren’t taxed on items that they use exclusively (like condoms), or that some men make less than their women counterparts for the exact same job (typically because the woman has been there longer or has more experience).
    =) Bridget |

  59. Dear mommy,
    You are wrong. The wage gap is not a myth. Studies have been conducted that show when women flock to a that is traditionally male profession the wages for that profession go down. Women statistically ask for raises more often than men and get denied more often than men. Just because a few women managed to sneak past the glass ceiling doesn’t mean there isn’t one. More women go to college because men have the option of getting a higher paying job without going. Women are gatekeeped out of certain professions because they are seen as weaker. As for the women taking time off for the kids, women are still expected to be the care givers and fathers the bred winners. If it’s a single mother what is she suppose to do? You obviously don’t think she has a right to child care so someone has to take care of it.

    I won’t get into the abortion argument that you implied. But just know the the UN declared it a human right recently.

    You are calling it a lie for the tampon tax because 7 states, some of which repealed the tax this year, don’t have the tax. Now mommy, we both know you would be having a fit if Christianity was banned in all but 7 states. Let’s stop pretending that is even close to fair. And while no Rogan and Viagra are not equivalent to tampons because they are OTC and birth control is not taxed, we don’t really have anything to compare it to. Men do not have liquids oozing out of them in mass quantities every month. Men don’t have anything that they NEED to have like we need feminine hygiene products. If you don’t buy soap, razors or whatever you will be OK. Might not look or smell nice but you will be ok. If you don’t have tampons or pads? You will be dripping blood.

    It’s a shame men’s issues do not get more attention however they deserve their own time and not sharing the time of another issue. Men are perfectly capable of doing their own march and organizing. I hope they do not receive the same treatment women do when they march.

    More women are in college because that is the only way they can get a decent paying job. Men can get one without going. Also mommy have you noticed since women started going to college tuition has skyrocketed?

    Oh mommy, you are so silly. Did you know we have had more American women become real Princesses than women have become supreme Court Justice? Did you know that Saudi Arabia has more women in power than we do in Congress? Or that there are more CEOS named John that there are female CEOs? Of course you didn’t. That’s why you are under the illusion that women are equal.

    Mommy I don’t understand why everyone can’t have access to child care. I assume you don’t like abortion and for many women knowing that their baby is taken care of that they don’t have to sacrifice their careers and wellbeing of their future children by having this one would certainly decrease it. Having that net would likely have less children up for adoption too. Is a few extra dollars not worth making sure a child has a home? Why do only women who are lucky enough to get a job with a company that has morals able to have a happy child? I don’t understand why you are so selfish mommy.

    Mommy, the president doesn’t have the power to take rights away but he is encouraging it and making bigots feel more comfortable. He is a dangerous person and ignoring him is a mistake. But that said our rights are not going anywhere because people who are more caring and smarter than you are not going to allow it. You don’t need to March for me because there are plenty of others doing the work for you.

    But the funny thing is mommy. This isn’t just the US marching. This March happened all over the world. But you are trapped so far into your bubble that you didn’t see the world for what it is. Only the lies that you were told.

  60. This is the most detrimental and embarrassingly privileged article I have ever read. It’s like she read only half of each of the articles she cites because she leaves out any information that would weaken her stance. Example: men are victims of domestic abuse every 37.8 seconds in the US. However, she failed to mention that women are victims of domestic abuse every 15 seconds, over twice as often, and are three times more likely to be killed by their male counterpart than vice versa. Both instances of abuse are serious and should not be taken lightly or dismissed, but any argument that leaves out information to make your stance seem more legitimate is shameful and immediately discredits it. I pretty much found examples of this throughout her whole article, but I don’t have the energy or space to point out every single one. Yes, women have made major strides in achieving equality over the past years, but there’s still much more to be done. I can’t even imagine what kind of person you’d have to be to willingly downplay the struggles women are still fighting against, to confidently assume that because you don’t personally suffer means that no one else does, or to still be blind to the subliminal and obvious denigration that women are subject to.

  61. I look forward to the day when your daughter grows up, has a mind of her own, stands up to you, throws your words in your face and says “Why Mom? Why didn’t you stand up for me? Why didn’t you stand up and resist the man who destroyed America?”

  62. How sweet it must be to look down from an ivory tower and ignore the concerns of ALL women based on your individualized experience. You’d do better preparing your daughter for the real world that’s unpredictable unless she follows the straight trajectory of White, upper-middle class, heterosexual, Christian that keeps all but her ankles covered. Even in that path, a male more privileged than her because he carries a penis may feel the need to show his dominance.

  63. Wow. Never seen a post quite as full of lies as this. For your poor daughter’s sake, I hope you wake up and read a book.

  64. This is the way it is. And you nailed it! As I grew up, my mother and father told me that I could do whatever I want when i grow up. That’s where it all started. I wanted to be a teacher, & then narrowed it down to wanting to be an art teacher. And Mom & Dad encouraged me all along the way. They never told me I couldn’t do something because of my gender. We all went church every Sunday. And after church, we would go as a family to grandma’s to visit as a family. I ended up getting a degree in construction & making a good living. Nobody has told me that I couldn’t do something because of my gender, except to go to the other gender’s bathroom. But I am so ok with that. The opportunities have been there, are still there, and will continue to be there. But they don’t usually fall right into one’s lap. Every person must make choices & take action. What do you want to do? What kind of training do I need? There is funding out there for your education. You have to do a lot of leg work. Many employers offer tuition reimbursement, but few take advantage of it.

    Don’t blame your circumstances. Don’t blame the government. Don’t blame it on your gender. Don’t blame it on anybody or anything but the choices that you make.

  65. Oh, honey. What you dont realize is that the better paying jobs are male-dominated because they were designed that way. You will never convince me that money and capitalism are more important and worth better pay than education, mental health, family strength, caretaking, and other female-dominated workforces. It was males that decided that those positions arent worth as much. People choose careers based on their skill sets. Women generally have a different skill set than men and the net worth of those skill sets do not match their necessity, wouldnt you say? Economics for maternity leave?? Are you serious? From a pure business/economic standpoint, we are creating your consumers and your workforce, so a little respect and time for that is not an unrealistic expectation. As for wearing clothes, women have figured out how to turn the tables by dressing provocatively and getting men at their weakness. When did we become responsible for their reactions? Control yourselves.

  66. I love the way you put this and the misconceptions you address. The American people have been lied to for so many years that many can’t find the truth any more. So sad. I didn’t and wouldn’t march either. We need more Proverbs 31 women in this world!! Hold your head up high and remember that those that persecute you do so for His sake.

  67. I hear you. I did not match either, and I do not agree with some of the tactics of said March; however, gender inequality is still very real… As is racism. Slavery has been gone a long time, but racial inequality still exists. Similarly, gender inequality still exists. Why? Because of gender stereotypes, and they work both ways. Yes 60% of earned degrees go to women and women now make up 47% of the workforce, but only 36% of first to mid level management positions are filled by women. And yes, some women may choose less hours or lower positions to make time for family but not all of them do… I hate to think that all those degrees are being thrown away. Across the board women generally make about 17% less in the SAME position. Statistics show that women actually ask for less pay for the SAME positions. I believe this is because society groom’s women to be less aggressive and to expect less. It works both ways. While women are often paid less for the SAME job, men are given less flexibility with scheduling. Men are awarded for assertiveness, women viewed as bossy. And because of this, they often do not fully assert themselves or their ideas in the work environment. Women who respond with empathy arenurturing, men are sissies. This often leads to problems with how customers and employees are dealt with. There is a social construct that assumes men will bare the majority of financial responsibility even though in most families it is now shared. There is a social construct that women will care for the children even though that can and should be shared as well. Just look American advertisements and you will see this illustrated. Here’s another one, a 1% increase in gender equality, meaning all people are heard and welcomed to voice their opinion and respected in the process, generates a 3% increase in profit for the company… These studies wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t real. All individuals need to feel free to break the constraints of gender-based expectations and develop the strengths they as individual do have.

  68. Thank you for writing this commentary. I could now have worded this better. I have had many discussions with my daughter and sons over the last year trying to explain what has happened to our country over the last three years. I love all of my children my sons and daughter enough to have a discussion with them about opinion vs. fact and what my experience has been as a professional female I was very ashamed of what was displayed at the women’s march and by whom they chose to speak. Note I voted for Obama twice and President Trump I’m not alone. There are many of us.

  69. I marched for you, too. I marched because I served 24 years in the Air Force and was constantly compared to Melania Trump’s naked photos. Because I did my job well wasn’t enough. I didn’t look like her while doing it. I marched because when I retired and was hired by a good company, a man I had worked with in the service was hired at more pay than I. This despite the fact that I had outranked him, had a college degree when he didn’t, and had staff level experience which he didn’t have. Later he went on to have an affair with a customer which was highly embarrassing to the company. This man was told never to return to the customer’s work place so he was allowed to resign. I too am happy you never experienced this. I’m happy you think it doesn’t happen in our wonderful country. That means you were protected and sheltered. When I was 24 and joined the military I never imagined women would still be paid less, still be compared to strippers, still be grabbed by celebrities by the time I retired. I pray your sweet, sheltered baby never experiences them because, sister, they are no fun. Even if you believe that women in the US do not suffer these things you seem to understand that women elsewhere do. Why you did not feel the call to support them is beyond comprehension. So I marched for you and your beautiful baby girl. I marched because I want her to be able to do her job to the best of her ability and not be judged by her looks. I want her not to be shamed by some paternalistic old white man who can afford to send his wife to spas in Europe to have her “problem” taken care of. I want her to have what you don’t have and I want her to know who earned it for her. You’re welcome.

  70. What you wrote is the problem with this country in a nutshell. You have been programed like a good sheep to tow this misogynistic drivel and tragically want to pay this poison forward to your daughter. I hope are prepared for the millions of sons and daughters who are being taught to be human and think for themselves. You are a disgrace and it is my most fervant hope that you learn to step outside your privileged white christian bubble and visit the “American Carnage” that Trump and the American Taliban that is the Republican party are forcing on all us real everyday Americans. You might actually learn something about yourself and who you should want to be.

  71. Amen to this discourse on women! The most sensible viewpoint I’ve read in a looong time! And so true! We are what we make of ourselves. It is so disgusting to see these people (men and women both) still crying and complaining about this election. It is so immature! And self-centered!

  72. Have you actually bothered to talk to someone who marched? It horrifies me what kind of far right wing propaganda you’re spewing and that other mothers with little girls might be inclined to feed this brand of toxic crap to their own children. I marched for my daughter because I, like the majority of the country, see the blatant misogyny falling out of Trump’s mouth as an enormous threat to women’s rights. His actual promises to shelve programs and laws that have made a positive difference in the lives of many, particularly women, are what we reacted to. That you don’t understand that means you’ve readily lapped up hastily strung-together propaganda thrown out with the hope that some people will be just pessimistic and naive enough to believe it. If you don’t see a problem here, you are in the ever-shrinking minority. Let that sink in for a moment.

  73. Just wait until your daughter chooses a field that is ripe for the type of experiences you think don’t exist. This is absurd. You’ve let your innocent girl down,m. Good thing she’s too small to know the difference for the time being.

  74. All of you seem to not be in the real world or not actually know anything outside of your own little box. I am a licensed nurse. I work with many men who have the exact same degree and experience, although some of them have significantly less experience, and NO, WE DO NOT GET THE SAME PAY! Even before I became a nurse, it was the same. Men doing the exact same job as I do with the exact same qualifications and some of them with even less experience are all making at least $1 an hour and sometimes much more than I do. Mr. Trump also stated clearly during the presidential race that he did not find equal pay for women as an important issue. In fact he stated that it would be unfair to businesses to impose such a law. I guess these people here weren’t following the race as closely as my husband and I did. You people seemed to have missed so many things. So bent on voting against someone that they didn’t pay attention to the alternate choice as closely as they should have. Secondly, this writers statistics on sexual assault victims, male vs female, are incredibly inaccurate. This article is pure garbage.

  75. This is the most privileged, ignorant post I’ve read in a long time. I hope you open your eyes to reality before it’s too late.

  76. Wow, this article is quite a read. It is obviously written by someone that has led a very privelaged life. I don’t think you have any idea what experiences some other women go through in this country. I am saying this as a white Christian woman that also has no idea of the things others have experienced but I would never trivialize their struggle because I haven’t experienced it. Why can’t you just support women maybe by praying for them or encouraging. I didn’t march, but I certainly support those that did. What if no one marched for women’s right to vote all those years ago or what if Dr. King never marched? Would you be ok with only white men voting and drinking from separate water fountains?

  77. Mary Ramirez,
    Thank you for your words. I have kept silent on the issue of the women’s march and our country’s new president because 1) I don’t feel safe at voicing my opinion. I know I have every right to do so, but because of the violence I witnessed as a child, I struggle with confrontation and self-esteem issues. And 2), I don’t feel that my rights have been violated strictly because I’m a woman.

    I am a single mother to two children. The biological father of my oldest gave up a few years ago on having any healthy relationship with her, which was honestly best for both of us. The biological father of my youngest is also my ex-husband. He was a mentally and emotionally abusive husband, and we did not part on good or healthy terms seven years ago. However, now, we co-parent very well, and he is dad to both of my girls. He is family. I used to be on disability because of anxiety, depression, and PTSD, symptoms of the violence I witnessed as a child, and the violence I experienced as an adult. I no longer receive the disability funding because I chose to give it up. I have improved and am able to work at a job I love, while staying at home to raise and school my teenager, and my special needs daughter.

    I am a Christian. I believe in God, and have personally witnessed miracles where He has been my Safety and Provider. I trust Him limitlessly. I have a BA in Human Development, that I earned when my children were small. I have a lot of school debt I am paying off because I took out loans to live on during my school years. I knew I would have to repay the loans, but I made the choice to borrow money so I could get an education and stay home to raise my kids. I live in low-income housing because I don’t make enough (yet) to afford higher rent. I don’t get food stamps, not because I don’t qualify, but because I was treated so badly and felt so degraded when I attempted to follow the requirements needed to receive basic food. The amount I received wasn’t enough to put up with the negativity I experienced. So I chose to give it up. From my experience, and what I believe, our welfare system is designed to keep women dependent and weak.

    From the time my children were very small, I made a point of telling them the truth about how women are treated in this world. Women are objectified, yes, but I can’t put that blame solely on men. I have taught my daughters that they do have a choice. They can choose how to represent themselves, who to follow, and who to lead. They can choose to rely on God, or on their own power. They can choose to be healthy and strong, or to be sick and weak. They can choose to be a thriver, or a survivor. But these choices always come with consequences, either positive or negative, and it’s up to them to either learn from those consequences, and grow, or stay stuck, and wither.

    I did not march on January 21, 2017. First, because I am a single mother, and I don’t generally have childcare. I couldn’t bring my children with my because that situation would have caused anxiety issues with my youngest. Second, because I’m not sure I understood what message I would be representing. I take my choices very seriously, and I don’t give my representation to anyone. I have heard negatives and positives regarding the marches around the country. To some, it was peaceful and encouraging, and I am grateful for that. To others, it was negative and full of hatred, and I am very sorry for that.

    It’s all a matter of perspective. I have my opinion, but I value my opinion, and I won’t give it out unless I know it could impact a situation for the positive. I know enough about myself that I don’t need to open up to invite in hate and criticism. I make a point not to spread hate or cruelty, and I don’t need to hear it myself, either.

    That said, I have been reading and listening to others who do share. My opinion hasn’t changed all that much, but I have been able to gain some more perspective and other viewpoints, which help me to understand the situation, and find better solutions.

    In all my years on this earth, I have learned many things. I have learned that men do not have power over me. When it seemed like they did, it was because I believed I was less than them, thus I didn’t fight or take a stand. I have learned that there are men who make good and bad choices, just like there are women who make good and bad choices. I have learned that I am no better than a man, and no better than another woman. I have learned that I am a strong person, and how to fight for a better life for myself and my daughters. I have learned that I am awesome, and worthy of the right kind of love and respect, but that I also have to give that respect to people.

    Believe me, my battle hasn’t been easy, but it has given me a perspective that is valuable. I have experienced some of these situations that other women throw out there: poverty, violence, rape, etc. There was a time that these situations were breaking me, and almost killed me, but then I made the choice to become stronger. And I give all the credit to God. I can state all these things, because I am doing my best to be respectful, and because I am an expert on my own experiences. I wouldn’t dream of telling another woman how wrong they are in their personal experiences, but I will dream of putting my own experiences and opinions out there respectfully and peacefully. I wouldn’t dream of shutting down a woman who is sharing their perspective, but I will stop listening if it is disrespectful and full of hatred.

    Thank you for sharing your opinion, and responding with a light heartedness to those who mock you, threaten you, and put you down, and to those who insist on running over your right to state your opinion on your own blog. Thank you for loving your daughter enough to stand up with a quiet and clear voice in the midst of thousands of voices of hate. Thank you for letting me share my perspective, my voice, with you, in safety. Many blessings.

  78. The internalized misogyny is strong with this one…your ‘facts’ don’t check out, either, I guess they are those alternative facts that moronic trump supporters love so much. When men ask for a raise, they tend to get it, but when women ask for a raise, they get fired. Men are staggeringly more likely to be hired and promoted. And for the last f**king time AMERICA IS NOT THE GREATEST NATION. Not in education, not in human rights…but we do incarcerate more of our own population than any other country. So, yay.

  79. Thanks for sharing the truth. Great to see the true talents of Americans, all genders and ethnicity, rise above the bitterness a few carry with them. It’s unfortunate some don’t chose to understand the facts themselves and to recognize the incredible freedom and opportunites in America if they would stop whining and work for their dreams.

  80. You are living in a hazy bubble. I raised my child in a world with many of the challenges you describe and I have travelled the world and learned firsthand what is right about our country. The country is much too precious to be undone by a self centered, fear based man who has practiced those sinful behaviors you are warned about in the Bible. Shame on you. Some day you will realize this and regret degrading your fellow sex and the men who stand with them.

  81. This article is perpetuating several inaccurate items – most noticeably (in my eyes), the gender pay gap. Women are paid LESS than men when they are in the exact same roles. Not everywhere, not all the time, but numerous studies have found this to be true on average. Two articles below. Please educate yourself about this.

  82. I respect your choice not to march, but I am sorely disappointed in your reasoning. An administration that has already made moves toward stripping Americans of healthcare and reproductive resources, social security, and programs that help vulnerable populations survive is most certainly capable of abolishing rights that previous generations of women fought/protested/marched very hard for. I know you won’t agree, but the fact that you do not believe that gender inequality exists because it doesn’t effect you is the very definition of privilege. Additionally, this was not just a march for American women, it took place worldwide where there are women who are abundantly more oppressed than American women are. We marched for them as well. Whether YOU voted for Trump is irrelevant at this point. He has put his thoughts on women, minorities, disabled, immigrants out there for the world to see and he has shown a blatant disrespect for those populations. Our thoughts and concerns were made public as well, and they bear merit whether you personally see them or not. I am a middle-class white woman, but I have the ability to shift my perspective to those less privileged than I. They deserve the same rights that I am privileged to experience. Should your daughter grow up in a world where women are continuously disrespected or oppressed, I will march for her too.

  83. I agree with all, Jess. And you are all grown, a Mom, and a votING citizen. So proud of you! I agree eith every POWERFUL WORD. Which is exactly why I found certain language abusive and unacceptable from a potential now Leader of the Free World. Because we HAVE come too far any many women have men have sacrificed for our freedoms. In my humble opinion, very likely mob mentality plays in. I did not not March either. But I also take a real man at his word. I take our new President at HIS words. Think words have no meaning? We could talk on that. I love ya girl. I love my daughters. What we have ‘promoted’ here seems, to me, counterintuitive to honoring women as equals. That may be a symptom of a deeper problem in this case. I felt we could benefit from a wise, wordy, squared away conservative leader. I don’t believe that is what we are seeing. So good for your reasons not to march. I agree with them all. But don’t underestimate the power of words and the motives behind them, nor the potential to create or destroy they possess. Just your old school bus driver”s two cents. Love you so much.

  84. I would like to know where author gets these facts? Did you get your facts about the woman instigating the violence from the abusers? Many times what is viewed as instigating by the abuser would not be viewed the same by non abusers. Many times abusers abuse their victims for reasons that make no sense, such as not having dinner on the table on time, getting home from the grocery store 10 mins later than the abuser thought the victim should have been gone, and other very non reasonable reasons. Saying that 71% of the time the violence is instigated by the woman is blaming a woman for someone abusing her and that is NOT OK. Instigation or not there is no excuse for violence and abuse. Your article makes it sound like there is no reason to stand against abuse because apparently women instigate it in most cases, and that is certainly not something anyone should teach their children. When women marched for their rights, part of the reason was taking a stand against violence by men, and while nobody that day marched in recognition of men being abused by their partners, we never denied that men can be victims or denied that men should also be protected from that violence, it just wasn’t on the agenda of that days march.

  85. This is so true and I feel that most of those that marched had their own personal experience that made them have a need to speak out.
    They may not have had the opportunity or strength to do this at the time when they felt an injustice.

  86. You know, we all are abassadors for our race, our sex, our families, our communities, and our countrys. If people would take the time to consider that fact, this planet would be a much better place.

  87. Pingback: Dear Future Daughter (or Son): Here is Why I Marched for You | misplacedmusingsblog

  88. Darling girl, I’m sorry that I didn’t think you were worthwhile. I’m sorry that I chose to use Kellyanne Conway, I woman who lies and manipulates the truth and facts to suit her own alternative reality, as an ideal of what a woman can be.
    I’m sorry that the lives of Muslims, black people, gay people, and anybody else who isn’t directly related to us, don’t matter to me.
    We didn’t March, because, we didn’t care. Love, mommy

  89. I don’t know who this person is, but she needs to get her facts straight before she starts lying to her daughter. yes, on paper, women have the same rights as men, but really? I work in a department where we adjudicate Equal pay violations. This is not “women choosing lower paying jobs” this is women working their asses off and still getting paid less, and getting passed up for advancement opportunities. Don’t fool yourself. A man can go get a vasectomy, effectively choosing whether or not he reproduces. Women cannot get sterilized without being shunned, and limited with her options. Men can get healthcare without shame, but a woman who chooses to get her care from a Planned Parenthood because they have a history of being accepting, and focusing on the woman’e health rather than the bullshit rhetoric spouted by the GOP and conservative groups, gets shamed and is loosing her option. Women are losing control over their bodies. When a woman chooses to sleep with someone, and ends up pregnant, her options are disappearing. A man can just fade into the shadows, while the woman is left with a child she may not be able to take care of. How is this fair? Women’s bodies are absolutely being affected by the laws and executive orders being passed. Does defunding planned parenthood really seem like a good idea when what you are really taking away is affordable medical care? Why don’t you do some research. the Hyde Amendment prohibits the use of federal funds for abortions with the exception of cases of rape, incest, and the endangerment of the woman’s health. Sexism is not a fucking lie. It is real. It is a real problem for both men and women. Marching, yelling, protesting, and fighting is not wasted effort. I hope that your daughter grows up with open eyes, and learns what is really at stake, because you clearly have no idea.

  90. What a fucking idiot. Do you research, dummy. And please god I pray your daughter is educated by someone smarter than you. Open your eyes.

  91. I personally like hearing what other folks have to say, it doesn’t mean I have to agree with or be negative. You read it and agree, agree to disagree or both. Even leave your perspective, but being negative doesn’t help anything.

  92. Please educate yourself on the gender pay gap before posting this. I am a veterinarian, so therefore hold a degree of a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine. No, I didn’t take a lower paying job when compared to the median male income. However, I make significantly less than men in my career, yes doing the EXACT SAME JOB. Look up the research on the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Website). On average, when compared to women (in the EXACT SAME JOB,) men make 174% percent more. Just in case you were wondering, I work the same amount of hours as men, (about 55-65 hours a week, and no, I personally didn’t take any time off work for family, etc.

    Your article, is poorly thought out, not researched, and frankly offensive.

  93. This is beautiful and I agree with much of what you stated, and respect your choice and decision to say this and to believe in your thoughts. However, the women (myself included) were out there marching and creating contacts and building groups/committees and becoming informed of what is happening in this world because these statements you have made have not all been completely resolved. I can tell you from experience and from the experiences of others that the “choices” in a career are strongly steered for women because of another choice we make to become mothers. Yes, choosing a career and creating a magnificent plan to become successful will help in making that choice to be a mother later in life easier. Unfortunately, even if you have chosen a partner who has also created a great career to the point that they are able to attribute to the family income so that a woman can stay home and be with their child for however long they are able to be. There is still a stigma that women have to be home with their child, as if the man isn’t able to or shouldn’t be the one to do either. I don’t believe this I think both parents should be able to have time off to spend with their child for at least the first couple weeks and after that time has passed that it shouldn’t completely be up to the woman to only stay home. In our society this isn’t something that is typically accepted. Women are expected to stay home and to be with the child (I am not saying I wouldn’t love that bonding time) but because of this we out our lives and careers on hold and do as you said, ” fall behind while men are still working and getting those raises” so why couldn’t that time be equally shared? But its not. For this women, many women do chose a career where it would be easy for them to leave and come back when they have a child because they also chose to want to be a mother. But didn’t the man also chose to be a father? This is just food for thought. I agree with much that you stated but some of this isn’t as black and white as you stated, which is why we marched. I hope this finds you and your family in good health.

  94. That’s funny. I work in the software industry, which is NOT an industry that “you don’t make as much” as you put it. Two men had the same job title as me, but I did not make as much as them. I didn’t have kids and I worked as many, if not more hours than they did. I CHOSE to work my ass off and still didn’t make as much as the men. Are you gonna find some stupid ass excuse as to why I didn’t?
    This article is just ridiculous, idiotic, mindless, and just plain stupid.

  95. Dear Baby, I didn’t March for you because I live in a pretty pink bubble where I must be right even though millions of women marched around the world. Don’t worry I’ll keep you in the same pretty pink bubble too. Love, you’re oblivious mother.

      • You do realize that being a grammar Nazi only demonstrates your silliness and doesn’t detract at all from the point she made, right? No, of course you don’t.


      • “You’re” literally a disgrace to women, but congrats on getting so much support and social media visibility from women seeking out validation for their hate of the many many people who gave up their time to march and will continue to.
        I also applaud your repetitive use of the word “honey” to condescend to people who once again gave up their time and likely money working shifts in order to keep visibility on the fact that the need to fight for rights and to keep rights that may currently exist isn’t over. So big of you 😊

      • Indeed. This smacks of so much privilege, it’s blind to those who have very real concerns with the current climate of these United States.

  96. Please consult Hollywood, where public view wage discrimination and blatant sexism still exist. Please go somewhere low income and see how hard it is for these women to get access to contraception.

    You march so your daughter never has to. You march so she knows you care that tho the world may change , she doesn’t have to worry about a divide.

    You march so your beautiful daughter can feel safe walking down the streets not because rapists get what they deserve but because men are taught better in schools and that clothing is never a reason a boy can’t concentrate, is distracted, or chooses to touch another girl.

    You march so that if you daughter ends up (god forbid) in an abusive relationship, she will be heard, respected, and so that her and her children will have a way out.

    You march so that your daughter’s daughters don’t have to.

    You march to show solidarity with those who have been oppressed. You march with those who have less. Or none. You march because you want to make sure no one gets grabbed in the kitty.

  97. Alternative facts are running rapid posted by DEPLORABLES, THE ALL-NIGHT, WHITE SUPREMISTS AND HATERS.
    DT is NOT A Christian!
    Married 3 times, brags about cheating on all his wives, grabs women’s vaginas, etc….
    DT is a Russian Operative who should be impeached.
    DT is a size queen & insane.
    Going thru life with blinders on is not living.
    You obviously want a dictator not freedom!
    Every woman has the right to govern their own body.
    Hillary Clinton won by 3 MILLION VOTES!
    60% of true American Patriots believe my comments. You others are sheep easily led to slaughter by a demigod Adolf Trump!
    The vast majority of Americans will bring back freedom you justice FOR ALL.

  98. You said everything I have been thinking, and so much more. There’s one other reason i didn’t march with my 10 year old daughter. I never, ever, ever want the idea that she is inferior to enter her head. All of those young girls who marched with their parents have now been brainwashed to believe that they live in a world where they are less than men.

  99. This is so full of crap. IF You would really stand for everything that is noted above that has been accomplished you’ll know that staying silent isn’t the way to go. You should say I didn’t march for you because I was lazy and I thought everything was perfect but for many others it isn’t or maybe because I think those things will never go away but I don’t really know and I’m being naive….. because I am extremely UNIMFORMED and I think I don’t need to March

  100. It’s true that women choose careers that pay less, but it is equally true that female dominated careers tend to pay less. The reason being that as more women enter a particular career, it’s average pay tends to drop.

  101. You have contradicted yourself in this “letter”. Sit back and do nothing. We’ll see what happens to those rights you are glad your daughter was born into. If the women who marched for our right to vote had decided to stay home we wouldn’t be where we are today. There is more to be done and even more importantly, so much that should not be undone. Get a clue and don’t think everything will workout because God will make it so. One of his gifts was free will. We choose our own path. And for those that stay silent, it will never be the way you want it to be. So please stay silent, we will march for your daughter and you so that you can continue to enjoy the freedom that you have obviously taken for granted.

  102. I’m not sure why so many women feel the need to justify why they didn’t march. You didn’t feel the need to, but many of us did. You don’t know our lives or what we’ve gone through. Why can’t you just support our right to protest? We all haven’t had your charmed lives.

  103. That is beautiful! I hate to see this nation forget how wonderful our male population is! It’s hard to hear my 6 year old son worried about himself. This nonsense has had a great impact on him! Spirit made us so beautiful just as we are! He makes no mistakes! There are jobs that are physically more suitable for the strength he has given to our men. This was very eloquently, and thoughtfuly put. It’s strange to me that more women don’t see it. Thank you.

  104. Thank you Mary… I had to have a hysterectomy at 28 and have no kids. I always wanted them, but times like these I’m so glad I couldn’t. 😳 Then I read letters like the one you’ve written and get emotional that I don’t have someone to pass it down to and explain importance you put so well. Thank you again.

  105. WOW!!!!! This was indeed incredible! N I hope I have a granddaughter to which I’m able to have the honor of sharing this!! THANK YOU!! ❤️

  106. This is incredibly condescending to women who have not been fortunate enough to receive the same privileges you have. It is great that you want to teach your daughter to grow into a strong, intelligent and driven woman, but I don’t think dismissing the experiences of abuse, rape, and general disrespect that millions of women face in the US and across the world daily is very effective. My mother taught me that just because you have had it pretty easy, doesn’t mean other women haven’t been hurt by the systemic patriarchal structures that are still very present in society.

  107. After reading your article I’ve came to a realization: you’ve never had the misfortune of having something as trivial as being paid or less or treated differently in the work place because of your gender. It’s great you’ve never had that misfortune but just because you haven’t, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen to others.

    I have a few examples.

    1) My 50 year old childless boss was looking for a new hire for a mid level job so she was pulling applicants and interviewed a few. After she interviewed, their was one female that had left an impression on my boss and she was ready to hire her. She was professional, well spoken, driven. My boss then proceeds to check her social media (as she does most applicants) and finds that she has 2 small children. The first sentence out of her mouth is “Ugh, she has kids.” to which I reply with “so” and her response is: “I need someone dependable.” (So because this young woman had children, she was deemed undependable.) And my boss ended up hiring a male who left our company after 3mths and was always calling off. I added the girl on facebook just to see how things were going for her and fortunately for her, she was hired at another location and was recently promoted.

    2) Two month’s ago my friend found out that a man – 4 years younger, straight out of college – who has been with the company a little over a year received an 15% raise. He now makes the same as her – who has worked for this specific company for well over 8 years and holds the same degree – and might I add, never missed a single day of work. When her evaluation came around earlier last year, she only received a 5% increase. So not only did she realize that they gave him a much larger raise – but they apparently had hired this young boy and was already paying him as much as her.

    Just because you haven’t felt the effects of something, don’t belittle or brush off the fact that someone else may have.

  108. I was there. It was a beautiful experience, and I witnessed no shameful behavior. And frankly, we marched for so much more than women’s rights. I was there to protest the Administration’s stated policies on climate change and education, as well as the five cabinet nominees that will have the greatest and most negative impact on those critical issues.

    I don’t see anyone criticizing you for not marching, but I do think it is shameful that you choose to tear down the women who did. And I think you are grossly mischaracterizing both the nature of the event and the people in attendance. You are stereotyping and painting us with a very broad brush, and it is deeply deeply unfair.

  109. Wow. I was wondering what the argument was against the global march for women because I honestly couldn’t dream up what that might be. Now that I’ve seen it, I’m surprised. Truly. Surprised at your naïveté. Surprised at your myopic view of how the wold truly works. Surprised at your complete disillusionment and obliviousness to your privilege. Maybe from time to time you might want to read a periodical written from a poloitically neutral point of view – many of which have these things called facts. (Not to be confused with “alternative facts.”) Also, look how quickly our new president has signed several unconstitutional executive orders – orders that echo actions taken in Nazi Germany after Hitler rose to power. Does your knowledge of history escape you? Also: do you really think your safe? What keeps you from being next? Those millions of women who marched last Saturday are at least standing up for you, even if you don’t have the wherewithal to stand up for yourself. I forgive you for the things you said about them. I know they forgive you, too. It’s funny that you lash out at them, even as they march for you, and your daughter. Even if I agreed that what they were marching for isn’t real, isn’t it nice they have your back anyway? Instead, you condemn them and say they’re wrong. Time will tell. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that, but men run this country, and if we back down for one minute and stop making our presence and our voices at consiltitutents heard, we will not be represented. And that’s just something with which I as a tax payer and voter cannot live.
    Oh, and also, Pussy Hats for all! 👍

  110. Thank you Marie.
    You said so much that I have been thinking and saying, but falls on deaf ears of my liberal angry friends.
    Thank you for thousands of us that feel and think the same as you.

  111. Thank you well stated n completely true ignore the haters just remember they was for a rapist and a man that used his position of power to harass women while his wife attacked his victims. Everything they supposedly was marching against . completely crazy

  112. Here is the deal. 1st amendment protects our right to be heard as long as we do so in a peaceful, law abiding fashion. DONE! That’s also what protects your right to write this “letter to your daughter”. Only 20% of Congress is female- so how well do you really feel your voice/beliefs are repesented? Since you are so proud or your precious girl’s dolls and toy kitchen (which hey my son has too, because it’s not wrong to let the child’s interest lead their toy choices instead of gender) I bet you think yours are, but many of us do not. I also hate to break it to you that abortion is not the #1 issue on many of our minds, and yes even those who hold the signs that say “my body, my choice”, may be referring to other issues. Such as how my ob/gyn wouldn’t perform a tubal ligation unless my husband came in and gave his consent prior to he procedure. But it could be that 1 in 3 women who attend college are sexually assualted- but your right, it’s probably what they wore – how can we say that women are 100% in charge of their own bodies when everyday 1000s of women have their bodies violated. Perhaps some that marched were there for all victims no just females, perhaps your attitude that you will teach your daughter not to do all the vile and disgusting things that us “feminists” did/do is a direct example of how women will don’t have the right (at least not in your eyes) to dress how we choose, have the personal, professional and sexual lives we choose because you who are so wise have deemed it to be unsafe, unlady-like, unwanted by you. You are part of the oppression that you claim is non-existent. As my favorite protest sign said ” Acknowledge our existence Or prepare for our resistance” – we just want to be heard and represented, why is that too much to ask for?

  113. I totally agree women have the same rights as men and I hate women that think they are messed treated just because they are a woman those women that think in that way they are the reason they get done as they are done all the women in the woman March need to grow up and start blaming their selves for the way things get done to them

  114. What an ignorant pile of dog waste. I have read a lot of junk on the Internet lately, but this is the dumbest in a very long time.

  115. Madame, I sincerely hope you have no daughters. In fact I hope you don’t reproduce, period. You are an idiot and a liar.

  116. That was beautiful. You mentioned so many things I thought but kept quiet because I was afraid of other woman putting me down for my views. Thank you for expressing my thoughts. God Bless

  117. What a wonderful explanation for the women who see beyond the left wing propaganda that as a woman we are somehow less. As a woman 64 years old I have never felt less than any man. I have always stood up for myself, conducted my self with respect in any job or decision I have made. I have never had a man including my soulmate of 42years ever treat me as a lesser than they were. I have always felt and found it to be true that you will be treated as you treat others especially since I live the most wonderful country in the world for women.

  118. Hands down, BEST BLOG I’ve EVER read!!! My thoughts put into words by you! I swear that I legitimately said half these things to my husband in a rant earlier, as I was proudly doing my families laundry (lol, and seriously asking for a laundry wash board!)…

  119. Don’t worry baby bird, I marched for you!
    Unfortunately, your mommy only watches FOXNews. We weren’t wearing vagina hats. We had a peaceful protest as is our right, outlined in the Constitution. Hopefully I will hire you one day at my business, but first you must do well in school so you can get into a good college. You’ll meet many different people in college, some from faraway places. You will experience different cultures, as you travel across the world, just like I did after college. And you will understand how the world works! So don’t worry baby bird, I marched for you! Because we are all created equal in Jesus’ eyes. Whether we are straight gay or transgender. He loves all of his children.

  120. So are you aware of the recent science research that indicates children begin viewing boys as being smarter than girls by the time they are age 6-7? Equality does not necessarily indicate a level playing field. We have definitely advanced there is still work to be done. Recognizing our unique differences and accepting them would be a wonderful. A homogeneous society would be a stagnant society. Women tearing each other down is not the way for all of us to succeed.

    • Holy fucking Jesus the man raped a 16 year old, is a racist and has tons of crimes easily verified and she is saying we are mad because we do not agree with him politically? And the fact she points the finger at us is disgusting. What an idiot. Another low IQ moron who did no research before she voted or opened her mouth. Does she know men marched, vets, teachers all so her daughter can have those rights? Plus all her facts and data points are so wrong it is laughable. Poor kid. Lady, sit down before you hurt yourself. I hope schools are still around when she gets to Kinder. In the meantime might I suggest Mom return to third grade?

    • Serious question, was this study reproducible in varying settings, did it examine and compare different age groups, and at any point where females thought to be smarter than male counter-parts? As well, were there actual testing criteria to examine levels of intelligence, be it creative or intellectual?

    • I agree that women tearing each other down is certainly not a recipe for success. I hope with this outlook you would not be supportive of a large number of the women at the march insulting and denouncing the conservative women who do not agree with their views on President Trump, abortion, birth control, and a multitude of other issues. The march, for starters, could have been a woman unity call. It missed the mark. Big time.

    • If your fact is true, the most interesting part of it is that it must be women who are viewing them as smarter since the majority of elementary school teachers are women.

    • I’m sure there is a statistic out there somewhere to show how one sex views the other. I am also sure that I can find you a “scientific study” to show that chocolate cures cancer. Finding accredited research is definitely how most decisions are made and opinions are proven, however, there is also a difference between something being “statistically significant” and actually applicable to the world. It’s quite alright for “children” to begin viewing boys as smarter than girls by age 6-7. All the more reason to raise extraordinary women that do not need popular opinion to support them, but grow up knowing that the fire and passion to succeed comes from somewhere much more powerful, somewhere deep down inside… from the very one who created them.

    • As an aside, you realize that more women than men are admitted to college these days and also that physical activities such as gym, recess and after school athletics are being cut and replaced with theater, reading time and/or nothing at all. Those things are essential outlet for young boys…who are increasingly over-medicated to ‘burn off’ excess energy or placed in a slower developmental tract. Also, I was privileged enough to meet the man in California, who forced the legislature there to fund shelters and therapy service to male victims of domestic violence – that’s equality. You should have seen the videos of hysterical female legislators losing their minds in a public forum, screaming ‘get your own funding!’ This was a man who at one time lived on the banks of the Sacramento River. He cried while showing me the trees he used to sleep on because he couldn’t go home to his family for fear his wife would kill him. Your zeal to demonize men is gross and unfounded. Women run everything in every sector of the economy…quit manufacturing this myth. Or you start a business, get it up and running – begin funding your life and then have a female staff member tell you she’s taking a year or so off to have a baby…and you’ll learn a valuable lesson in fairness.

    • Omg thank you! Degrading women’s choice over body and thought to being less than doesn’t build you up. This drips with privileged biast on “pro birth” and regardless is Margaret Sanger was racist. Which she wasn’t it’s like saying her life a work to promote ways for women to get safe health care was a joke. Its as if your saying that Constitution was a joke because bunch if racist white guys wrong it. THIS WOMEN HAS LITTERALLY NO CLUE ON THE MATTER SHE IS SPEAKING. She needs to take her holyer than thou persona back 50 years where she is actually relevant on her view on how women should act….. Oh and fuc fuck fuck fuck, shes a dumb bitch.

    • Unfortunately we can’t control what people think or how they view the world. What we can control is the the opportunity given to them. What they do with that is up to them. That is not inequality.

    • Little girls that are not taught what they are worth will always feel inferior. It is a parent’s job to teach them their worth and to never let someone make them feel less than who they are!!!

  121. this is bullshit. you may have been born into those rights. but our ancestors were not. women fought (and marched) for us to have the rights we have today. these things did not just happen overnight.

  122. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU (!!!) for writing/blogging/publishing this! It is exactly what I have been trying to say! We are free! Free to work hard and be who we want to be. The only people/person keeping us down is ourself.

  123. Thank you for this beautifully written, fact based letter. I have three daughters and a niece; I will share this with them. God bless and keep shining the light on Truth.

  124. Love this! Thank you!

    Ps … sorry that you have all the rude and hateful people on here having to bash this. It’s amazing to me reading some of the responses so I stoped and just appreciate what you wrote!

  125. Pingback: If you Believe This Article, Please Never Have a Daughter. – brittanyscornerblog

  126. Yikes. You mention how women are blessed to be in a country where women have so many freedoms. This is because of the thousands of women that paved the way and broke social “norms.” It wasn’t until recently women Were able to be combat soldiers and be afforded opportunities if leadership in the military, because MEN were uncomfortable with it. If it weren’t for the women that were brace and strong g, your daughter would be in a very different world with suppressed dreams. thankfully for her sake, there have been women who dared to live greatly.

  127. I won’t add to the vitriol, and although I do not share your opposition to vulgarity, I will respect your choice. I do believe you are an eloquent writer albeit one confusing facts with falsehoods, or as I have taught my three children, lies. You do realize, I’m sure, that there are people other than you who are not as fortunate? We who marched did it for them as well as you and your daughter. While you were writing this, I have been teaching my children the concept of repairing the world, taking care of our neighbors, not just ourselves. I hope that someday your daughter takes comfort in knowing women like myself marched for her and others, without preaching about whether they needed it or not. Need isn’t in the Declaration or Constitution. It’s the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Oh, and about the lives you tell her you’re protecting by attempting by opposing Roe v. Wade? Tell her you are doing exactly what you accuse the pro-choice movement of doing: trying to legislate and rule on “what happens to other people’s bodies.” I will pray for you and your daughter.

  128. For all those who have attempted to point out “privilege”: You must not know history or human nature, and perhaps there is a rejection of any idea or philosophy of corruption, sin, brokenness, etc. I beg you to reason and for a moment entertain a world where marginalization and discrimination are *human* experiences, not a “everyone-but-white-or-rich-people” problem. The idea of privilege is not truth, it’s mythological, promoted by intellectuals or politics. If we have any privilege it is because God’s grace has prevented awful circumstances, or at least given us strength in the midst of them. True discrimination (which we obviously disagree about definitions, I’m sure), but true suffering has historically been a human condition. Women, blacks, browns, disabled, people, etc., though their suffering has severe in moments in American history (i.e. Jim Crow, for example) — the suffering any of these groups face today can be found paralleled in poor communities, rich communities, broken communities alike. There is no “white privilege” that is an idea that is ruining race relations. I have privilege as a black woman–but it’s not because of my economic status or what I don’t have compared to my neighbor. Any privilege I have is because of a relationship with God, through Christ, who enables me to see to suffer (though mildly) as any other human suffers, yet somehow taste joy in the midst of any of it. I’m fine with the idea, as long as it doesn’t degrade others, or simply be a way of attempting to squash non-liberal thought.

  129. I am not sure where you and these women got the idea that President Trump is trying to take their rights away. Not once did I hear him say that. I think thou dost protest too much about something that isn’t an issue.

  130. Sexism is a lie? Wage discrimination doesn’t exist? Or it’s a self fulfilled prophecy? Aren’t you perpetuating “the myth” of sexism? You say women choose to take time off work to raise their children, and lose advantages as a result. That in itself is a sexism. Or women “choosing” lower paying jobs or careers. If men fulfilled these positions instead of women, would they make the same as women? Would they demand more? Would they protest? And if they protest, would you be mocking them for doing so? Or would you applaud their effort for advancement? There are so many positions i take issue with here. You are mocking your peers for taking a stand against inequality, while telling your child to shut up and accept it the way it is. This is outrageous and appalling, and frankly, dangerous.

    I don’t expect you to agree. You’re probably already preparing a rebuttle. Instead, I challenge you to use this as good for thought.
    A mom with two boys who will treat your daughters with love and respect

  131. The women’s march was planned long in advance of the election results, in many nations not governed by our president. The ridiculous people in those ridiculous costumes decided it was anti-Trump. SMH, they don’t even understand what they were marching for. They changed the intent to meet their angry selves. By the way, use right and privilege in the correct context. “A right is something that you as an individual own. A privilege, on the other hand, is something that another entity owns who then grants you the ability to do something. A privilege definitely can be taken away if it is owned by someone other than you because they own it and you don’t.” The life the author has chosen to live is her’s, she owns it. Her lifestyle, thought process and feelings are her’s. Her choices have gotten her where she is. Don’t confuse that with a privilege just because the author of a “cool to read if you follow the in crowd” mixed up the words. You have the right to live the life you choose. If you choose to wear stupid hats and parade around angry, you have that right, knock yourselves out.

  132. Instead of complain about your pay why not start your own business? I did. No man tells me what to do, or woman for that matter. I am a single mother of 4 children, don’t have a college degree, or any of those things that people think you have to have to make something of yourself. I own my own business, make real good money for less than 20 hours a week. I am with my kids in the mornings and after school. I get to spend every weekend with them. That’s the way I choose my life to be because my children are my life. Oh, I have also been malested by a step-dad, raped by a Mexican, abused by a boyfriend, and beat by a husband(ex) because I spoke to another man. I have lived on the streets for two years in my past. If anyone should hate the man… But guess what, I blame no one for any of the things that have happened to me. I hold my head up and do my job as a woman and a mother. This life is only temporary. So I choose to make the most of it, not spending my time complaining about the small stuff. I know I will be in a much better place soon enough. Everyone is worried about Trump- I don’t like him myself, but that’s neither here nor there- You should read Revelations then take a long hard look at what’s really going on.

  133. As a professional woman working for over 45 years, I know that yes, the workplace was unfair. However, because of our amazing American system, we have enabled women and various minorities to exist in a more fair society. Our constitution enables us to continuously improve the lives of all Americans. I am forever hopeful that we will continue to work toward achieving equality for ALL Americans, even those of us who are unable to fight for their rights to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

  134. These facts and ideas are supremely fabricated. This may be an argumentative piece of text, obviously very biased; but it is so extremely biase, that it relays falsified information. This text has been created to manipulate, and is very, very disgusting.

  135. Enough with the white privilege comments. Just because you don’t agree with a “white” person, doesn’t mean they’re privileged. Discrimination comes in all shapes, sizes, & colors, not just one. If this lady wants to tell her daughter why she didn’t march, it’s her business. There were two marches, neither of which I attended because nothing has been taken from me. No magic wand can be waved & poof everything we have disappears. Also, how can you have a march for all women, when not all women groups were allowed to participate in the march for all women. Those “suits” are a sight for sore eyes which are probably etched into everyone’s mind that saw them. I don’t agree with lots of things that have happened or are happening. I bust my butt to have what I have and that isn’t much. I’m not against immigrants, but if you come here “to better yourselves” do it legally & make America your home. Pay what everyone else has to. I get Healthcare through my job, but because of “Affordable Healthcare” or “Obamacare” rates being through the roof (so much for affordable), my insurance is higher than what it needs to be. I can’t get any kind of assistance because I make too much. That I find hilarious. Yet an illegal immigrant can get all the assistance they need. That’s bullsh*t.

  136. This is BEAUTIFULLY written, and sums up everything I’ve been feeling so strongly about these past few weeks. Very well said. I will read to both of my babies someday. I mean that! Thank you!!!

  137. So much misunderstanding and assumptions and just plain wrong information. It is so much more complicated than that. I wish you all would really listen to why we marched. I think some of you have Stockholm Syndrome. Yes, Mary, a lot of women do choose careers that pay less than men, but why? Because careers women are more drawn to, careers that focus on human services and healing professions are paid less. Feminine strength is less valued. It has little to do with danger or intelligence or even schooling. I’m a psychologist. I went to one of the top universities in the world (University of Michigan is listed at #12), graduating with honors. I’m in a field listed as one of the highest stress jobs, working with mentally ill and substance abuse clients. I’ve been assaulted on my job. I have layers of credentialing I have to go through yearly, and I am held to the ethical standards of physicians. But I deal with mostly the emotional health of people, and the vulnerable who are usually poor. I’m in one of the lowest paid white collar fields in America. Our culture values making money over helping people. And women tend to be drawn more to helping people. And it is true that many women still get paid less than men for the same jobs. Many companies do not let you reveal your salaries to each other as part of the contract. That’s how they get away with it. And to blame women for staying home to care for the children? If women are paid less than it makes sense for that parent to stay home. Of course that is one tiny reason why women marched. There are so many others. And making judgments about women who defiantly and playfully are refusing to feel shame for their bodies and specifically their genitalia is sad to me, especially from other women. We, for millennia, have been told our genitalia, the place where all humans are born from, is unclean and shameful. These women are putting on a theater of playful rebellion saying you can’t make us feel ashamed anymore. That’s what the pussy hats and costumes were about. You don’t have to like it, but at least understand why some women did it. These messages of shame have taken years of my life from which to heal. And look at the FBI statistics of violence against women in our country. It’s astounding. You still think we should shut up and just be grateful we aren’t in Saudi Arabia? Don’t shame women for standing up for themselves. You don’t have to ever march. That’s your right. But don’t belittle the rest of us.

  138. Hi everyone. I am not what anyone would ever term as “privileged”. I grew up in countless trailer parks over our country, in a home with parents who married simply because my mother was pregnant. Now, mind you, my mother chose to sleep with my father after one week, but apparently it was my dad’s fault, cuz, ya know, he’s the man. My mom is bipolar and our house was literally so filthy that it was a miracle when roaches DIDN’T fall out of the cabinets when you opened them. Unless of course she was in a manic episode and then our house was spotless, but words like “I hate you, I wish you’d never been born” and “abortion WAS legal when I was pregnant with you, ya know” were heard and felt by my brothers and I. My dad worked at a variety of fast food places as a manger, and while he and mom managed to pay the bills there was little money left over for…well…anything. When I was three, I was removed from my patents home for a week and placed in foster care. I remember two things about that very vividly. 1. I had to bathe with other children, which was something I’d never had to do before. And 2. My brothers and I weren’t allowed to wear our underwear to bed. I was molested when I was about 8, as was my oldest brother, by the same FEMALE cousin.

    Four days after my 17th birthday, my mom left and moved back to her home state. I spent the next week home from school because I was afraid I’d come home to find my dad dead. I went to high school and kept a job as well. At one point, I worked two jobs in high school and paid for my own prom.

    When I was 22, I gave birth to my first miracle after being told by his father that I should abort him because he didn’t need anymore children. I worked full time and supported my child on my own, without food stamps or state health care. When I was 25, I had my second miracle. His father had another woman pregnant before I was in my third month. I have raised two children, on my own, on less than 29K a year, without governmental assistance. It was hard. It was worth it. Right now, after working hard, I finally pull in over $40K a year. I’m 35 now. Make no mistake, I am not one of the “privileged” women who’ve never struggled, never cried herself to sleep wondering how in the world I’m going to afford that procedure or medicine my child needs, even WITH insurance, never been cat called, or messed with sexual, never been put down or disrespected by both men and women.

    Having said that, let me say this. You did not March for me. I have a voice and it’s louder than any words anyone shouted during the women’s March. I take care of my own. If I feel a man is being dishonorable towards me, I let him know it. If I feel as if I deserve more pay,I ask for it, or I find another position with a different company. I am not currently on birth control, which is a choice I made after speaking to my husband of a year about. When I was on it, I paid for it myself.

    I can and did vote. I have and do stand up for children, for the poor, for the down trodden. I have always taken responsibility for the consequences of the choices I made and feel no shame in asking others to do the same. I do not feel oppressed, nor have I ever, even in the darkest most helpless moment of my life. I also do not believe that birth control and abortion are human rights, right up there with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am a strong, intelligent, logical woman and I am not a second class citizen.

    When we March together to save the lives of children,born and unborn, which coincidentally the March for life that’s held yearly does, I’ll be there. When we band together to go to other countries where women are purposefully disfigured because she dared to SPEAK in a man’s presence, I’ll be there. When we March because women are not afforded the opportunity to get basic education because she has a vagina instead of a penis, count me in. When we March in countries where women are victims of honor killings, I’ll be there.

    What I will not be there for is a group of mad, privileged Americans, who’s poorest citizen still brings in more in a week that other women do in other countries in a year, who angrily call for free birth control – I mean, our bodies are our business and therefore it’s our responsibility to care for them, not the government’s or any other person for that matter- the right to arbitrarily kill our children in our wombs, while screaming about how a person who’s been in office for one day is going to bring this country down when the person he replaced sent $221 million to the Palestinian Authority which is one of the largest organizations in the world that actively teach and practice that women are possessions of their Father’s, brothers and husband’s because I don’t like the new leaders political views. No ma’am. You didn’t march for me or mine. I am an adult woman, confident, strong and fully able to handle my own business whilst still acting like an adult.

    • You are strong woman and I wish more women thought the way you do…….I’m proud to be a woman because of women like you=)

    • What the fuck are you talking about? I was marching for veterans who had their health care cut and public schools. I did not meet one person who asked for free birth control. In fact, Planned Parenthood saved my life when I was 18 and it had nothing to with fertility. Privileged? PP helps poor people. SMH!

      Like I said earlier, sit down before you hurt yourself. Oh yeah, and my Dear, your need some spelling, grammar and writing classes. That matters when you are trying to persuade your case.

    • I’m proud to have you apart of the women who take responsibility for themselves instead of blaming their current circumstances on “others.” Yes, there are situations that we have no control over, but it’s our responsibility of how we rise above those situations. When we take the victim role, we put ourselves into being women who are acted upon. I refuse to be acted upon and choose to take action for my life, and I love my life despite how others chose to treat me.

    • YES! What an outstanding statement that has such perfect parallels for so many of us.
      Thank you for this well written and intelligently executed viewpoint that you have shared

    • Right on young lady!! You should feel very proud of yourself for the strength, courage and guts you have to say what you did to a country of spoiled, whiny, lazy women who want everyone else to take care of them. Your children have a wonderful mother who is wise and valued…not just because she’s a woman, but because she’s a “self-made” woman! You go girl!!!

    • So how do you feel about the refugees not being allowed in his country? You march for born and unborn? Or just those born on our soil

    • That is an awesome truth…….I can relate to everything you stated… can be proud of the choices you’ve made… are great example

    • The fact that you could get a job and not be outcast from society for having two children out of wedlock is thanks to women who marched. That you didn’t die of infection in childbirth because of women pushing for better sanitary conditions in maternity wards. That you can even have a job outside of a factory for pennies is because other women stood up for you.

      So to spit on those who are fighting for your children makes you lower than snake excrement.

    • Just wow. Thank you for your words. You are a hero and a great example for women
      I soooooooo needed to hear your story. Thank you
      God bless you sweet sister.

    • Oh my gosh Vicki, let me just say you are an amazing person. I am not saying an amazing female or male. I am saying just an amazing person. Reading your story brought back memories of my own mothers struggles and like you she fought and scraped and became educated and became an amazing nurse. My hats off to you Vicki and the thousands and thousands of women out there who did not feel the need to rant and rave and call people names to prove who they are. Vicki you are my hero and I am a male who served 15 years in the military and I believe the combat that you lived was more impressive than the combat everyone says we are hero’s for.

    • Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your life’s experiences and wisdom in that response! If I knew you personally, we would be great friends. I’m a 34 year old, not oppressed female and I relate with you on so many levels.

    • Phenomenal. …..absolutely phenomenal! I commend you and everything you had to say! I don’t know you but I certainly stand with a woman like you any day of the week. WAY TO GO! ☺☺

    • Thank you, I have tried to put more into words, but nothing sounds or comes out right. Nothing that would give you the honor or consideration you deserve. God Bless you.

    • We walk similar paths and I have the upmost respect for you! Thank you for posting! This is 100% . I agree with every word spoken here. I do hear your voice!!!

    • Vickie, I salute you in every way I can possibly think of after reading your story. I have had some bumps in the road, but nothing like you have, I’m not rich or neither was my family in money, but rich in love. I have had the privelege to donate some of my time and my heart to women and men who are less fortunate than myself. A smile and telling someone they are not worse or better than anyone else in this world and helping them see the good in themselves and the opportunities before them. And guiding them to places that can help them for the particular needs in their life, and those of their children when needed. My parents taught me all the things you came to know on your own and I’m sure you will pass your character and rational beliefs on to your children. Very well written. I wish you the best…. From Raleigh NC

    • I am in awe of you. You are a real woman. Not like the marchers who spewed hate and dressed in vulgar costumes. They have no idea what you and many others have had to deal with. If you asked them what they were marching for , I’m sure most of them had no reasonable or logical answer. They were just sheep following the pack. God bless you as you take good care of your miracles.

    • Wow, I commend you, a very moving life story. When you are marching, let me know, I would join YOU (not these pussy hat wearing, vajaja costumed over-privileged- just want to be in the limelight and disguise that its just another way of being a sore loser women)

    • What a story. You brought a tear of sadness and a tear of joy. You brought sorrow and then joy to my heart. Your words are strong and you’re right, your voice is loud enough to reach others, even when you’re not speaking aloud. Thank you for sharing this. I think you should put this somewhere other than here so others are sure to read it too.

    • I’m sorry, but you cannot claim adulthood while whining at the other members of your gender. You have an opinion? Great. Keep it to yourself. We don’t care. We REALLY don’t care. If you or one of yours finds themselves under assault by this administration, you will need our help. And we will step up to the plate to help you. You call yourself a Christian? You are no Christian. Jesus would slap you into last week.

    • Will you also teach any future son you have that they can choose to stay home, should they want? That they can take the position of less prestige so they have more flexibility for supporting their family? We’ve sold ourselves a false bill of goods that feminism about women being able to do whatever they want. We must also tell men that. We must value the caretaking roles and ensure that men know that those are viable options as well. Otherwise, anything women get is “at the expense” of men, instead of in partnership with them.

    • I’m sorry you had such an abusive childhood. But you obviously made bad choices when young. A baby daddy who already had too many children? Really? Married too, maybe? The reason for that is you probably did not have access to sex education or contraception. You probably thought that using birth control makes you a slut. So much more convenient to think that you didn’t intend to have sex, it just happened… The things these women were marching about would have helped you with all that, and maybe you would have become a mother when you were ready and you wanted to, not by accident. No one can force you to abort a pregnancy. By the same token, you have no right to tell others what they can and cannot do with an unwanted pregnancy. That is not a child yet, and it is never an easy decision. Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. Outlawing it will not stop abortions, but women will die again just as they did before 1973.
      Miracles? No, honey. That’s just biology. Again, obvious ignorance of the basics of life.
      You vote, do you? Surely you are aware that women could not vote not so long ago. Who got you that right? Marching women of course.

    • I love this! Thankyou! One thing I could add about my own story is that I HAVE “a man’s job”. I had to fight for it-and I did. I watched 9 MEN less qualified than I was be promoted to the position (one had “more seniority”, another had less seniority but “more experience” etc) before they finally gave it to a men who had less than I did in EVERY category. And I went to HR, and told them I had grounds to sue them for sexual discrimination. I was given the job a week later. Everyone waited for me to fail, because it’s physically demanding. 5 years later, not only do I still have the job, I make MORE than some of the men in the same position. I’m 5’9″ and very solidly built-I’m not weak and I refuse to be treated as though I were because I lack 1 specific muscle. I did not march because I fought my battle privately-and WON. I have 4 children, and do not recieve welfare. And no, I’m not a lesbian-I’m just a very strong woman who is perfectly capable of fighting her own battles. But I appreciate the women of the past who fought so I had the right to do so.

    • You are an amazing strong woman. Your children are fortunate to have you to look up to. Now if the media focused on women and families such as yours maybe the rest of them could find that inspiration.

    • Tell ’em!!! Oh I love this comment so much!!! Absolutely agree 100% with everything you said!! #RealWomenHandleThereOwn

    • “When we March together to save the lives of children,born and unborn, which coincidentally the March for life that’s held yearly does, I’ll be there. When we band together to go to other countries where women are purposefully disfigured because she dared to SPEAK in a man’s presence, I’ll be there. When we March because women are not afforded the opportunity to get basic education because she has a vagina instead of a penis, count me in. When we March in countries where women are victims of honor killings, I’ll be there.”

      So let me get this straight ~ only the causes that you can relate to are worth marching in? Get over the name of the March and think about the big picture – separate the forest from the trees and stop judging people.

    • Wow- What a testament to your awesome inner strength! You sound like an amazing woman! I have never commented on a post before- but I was so profoundly moved by yours- wow! You go girl!!

    • I am not American but I am disturbed by what women are doing in USA on the name of ‘March for Women rights’. I loved your story. Thanks for sharing. Women like you are the strength of USA. Keep it up sister.

    • Awesome!!!! You are a rock star!! Thank you because they don’t speak for me either! I didn’t have a harsh or troubled upbringing. I grew up in a stable blue collar home. I work for what I want and I believe these women are completely off their rocker!

    • My heart is swollen with pride just to see the kind of women that like me, did not march. May God bless you and your family. Yes, you made me proud to be a woman!!!!

    • Wow, thanks for sharing your life story with us! You are a strong American woman, and how proud your family must be!! So glad you didn’t allow your childhood to negatively define you and affect your future, and that you persevered to give your children a strong, hardworking woman to look up to as a great roll model! Stay strong!

    • Lovely, but I hope you realize that not every woman is as strong or capable as you and as much as your life wasn’t a bed of roses, there are others much worse off. That the only reason you have any of these rights is because of the suffragettes, wspu and others like them.

    • Oh shut up.You don’t want to march? Don’t march. But then SHUT UP AND DO NOT SPEAK. Whiny privileged bitch.

      • You and people like you… rude, loud, crass, and unforgiving to another person’s point of view or opinion, are part of the problem and why a vast majority do not and will not take the issues seriously.

      • Your attitude is exactly what’s wrong with this country. And maybe you should use nicer words instead of the such foul language. Everyone has controversies during life. I’m sorry you had such a poor childhood but what really counts is what you do to make it better … I hope you make wiser choices to make your life better. We clearly have different views but that does not give you the right to judge my values. Maybe you should try to look at all sides and try to put yourself in other’s shoes.

      • And you are privileged to live in a country where you can choose to march (or not to do so). Goodness, that word “privilege” gets thrown around quite a bit, doesn’t it?

      • you are the stupid bitch. what is wrong with u? I cant even explain how much you are what this country needs to get rid of. how in the hell do you sleep at night bashing this womens amazing story. sham on you…

      • Oh you want to March? Then march. But then shut up and do not speak. Whiny privileged social warrior. (I refuse to use vulgarity)

      • I applaud you for a well-written article/letter. The things you wish to teach your daughter are truly noble

      • I can tell by your comment the kind of woman you are. That’s probably why you are where you are. Marching will never change the vile person that you are on the inside. People will always see that in you. There will never be enough marching in this world to offer you a chance at success. You will most likely always be a loser. You can’t blame others for that. Your time marching would be better spent working on yourself. I wasn’t born priveled but I am now. Those who can do, those who can’t match.

      • Shut the hell up “You Are A Stupid Bitch” You are a Piece of Shit. You are the Whiny privileged bitch. All those things those women march about, she did on her own.

      • Wow, angry much?? It’s not that we don’t want to march. We’d march if there was a reason to! You are entitled to march and act like fools with Pink Pussies on your heads and we are entitled to tell our daughters the truth about your march!! It seems to me this letter hit a nerve. The ignorance is all yours!!

      • She is not stupid. Stupid is standing in the street shrieking obscenities while wearing a dumb hat. Stupid is thinking the Muslim leaders of the march actually care what you want. They are using you in their goal to take over the nation. Stupid is thinking, that when they do not need you anymore, that they will not chop off your head if you do not knuckle under to them.

      • Thank you BLC for your well written, perceptive reply. You are correct, our society would be much better if we were at least civil to those with whom we disagree. Now, in light of your response, i must go delete my comment to a super rude comment. Thank you for pulling me back in line.

      • Ok stupid is not being able to delete my negative comment, or reply to BLC, resulting in two replys to Super Rude poster.

      • Wow you must hate women using words like that. If you don’t like her blog. Don’t read it: if you don’t like free speech got to North Korea.

      • Do you help at a local Women’s Center? Do you give your time or resources, your talents or offer your care to other women? I ask because your words make me think that all of that is beyond your ability to give.

        It is curious indeed that you think to restrict others from .speaking because their words oppose you. I am old and I know that eventually, you will have may different ideas and thoughts, even directly opposed to what you think now. You say NO NEVER! But I tell you it is true. For the person you are now has many ideas that are completely alien to the person you were just 10 years ago. What did the you that lived then think of horror movies or ice cream? Would the you of 10 years ago have hesitated for a split second to have another scoop of ice cream or run in the waves. Our thoughts change and we grow. I hope you live long enough to learn that. Life is a Verb, not a Noun. It is in motion. It is not a still shot, a moment caught mid-frame, it is an action!

        There is quite enough poison in our world. You may keep yours or if you prefer, spew it liberally about yourself and those around you. For those that drink your brand of poison drink bitterness indeed.

        Though I recommend that you get rid of that poison. Vile nasty stuff that makes it hard to speak sweetly to those we love most.

      • Only those marching because they don’t like it can speak? That’s the problem with this country.. if you don’t get your way, throw a fit. If your views are different, heaven forbid, shut your mouth. You have no right to voice it.

        Ironic how someone who wants more “freedom” doesn’t think anyone should be able to say something different from them.

      • So you have a right to leave that rude comment after choosing to read her own article? No one made you…. I love how people want their rights but don’t want others to exercise theirs. It’s childish.
        So you can be the one to shut up and don’t speak. You don’t like what she said? Then don’t read her articles. Your comment just validated everything written here.

      • No that person didn’t March because she educated herself enough to know why she shouldn’t have marched! Whiney, self entitled, women are insecure and want attention!

      • Are you serious? She’s it allowed to speak her mind equally as the women in the march did. If you don’t agree with her, move on. You don’t need to be vulgar and rude. By the way, check your spelling before you call someone stupid. “You’re” or “You are” is the correct spelling and grammar not “Your are”.

      • So, you’re allowed to march and have an opinion but if that opinion is not the opinion of others, you tell them to ‘shut up and do not speak’? That sounds very oppressive to me. You ARE the very sort of people you say you are marching against. How would you like it if when people marched, others told you to “SHUT UP AND DO NOT SPEAK”? You’d. most likely, be outraged. By the way, it’s “You’re a Stupid Bitch”. If you’re going to blast people with differing opionins, at the very least, learn how to type grammically correct sentences.YOU TYPE LIKE A STUPID BITCH!

      • You sound in favor of the march, but put down those the march claimed to support. Typical liberal tactic to insist everyone believe they are victims. Every high up Democrat politician runs the underlying message “You are a victim. Give me control and I will take care of you.” Anyone who says “No thanks, I’ll take care of myself” is vilified as privileged.

    • White privilege is more than just your class status. Pick up the compilation book “White Privilege” and read a few of the essays. Also, you didn’t march because you “didn’t have to?” Just because wage gaps don’t affect you, it just might affect your child.Your child might also be raped in college. And then what? Thank you for writing this though. It really demonstrates the narrow scope of the conservative, white women’s view. So because *you* weren’t affected, screw the majority of women, right? I am a minority female who grew up privileged in some aspect, but I have fought and earned everything I own today. I was born with a great brain and in a time where women have it better than the past. But to downplay the struggles we’re still going through is just downright ridiculous. Shame on you and I hope your daughter realizes one day that mommy was dead dead wrong. I just hope it’s not when shes being violated by a man, sexually or economically.

    • Wow, I solute you, you are an amazing women.!!!!! Reading your post gave me such hope for others that might be in your position and that women are strong, stronger then we know. Your kids are truly a Blessed to have you as their mother. Teach your kids your beliefs that’s the only way we can break this cycle that “government should take care of you”. Thanks for sharing your story❤

    • I am a 28 year old single mother of an 8 year old. I also just purchased a house on my own, and do not recieve any government assistance. THANK YOU for so eloquently putting my feelings into words! Sending love to you and your family!

    • Thank you for your response. It is good for us all to know that others are out there fighting the same fight we fight each day. You are not alone – and now I know I’m not either. May God continue to watch over you and your family.

    • Awesome response Vicki. I can’t stand all the victims, the thing is all of the women that’s marching are probably getting paid to protest. Trump needs support and I hate all of the hate that’s being shown. Obama did so bad for America I can’t believe the idiots that believe he did so well.

    • Thank you Vicki for sharing! YOU are more woman than these ‘pussy’ people are! They are rather crude and hot headed. IDK if it is just me, but I found it completely ironic that these same women , so vehemently opposed to Trump even speaking the word “pussy’ in private (and among his peer) would dress them selves AS “pussy’s” and parade down the streets all across the country yelling profanities even Trump hasn’t been caught saying!!! (But Biden seems to like to use)
      Go figure……like I said…not real women to begin with. Completely clueless and desirous of their OWN VICTIMHOOD (sadly self imposed!!!)

    • VickiE, I am proud of you! YOU are a real person, someone every woman should seek to be like. You speak for more of us that you could ever know! We, as adults, choose the path we take, and teach our children how to be independent of the system. Thank you!

    • Did you miss the fact that women all around the world were marching for exactly that reason this was WORLD WIDE UNITY did a bunch of people take it and make it about Trump, yes. Trump also has come off very sexist as well as racist. They had a muslim woman and a transgender women speak at this March which you would’ve known if you had been there. This wasn’t JUST about women it’s much bigger it was just one of the issues on the list.

    • Maybe you should have used birth control and not been so willing to sleep with irresponsible men, because you were also being irresponsible. You think it was admirable to raise your kids without food stamps or proper health care? That just makes you a politically-obsessed bad mother who preferred privation for her kids over state help. Your own post suggests that you’re a bad mother who slept around. And now wants to put herself forward as morally superior. You’re shameful.

    • Let me say this. I marched for all the baby girls. In the event your daughter grows up within the LGBTQ framework, chooses a partner of another color or different religion, or neither of these, I personally want her and others like her to feel unthreatened in society and her work environment, to be able to marry who she loves, feel assured that her public school education will be strong and allow her to forge ahead as an adult, and have access to the healthcare she needs. This is my hope for America. I want her to have a better system within which to become an adult.

    • I appreciate your response. I grew up very similar to you and I think some people just don’t understand that. They never will. Because they have not gone through it. I was raised by a single mother and by the worlds standards should have “turned out” so differently but I didn’t. I am successful. I am now married to an amazing man. Again, I truly appreciate your response.

  139. Very well written. It’s great to read something like this, rather than all the ranting of the Womens March that made no sense at all.

  140. I guess we don’t care about facts

  141. Letter to the writer: Dear Ms Rose colored glasses, I’m sorry you feel that way. But you know…there is that option of freedom of speech until Trump takes that away too (as he is trying to silence scientists, park and rec services etc). While there are some beautiful sentiments in here, it still really makes me angry at how delusional you are. But that is your freedom, for now. The march was so large for many reasons, because outside of your perfect little world women are being repressed and told we are less, having our butts patted from dirty old men who feel they have the right, while washing dishes at their first job (all the while making .20 an hour less than your male best friend who got hired the same day for the same job). That was 20 plus years ago. Sadly, things have gotten worse not better. The march was for women world wide who do not have access to clean, and safe Healthcare like a pap or breast exam that your very lucky privileged (born into the right country, and if I had to guess the right skin color). But that’s ok, you didn’t have to March. Because women like me care enough too. I will teach my son to respect girls, and women. That either of them can run for president (although no woman has ever won. ..I wonder why that is? Tangent for another time), own a business etc. I will also teach him to still open doors for the elderly, and women and children. Not because he is less than them, not because he feels they are inferior and can’t open the door for themselves, but because he has respect for them as human beings. And when my son is in a position of authority that he will show fairness, kindness, and be thoughtful when making decisions (even for things like pay. That somehow in your head is equal for men and women although its been proven to not be). But that’s ok. Because women like me, who care about other women who may not have everything that I am so blessed to have will keep marching, keep protecting those rights that for many are luxuries they do not have access to. And maybe one day the apple will fall far from your tree and see life isn’t all roses, gets tattooed, becomes fowl mouthed enraged with passion, and rebel not just against her mother but against the society that promotes such blissful ignorance.

  142. If I had a daughter this is exactly what I would have told her. But I do have 3 sons. Who I hopefully have taught this about women. I do know that they respect and believe in God and His Word.

  143. Sounds nice, but wrong. All those rights you mention were won because of women who did march before. What has been hard won can be lost. So enjoy your entitled world while you can, but it may not be there for your daughter. Also, most of the millions of women who marched all over the world were completely peaceful. No one was arrested. And we still have free speech in this country. So far.

  144. All the women on here complaining about this. Why dont you start truly protesting for women go to countrys where women dont have a voice. Stop acting like a child that got a toy taken away. No freedoms have been or will be taken from you. I’m sorry you think its okay to kill an innocent child because you’re not done having fun and not ready to have real responsible in your sad pathetic lifes.

    My wife who currently makes way more money then i do. Doesn’t march because she knows it crap. She knows if what she wants she works hard and long hours to go and get it. Not make excuses for who fault it is. The president nor a man is holding you back, your hatred and distain for your fellow Americans does that for you.

  145. Such complete and utter claptrap. Sorry, baby bird, but your mother is a blathering idiot who accepts the lies being spoon fed to her by the right wing spin machine. Very smart people, way smarter than your mother, actually know what they are doing and have shown conclusively that women get paid less than men in matched jobs, with matched education and matched time in position. In other words, little birdy, they took into account all the things your moronic mother seems to think they didn’t. Guess what tiny one? There is a difference and it is purely sexism that causes it. I won’t go into all of the other details, but suffice it to say, your mother dearest is just as clueless on those issues as well. So, your mother didn’t march for you because she is too deluded or stupid to realize she needed to. Let’s all pray you grow up much smarter than she.

  146. Possibly the biggest pile of drivel ever composed. Thanks for coasting off of everyone else’s work through the years

  147. Ugh. You’re amazingly awful. Your poor daughters are being forced to grow up in this modern time with your antiquated ideals. Yes, us, ‘silly’ women, we do tend to go into fields, such as ‘social work’, it doesn’t pay well, but, it’s because we feel empathy, we have souls.We help. And we enjoy it. But, that’s nothing you feel, based on this idiocy of this article, and, being of your temperament, you can always eat you young, should the rest fail you. Because, it will.
    I’m an atheist, but, may god have mercy on your soul.

  148. Beautifully said. My daughter is grown (in fact I got this off her facebook page) and has a son (who is now in the U.S. Air Force). But she was brought up to be a strong woman, who learned to take care of herself at a young age. She has a Master’s degree in Human Resources and a very big heart. She thinks a lot like you I believe. God bless you and God bless America, where women have the freedom to be strong women.

  149. It’s cool. I marched for your daughter as well as mine, so that somedaybwhen they’re trying to be mother’s as well as professionals, it won’t be in a world that offers them no choices and then blames them for its own failings. I’m there to tell your daughter not to buy into the idea that using some words can cheapen you, but being told someone else has more rights to your body than you do doesn’t. And I’ll be there when she can’t figure out why she can’t get a job in tech because they’re not discriminating, she just doesn’t fit into the culture. And when she does get that job she won’t get paid as much for, yes, the exact same job as a man, because she’ll get punished forasking for a raise and then blames for not standing up to her. I will stand up for her, in a world where her own mother will patronize her in the cradle. But don’t publish self righteous, condescending drivel like this and accuse anyone else if not making an effort to understand the other side.

  150. Your article is spot on, and your views are in fact shared by many, many woman who didn’t march. I’m sorry for the nasty, vile responses you have received. Yes, there are those who disagree, but I wonder where its written in stone that they are right and you are wrong? That is always my curiosity when confronted by someone who has a different opinion. Many women rose up against the thoughts and beliefs of those who would bash you here, for your right and your responsibility to do what you believe is right for your daughter and yourself. In my humble opinion, its now time to let a few things play out and see what might actually happen rather than believing every gif posted FB and only reading the headlines, never following up or educating oneself on the facts.

    The march was about hate. It was about Trump. It was not about women’s rights. If it were about women’s rights, there would have been more information about that, and the speakers would have been speaking about that. But that is not what happened. Women with different views were asked not to come. A woman is a woman, her beliefs do not make her less.

    Thank you for writing this article. And to the guy who asked why you were only answering the women who agree with you.. I imagine that its be cause you don’t feel the need to get down in the gutter, or the need to defend yourself. Thankfully, we are women and we have the right to say and believe what we want, and the right to stay silent in situations where no words would make a difference.. and that is a sure sign of intelligence and grace.

  151. Thank you so much for writing this, I was furious when I saw what was happening last weekend and they did not represent me. Your letter to your daughter and the pro-life march women were so much more representative of me…I just had to say thanks….you took all the jumbled thoughts in my brain and put them to paper.THANKS so much and with out 1 foul word and spoken as a woman of faith. GOD BLESS YOU!

  152. Let me know how much sexism doesn’t exist when you try to return to work as a mom.

    Because I used to think like you. Then I started my second career.

  153. Isn’t the whole point of the March to bring women together?

    All I’m reading on these comments are all hate. Shouldn’t we all help each other understand than fighting like little girls? Off course we all have different opinions but shouldn’t we accept the different opinions from others even if we don’t belive it, just to consider it, because that’s what good human beings do? To know that our voices can be heard without any judgement because we are all one?

    Isnt this a huge disgrace as human beings, not just females, but as people not to care about one another?

    Just saying.

    I’m sure someone will hate comment me back, but I forgive you and will read your comment with an open heart.

  154. I love this article. One other thing I’d like to point out when it comes to wages and male vs female, it’s not about that anymore. If the same qualified female takes over for a male in the same position and doesn’t get paid as much as he did, that’s called seniority. How long was that make in that position before she took over? Not only that but we need to realize that this is more about the new generation than it is about male and female… Come on. The same job your father had with only a high school diploma making 80k a year now takes a Masters degree and 5 years experience for 60k. It’s not just women… It’s everyone. This is getting ridiculous! I am so embarrassed as a woman, we have all the rights we need and some. Who are we to feel so entitled????

  155. Mary Ramirez
    I just wanted to tell you that you did a outstanding Job on this Article.
    Pround supporter
    Terrie Boatright
    Go Trump

  156. Articles like this are what pushed me out of the church and into the streets to march. Good for you that you are so privileged but many of us are not. And it wasn’t just the women of our country. It was the women of the world. I’ll fight for your rights too. Even if you don’t seem to understand you need it.

  157. Ugh. You’re amazingly awful. Your poor daughters are being forced to grow up in this modern time with your antiquated ideals. Yes, us, ‘silly’ women, we do tend to go into fields, such as ‘social work’, it doesn’t pay well, but, it’s because we feel empathy, we have souls, we want to help. And we enjoy it. But, that’s nothing you feel, based on this idiocy of this article, and, being of your temperament, you can always eat your young, should the rest fail you. Because, it will.
    I’m an atheist, but, may god have mercy on your soul.
    Much love to all my sisters that marched, so women like you, Ms. Ramierz still have rights.

  158. And then there are us women who do not need to protest. We are comfortable enough with ourselves, to not want to compete. I love being a women , if my husband is considered superior it is not evident to us. He has his place and I have mine. We are very comfortable with our different rolls and do not compete against each other. I have a daughter whom is a well educated intelligent person and I have taught her to be the best she can be and not worry about any one else! I’m sixty two years old have had two children, several jobs lots of heartache! But not once have I felt like a second class citizen! In the words of Elenor Roosevelt no one can make you feel bad about you except you!!!

  159. I marched for my sons. I gave them the gift of democracy and let them know no one should hurt or abuse anyone. I marched so the women who marched before me didn’t march in vain because “rights” can be voted away at any moment. I marched because I don’t take anything for granted.

  160. Poor Baby Bird.

    You’re going to grow up in a house full of conservative, non-thinking or non-questioning, bigoted and self-centered people.
    Unfortunately, you’re probably going to grow up just like them.
    Good luck little one.

  161. Horrible. You are a disgrace to women, and a horrible mother. I feel sorry for your daughter. So delusional… You take for granted rights you have and insult those who have fought and continue to fight for you. Please don’t raise your daughter to have her head buried in the biblical sand as well, although I know you and other women like you will. Poor little girl, she deserves better.

  162. I quit reading with your explanation of wage discrimination! Having experienced this in real life, not mommy life, I can tell you don’t have a clue. It’s ok, stay home….us big girls will carry on the fight for equal rights.

    • This is absolutely not true. The reason women can even vote is because people MARCHED and FOUGHT for women’s rights. The woman who wrote this is the worst kind of woman — the kind who believes that because something isn’t HER problem, it’s not a REAL problem.

  163. This is the best article I have read. True to the point. You are truly Amazing. I didn’t march either. Because of these things but didn’t know how to explain it. Thank you thank You.

  164. You used no facts, no percent of women to men in leadership, you used no fact on actual wage earning in the US which has scarcely changed in 40 years and is based on white women earning .78:1.00 but if you are and African American man, woman or Latina it drops as low as .58.
    We marched for human rights. This was about compassion and justice.

  165. Okay, ladies, those who feel that they are victims and needed to march, you need to understand one thing. Your event was so filthy and absurd that anything you thought you might accomplish was obliterated by the sheer comical and repulsive aspects of it. How on earth would anyone believe that they could be taken seriously while wearing “pussy hats” and clomping around in giant genital costumes? Screaming obscenities while holding up pornographic signs made you look repulsive, immature, and unintelligent. Is that the way you want women to be represented? No, you set us back instead of moving us forward. Your spokespeople included a woman who tortured a homosexual man to death, has-been celebrities who portray themselves as sex objects, and women who sell unborn baby parts in order to buy themselves a Lamborghini. You objectified us. You humiliated us. You demonized us. The world was laughing at you, or gagging at your repugnance. Even if all of the claims you make about how unequal women are were true, you behavior would make any decent person believe that there is a good reason why you aren’t equal. You showed how inferior you can behave. Luckily, you are not the majority of women in this world. There may have been big crowds of silly, vulgar, empty-headed women at that march, but many more women opted out, and watched with mortification as you demeaned our sex by behaving in the most vile and low-class ways. It was such a relief that true feminists were able to redeem the cause of women a week later with the March for Life. Yet it’s so embarrassing for our sex that this so-called “Women’s March” will be recorded in the history books to remind us of how depraved some people can get when they lose an election. To those who “marched,” please don’t do anything like it again. You really hurt our cause, and you took a lot of respect and respectability away from us as women. If you want to stand up for women, please do it with dignity next time. This event will only ever be remembered as a degradation and a joke. This even hurt women. It embarrassed women. You robbed us of a reputation of decency and humanity. Please don’t do that to us again.

  166. The march is important because, while we have many rights, ensuring that we keep them requires vigilance and voices. The POTUS has already made several choices with which many many US citizens do not agree. Marching made it clear to the public and, hopefully, to the government what we value and that we are willing to show-up to get it.

  167. Thank you. I wish that all girls had a mother that would talk to them no matter how old they are with the same words and caring attitude you showed your daughter!

  168. You just can’t cure stupid.
    I’m not a US citizen but have friends who live in the States and we agree that the rabid liberals should be rounded up and sent to another country. So long as it isn’t Australia. Or Canada, they have enough problems of their own!

  169. Bravo! I now have a current blog entry from a woman that clearly demonstrates how women are capable of, and actively engage in supporting misogyny. The great thing about our country is that you have the right to be so very wrong. I am sorry that your daughter is going to be raised to accept a place as a second class citizen. I hope that as she grows up, you raise her to be so strong, in your own way, and to challenge authority and the status quo sufficiently that she’ll see what you’ve missed. I hope, too, that she’ll forgive you for not being able to see what is so clear to so many people. No parent is perfect, and all parents let their children down when those same children realize the fallible humanity of their parents. So, in that way, I hope that your children can get past any issues they might have with your fallable humanity.

  170. Such a shame . A mother explaining to her daughter that she didn’t march because someone else marched before and created those rights that a present president is trying to remove .
    A lie ? Everything a bad lie ? Wake up and look around . The banning of people entering the country … a lie ?
    A pregnancy caused by rape not my right Te decide ? A sickness during pregnancy threatening my life not my choice to decide ? A sexual harassment at work – not a big deal ?
    Wake up and live the reality of the past weeks . Is only the beginning . Such a shame teaching a precious little one that ” ohhh dear is your fault if choose to have a secondary carrier in order to raise your children . You shouldn’t be paid that much .
    Oh no my little precious daughter . Unfortunately I didn’t march because you came into this world and I was making sure you were safe and well but be sure I willl march and raise my voice to protect all the rights that many other women made sure to win so I can have. I will be protecting your future rights same as many others did for me because I love you more than life itself and nothing matters to me more than your right of being respected and treated with dignity. I left country and continents to come where light was made brighter for me and I choose to be a citizen , to have the right to vote and keep that bright light the same for you .

  171. Thanks for speaking for me. I share your view and am glad to see someone else stand up with dignity and say it. I feel like saying about the women out there: “Not my Feminists”

  172. I love this article. I respect the women that fought for women’s rights years ago, mostly before I was born. I don’t respect the women marching in the street now just to get attention and cause a scene. Look like a bunch of crazies to me. But some people just need to feel important and in this country we are allowed to march around and act like idiots because of freedom of speech. So March on ladies! (I use the word ladies loosely)

  173. YOU ARE AMAZING!! Thank you for this!! I posted that I wasn’t jumping on that bandwagon and my reasons for all that you state, however I wasn’t as good as you were as putting them “on paper” and, boy did I piss people off!! My daughter will look up to ME, so it is I who will set the best example for her!!! Way to go!!!!

  174. This letter makes me very sad.

    It makes me sad when I read lines like, “I’ll teach you to respect your body. It’s a beautiful creation – and I’ll teach you not to cheapen it by dressing like it means nothing.” Which suggests that abuse, cat-calling, and other monstrosities are caused by the victim because of the way that she has dressed.

    It makes me sad that it says that just because we live in a land with such opportunity, we should look past that there are still women – women of color, women of different sexual orientations, women who were once men, etc. – that still face oppression in the workplace and in life each and every single day.

    It makes me sad that if you share this with your daughter, she will get a skewed representation of what that march really meant. The march was not just for women. It was for all people who felt that their leader will slowly strip rights and basic human decency away from them during his reign. It was a PEACEFUL march. I was there. I witnessed the love, devotion, and inclusion of the people participating. We gave high-fives, hugs, and we chanted words of peaceful protest. It was the most empowering thing I have ever been apart of or seen. Out of a half million people marching the streets there was not a single arrest in DC that day. It was not vulgar, it was not raunchy, it was not violent as your letter suggests. It was a celebration of the diverse America that we hope to preserve and protect.

    After this week of repulsive executive orders, it makes me sad that you think you should still share this letter with your daughter and teach her that because you are privileged to be born into a white American family that builds up your identity as a woman, daughter, possibly a future mother, she should forget others that are not so lucky.

    Please think about these things before you give your daughter this letter.

  175. Thank you for your well thought out beautifully written letter to your daughter. It represents the women I know. As a mother & “Nana”. It is what I taught my daughter & we are passing on to her daughter.
    My son has learned this as well. His future wife will appreciate the man he is for having a mother & sister he respects. Yes he opens a door not just for women but people in general as do I. It is out of curtesy. Being polite & thoughtful are taught. Just as hate & disrespect. I feel blessed to have had the choices in my life. I am grateful to the strong women who have paved the path for many of the rights we now have. In no way do I feel it is necessary to emasculate men in the process. Nor is the vulgarity witnessed in this march were necessary.

  176. Beautiful!!! Great Job mama, and this mama fully agrees with you!! I am raising boys, however, and I intend to raise men who will respect women, and cherish them for how special they are. I intend to instill in them the values that God prefers… that they should be hard working, devoted fathers, spiritual heads of their family, and demonstrably in love with and devoted to only one woman: their wife and mother of their children, until death part them.

    If we want women to be respected as special but equal, we need to start raising our men better!!

  177. May God Continue To Bless You, Always!! Amazing piece!!! Thank You so much for sharing this!
    Sandra Castro Abadía Chapman.

  178. Perfect! Gave me goosebumps and excited me to the nature of sharing it to all! Absolutely truthful read! Well said! I’m in awe! Funny this is how a parent should raise a child, a daughter!

    I know the protest was wasteful and not a worthy one! Murder is unjust in my eyes, for what grows inside a woman at the first of conseption means the baby is living!!!!

  179. Bravo! I never once in my life felt that I was discrimated against because I was a woman. I never once felt second class because of my gender. I am very grateful for my freedom to walk the streets dressed how I choose, to run a business as a woman a minority, to even drive. I wish more women would be more grateful for what they have and continue to work harder to help build our communities and our country.

  180. I love this! Thank you for speaking for so many of us who have been disregarded, and even shamed, for these views. We can be strong, proud, women without believing all of the hateful, demeaning, supposedly “progressive” rhetoric of many liberals.

  181. Wow… you’re some kind of special. It is really sad that you think this way and that you are going to raise your daughter to think this way. Some day, likely after the grip of your alternative reality has released your daughter, her eyes will be opened to the truth. It is really unfortunate that you don’t see this now.

  182. This is so sad. Hopefully your daughter won’t internalize misogyny like you do. Hopefully she’ll realize that her mom was wrong and that her value isn’t determined but what she wears. Hopefully she’ll learn that just because she is privileged doesn’t mean she shouldn’t fight for others.

  183. Wow! This is a wonderfully researched and beautifully written piece. It clearly states the equality of women in the United States, while pointing out that, in most cases, women freely make their own choices. Then they cry discrimination if those choices don’t give them the life they think they are entitled to. Unfortunately, there are others who find a way to exalt their own importance and increase their own financial status by manipulating these women. Perhaps the saddest thing of all is a large percentage of these “manipulators” are other women.

    Wake up, take responsibility for your own life, work smart, work hard, and be thankful that we live in the greatest country the world has ever known. It may not be perfect but this beautiful land provides freedom to all who seek and support the Constitution of the United States of America, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all!

  184. Those women did not march for me either. Been a full time single Mom for 20 years and had nothing handed to me, lost 2 jobs, lost my house, retirement money, everything. Back on my feet on my own with little to no help. Women don’t need men to make them who they are. I’ve never thought of myself equal to a man because I am so much more important considering the one thing I can do that no man can – give life. If I speak for anyone it will be for those with no voice because the voices speaking at the march were vulgar, irrational voices; not to mention they were wearing vagina hats so no you did not speak for me for I am way more intelligent and have way more dignity than women who think they are less or have less than their counterparts. Real women rock; all others wear vagina hats and spew vulgarity.

  185. Dear Baby, Your mother wrote a post about her misinformed viewpoint, probably from a cushy chair while typing on a computer. She did not breathe the same air as the women marching. She did not take the time to learn their stories. She has not looked them in the eyes with an open heart. Baby, your mother put words into the mouthes of other women. Baby, your mother does not speak for me. She does not know my truth or the truth of the women who marched. She has not been harassed as we have been harassed. Or maybe she has been harassed and she feels a sense of shame about it so she chooses to internalize her pain instead of dealing with it by marching. I don’t know your mother’s story, Baby. I only know my own and I know the stories of many women who are less fortunate than I am. I know their stories because I am often outside of my comfort zone. Most of all Baby, don’t ever let your mother trick you into thinking your story is the same story as everyone else’s. You are unique. Your life will be unique. You are powerful. You can choose to have an open mind and an open heart. You can choose to be more compassionate than this post is, Baby. You can choose to have more empathy. You can choose to have the humility and to understand your own story is not the story of every other woman.

    It’s all your own beautiful choice, Baby.

  186. Do tell your little “baby bird” when she’s old enough to understand, that the man that her mommy helped elect president of these United States described how much he likes grabbing women by their pussies, cause since he’s a star he can do whatever he wants ~ tell her her mommy helped elect a man that made fun of the disabled in front of the world and said of John McCain, a war hero, that he prefers men who don’t get captured.

    Hopefully we’all get this racist, sexist egomaniacal disgrace impeached quickly….so your baby bird has a chance at life……..

  187. YES!!!! I completely agree. What a refreshing article! It had to go online that day to even figure out why people were marching and why they feel that we are not equals. Even after watching it online that morning, I still felt like I fell in a rabbit hole or something and was very confused by their demands. So tired of people acting as if they are entitled to everything in this country. If you want it, whether you are a man or a woman, work for it and get it. There is no other country in the world where women are more respected and treated more equally. Plenty of men don’t make equal to what a lot of women are making. We are NOT oppressed as women in this country.

    • And by the way, I thought that the Women’s March set women back 50 years instead of advancing us in anyone’s eyes. It was downright embarrassing! It did not make men or women respect them, but only made them look like a bunch of crazy loons, walking around dressed up as the female anatomy, talking trash with crassness that is beyond what Trump every said, and screaming at the top of their lungs about having to pay tax on tampons. Made us all look like a bunch of fools. They did NOT march for me!

  188. Before women had the right to vote they march and protested. Now we are marching and protesting to prevent certain rights being taken away. Maybe you don’t care about your rights, but I do. I didn’t yell vulgar words, or swear, or wear inappropriate attire. I marched to be heard. I want equal pay for equal work. I want control over my body because even though I’m not pro abortion, I am pro choice. I want everyone to know that no means no. I marched so my daughter doesn’t have to. So, you’re welcome. Oh, and putting down those that marched isn’t kind. You can lose certain rights because of the President and those that are afraid to stand up to him or those that are trying to move up the political chain.

    The only thing this president has taught me is you can have ZERO experience and get a job that you have no business doing. You can lie and people will believe you and there are no consequences. You can con people out of money, put companies out of business or even file for bankruptcy 4 times but people will still think you are fit to run our country.

  189. Dear OP, I respect your position; our democracy demands us to so. However, your denial of sexism is naive at best, incredibly harmful at worst. I grew up in a good home, where Christian values were the main curriculum, but this has not protected me or given me opportunities outside of my childhood home. As a survivor of sexual assault, an instance in which the right to have control over my body was taken away from me by a man, I view your claims that sexism does not cause violence against women in the forms of healthcare, fair pay, harassment, etc. as the root cause of the perpetuation of sexism. These these things have nothing to do with a woman not being elected as president, but everything to do with a man who brushes off sexual assault and the objectification of women as “locker room talk.”

  190. I’m going to write you this letter full of lies saying the reason why world records were broken all over the world was a lie. And then I’m going to lie about it all being over women’s rights that they actually do have but feel they don’t 😂 then I’m not going to mention all the other countless reasons why the women marched. For equal rights for women (because you don’t see women making laws over men’s bodies, because giving birth is more important then feeding or taking care of the baby, and that people can mistreat women but always has an “acceptable” reason like “instigating”) for equal rights of all men (because the majority of men being mistreated are gay or transgender, unless they’re straight and it’s due to domestic abuse then I guess it’s the women’s fault). For equal rights of all colors (because those of colors are still being poorly treated too, but that’s probably their fault too right?) I’m writing this letter to try and make up excuses on why I decided not to march with my brothers and sisters about the atrocities happening in this world. I’m writing this to feel better about myself for not matching, and so that hopefully you won’t look down on me in the future for not being apart of the women who started making history. And once again I’m writing to continue the lies so that you can grow up and believe the lies also instead of fighting for your human rights and everyone else’s human rights. Sorry that’s all I read.

  191. Mary did you know….we marched for you because you wouldn’t. You don’t find it necessary to stand up for what you believe in, you sit idly by and wait for us to do your work for you so you and that daughter of yours continue to have those freedoms.

    What if we didn’t, and all those freesoms re gone. Who are you gonna g to blame?

  192. Internalized misogyny; it’s alive and well. And sadly it’s passed along from generation to generation. One can only hope your daughter breaks free from her inevitably inherited mentality.

  193. This was an amazing, beautifully written article that should inspire women, young ladies, girls and future generations to come.
    We are strong, we are all beautiful and we are all Gods children.

  194. You almost get it but you don’t. You are a clearly Intelligent but seriously self -deluded woman. Please get a grip on the real reality before you poison your daughter yourself.

  195. This is beautifully written. Thank you for expressing these wonderful thoughts and feelings that do many of us feel and think but don’t put the words together as well. Bless you and your daughter…she is very lucky.

  196. I marched for all girls and women. Especially the ones who did not grow up “amidst sippy cups and Cheerios; amidst Minnie Mouse and…beloved dolls and toy kitchen.” I marched to get out of my limited, privileged, white experience and show compassion and solidarity. I marched because it is my first amendment right to do so in our democracy. I hope your daughter sees this. If she disagrees, will you still love her? Will you support her to reach her own conclusion?

  197. This entire spiel is full of lies and crap 💩 and 💩 and more 💩…..
    Although I did not march! and I would never participated in such a despicable demonstration, because I also did not agree with most of the happenings of the march either….
    However, just because there are laws in place don’t mean that these large corporations obey the laws!!! And anyone who believes that we as women receive equal pay for equal work has obviously never had a real job!!!
    “NEWS FLASH” laws are not put in to place unless there is a obvious problem!!!! I.E. there are laws stating that you mush either be a citizen of this country or apply for a visa to visit this country….. There are also laws in place stating that you must pay federal income tax….. But that doesn’t mean that people always obey these laws especially the rich and powerful!!!! Just ask your President?

  198. Mary,

    This was beautifully written. I am a woman who chose a career path were I knew I could be finically stable. I worked hard and hold a very nice administrative position. I make more than men in my postion. Why? Because I have senority. I am good at what I do and was rewarded for my hard work and loyalty to my company.

    I encourage anyone who feels they are being discriminated against by their employer to leave their position and report their employer.

    I have two beautiful daughters and I want to show them that hard work pays off regardless of your gender. That instead of complaining about something you should be the change.

    Please stop making the two choices in the abortion debate “Pay for my children or I’m killing them” we all have to take personal responsibility for our actions. I completed a degree while raising two children and working full time. It is possible! Believe in yourself! We ARE strong and we do not need a march to prove that.

  199. As a father of three girls under the age of 6. i applaud you and agree 100% with what you have said here. My wife and I agreed that its something that we will print off and read to them when the time is right!

  200. So many others did march and have marched so that you can live your truth, whether we believe it or not. I find it sad though that you felt the need to tear those women (and men) down.

  201. What will you tell your daughter about every degrading comment directed towards every demographic except white men? Women, blacks, mexicans, muslims, disabled and many more. You still don’t understand nor took the time to learn what the millions of women marched for. He is obviously your candidate for president so you are finding ridiculous ways to rationalize this to your daughter. Good luck with that.

  202. There are only four kinds of people:

    Educated and Intelligent.

    Educated and not intelligent.

    Intelligent and not educated.

    Not intelligent and not educated.

    My dad taught me, “You can’t argue with ignorance”.

  203. The moment you really lost me was when you said some women choose to stay home instead of work to take care of their kids. A lot of women don’t have that choice because they can’t afford childcare, so they stay home with their babies. In my town, there is one (1!) daycare that takes kids under 2 years old. It has 4 spots for this age group. That is 4 spots for kids under 2 in a town of more than 10,000 people. Affordable childcare is almost nonexistent in our country and to assume that women everywhere are making the same choice you did for the same reasons is unrealistic and seems like you’re choosing what to acknowledge and what to dismiss. Also, your tone is condescending and I’m concerned your kid is going to grow up thinking it’s ok to talk to people the way you do, which means my kid is going to have to deal with some jerk whose mom taught them it was ok to look down on people because they are silly enough to march in protest of something. It is ok to disagree with the march’s values, It is not ok to belittle people for exercising their political freedoms and marching. Your mockery and lack of kindness are depressing.

  204. I feel sorry for your daughter. You are encourginging her to make do and live in a third world country. We have 6 months maternity leve in France, amongst other European countries. Daddy has 6 weeks. Either of us can take up to 3 years with half salary and our jobs are saved. HERE the very wealthy must pay their taxes in equal share to the rest of us (about 10%) When I take my daughter to a chreche (nursery) there is one woman for 3 infants, one woman for 6 toddlers…cost? About 50€ a month. If you add up what an American pays for healthcare no ceiling), university education (among the best pilots, engineers, doctors, researchers in the world), HAPPY elderly care in a clean/not Lysol pee stinking environment, nursery, ski vacations for ALL children through school, lower infant mortality rate, higher life expectency, higher cancer survival etc. You add that ALL UP and you are paying far more out of pocket and our taxes are roughly equivalent. All of Europe is pretty much the same and the USA is now looked as a third world country, with the same perks; the very wealthy and those working for a nonliveable wage. You must do far more reading, possibly in different languages from different parts of the world. You would have a better concept of reality AND save your daughter undue heartache.

  205. Nicely written. Nothing is worse then aborting your baby. Talking using discussing language.while dressing up in the worst, tastless outfits I have ever seen. My ancestors have all just rolled over in there grave.
    All this has to stop just because they lost the election. I am a woman and so proud of what I have become. Proud of my children and grand children.
    These marchers DO NOT represent me or my family. God bless America.

  206. I loved this!! I shared it too.

    I’m struggling to understand how so many people are against Trump, but especially for his alleged treatment of women when:

    1. Bill Clinton was accused of rape and sexual harassment 4 times if I recall.

    2. Bill had numerous affairs, one with an impressionable intern.

    3. Hillary defended a child rapist and then later laughed.

    4. Hillary is for partial-birth abortion. Just SAY those awful words. Partial. Birth.

    The hyposcisy is astounding. I’m well educated, with a Master’s degree but through loans, blood, sweat,and tears. I’ve worked hard in my field for 14 years. Social work no less.

    Mary, thank you for so beautifully articulating how I felt about that March but couldn’t find the words to say.

  207. Basically, baby girl, your mom didnt march for you because she is selfish. Because, she is confortable in her little bubble of ignorance. In my country womn die daily just for being a woman. And also in the United States, were the situation is better woman and treated injustly. Probaby your mom also voted for a man who thinks ots acceptable to “grab woman by the pussy”.
    I hope that you never grow up being trated wrongly just because of your gender. Because then your mom will regret not giving AF about you.

  208. It’s unfortunate that your daughter will probably grow up to believe all of these things you’re telling her. Being an 18 year old girl, the only ‘conservative’ friends I have are the ones whose parents are strictly conservative and from a young age hound their children with their beliefs. The rest have learned that with education and understanding, progressivism and feminism improve society, not hinder it. Please don’t let your daughter actually read this, please let her have her own beliefs.

  209. So, you don’t feel the need to march or protest, so don’t! But others may feel they need to march and protest, so they get to do it. See here in America this is how it works.
    I don’t understand why you are angry or offended that some people voiced their concern or protested issues that are important to them. Nor do I understand why you are offended by other citizens exercising their rights. Just because you do not agree with them doesn’t me you have to belittle and negate their actions.

    Perhaps all those people marching in all those states and countries have had different experiences and road blocks in their lives and they want to voice their concern and try to enact positive change.

    As well, you should probably keep Jesus and God out of it, cause I am pretty sure they would support equality, tolerance, and humility for all.

  210. I think a large piece of acknowledging privilege (for me, that’s the privilege I have as a white woman) and being an ally is our willingness to put ourselves in uncomfortable situations and to speak out when we see injustice. To acknowledge that just because we, personally, might not experience a specific injustice, it doesn’t mean other woman in this country share that same privilege.

    Our POC, trans, etc sisters feel this fear every day, just leaving their houses, going to work, driving down the street, going to the park with their kids…They don’t get to choose not to show up. They have to face that reality daily. So, how can we use our privilege to be allies? By showing up with them. By putting ourselves on the line and literally standing up with them. That’s how change happens. And, make no mistake, there needs to be change.

    I meet and work with women, and men, every single day who have been victims of physical and sexual abuse/assault. Who live in poverty, despite working SEVERAL jobs. Who are terrified that they, or someone they love, will die with the repeal of the ACA because of a preexisting condition. How can we truly call America great – or call ourselves free — when there are millions in our country that face these realities every day? When we are the ONLY developed nation in the world that does not provide families with paid leave, or affordable childcare? When there are cities across the country that don’t have safe drinking water? When someone trying to obtain an education (or provide one for their children) has to climb under a mountain of debt in order to do so? At some point we have to ask ourselves, how free are we really?

    A lot of people on this thread seem to only have their lens pointed at themselves. What about community? What about asking ourselves, “What can I do for someone else?” This mentality of, “my tax dollars shouldn’t have to pay for your healthcare/childcare/education…” – it’s sad, really. What kind of world is that to live in where we only think of ourselves and the space we occupy in our own bubbles? A lot of the comments here are from self-proclaimed Christians so, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the adage, “Love thy neighbor,” not “Love thyself above all else”? I’ve also seen a few people write, in regards to abortion, that, “All lives matter.” But what about the life of a Syrian refugee child? Or the child of a single mother who works multiple jobs at minimum wage and still needs government assistance to get by? I digress…

    We, the woman who did march, are fighting for a better world, a better nation, for EVERYONE. I march, and call my congressperson, and donate to Planned Parenthood, and work in social services BECAUSE I know I was lucky enough to be born with more privilege than so many others. Does this mean I have never experienced hardship? No. In fact, my father gave his life for his country when I was very young and, despite his status as a veteran, my family was left to flounder under a mountain of his medical debt. But I can still acknowledge the fact that, in many ways, I am privileged. And i refuse to be complacent because I do not want to live in a world where people ONLY care about an issue when they are directly affected. It’s called empathy. And compassion. It’s called being a human being.

  211. Thank you! This is how I believe! I have been so frustrated after the election. I had to get off FB because of the horrible language women and men were using. I don’t get it.

  212. Wow! What a well put together response to ideals that are trying to destroy us. My hat is off to you. Many blessings to you and your family, wherever they may be!

  213. I don’t have a daughter, and right now I have a son. In the future, I would hope to read this to my child because this letter is something I would stand behind. My parents taught me to work hard for what I want and to do something I enjoy and be responsible for myself and help others who I can. They taught me respect, and had me go through Girl Scouts..

    If I remember the Girl Scout Law it is:
    I will do my best to be
    HONEST and Fair
    And RESPONSIBLE for what I say and do
    RESPECT myself and others
    RESPECT authority
    Use resources WISELY
    Make the world a BETTER place
    and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

    When I look at that, I see only the every day life of a girl or woman needing to follow the code and be there, help people, take responsibility for myself and give myself opportunities to improve myself. What I have heard on both sides and how I feel about the marches is shame.

    First with honesty and fairness, I see people need to be honest with themselves, take the time to research on multiple levels what they are standing behind to know whether “fighting for rights” is even necessary. It could demean and attack a country’s own laws and traditions that many women still follow, some proudly. The marches can be taken as oppressing the women’s own right to keep to traditions and many women indeed care about honoring their family values and ways of life. I doubt all women in other countries cheer when they see pussy / vagina hats on Americans’ heads chanting for women’s rights across the globe, when our country doesn’t control everything.

    Friendly and helpful… There is more that can be done in a local aspect to improve life than screaming personal views and fighting naysayers. I know I do not have the ability personally at this time to help others and I feel I should, but there is a lot that can be done in local communities that volunteering for would benefit people on a more personal level and make one feel better about because it would cause a direct impact on improving life for our own instead of being stuck in a crowd and being lumped together as a group of extremists, feminists, etc. I myself try to show friendliness in ways of going out of my way to let someone else go through a door I hold open as I offer a kind smile, not because I should feel obligated but to offer them the knowledge someone is going out of the way to help others and they should let themselves feel special. I once even took time to go help a woman struggling to get a watermelon from her cart into her car, because I didn’t want to see her struggle, and she was grateful for the random act of kindness.

    Considerate and caring. I think this is lost on people nowadays because people don’t act considerate or caring about including and listening to others’ values. Considerate is people holding back from profane and violent language, it is knowing when certain things should not be said and is unnecessary because it is detrimental to a conversation. It is also growing lost on people for the fact people are lacking consideration for a woman or man’s own means and ideologies for how children are raised. I feel ashamed for the people who think it is their place to tell a stranger how to raise their children, what the other kids should play with, eat, or do in their time.

    Courageous and strong. People have forgotten what to have courage and strength for. They should think of strength as strength of personal character. Of being able to do something for themselves and then step back and be proud of the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears shed to do something they are proud of and can let others know. Like say someone who has never done a marathon before and is out of shape, as an example. They do hard work, persevere and never give up on that personal goal of wanting to reach that finish line. That is what I see as having courage, of having strength. I remember a video of a heavyset man doing this very thing and he was alone at the end of the marathon, but he never gave up. People were cleaning up after and they all stopped, created a finish line just for him as he reached the end and the moment that he passed and broke the tape, they cheered for him and congratulated him on the achievement for his personal goals.

    Responsible for what I Say and Do. So many people will speak without thinking of the repurcussions, they will blurt out what is on their mind and refuse to take the time to see if it makes sense, and even try to claim they didn’t speak out later on. Hell I am not thinking too much on my own words, I may even be rambling but I am taking ownership of the words I speak because I’ll be damned if I don’t, but I will not say my view is the view of all women, or of a particular group’s. It is not my place, nor anyone else’s place to put their own words in peoples’ mouths and denounce a viewpoint, person, or act just because they are in disagreement. I mean I am not in the least proud or behind the ideology of the walk, but it is not my place to say the ones doing it were entirely wrong. (Just a little, in my own opinion.)

    Respect myself and others. I do have respect. Everyone has a point of view, everyone grew up differently. It doesn’t matter if you’re White, Green, Blue, Black, or Orange (I loved the way Denzel Washington spoke in Remember the Titans.) everyone has a voice and the right to speak, but everyone who speaks needs to remember that there is always another side to any story, and not everything one says, thinks, or reads on will correlate with the mentality of another’s. I grew up for 27 years knowing from the negative side what name calling can do to a person’s self esteem but despite being a verbal punching bag for students growing up, I won’t think a person is ever going to be beneath me for their own beliefs.

    Respect authority. I may not like some of the actions that Trump may take. I may not be a fan of policies he wants to implement but it is not my place to tell everyone else he is wrong. He has a position of power because he went through the proper channels to garner the ability to make the kind of changes he wishes. He may have had a lot of scandals or similar ilk in the past, but I respect him enough to give him a chance to make the changes he promised, to see what he can do before I use what I know of his past to tell everyone he is going to “destroy our country”.

    Use resources wisely. People talk about wage gaps and they cry unfair… Honestly I care more that I get paid for the work I do and I am earning enough for what I want for myself, my child, and my future with my fiancee. We don’t have much but we are taking what we do have and are trying to use that and what we have in ways we can continue to grow as a family. Sure we are living with other family members right now, but we are helping out where we can, and enjoying what time we have together. Family may be strong, but time still removes them from our lives and to have the time to help strengthen bonds, teaches us the values we ought hold dear. Using time and resources to buy silly pink hats and stand around and walk around chanting or screaming personal biases may be some peoples’ forte, but for me, I think family is more important, and being there for them and helping their growth and helping them reach their own goals in life.

    Make the world a better place. This is the one I know women who are proud of their walks and petitions, and crusades on media posts are gunning for. How is the world better if you impose your own views on everyone else without consent? Isn’t it raping the mind of people when you tell them what to think or belittle or tear into them because their values and opinions differ? This age is crumbling because people don’t take the time to debate anymore, they think their way is the only one that matters. I am personally not one to wish I could go into the armed services. I do not feel I want to put myself on the front line because I feel I can do a world of good at home, making the world a better place for my son. What are we if we don’t try at home to improve the world for a infant by giving them things to enjoy right away and then invite them to see the good out there? Kids don’t care about reproductive rights, they don’t develop their intelligence by fighting for a wage increase or demand student debt be wiped because they think they are owed as civil servants. (That last one had me from a video I saw on Youtube from a young woman claiming to be a teacher and thinking her student debt should be cleared because she is working for the people, not caring that everyone should pay back to those who worked hard at her college / university to give her a place to go to college.)

    And be a sister to every Girl Scout. Well, I don’t personally know any other Girl Scouts after moving states away from where I grew up, but I am passionate about my beliefs and respect others’ choice to disagree, and to my own friends and family I am damn loyal. It may not show being sisterly to other Girl Scouts but I think it is proper in the family respect to people I care for. Sisterhood for all women is a gross way to try to pressure one’s own views on a group and demand everyone agree because they are women. I mean I may not agree with my family on everything going on, God knows my brother and I cannot talk politics without having some kind of argument because I am not in the same views as him, (Bernie Supporter to the end), but then I was never good at debates. It’s just not my thing.

    I know this is long, I apologize but this was something I wanted to say. I wanted to bring out the Girl Scout Law because all these women talking about sisterhood need to remember what sisterhood may mean, and that not all sisters are going to be like-minded, but sisters need to remember a basic code of conduct anyway and what I know as a Girl Scout, it makes me respect their society’s honor since they’ve been around and looking to help ALL people since the start, well before people started running around and screaming for rights they think are owed because they care more about feeling oppressed than just living their lives and helping improve the future where they can without forcing themselves on others.

  214. First I would like to note…I didnt read your whole entry. Not that because I didnt want to, nor did I need to. I did feel i read enough to make a reply. My reply is not political or biblical. It comes straight from my heart. My heart that I find sometimes loves more than it can bare. As we moms can all agree, this is a precious feeling that no power or government can ever take away. Its this love that fills us with passion to be better, teach better, to love better, all for the sake of our children. That seems to hold true for you as you write so beautifully of what you want to show your daughter and to guide her in the direction you see fit. In addition, you speak with compassion towards her and I felt so much love. I think its safe to say, we all moms know that sentiment. Of course its not to disinclude those that are not mothers. You wonderful woman are also an intricate part of life. You know that love you’ve given to someone. Someone you felt deserved your heart. Or even in some cases, you hope someone will give you their heart to hold because you know you’re worthy of that. We are all capable of giving and receiving love.

    For the woman that marched, I’m sorry I didnt physically join. My heart was there in spirit and feel honored that you were there to represent so many of us. What a beautiful scene to see all over the world and to be heard. Though, some may say those hats were ugly, these woman were stupid, there was no point….weather I agree or not was not the first thought that came to mind nor was it a negative thought at all. Instead I felt a sense of warmth and unity. Even more compelling was the gatherings not to be just in major cities, but small towns to cities internationally. It really was all over the globe!

    For those that give feedback to various blogs and/or actions…What I found, that really struck me, wasnt the choice to or not to march, but the angry words said to eathother. This election Ive noticed (forgive me if I’m wrong) has more negative and angry energy. I’ve noticed more division than a game of monopoly (some humor thrown in, hopefully some will get). How can we say to a complete stranger that they are an idiot (admittedly I am guilty of that). I admit this because as I get older and experiencing life with an open heart and mind, there is one thing I can say I am truly taking to heart….its RESPECT. I have so much respect for ALL US WOMAN! I am so proud of BEING a woman! When I was little, I used to look onto our fictional heros with so much admiration because all they wanted to do was help those in need. To fight against evil. To protect families and friends and even those that didn’t have anyone fighting for them. We are and can be that in our own reality. We can be heros as small as giving a stranger a warm smile, or that lonely friend a hug, or teaching our children what it means to just be a good person, or marching for something we believe in. And we march! We march for health, we march for awareness, we march because we’re angry, we march because we’re sad, we march becuase we want to be heard. To feel validated. We are all valid in what we feel! We are all worthy of being heard! I read some replies being disgusted that celebrities were using their fame to be heard and to represent this cause. Are they not also a person? Did they not also grow up in our same United States? Are they not intelligent enough? Does that mean someone who works a minimum wage job is not worthy and intelligent? Does your career choice invalidate their words and feelings? They believe just as we all do…about something. Weather we agree on the specific topic isnt the only issue, we are dividing ourselves for basically believing the same thing. That we all deserve equal rights. So why not just bow our heads with kindness? Not to say you’re right or you’re wrong, but to show respect.

    I recently watched a documentary and George Clooney actually said it. He said “..interesting thing about tragedy. We have to be able to relate…otherwise cruelty wins…” I didn’t see the words of WHO said it, but more THE MEANING of the words. I think its true that unless you’ve really lived that person’s life, a sense of compassion can be lost. Instead we compare and want to be heard instead of hearing eachother.

    I respect all of you. No matter the side you stand because at the end of the day, we are all standing on one side. A side with families to love, neighbors to befriend, children to hug, friends to be silly with, animals to walk and feed, gardens to grow, and the desire to find peace.

    I hope I held true to not making this political or biblical because that was not my intent. I hope you feel my respect and encouragement to continue with love in mind. Let’s not speak ugly words, because we woman are too beautiful for that.

    “Woman need to be part of the solution.” -Ahme Kendah

  215. Pingback: Were Any of the Women’s March Supporters Ever Girl Scouts? | CharyWolf's Blog

  216. I take pity on your off spring. She will be one of the most ignorant persons of her generation if you raise her like that. You’re painting this country all wrong, like there is no more growing to be done. As if everyone is treated with the same dignity and respect as a young white male. You must be simply insane, or have never stepped outside long enough to experience discrimination. Women in the SAME career as men do NOT make the same amount of money. My body is my choice. I should NOT have to pay taxes on period hygiene products that are a necessity to function in day-to-day life (and no honey I’m not talking about the kitchen). I’m referring to the job I had to work ten times harder than the 20 men in front of me that had HALF the resume. I’m proud to be a woman and I’m not afraid for fighting for my rights. To be heard and acknowledge the MANY problems that still lie ahead for this growing country. The founding fathers did not have us in mind, and some men in power today have the same mind set. Have a great life, I know you will, because ignorance is bliss.

  217. Thank you Mary, I love this. It is just what I needed today. It is so hypocritical to fight for “women’s rights” and yet kill women while they are in the womb. We don’t decide weather or not God gave that precious baby a soul Jeremiah 1:5). There is a real war against morality and Christianity. I have been very disheartened by all of the negativity and hate-mongering. God bless America and bring back a righteous value system.

  218. Your condescending. Your know your story not others. You know your community not others. You dear women wear blinders and hide. You have no clue what other woman go through because you never experienced it.. Imagine if you will a woman thats never had a baby told you giving birth was easy and wasn’t painful.. What you did is the exact same thing. You gave your opinion In something you have not experienced. Im sure I couldn’t fit your shoes and Im equally sure you haven’t wore mine…

  219. Disagree that it is a lie. I believe you have the right to disagree. You are saying that women like me our liars. That is exactly what this division is about. Pitting women against women for differences of opinion. Sad.

  220. Dear baby, I did not march for you because I am a woman who is participating wholeheartedly in my own oppression. I do this by shaming other women and putting them down.

  221. You obviously had no clue! Yes you did list a lot of if not all of the reasons that these awesome woman marched! But what you left out was the WHY. Why would you lie to your child? Woman DO NOT make as much money as men…. You and your president ARE trying to get involved in the reproductive health of all woman because of “religion”. I could go on… I won’t. It’s not the fact that you didn’t March for your child that makes you terrible it’s the fact that you don’t even care to learn the real truth about any of these situations to which you obviously have never had to encounter.

  222. What a terrible lesson to give a child… that their rights just magically appeared, and that they will magically stay in tact, even under direct assault… and that their kind of exaggurated anyway. 😦

  223. This was a great article. Too bad it won’t be given a chance because of those who want to scream and holler as opposed to having a discussion about topics they may or may not agree with!

  224. Exactly. I’m a woman and I’m not oppressed. And it’s some woman’s right to keep it or not no one else. And get ride of roe v wade they will history proves it women will I say will go back to coat hangers etc. let’s not go back 44 year to barbaric practices. That women die because of no choise I pro life but I am pro choise. cuz I’m not death of women in a situation with no pro choise to risk there life or sacrifice it cuz of no choise. Have baby’s to many leads to the teen or to young of a woman kids killing the baby. A baby that got to breath and feel. Rather than never feel breath or any thing to go straight to god. How many baby found dead or die after found die. Or very small ones getting beat to death by young mom or dad. We need to keep this roe wade. Cuz the baby’s left in the trash to die or beaten cusbthey can’t Handel it. Will I guarantee those statistics will rise guaranteed it will. End of rant. Good post I agree

  225. Just know, that one day in history, when your daughter is all grown up, she will be so ashamed that her mommy was on the wrong side and didn’t get that women (and men and children) marched for human rights and their democracy, science, and everything else that used to be good before the orange thing came into our lives. And it’s not ok for the POTUS to assault and be ok with assaulting women. I hope your daughter is very ashamed, which she will be…one day.

  226. so in other words you’re going to teach her how to be some man’s bitch & not a HUMAN who can think for herself….got it. that’s a really long-winded way of saying “I’m a self-hating misogynist and will raise my daughter to believe she’s an inferior human being not worthy of equal trust and respect as her male peers.”

  227. Well, for starters, women tend to choose careers that don’t pay as much -> Not true, Hi, I’m a Software Engineer as are thousands of my female colleagues world wide.

    Women also choose to do things like take a few years off of work to stay at home with their kids -> Not true, most women HAVE to stay home because the price of day care is more than they make.

    Women also choose (and that’s an important word, honey) -> Yes, like how the government is gonna choose for you honey…when it comes to YOUR right to choose. Not you, and your family, and your doctor. THE GOVERNMENT.

    So when they go back to their jobs—their counterparts probably got a few raises in the meantime -> If women had paid maternity leave, and help with the cost of day care then they wouldn’t have to take that time off you mentioned where men are jumping ahead and getting the raises that we can never seem to earn back? Why are women punished financially because they are have the honor and sometimes burden to be able to bring life into this world?

    Men also tend to work longer hours -> Could that be because even if a woman has to work the same 40 hour a week job, they are still primarily responsible for cooking and cleaning and child care? A little antiquated don’t ya think?

    Terrible, horrible, no good very bad lies -> Are we sure Trump didn’t write this? Suspiciously similar to his redundant, simpleton vocabulary.

  228. I thoroughly enjoy reading articles like this that I don’t agree with. It’s refreshing for someone to speak an opinion (any opinion) so politely and in an educated manner. If we could all voice our opinions in this way, I don’t think arguments would get as heated. I don’t agree with some of what you said there, but I don’t feel attacked- which is very important when you want people to respect your opinion and take it seriously.

    I don’t know if this is an actual letter to your child, or a hypothetical situation to get your point across. But if this is a letter, I have no doubt that she’ll turn into a empowered and respectable young woman.

    Thank you for your refreshingly well-written and respectful opinion. The internet needs more of you.

    • I would totally agree with you if it wasn’t for the “it’s a lie” that is used throughout… What’s infuriating is that most of this can be proven factually to be untrue … yet they are calling the opposing view “a lie”

    • Really? You thought it was respectful for the writer to refer to those who believe that sexism is real and the cause of many challenges that women face in American society as “liars.” Because that didn’t sound very respectful to me.

    • How is this not an attack when she begins by GIVING the reasons women marched (not asking, mind you, not reported from any other perspective but her own), claiming ALL MARCHERS were “mad because…, mad because….” and then proceded to immediately say how everyone one of those views, feelings, perspectives, is a lie. You are dosnright blind or a paid commenter, if you truly believe there was anything civil about this post or its message to the women who marched that the author degrades and dismisses.

    • BLC, it’s women like you and Mary Ramirez that could have a healthy dialog and really discuss issues and potential solve problems. I appreciate you both.

      I don’t expect all people to agree, but it helps if positions are stated with some measure of civility and laid out free of judging the people you’re trying to persuade. It allows for communication, understanding, and at least clarifying how each side sees the various issues and where unified solutions might be implemented.

    • I do agree with what the writer wrote and most of the responses. I’m also thankful for polite response. I’m disappointed with most of the post I see on the internet. Almost every subject is routed off the subject that leads into a political argument. Thank you for your opinion!

    • I agree100%! We need far less hyperbole, and far more well reasoned and articulate explanations of varying points of view!

    • While I don’t agree with the reasons stated as a complete representation of the march, and that’s largely due to my work in international women’s rights and my own horrific experiences with maternal care, miscarriages, and the like while living overseas, I have very high levels of respect for those who are eloquent with their thoughts. I feel like I could sit down with this author over tea and have an honest discussion about our differences, and then still go shopping afterwards.

      The ability to speak to differences, be patient, and express opinions in a way that doesn’t ostracize others is a much needed tool to continue furthering our common causes. I am sorry that the women didn’t represent you and made you doubt their reasons for marching, but I am happy to know you recognize how amazing it is to be a woman of privilege in the USA. Like the poster before me, I’m sure your daughter will be an empowered woman who is confident in her choices and reasons.

      I’m hoping that I won’t get drug through the mud for this comment by some of my fellow marchers. I did write a piece on why I would have marched. It can be found here:

  229. Than you, Mary, for speaking out without resorting to name-calling as many of those who disagree with you just can’t seem to avoid. They say they’ll tell THEIR daughter (if they don’t abort them all) the truth. This truth? “I marched (and aborted your sister) so you (and I) could have a better life.” That’s going to make her feel good about herself?

    • You commend this woman for sharing a narrative that doesn’t call names or throw insults and yet in the same breath, you sweepingly imply that anyone opposed to this viewpoint is running around aborting their children because they want to live a better life? I’m saddened by your interpretation of women who have a different perspective than you do on women’s rights.

    • I marched and have never had an abortion, freedom of choice means just that “I choose” not the government…..Your claim is disgusting and small.

    • This was not a mandatory march, and you’re not saying anything even remotely original here, though you are saying it all in a uniquely condescending and creepy way. Bottom line is if you could not think of any issue worth supporting that was represented by the march, including equal rights for women of color, rights for LGBTQ folks, rights for sex workers, rights for immigrant women, support for victims of sexual and physical abuse, rights for those with disabilities, support for healthcare reform, etc., and so you were absolutely right to choose not participate.

    • I find great irony in applauding the author for not insulting those who disagree with her …. all while you insult / belittle those you disagree with.

      Newsflash: not every woman who marched has had or would ever choose an abortion.

    • Sylvia, no name calling??? Mary repeatedly called people liars with her shallow assertions and disparaged American citizens’ rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.

    • Real nice. You’re being a disgusting woman by assuming all liberal woman want to abort their children. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  230. Dear baby girl. I have written this letter to help you understand why I did not march for you. However, I realize that I am writing this letter to ease my own conscience. For I know you will never read this letter. It’s too late now, but because I voted for the evil one in 2016, the world I brought you into no longer exists. Please forgive me.

    • OMG, this is perfect and most of the people marching were there for other reasons. There were so many issues. I walked with clergy members and men. She is such an ignorant calling us all baby killers. What a fucking whore. And fuck you too to the person who said she did not resort to name calling. What the hell does baby killer mean? Maybe she edited the letter afterwards Honesty, what a moron. I threw this in literacy check and it came out on a second grade level. I hope her daughter learns to read it by then. Maybe she can red pen it for Douche MOM.

    • No words…no respect! Why there is so much hate in the world. People get offended by others opinions. Also, ANY respect for authority has been thrown out the window. Thankful God is in control!

    • Linda, Trump is evil? How? Are you going to tell your daughter how hillary got a child rapist from going to prison then laughed because she knew he was guilty? Are you also going to tell her that the child raped was a 12 year old little girl? Are you going to tell her how Hillary calls black people “black predators”?

    • It’s so sad that you read a classy article like this and instead of taking the positives from it (how could you not feel empowered as a woman reading it!?) you turn it into a Trump bash. At what point did the author state her voting choices? Disappointed, Linda.

    • Yes, yes and more yes! This author is lucky she never worked the same job as a man for less pay, or had to sit on his lap while he “explained” the computer. But, that will all be gone once Donnie pushes the button, so fly away baby bird, and mommy will see you in the next world.

    • Yep, she needed to ease her conscience for not posting a bunch of pics of herself in a pink hat on FB to prove to the world that she’s super cool. I mean…how does she sleep at night? Sick burn.

    • Lmao, you are a very special kind of stupid.I am going to be laughing all night. A matter a fact I’m going to screenshot this so my friends can laugh . Dear baby girl, I’m so glad we did not March in June because our spoiled little crybaby , snowflake asses would have. All melted. The evil one called down the sun , it was racist and out to get us too. Lmao It grabbed me by my pussy, and I let it. Do I sound like a nutjob cause you sure as hell do.😣😤😭😨😈🐂💩😹👬👭👫🔥🇺🇸❄❄❄❄🌈⚡

    • Did she say who she voted for?
      For all you may think of him, look at yourself. With a comment like that, you’re no better, snarky when someone doesn’t want to be, think or do what you do. That’s not empowering, when you only support females who think just like you while claiming to be marching for women. If this country gets to the point that it’s no more, it won’t be Trump or Hillary or any politician that is to blame. We did this to ourselves. People like you, who just want to cause problems, alienate others, point fingers. So go ahead and point a fingee at the author of this, just don’t forget to turn that finger right back in yourself. The march ultimately has accomplished nothing productive actually. “Girl Power”, you know?

  231. Yes, yes & yes!! This was so beautifully written & clarifies all of the thoughts in my head over the matter. Thank you for sharing!

  232. What, exactly, did marching accomplish? The best way to stand up for other women, especially young women, is to be a successful woman. Marching doesn’t build a trail for others to follow. Working your ass off, setting an example, and doing the very things others say you can’t… That’s how a difference is made! That’s what my parents taught me, that’s what they did, and it’s something I will do for the rest of my professional life. And before I’m labeled “privileged”, let me say that I also didn’t go to college because my family couldn’t afford it. My father had cerebral palsy and never let his disability be an excuse for not accomplishing any goal he set for himself. He taught me that I decide what my limitations are, not society or any person or group or people. I started working as a concrete laborer when I was 16. I’ve worked my way into construction project management for a large general contractor, working on projects worth billions. I work with mostly men who treat me with the respect I’ve earned, just like any man in my position would have to do, and I’m paid equitably. It makes me sad, seeing young people be told that they’re oppressed, for any reason. Which child is more likely to be successful, the one with the seed of oppression planted or the one with the seed of hope and confidence? A child or young person who thinks their road will be full of roadblocks before they even leave the driveway is far less likely to even try to head down that road. No matter if you marched or not, please consider these things before you drive a message home with your children on this topic.

    • Good for both you and your dad!!!! My mom went to school with a man who had sever cerebral palsy and could barely move, yet instead of letting it get him down, he farmed, by himself, his entire life.

    • Whether you see a problem or not never begrudge others their right to protest and stand up for what they believe in. And as we see from the immigration protest it works just fine.

    • You sound like you had wonderful parents and worked hard and have made your differences in the world. Of the millions of people who marched some are on a similar path you have walked, some on a harder path and some on an easier path. All felt the need, as is their right, to have their voices heard. While you don’t have to agree, sympathize, empathize, relate or support, it’s comes off as entirely self-righteous and self-absorbed when you criticize others for wanting their voice heard.

    • Thank you for this perfect message! I plan to show it to my daughters, who are now young women just beginning their journey as professional women. Like you, I was taught that the only person responsible for my life was ME, and the only limitations are those set by ME. I passed that on to my daughters, and my son.

    • Your right the Boston Tea Party and the million man march accomplished nothing….We are literally built on protest. Read a history book please.

    • Actually marching has accomplished loads of change from the Lex Oppia up to today. I am happy to recommend you a reading list?

    • I never said marching never accomplished anything. I respectfully asked what it accomplished in this instance. I think that the most effective way to “even the playing field” is to increase the number of successful women who are beating whatever unfairness exists. We all spout out statistics here… statistics are nothing more than numbers. Change the numbers, change the statistics. Marching may raise awareness but someone still has to go out and do the work to change the statistics. Most professionals are able to negotiate their salary. This issue is ALWAYS on my mind when I’m negotiating. Sure, it’s about my own income, but it’s also about setting a precedent. I will not settle for inequitable compensation or treatment because I’m then accepting that I’m less valuable.
      My Father was also a lobbyist for the disabled and played an significant role in writing the original ADA laws. I was with him every day, at a disadvantage. To access anyone with offices in the State Building in DC, we had to go in through the loading dock and take the freight elevator because there was no way to access the main elevators without going up stairs. He didn’t simply complain about it. He was successful in spite of his disadvantages, with intention, knowing I was watching and other people (especially children) were watching. HE SET AN EXAMPLE. I’m not saying don’t march. If that’s what’s on your heart, by all means, do what you gotta do, but I urge you to also do your best to SET AN EXAMPLE. I have 11 Godchildren. The majority of them are the children of my 2 closest friends who are both AMAZING stay at home Moms. They tell me regularly how happy they are that their kids have me in their life to set an example of how hard work in a professional setting can pay off. They’re watching… so I’ll keep setting an example.

  233. Wow…for alot of “we will chat more later”!!! Will that chat include, to “Little Bird”… beware now that we have a President, that openly admits and Braggs about sexually assaulting women, now could be, and probably will be interpreted by many young men, their now given a license, and right to rape a woman!! But yeah it “Little Bird” is impregnated by rape, or incest … she can just give the unwanted baby up for adoption, or have to risk going to prison for aborting it!!!! ….
    But, you men know best Right, whatever!! If abortions are made illegal, men abandoning women after they become pregnant should also be made illegal, punishable by prison as well! Just saying, that march was so much more than what this article interpretation implies…but u dint expect men to fully understand it anyway!!!

    • Number one, a WOMAN wrote this article. Number two, President Trump did not brag about sexually assaulting women. Did you listen to the audio? Really? Or did you just believe what the media SAID THAT HE SAID? Because what he was talking about was “groupies”. Remember that word? When moon-eyed girls follow a “star” around and hoped like crazy they would be the one chosen to get laid that night. He said, “When you are a star, they let you do anything (notice the consent here-LET YOU)….even “Grab ’em by the pussy”. He did not ADMIT to DOING ANYTHING. How many people heard him say that much, even? One guy. Just one. Until they leaked it to do damage. 11 years ago he talks about the privileges “stars” have because some girls LET them do anything, and you are all apoplectic about it. Pssshhht. Pay attention next time. Oh, I know. How about right now? Tell me all about Trump’s “Muslim Ban”. Tell me all about how he’s banned all muslims from entering the US. I’m sure that makes you mad. But be sure you notice that the countries he is restricting travel from are the SAME ONES OBAMA DID, and also note that there are 40 other countries whose primary religion is Muslim that are NOT on the list.

      Yeah, think that one over real carefully before you reply.

    • so trump is not qualified. So someone that has built an empire is elected over a woman who has done nothing but destroy and play the system her entire adult life. she should have been commander and chief after 8 years of the worse and most incompetent president in history whose only back ground was a neighborhood watch commander that we barely survived. Look all i know is my retirement has increase more in the past 2 months than it has in the past 6 years and that is just with an attitude change and no actions. We finally have someone in office that gets the real meaning that running a country is a business.
      Deal with and if you are working and saving and paying taxes, which i would guess you are not, then count your money as it grows and be happy you may have a chance now to retire with dignity some day.

    • Before you throw rocks, why don’t you start with Clinton who abused his power over an intern and ruined her career, not his. And then lied to the American people who believed him. But that’s ok because you were willing to put a criminal in the White House.

    • The article wasn’t written for men. It was written by a woman to a young girl for other women to read and understand her perspective. And if you raise a young man that thinks it is OK to rape and/or sexually assault someone AT ALL, then I believe it is the parenting that has failed the child, not society failing.

    • You honestly think that young men will just all of the sudden think they have the right to rape or sexually assault a woman because of what the president said or didn’t say?? It’s about how a child is raised, about teaching a young boy or girl how to be respectful of the other sex. How about stop pointing the finger at one man and turn to all the other methods that sex is being thrown at us! It’s all over television and social media every single day! Wake up!! And start trying to fix the problem instead of pointing fingers!!

    • So are you suggesting that because some men opt on on the responsibility of parenthood that we should kill the babies? Also, since men are part of the process of pregnancy, why should they not alsot be allowed to be part of a decision to abort the baby if that is what you choose as a mother?

    • Did you rant about bill Clinton who actually assisted women while in office then sent Hillary on “bimbo patrol”

      I highly doubt one president is not going to take away all constitutional rights. But if he does all of the people who allowed the bad precedent of legislating from the Oval Office to be set need to take a long hard look at themselves and think about the power they handed over to a single person rather than keeping to the separation of powers detailed in the constitution.

    • Well, as far as men abandoning the women after they are pregnant there is such a thing as child support… Which if you don’t pay you GO TO JAIL. So yeah…. There is that…

    • “now that we have a President, that openly admits and Braggs about sexually assaulting women”…We had a president in the past that did as you stated, but Trump was not president when it happened. Have you forgotten about President Clinton that admitted to the Grand Jury and the American people that he had an inappropriate relationship in the Oval Office? (it is on youtube for all the world to view). Yes, he apologized. And, yes, President Trump has, also, admitted and apologized for his actions that occurred YEARS before his run for the presidency. There is a huge difference. I’m thankful for second chances, I’m sure both of these men are thankful for second chances to prove themselves better than their previous wrong choices. Perhaps you are thankful, as well. Blessings to you.

    • Men who abandon women is illegal, It’s called child support and they get locked up if they fail to pay. Rape will always be illegal no matter who’s in office. If your son assumes its ok to do so because of who’s in office maybe your job as a parent needs to be questioned. All i’m saying is everyone is giving the president a lot more credit than he deserves. Take care of your children and teach them to be strong good people and politics will never matter.

    • You do realize that the majority of abortions aren’t due to rape and incest…right? Also, Donald Trump has apologized for his crude comments about his words and has never condoned rape; which I will point out that any case that was filed against him for sexual assault was proven to be false and thrown out. I’m not excusing his words but if you were offended by that then you obviously don’t have guy friends, brothers, or have been around males much..unfortunately, they all talk like that. Does it make it right, no but that talk was taught by social media, peers, and sometimes at home. If you and anyone that continue to live in the past, won’t move on, and learn forgiveness then the division continues. Considering this article was well articulated and respectful on why they didn’t march and your response was well..typical is the only reason why I even bothered.

    • Please put an aspirin between your knees and you won’t need to worry about men and getting pregnant., sheesh! Your in control if you bed someone!

    • Your not only implying it’s a man’s fault when a woman gets pregnant but also that he should be punished if he decides he doesn’t want to stay… sexist much? Women are not perfect either.

    • When a woman is raped or incestuous sex has happened, the plan b is available now for those situations, your point has become invalid!

    • You are a liar. The President never”btagged” about assaulting women
      Why don’t you just tell the truth?
      You are angry because your candidate did not win the election. That is the truth.

  234. Thank you for saying what I feel so eloquently. Our country is not perfect but compared to some of the other places on earth we are truly blessed
    . So sad the propaganda from the left doesn’t look harder at the damage their attempt at brainwashing is doing to our wonderful country.

  235. You are out of your mind lady. You have it just so, so wrong. You can justify your position in any way that you want, but as a female executive who was ALWAYS paid so much less than men for doing not only the same job, but a better job, you’re wrong. As a female who is always at the mercy of the courts and our legislators about what I can and cannot do with my own body, you’re wrong. In fact, apparently I would have to publish a book in order to prove to you and your nutty followers why you are just so wrong about all of this. But, you are more than wrong…you are dangerous. You are dangerous with your lies because you are hurting people – you are no better than #45, the new administration and their supporters. Your mean, vicious opinion is called “gaslighting”. I am sure you don’t know what means, given your obvious ignorance, but look it up and then tell your little baby girl what you really are.

    • What an ugly comment to make to a woman who not only has gone through hell in her lifetime but was open enough to share her hell with us. If you can’t disagree in a kind way, please don’t say anything at all. I’m using all of the self control I can muster up to not be rude to you in defense of this woman. Why? Because I believe that’s what an educated, professional woman does.

    • Exactly. So many people don’t seem to grasp how easily we could lose those hard-won rights with his majesty king trump in the white house. He scares me and has proved just how crazy he is this last week.

    • You said it–out of her mind if she truly believes those lies. Anyone that denies workplace discrimination obviously has not held a high position (or had any transparency, at least). I am 1 woman of 16 in my Finance department (senior-level) and have visibility to everyone’s payroll, and I can tell you the discrimination is very real across every department. Sure, maybe women don’t negotiate pay raises as often as men–but it’s probably because they were raised by mothers (and fathers) who told them women aren’t supposed to make more than their male counterparts. So very sad. Pray for this little girl and hope she will be the first to break the mold in her family. We need more strong women raising strong women, and not “little birds”.

    • You are absolutely accurate. Terrifying that such misinformation is met with such praise. This is exactly why we now have this megalomaniac President…All the progress that women have made and now this..supported by innacurate statistics and some “mama bird’s” bird brain.

    • [Hm, was my comment deleted?]

      Agreed–she is out of her mind if she really believes wage discrimination doesn’t exist. Honey, you probably haven’t held a high enough position for the spread to be so apparent, or maybe you haven’t had any transparency, period. Let me tell you that as 1 woman out of 10+ in the Finance department (senior-level) who has visibility to all payroll, the disparity is real across ALL departments. I’m not saying every single employer is this way, but in my experience, every company I’ve worked with shows similar statistics.You may be right about one thing, though: maybe women don’t negotiate pay raises as often as men. My guess is they were raised by mothers (and fathers) who told them women aren’t expected to make as much as their male counterparts, and that it’s completely fine if they don’t.

      Stacey, imagine if we held ourselves to the same standard as this blogger. We wouldn’t be at the top of our respective fields. We would have just been fine with being complacent and felt we should leave the leadership roles to those big, strong, men.

      I pray this child is the first to break the mold in her family. What this world needs is more strong women raising strong women, rather than delicate “little birds”.

    • Really? If you were truly paid less for the same hours, education, and level of acheivement, then you say so. And look for a new job where they will appreciate you if you truly are getting screwed. I’m well aware what gaslighting is and this lady is not doing it. She’s simply presenting an alternate viewpoint some women have. And nobody has ever governed what you do with YOUR body…people have attempted to look out for what you’re allowed to do to someone else’s body, though. It amazes me the casualness with which women seem willing to snuff out a life because it’s *their* body. You have the right to any form of birth control you like, whether you have sex or not, and yes, you still have the right to abort your child should uou want it. That didn’t change with Trump’s election. I didn’t even vote for the guy, but the left’s absolute going off the rails these past few weeks is nutters.

    • I believe gas lighting is exactly what is being done in the liberal media. I think most people who have watched even a minute of the campaign know exactly what gas lighting is. How is the woman who wrote this article hurting anyone? This is how SHE sees things and what SHE thinks is best for HER daughter. You do comprehend that your opinion and the opinions of the side that you stand on are not shared by half of the country, correct? Just because another woman does not agree or see things your way does not make her evil or vicious. It means she doesn’t agree with you. You want to empower women? You want women to be equal? How about you start by not tearing another one down? What exactly is it you would like to do with YOUR body that you are not allowed to do? Other then prostitute it which I would certainly hope is not high on your priority list. Abortions are legal, although I do not agree with them, they are legal. You just have to pay for them. God forbid, you have to pay for the choice you make for YOUR body. So I fail to see what it is you’re harping about. I do see, however, the hypocrisy in your post.

    • Nowhere was she “mean or vicious”….you must’ve read a different article. Whether you agree or not, there is no way anything she wrote could be construed as “mean or vicious”…

    • Wow you’re really attacking her personally. That demonstrates a great deal of… um…
      Well, anyway I hope you feel better now.

    • You are wrong. And if are still working for less pay than men for the same job, and even harder for it, YOU are the problem. YOU are letting it happen to YOU. It does not need to be that way. So fix it! Fight for your rights on your job and be glad you have the right to do so! You my dear are spreading lies and hurting people. This eloquent and accurate post I just read was spot on. Try positivity , you might get further.

    • As an outside observer looking at the original article and your reply, it appears that the original writer is reasonable and you’re position is driven with ideology, judgmentalism, and a lack of respect for women – unless they agree with you.

      Walking in as “not a woman” so I don’t really have a personal interest in either side, as also not a member of either major American political party – I just look at it from the outside and see which side seems to make the most sense.

      My liberal friends seem to forget that they are losing. I’m not just talking about the President, I’m talking about the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court, governorships, state houses… all across the board the liberals are the minority in power – which means to win they need to persuade.

      At the moment, Mary Ramirez presented a much better case than Stacey (or em – below). It’s the Mary’s and people who think like her and agree with her that have perspectives fairly common in rural America that the urban liberals need to reach and persuade. One does not do that by attacking and shaming. That can work when you’re winning. It’s a bad strategy when you’re losing.

      Personally, I like much more equal a balance of power than we have right now. I would prefer it did not get more imbalanced, but I need my liberal friends to take more persuasive stances and use less combative strategies.

    • This is true. As a woman in the military I can also attest to the fact that women have to be better to receive equitable recognition. And yes, this entire article does qualify as gaslighting, which for those of you who don’t know, is a form of manipulation that claims that someone is crazy for their behaviors when, in all actuality, they have every right to behave in that manner.

    • Agree! Wage discrimination is a real thing. Not only are women discriminated against in their wages because they’re women but also because they’re black or Latino or Asian, etc. Just because the OP hasn’t experienced it or doesn’t know someone who was aware of it happening to them does not mean that it does not happen and her ability to be so blissfully unaware speaks to the writer’s privilege. It’s one of the reasons why we should be less uptight when it comes to talking about money. If we would openly talk about our wages and they weren’t such a big secret we could all be more fairly compensated.

    • She wrote her letter so eloquently and then I read your response. I could see the difference between class right away. And, there in lies the problem. We can put our opinions out there but can be so rudely attacked for that opinion instead of realizing we all are different and have different beliefs. No matter has tolerance anymore. I’m not going to be ignorant and tell you you are wrong, I’m going to politely say that I disagree with you. Then I’ll leave it that. Wishing you the best.

    • Your comment about your body!! You do what you wish with your body, but if you are talking about abortion, the body you plan to harm is not yours at all. The body is growing in your body due to a choice that you made to partake in an activity that is known for causing said body to develop. And incase you weren’t aware this is what abortion looks like, here is a video to educate you!

    • As a female working in a male dominated field I can tell you I make almost double what my male counterparts in my graduating class do. So I’m very sorry for your poor choices in employers, but your scenario is not everyone’s scenario and you are assuming that it is.

      And almost half the country is dangerous nuts according to your post. The pro life movement is not just a few nutjobs in case you haven’t noticed. And to call someone mean and vicious because they have compassion for the unborn and do not feel that you should be able to push the consequences of their actions onto another is ridiculous. The majority (according to the CDC) of abortions are not due to medical or rape circumstances. The majority of women surveyed just felt the timing was bad. And news flash here, pregnancy is a known consequence of choosing to engage in sexual activity. Please make your decision wisely and be responsible enough to handle your business without the destruction of life.

      And you are entitled to your opinion. But so is the writer. She wasn’t calling names. But you are. So I will leave you with this final thought. I work with men every day. I am luck in the reguard that I have never been oppressed by a man. But I am regularly oppressed by the current feminist movement. When you put down and attempt to silence any opinion that is different from your you have become the oppressor you claim to despise.

    • She wrote a thoughtful letter, without ANY viciousness unlike yours which was hate-filled. I wonder, why didn’t you look for other employment if you didn’t get what you needed from your employer. No one can make you happy and satisfied with your life except you.

    • Finally, a comment from a sane woman (Stacy) who is obviously educated and intelligent. I am an architect that has been ALWAYS paid less than men, for exactly the same job, for years. I’ve worked more hours than any man in my office, and received less credit and/or dollars. I’ve been expected to be an educated, licensed, attractive, over achieving professional in order to “compete” with male colleagues in the work force. If I am direct, I am a bitch. If a man is direct he is strong and confident. But aside from all of my personal experience with inequality in the workplace, the Women’s March was not just about women’s rights, or the threat of losing women’s rights. It was about preserving the Civil Rights for all of us who are not white Christian males. It was for all of the people who have ever been marginalized in some way because they are simply different. This March was nothing but the TRUTH and the right to gather peacefully to let our world and the Trump Administration know that we matter and that we will not stop fighting the good fight. With the new Trump administration in POWER, all of us who are different are in danger of losing our civil rights. That was their platform. And now they are on their way to fulfilling those platform promises. Once one civil right is denied or revoked to one group, it becomes a slippery slope for all civil rights. Eventually, one of your rights, or the rights of someone you know and love, will come into question too. So, I suggest to all of the women who applaud and praise this article, take a thoughtful look at those who are different and then reassess how “perfect” this country is for everyone. Oh, and you might want to read the Constitution.

    • Hey Stacey hate to tell you than you were a fool for staying in a position less than your worth as you had a choice. You always have a choice! As a woman who are you kidding, mercy at the courts for what? Abortion rights, How old are you? I bet I am much older than you and it is your body! You do have a say. Wow, I just see how much this is so blown out of proportion and the ridiculous outfits worn during this March was unbelievable. There is absolutely no way I could take any one of you seriously looking the way most of you did. Oh you woman gained attention all right but not for the reasons you had hoped for. It was mainly ridicule for the way they looked. Highly intelligent, well educated, sophisticated woman marching looking like????? get real….can you be taken seriously…….don’t think so….Also ignorance is BLISS…..and that dear friend was played well on the women’s March. They should have acted the part more professionally.

    • I tell all 3 of my daughters to know their worth and I beg of you to go to any other country and find the freedoms you have here! To think I put my life at risk for you to have the freedoms you have sickens me!

  236. This is a bunch of lies. If you daughter turns out to be bi, lesbian, or transgender then she doesn’t have equal rights. If you daughter decided she wants an abortion she doesn’t have equal rights, regardless of what you think she will want to make her own choices regarding pregnancy. If your daughter becomes an actor, she will get paid less even if its not a STEM related career, and she will be called an actress and her roles will be subordinate. If your daughter isn’t white, then there is no way she is even viewed as equal to that of a white cis woman. What if your daughter wants to display her body? Then you wouldn’t teach her that she had the freedom to do that without being sexualized? What does disagreeing honorably look like? I would say a peace march that empowers all woman is honorable… This whole article is based on fallacies and lies.

    • Yup and there are Stems not getting equal wages. She is way off on that one. No research skills at all. And again, people marching were men, vets, doctors, nurses, clergy, all types of folks for all types of issues. She was not there so she can not even say what an amazing day it was. Fake news. Alt facts, trump wins even though he raped a child, is a racist, threatened to shoot babies in the head, and committed over 6k easily found crimes.

    • I wholeheartedly agree with you! I’m usually very empathetic and view things with an open mind but this article was not touching nor well written, lacking authenticity… #alternativetruth

    • This is just privilege talking. People lack empathy. If it is not happening to them then it must not be true. Just because you don’t feel marginalized doesn’t mean other women aren’t. This is dangerous thinking.

    • As an outside observer looking at the original article and your reply, it appears that the original writer is reasonable and you’re position is driven with ideology, judgmentalism, and a lack of respect for women – unless they agree with you.

      Walking in as “not a woman” so I don’t really have a personal interest in either side, as also not a member of either major American political party – I just look at it from the outside and see which side seems to make the most sense.

      My liberal friends seem to forget that they are losing. I’m not just talking about the President, I’m talking about the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court, governorships, state houses… all across the board the liberals are the minority in power – which means to win they need to persuade.

      At the moment, Mary Ramirez presented a much better case than em (or Stacey – above). It’s the Mary’s and people who think like her and agree with her that have perspectives fairly common in rural America that the urban liberals need to reach and persuade. One does not do that by attacking and shaming. That can work when you’re winning. It’s a bad strategy when you’re losing.

      Personally, I like much more equal a balance of power than we have right now. I would prefer it did not get more imbalanced, but I need my liberal friends to take more persuasive stances and use less combative strategies.

    • Dear em on,
      The lie is not in her morally just comments, but in your own corrupt discernment. Every point you state espouses this and I ask that you read this with a deeper intellect which requires contemplation at a deeper level.
      Scientific fact: The LGBT community chooses sexual gratification, yes chooses to act on self gratification which is a physical primal response based in their “perceived” orientation, that has developed due to a myriad of reasons of psychological and moral influences or lack thereof, with their own sex which is unnatural, yes unnatural according to their biological physical makeup. It is not NATURAL based solely as a scientific fact. It is based purely on desire which is selfish at its bare minimum. If the world became this selfish and self gratifying it would cease to exist. Again scientific. Don’t go all here…
      Now as for equal rights? They have the right to form a union for material goods protections. What they selfishly want is recognition to change the definition of language. Put in an addendum (if you will) to alter a definition of the word marriage. This is pure selfishness.
      Abortion? Well, now think deeper and remove the emotion, how can you be for equal rights for ALL yet exclude the most innocent of all human beings? These are unborn babies who deserve the same recognition. This “right” that rips a human being from its right to life is bad law at its core. A pregnant woman who is murdered which ultimately kills her unborn child, is afforded rights that persecute the murderer as committing a double homicide….hmmm if you believe that then you know in your heart you must defend a unborn child in both scenarios. Murder of any innocent life must always be defended… It is just.
      Lastly, you are not connecting the dots when you profess that displaying your body however you like doesn’t invite a sexually driven response either through a look, or gestures or reactions from men. It is done precisely to elicit this kind of response, but you want men to suppress the very reaction you are looking to show??? You bare your chest and ass then ask him to look you in the eyes first? Come on…. Women create this, then want to wail about it?
      Think deeper my friend, that’s the real power of womanhood.

    • Exactly! But she doesn’t have to worry about any of that yet. Her bubble hasn’t burst.. She thinks it’s always going to be butterfly’s and rainbows. Can’t wait to hear the addendum to this bullshit story she wrote to her daughter

    • em, this is a persons opinion and not lies. Equal rights, really then maybe you need to talk to God about that since he decided on the sex. A peace march that empowers all woman is honorable….I would agree with you on that if I could but there is one thing wrong with that picture I am afraid…….they weren’t dressed for the part of honorable…..intelligent, educated woman with hideous outfits on and vagina’s on their heads? Really, now how can that be anything but honorable….hmmmmm

    • em you had to play your race card. I am so damn sick and tired of that race card being pulled out every time you want to scream UNJUSTICE.. you are a racist by your words “white cis woman.” your problem is you were raised to be a racist and I am sure you are raising your children the same way. “see that cracker they are evil they are mean they keep us down.” I had to put up with 8 years of the worst President this Country has ever seen. It is fact that he spent more time on the gold course than any other President, it is fact that he did a week long reality show while being president it is fact that he signed more executive orders than any other president it is fact that the day before he left office he released over 100 drug dealers back on the streets. I am waiting for one of them to murder someone so I can yell foul and I hope who ever they murder their families sue Obama for letting them out in the first place. You want to do this country some good. Stop being a Racist and start seeing everyone as Grey. That is how I was brought up never judge by color, race, religion or sexual orientation. Why don’t you try it?

    • Barbara, there is no need to diminish other Women just because you don’t believe in what we accomplished. But it does show, your true character. Glad we can be a role model for your due descendants.

    • So a “real” women calls herself “real” now? Implying the others are….?

      Seriously, i don’t get that. Lots of commenta on here about “real” women. So sad people now have so much narcissism that they beleive they are actually better at being a GENDER in order to knock somebody down a notch. It’s starting to get pretty pathetic what people need to tell themselves to feel okay.

    • Real? The last time I pinched myself it hurt. Just as it does when we are undermined verbally, intellectually, practically and emotionally every day in the West and in some countries, particularly the ones denied entry to the USA now, they cannot even speak of this.

    • I don’t know what ‘real’ women you’re referring to, but I am a real woman and I do not in any size, shape, form, or fashion feel like the author of this dangerous drivel does.

    • I am a “Real Woman” and I find the article to be idiotic. Because the writer doesn’t struggle doesn’t mean others don’t. It is this same myopic view that got a sociopath elected to the highest office in our land.

    • Real women as opposed to the “fake” women that marched? A statistic search will show you 1 in 5 or 6 women are raped in college compared to 1 in 17 men, and that doesn’t cover the rest of women I believe 1 in 6 women will be assaulted in their lifetime. Yes we have more rights than we did but you think our work is done?

    • Real women have BRAINS and a sense of the world around them, not sure what you or anyone who agrees with this article have.

    • I’m sorry, but did you literally just sat that a woman with a different political viewpoint from you isn’t a “real woman”? What in the hell does that even mean?

      I might think that women like you and the writer of this insanely stupid and narrow-minded blog post are extremely uninformed about the politics and the discrimination that continues to affect women — but I would never insinuate that you are not a woman because of it. That’s more anti-woman than half of the crap in this post.

    • I’m a real woman and I don’t feel like that, I feel that while I enjoy many freedoms in the UK I have privilege not shared by everyone so I March for those more vulnerable and less privileged than me.

      Grow up, no one woes you anything. we lived through 8 years of crap so get over yourself. All i know is over the past 2 months i have made more $$ than i did in the past 8 years and that is just with attitude changes and no actions. Once again i fill like i am going be able to retire someday instead of having the feeling the past 8 that i will have to work all my life just to pay bills

    • No sweetie this is honesty. You want to talk about propaganda? Turn on any liberal based news show. See what has happened is that y’all have been so brain washed by main steam media you no long know how to think for yourself. Lord let me give you some playdoh and a safe space before you just can’t handle life. The parents of my generation did such a shitty job of raising their kinds on now we are left with a bunch of entitled, helpless, cry babies that’s don’t know how to be successful on their own. Give me a break

  237. Dear daughter of this mother,
    Your mother means well and is very privalaged to think we have equal rights. But we don’t. I never want to get pregnant but I want love in a life partner. I may even one day want to adopt. But contraceptive is very $$$ and it should have to. Children are $$$ in and out the womb, but many think I should use my womb no matter what my situation is. Private health insurance charge more for women because they deal with things men don’t. Women don’t choose the biology of their body, but get penalized for it anyway. Someday you will understand some women get hurt by their fathers, uncles, brothers, friends, strangers ect…and are left with a decision that you may not agree with but are glade you arn’t in that situation anyway. (I hope!) You will learn fear as soon as you walk out the door. You will learn and hate to fear men you don’t know and never give them the benifit of the doubt. You will learn strength. It takes courage to choose to go about your life with all the fear. You will learn many may even fear your strength. Many my fear your friends, esp if they are LGTB, Latina, Muslim, Atheist, Black, ect. You may hate the bra! You shouldn’t be forced to wear it. You may lovr the bra! Many shame women for loving to look sexy. You will learn that you are supose to act a certain “proper” way because “real women do it like this”…but it’s not true. There are many kinds of women who express themselves differently and should be allowed to do so weather you think it proper or not. You will learn that feminism is not all about women but also about allowing men to feminine. You will learn “men don’t cry like girls” when they should be alowed to cry. You will learn they can express themselves like women can. You will learn how they can’t get custody or paid leave when a new babay is born (neither do they pay the mother) I could go on and on but you probably won’t be able to read this. I hope your mother does. I hope you don’t live in a bubble the rest of your life. I hope you will help others I I’m helping you. Your mother may not have marched. I did though. I call my congress men too. I do art and community service. I marched for my diverse community I’ve met doing community service. My half Mexican family. My little sister. My gay aunts. My National Parks. My rigjt to not be a mom. My right to not be a Christian. I also marched for people like you and your mother. Oh little one. I hope I make the world a little better for you when you grow up. I hope your mother will wake up and lend a hand to those not as lucky as you and her. Not everyone is as lucky as like you. I know I live in a beautiful country with lots of freedoms, but nothing is every permanent. No freedom goes unchallenged by greedy people. That is why we march! To inspire and bring attention to the fact our rights can be taken away. We have it good be we can be better. Never settle for less then what you are worth. Be greatful, yes but not blind. It wasn’t that long ago women and others gain rights. Your mother means well but she’s wronge. She is entitled to her opinion but opinions arn’t always right. It’s dangerous to think her way because it blinds you from empathy for others outside your lucky world. You will have a choice my dear child. Help other not as privalaged as you or turn a blind eye. Either way, I love you and your mom.

  238. I find so many issues with just about everything you say. Just because you are lucky doesn’t mean other women all across the country are as lucky as you.

    For starters the fact that men and women make different wages for the same exact job is what you stated. Then you go on to argue that the wage inequality is due to “women taking lower paid jobs” and also “choosing to take a long time off to stay home with kids.” No you just stated that women get paid LESS for the SAME EXACT JOB. So no it isn’t because she chose a lesser paying job…

    Also try using facts. Actual reputable sources.

  239. I for one would like to know what jobs women are doing that art getting paid the same as men. I sure don’t know of any. Also what taxes are women paying that men arnt. I sure don’t know of any. Why make up lies and make yourself a victim. No one is a second Class citizen unless they believe they are. If you someone treats you unfairly they are being mean but your not a second class citizen. If someone harassed you they are in the wrong but your not a second glass citizen. Please dear woman stop living in the dark ages and step into the marvelous modern Era where yes we have problems but you have just as much right to follow your dreams as a man. As far as having control over your own body you do. We’re not concerned to much what you do with your own body. But to the innocent body that grows within a woman we simply want to extend the same rights and privlages you also enjoy. Why are you making babies second class citizens?

  240. This is like saying because there isn’t slavery anymore there isn’t racism in our country. It’s like saying, well, we’ve got it pretty good now, so we should stop fighting and except things as they are. But pretty good isn’t good enough.

    Men and women aren’t biologically equally. Then again, your average man isn’t biologically equal to The Rock, Dwayne Johnson either. But we are still human being, blood and bone and heart and skin. We deserve the same chance pursue life, liberty, and happiness, in the country and in any other country.

    Somewhere out there is a woman who is being or has been treated unfairly because she is a woman. The same way someone is mistreated because of their race, religion, or sexual orientation. And just because women have it “pretty good” or not as bad as some of those other groups, doesn’t mean we too shouldn’t fight for a better future for our children.

    I hope your daughter reads this letter one day and tells you how she sees the world differently from you one day.

  241. Little Bird, when she’s woke, will kick your ignorant ass out of the nest. And march for the things that you were too stupid to see were denied to her fellow chicks from birth.

  242. I wore a pink pussy hat for the AWRENESS that a LEADER of our county think he can GRAB a woman by her pussy because he has PowER and can do so ! He is full of hate and goes against our RIGHTS of our constitution that yes MEN ( and yes woman who fought as nurses and even posed as men to fight hand to hand combat before it was “ALLOWED” to do so ! I’m about LOVE just like our creator/GOD and refuse to discriminate ! I also STAND for the original people who lived on this land and were taken over by “immigrants” who STILL TODAY do not honor their treaties if their is $ to gain EVEN if it means to destroy & deplete our natural resources

  243. This could be all true for rich white women. Could be, but it is not. Not even for the priviledged.
    The comment about being harrassed in Mexico is downright stupid.
    A “letter” that provokes nothing, but nausea.

  244. Women do NOT get paid the same in the same job, with same qualifications and under SAME circumstances. Please do your research first.

  245. No she is not dreaming, she is right on. We are not oppressed here and have more freedoms in this country than a lot of women in other countries will ever see! I have 3 strong, successful, educated, independent daughters that were raised in a stable, loving, christian home, with rules and examples of respect, appreciation, hard work, and guidance that they could be what ever they wanted to be. They dislike the hateful, divided, controversy we are seeing today.

  246. Thank you for your words of validation. I thought it was just me! Choice is a privilege: and it’s not limited by sex or race (here in the USA). I respect the right for each man and woman to choose how to respond to their environment. I realize that there are those who don’t feel as though they HAVE any choice…but in reality, even not feeling as though you have a choice requires you to MAKE a choice on how to respond to that!

    I (and my husband) choose how to raise my daughter, and I do so based on the choices that generations before me have made. This country was founded on choice. Brave men AND women made a choice to come here seeking freedoms that would allow them to build a country that would not dictate what their choice should be. The freedom to choose results in the ability to make both good and bad choices. Our country and citizens (even humanity as a whole) have made good and bad choices. And fortunately we can choose to counteract bad choices that were made by some, by choosing to fight to change wrongs.

    Maybe I am privileged, but it is not of my own doing. My ancestors (and my husband’s) by and large made good choices. Our families stayed intact, choosing to respond to difficulties as a unit: there IS strength in numbers, with influences of both male and female perspectives not always equally represented.

    When I was raped at age 20 by a man I did not know, who to my knowledge has never been convicted of his crime, I had to choose how to respond to a situation forced on me by someone who made an evil choice. It was a struggle and for a time I DID fear and mistrust men. Almost all men, except that I knew my brothers, uncles, nephews, father, grandfathers, men I dated, and the man I would eventually marry were men that would not have made that same evil choice. And yes, I know that I am fortunate to have been born into a family that did not inflict their evil ways on defenseless children. I pray every day for those little ones who truly have no choice, and for those adults in their lives to stand up and take responsibility for that fight off their little shoulders.

    I am Pro Life AND Pro Choice, and I don’t believe the two are mutually exclusive. Rape, incest, birth defects that are not compatible with life are situations that some can deal with, but others fear they can not. I wish for this world that EVERY child would be a wanted child…if not by their parents, then by someone who will raise that child in a loving environment. And we can teach our children to then be respectful of life: theirs and others. Teach them to love themselves, to have the strength of character so they can make good choices and not to be dependent on someone else to choose for them.

    Women who fear that their choices are being taken away have already missed the point. They have always had a choice to have sex, or not have sex, to use contraception, or not use contraception. It is entirely their choice (with the exception of rape) how much they value themselves and how much they value their future children.

    It is never too late to make a choice.

  247. This is a complete load of hogwash. You gave FAILED your daughter by not marching for her future! But, I suspect that isn’t the only way you are failing her. Poor kid.

  248. How beautifully said. I am also a woman that has been blessed and privileged to be born in America. I did not march for women’s rights because I already have them. Thank you for your great letter!

  249. What a bunch of bullshit! You didn’t walk because your a coward and didn’t want to be called one of those dreaded “liberal cunts” your oh so religious husbands and boyfriends love to call us. Just be real and say your a hipocrite. You support women’s rights as long as you don’t have to do anything to defend them.

  250. I have no doubt you’re getting paid less than or equal to 80% of what a comparable male writer would get paid. Cool. More for the rest of us.

  251. Thank you for your respectful opinion piece. Sadly, your truth does not comport with the reality of women around the country.

    It is not a “choice” to stay home when the cost of daycare is more than half of a woman’s full time salary. Take it from me, a lawyer. That was my reality. I did not “choose” a job that paid less than women. The astronomical cost of childcare forced our hand.

    It is sexism when girls are encouraged to pursue careers that pay less than men. Again, that was my reality. A male guidance counselor encouraged me to consider vocational school rather than college. I was a straight A student with multiple scores of 5 on AP tests, scores that would have been lost if I had followed his recommended course.

    It is sexism when women’s hygiene products are taxed as “luxuries” when I think you would agree that these are essentials for every woman. Whether it is up to the state or federal government taxation scheme does not change the fact that the decision to tax these items tells women that their regular bodily functions should be taxed and are therefore less than.

    All of this being said, I applaud your devotion to raising a strong woman. But to classify what others have lived as “lies” diminishes your good intent.

  252. All of your sources are NOT CREDIBLE. All of those facts you linked were from websites like this blog, the real truth is that women are oppressed. I encourage you to check out:
    How you could lie to your young daughter about that? How could you silence and diminish the voices of those brave men and women who marched throughout Washington and the world? Please check your facts more thoroughly!!!!!!!!!

  253. I am one of those women who was offered the EXACT same job at the EXACT same company with the EXACT same experience as a male counterpart and was offered 10% LESS than he was. I’ve also been in the position to hire women for the same job as men (people with college degrees) and was told I was not ALLOWED to offer the women as much as the men. You think you are right, but you are not. Sad. I hope your daughter doesn’t grow up to think of women as LESS, like you obviously do.

  254. This is what the headline should say: Dear daughter..I’m not matching for you because this foolish woman wants the right to control my body, to not have you be born..I don’t have to March for you because you are not here!

  255. You’re extremely misinformed in so many ways Mary. After a long day working for a company with no female managers (in a male dominated industry), I just don’t have the energy to expose all of the lies in your article. I’ll choose one though. In regard to women making less than men, you told your little bird that women choose jobs that pay less. Since your Dad was the only employed parent, let’s choose his job as an example. Results from Christianity Today’s biannual survey of 4,600 churches nationwide in 2013 showed major differences in income between men and women. In fact, male executive pastors make 50% more than women executive pastors. Male children’s pastors are paid roughly 12k more than women children’s pastors even though women make up 69% of all children’s pastors. Across ALL paid church positions, men are compensated 28% more than women holding the same positions. Please do your research and know what the real story is before teaching your young daughter and judging people who participated in the Womens march. I not only marched for my daughter, I marched with her and it felt great. You also failed to mention we marched for clean energy, religious freedom, and LGBTQ rights. Women’s rights are human rights. And don’t worry little bird, your mommy might not have marched for you but more than 5 million people around the world did.

    • I hooe your Daughter is fortunate enough to have a strong woman in her life to guide her, while you manifest falsehoods and remain a subserviant woman and a second class citizen.

  256. I respect your opinion and that you had the decency to express it politely. I don’t agree with it, but I’m not here to inform you on my opinion. I want to let you know that the Women’s March was more than you are giving it credit for. It was a march for human rights and civil rights. Rights that are being threatened and grossly violated by the new President. It was a demonstration of love, support, and unity. You may not agree that women are being discriminated against or are second class citizens, but even the fact that our new President has over a dozen sexual harassment lawsuits against him, and that he has openly bragged about them on air, the fact he has even uttered the words “grab them by the pussy” and gotten away with it… should be enough motivation to want to be heard.

  257. “Mommy didn’t march because women who earn less for equal work deserve less. Mommy didn’t march because access to women’s health care should only be available to those who can afford it. In fact, make that all health care, in general. Mommy didn’t march, dear daughter, because climate change isn’t really all that important, I’ll probably be dead before the planet becomes unlivable. Your generation can figure it out later. Mommy didn’t march because, like our vice president, mommy knows that electroshock therapy is the most effective cure for homosexuality. Mommy knows that most muslims are terrorists and muslim refugees are trying to take over our country, yes, even toddlers like you….”

  258. Mary Ramirez – So encouraging to read a “lady.” Mom instructed me, “There’s a difference between a ‘woman and a lady.'” This past week of events, proved her to be spot on!
    Thank you for giving my daughters – who are really, really, really great “ladies” – your beautiful, healthy, balanced view. Appreciated.

  259. How does a woman become “fully trained and qualified” when her employer tells her it’s not worth investing in her “because she’ll leave to start a family in a few years”? How does a woman become a leader when her dissenting opinions are attributed to “it clearly being that time of the month”? How can being dressed in a way that shows a little flesh be a reason for the police to dismiss an attack as “asking for it”

    These are not abstract examples, but instances from my working and personal life. If the marchers are telling lies, then I’m living in a world of alternative facts. Your help is welcome.

  260. I’m sorry but the underlying message of this entire article is that women should sit down & be nice. It comes from a perspective of privilege as a white heterosexual lady who obviously isn’t struggling financially. Not everyone has experienced the world the way you have, I wish you could see that.

  261. Your letter is Disgraceful!

    This letter is an example of how foolish people can be – justifying oppression and repression for the oppressors to save them the trouble.
    Men work longer hours?
    Women choose to make less money?
    If more women have college degrees, why isn’t there at least pay equity, if not women earning more?
    No one asked you to march, but you should be grateful that others did because the less-than-equal rights you have now could disappear with the stroke of a pen by an orange troll.

    I don’t understand why some women object to other women asserting their rights. Your letter goes out of its way to disparage women and men who marched last week. If you don’t want to march, don’t march.

    Your aggressive condemnation of those who did march is disturbing. Your letter is full of outright lies and ignorant misstatements and claims of equity that are just not true, and apparently these claims were made to support the idea that marching was wrong and unnecessary although the letter does not come anywhere near proving that point.

    For some completely unsupported reason you decreed that everyone who marched is in favor of abortion. Obviously you are well aware that there are a variety of reasons for abortions. That you choose not to believe that for some women it might be the best choice is a personal judgement on your part. I would ask that you let other women make their own personal choices without judgement from you or anyone else. And if your religion prevents you from withholding judgement, then you are free to march and protest about it.

  262. ‘ Dear mommy you must’ve been delusional at the time you wrote this so called letter and tried to get your point across by using me as an excuse to spew #alteternativetruth ‘ ; said the daughter

  263. I appreciate your well-written letter but respectfully disagree. I won’t go point by point why. Just know-our rights are not guaranteed. It’s up to us to remain vigilant and unified.

  264. May your baby bird one day marry a man just like our President and you realize the “truth” of your words and realize your hand in all of it.
    Better late than never.

  265. Most of all, dear daughter, they came out because our country just put in Power a man in the ultimate position of leadership and a position to emulate, a man that brags about grabbing women by their private parts, a man that has been accused of sexual assault, a man that has treated all three of his wives with disrespect and a man that is….. despicable/deplorable.

  266. Clueless to the principles of the Women’s Marches and written from the safe bubble of a white Christian life with a home, food, healthcare, income, education, and the opportunity to make choices in life, work and home that many others do not have. Guess what? Living on the principle that ” I got mine and do not have to help anyone else” is NOT a Christian concept. Both Jesus and the Pope disagree with you.

  267. You obviously didn’t understand the marchs purpose and your dear President is threatening those rights that our daughters were lucky enough to be born into… those women were marching for the protection of our rights bc they are currently being threatened!

  268. As a woman and mother to a little girl, I’m always drawn to articles on equality. I’m all for folks having different views/opinions, however in order to be relevant they must be grounded/based upon facts. This author seems to choose to ignore some of those facts (or maybe they are alternate facts 😉😂… just kidding!) But I feel I must share a few things she’s missing/choosing to ignore: 1. Gender based pricing is a real thing. Don’t Believe it? Do a Google search on “Pink tax”. There has been many studies on this… not all retailers practice this, but unfortunately a good amount do. 2. While it certainly is true that more more women are rising to hold leadership roles (in my most recent position in corporate America I was fortunate to work for a company that didn’t have a “glass ceiling” and many of the top positions were held by women -yay! ) …Hell, one even ran for president of the USA 😉, but there are still many companies that are still male dominated, not based upon strengths – physical or mental… But simply because they are run as “boys club”. 6 of the 16 years I spent in corporate America were spent in the “sports/entertainment” industry… So trust me this is something unfortunately I experienced firsthand. To say it can be discouraging is an understatement. 3. The pay gap is real. This too has improved since years ago when many women started to enter the workforce, however it is still a factor, and certainly a reason to march. While some of the points the author made are relevant, such as resume gaps to stay home with children, etc, The gap and pay still occurs when factors are weighed evenly. Take a look at the study… It’s extremely interesting (and considers many variables)

    and then there is this… “Finally, it’s a lie that any of our human rights as women are going away just because someone whose politics these ladies don’t agree with suddenly became president.” Well, if we continue to make our voices heard we stand a chance, however if we follow in the mindset that we “have these rights now and they’re not going away” we stand to lose them…president Trump considers himself a “pro life” president. So with the current administration in place and whomever ends up being appointed to the open supreme court justice position… well, I don’t really want to even think about what could happen. You get my point.

    Bottom line do I find a vagina costume is ridiculous. Yes! Where there a lot of very real and relevant issues to march. Absolutely.
    (Excuse ant typos I’m feeding a baby while I write! 😜)

  269. She forgot to add:

    “So baby bird, I’ve decided to sit on my ass in our ivory tower and keep my mouth shut while all of the women who march and protest make damn sure we continue to enjoy all of the freedoms that we have, which women have marched and protested for years to get. Those women will make damn sure we will never go back.”

    Such a piece of bullshit. LMAO!!!

  270. No dear daughter. I marched in the March for Life instead – for the unborn who have been torn, ripped and vacuumed out of their mothers’ bodies. So you will never have to fear being deceived by those who claim this is their right…to kill their innocent unborn baby. Marched next to young, old, and in between. Moms, Dads, bros, sisters, babies, teens, teachers, nurses, pastors, Drs, servers, schoolchildren, truck drivers, uber drivers, college students, sales people, business owners, grandparents, neighbors, friends, grandkids, every single one joyful lovers of life.

  271. Me and my sister are 2 individual independent women!! Need to say no more !! And showing are children to be the same …

  272. I think you are a chicken for your excuses or else you are a man disguised as a woman or you are a stepford wife. Stupid words.

  273. This is silliness. Women have come a long way but we haven’t reached the heights of men, specifically in pay equality. Why is it good enough for you that your hypothetical daughter is still second to others? It’s not about being ungrateful. It’s about doing what’s right.

    And you’re incorrect about the pay inequality being as a result of women being less educated or having less experience of being in a lower position. When studies are done, all of these factors are obvious taken into account.

    Here is the full report.

    You have an audience that trusts that the information that you give are facts. You are doing a fundamental disservice by posting incorrect information. Please review the report. If you cannot be supportive of your fellow woman, at least don’t speak out against us uneducatedly.

  274. Beautifully said. I see young women put themselves in terrible situations, by chouce, and then cry foul. They have not been taught that they are strong, brave, special and free. Mostly, they have not been taught that Jesus made their souls free. Too many are searching for something that is within their grasp…peace that passes all understanding.

  275. “It’s when a fully capable, trained and talented woman makes less than her fully capable, trained and talented male coworker in the EXACT same position under the EXACT same conditions.” That is exactly what is happening in the US. I was hired for the exact same position (at the same time) as my male counterpart. He had a bachelor’s and no work experience. I have a master’s and significant experience. He was hired without basic skills that were part of our job description. I was told to teach him and coach him through our job. I found out later that he made $5,000 more per year than I did. I get the essence of your article, but to basically call every woman who marched a liar totally undermines your point.

  276. You contradict yourself
    It’s a lie that because of sexism, women don’t make as much money as men. First, let Mommy explain what “wage discrimination” is. It’s when a fully capable, trained and talented woman makes less than her fully capable, trained and talented male coworker in the EXACT same position under the EXACT same conditions. But that is demonstrably NOT what’s happening in this country. What’s happening? Well, for starters, women tend to choose careers that don’t pay as much, which affects the median income everyone’s talking about. Women also choose (and that’s an important word, honey) to do things like take a few years off of work to stay at home with their kids, and so when they go back to their jobs—their counterparts probably got a few raises in the meantime. Men also tend to work longer hours and are more likely to push for a raise.

    Why do you think it is men are Loren likely to push for a wage? Could it be because women’s voices are not heard and more over taken seriously in the work place . You say “exact same job for exact same work”. Yet your claim women take lower paying jobs. Now let me ask you this: there is a sales team, two women two men. They all work the same hours, have the same level of education, work equally as hard and collectively they make their marks each quater. Yet the two women make .70 cents less per hour then the men. Is that. It discrimination? Doing the same job. Putting in the same hours. Yet not having equal pay.

    You say you are going to teach your daughter about “bad women”, specifically that Margaret is bad for beliveling women should choose to carry a pregnancy or not. Now I see you are a believer in Jesus- so where is your Christian heart? I won’t begin to debate abortion with you. However my darling, those women are marching to HAVE THE CHOICE to a legal abortion. Inspite of how I may feel about the topic, I believe women have every right to decide what happens in their body. I will continue to fight for that. Just because you don’t believe it is morally correct doesn’t make it ethically wrong.

    good luck in raising your child.

  277. You have all those rights and privileges now because women marched. There was a time when women couldn’t vote, couldn’t work outside the home, couldn’t get a credit card in their own name, couldn’t own property, and didn’t have any say over their children, to name a few things.
    Women that came before you marched, were beaten, jailed, force fed, and ridiculed (just like you’re doing now) so that YOU would have those rights. Look again. You’re losing these rights as men in high places don’t think you should be able to do these things. I’ve seen articles in my local paper written by men who think only married men should be able to vote, and women shouldn’t be allowed to work as they were taking jobs from men. They, and some women, don’t even think you should have access to birth control, and that their “man” should control all aspects of their life.
    Don’t get too cocky. What is earned can be taken away, and they’re coming after your rights over your body and your life.

  278. Thank you. I don’t care if people felt the need to march, but I genuinely don’t get it. I grew up poor, and female, and now, I have a doctorate because I worked my ass off. Nothing more, nothing less. Nobody has or will take any of my damn rights. Legally, women haven’t lost anything. But you can’t make someone take whatever attitude toward you that you want. There were always be people who are rude or hateful or like to make others feel small. The best revenge is living well. Stop whining about how the system is against you, get out there, and acheive something. Marching is self indulgent. Do the work, succeed, and you’ve proved your point. I CHOSE to work part time so I could spend more time with my son (and I didn’t expect someone to pay me for not working after he was born, btw) and that will affect my pay and trajectory, but I am happy with that choice. I want to see strong, logical, women who prove that strength in their lives, not by having hysterics in the streets.

  279. I whole heartedly agree and identify with my ch of this. I appreciate the tie, effort and honesty you devoted to writing it.

  280. Spoken like a true, rural, stay at home who defers every decision to her husband. Lady, you have no clue how often women and men do the same job and women are paid 20% less. It happens every day. Your facts are all mis-stated. Verify before you post. Or, tell your husband to verify before he dictates your next post.

  281. There is room within the women’s movement for many different lenses and takes on things. I hear hope in this post for a better world for our girls. But I also hear a lack of appreciation for the latent and blatant sexism that does still exist in our churches and in the archaic gender underbelly that Donald Trump so vividly embodied for us all. Because things have improved doesn’t mean there are not still obstacles that we should not call out and work to address. If your eyes and ears have been open you too should have heard the stunning misogyny in DT’s campaign that made so many women shudder and inspired millions to take to the streets on Jan 21st to reassert the basics of our democracy. Please do not let your apparent support for this president blind you to the troublesome patriarchal gender attitudes he shamelessly has been living out and appealed to in this election. Please do not act like there are no gender struggles we still need to work on. Please honor your daughter by helping her to appreciate all the gains we have made but also all the strides we still need to make to create a world she deserves. If you are interested in another take on the march: Thank you Dartmouth sisters for marching and keeping the needle moving forward for women and for democracy. Check out an article I was inspired to write after the march that just appeared in Philanthropy Women:

  282. Well that’s 1. a complete load of shit and 2. a great way to cop out of doing anything to further rights for your own gender. Calling them lies.
    You have all of the privileges that previous women marched, screamed for, pushed, got arrested for, beaten for, and bullied for.
    But you think it’s all a lie.
    Whatever helps you sleep at night lady.

  283. Well, you’re entitled to your own opinion, certainly. But you are not very knowledgeable about your own country’s history if you think all those rights your daughter “already enjoys” came to her automatically, as if by magic. Nor were they given to her by men. They came solely from the struggles of other women much like the ones you so preciously and snarkily ridicule here. Women who marched and protested their living conditions and lack of a voice and who often went to jail for not keeping quiet about being forced to work for pennies a day in factories alongside their own young children. Did you really not know American women had no right to vote until 1920? And it was not given to them by willing males, I can assure you. Those “rights [she] enjoys” were hard won by the work and sweat and broken bodies of women who were ridiculed and beaten and spat on and imprisoned — by men they often knew — and who sometimes even died under the brutal conditions they were kept in. All so someone like you can live in a revisionist fantasy and now make fun of them and take all those things for granted — with no repercussions. I’m touched by your incredible bravery, if not by your actual grasp of reality.

  284. You are one sick woman. What a bunch of crap to leave as your legacy to your daughter. So sanctimonious. Get over yourself.

  285. The woman’s marchs was a major embarrassment for all woman. Suck it up buttercups, quit being spoiled brats and y’all wonder why you don’t have any rights, well most 5 year olds don’t. Smh

  286. Again I must repeat others, you must get to live in a special and privileged bubble that you would lay to account that 4.5 million women don’t know what their experiences are in their lives, and that they’re somehow crazy for objecting to a misogynistic government and society. Women who live in bubbles hurt other women merely because they don’t share the same bubble and prefer to have religious dogma and propaganda shoved down their throat rather than see the truth. As for college degrees women are still fighting hard in medical, legal, and political professions – and it’s not because they aren’t working twice as hard as their male counterparts – the system has institutionalized sexism the same way it institutionalizes racism. It’s still very real, and yes many barriers have been broken – but not enough, not by a long shot. You’re a blogger, you are exercising your right to free speech – good for you — so what’s your real problem with 4.5 million other women doing the same. It upsets your status quo – and white males are losing their privilege. Now men will know exactly what equality is – not just a pretense in which they profess to support. It’s not punishment, they simply won’t get the automatic “pass go and collect your $200” anymore. That’s the real fear behind women mobilizing. Your can close your mind and hold your opinion sacred and dear but you can’t erase 4.5 million women with a blog.

  287. I have to disagree, and I feel bad that so many women willingly tolerate gender discrimination. While it is true that women have historically not pursued more lucrative careers, this is no longer true, and women are still paid less for the SAME jobs. There is nothing wrong with a woman choosing to limit her career to have children. However, keep in mind that the single biggest predictor of poverty for a woman in America is having children. As for the abortion issue, where are all those “pro- life” people once the child is born? I believe in CHOICE, not abortion. Every woman has the right to choose what happens to her own body. The exact moment of the beginning of life is up for debate. You have your opinion, but that is all it is. an opinion (ever notice that the fewer facts, the more heated the debate?).
    Regardless of the gender issue, our current president is very dangerous. America IS already great. Is it perfect? No. But this guy is using peoples’ frustrations to stir up fear and hatred and divide us Americans. If you don’t believe me, just study history! He is following the path of so many tyrannical leaders in the past. Come on, do you REALLY think he cares about the average Joe?! Look at his track record- he stiffed workers and contractors, used illegal immigrants for his jobs, repeatedly used government bailouts ( that YOU paid for), and avoided paying taxes, not to mention his dealings with the Russians, who, last I checked, were considered an enemy of the USA! His cabinet consists of his wealthy friends with all kinds of conflicts of interest.

    I hope I am wrong, but I am very concerned about the future of our country. Like all those women who marched, you love this country. We all want the same things: freedom, prosperity and peace. Most of us agree that some kind of change was needed. However, Donald Trump was not it. I just hope that when people figure it out it won’t be too late.

  288. I thought this was beautifully written and I have a six yr old daughter and a 17 yr old daughter so this spoke right to me President Trump wasnt the #1 choice for me and my husband but he definitely was the better choice. I’m sick to death of how we’ve laid around doing nothing for our country thenlast 8 yrs. it’s high time we started worrying more about the safety and care of OUR CITIZENS and not others. We’ve put ourself into so much debt and have basically been being “ruled” by the other countries that we’re so in debt too. I want to teach my daughter’s the same things you mentioned. I want to teach them that if you don’t want a baby then take the necessary precautions to avoid getting pregnant. And don’t use “my body my right” as a means of birth control. I read through some of the comments and the ones that were ugly made me livid!!! Most sounded like young uneducated women who listen to all the lies of the media. I listen to my Lord. The most high authority and pray that I do right and well by Him and His plans every day. I pray others will start to turn to Him now. Thank you for your blog

  289. It’s ashame that you want your daughter to be a less than, but yet “special” girl! To conform to being different and accept the world as it treats us! Yes, we have rights, because others fought for those rights and woman, no people are marching to make sure we keep this rights! How can you want your daughters to happy as a second class citizen? Some man must have really done a number on you to accept this and want the same for your child! I didn’t march because I was out of the country, but would have been proud to do so! I say to my daughters and other woman, never, never accept any less than what you deserve!

  290. I’m glad you have the experiences you have. Let me tell you what I have experienced. I have spent 30 years in a male dominated field. I have been threatened, yelled at and exprrienced retaliation by coworkers and supervisors. When I reported issues with my boss. It was glossed over and then the retaliation started. Because I had bills to pay, needed the insurance, etc I had to stay for a while. It wasn’t until a straight white male complained that action was taken. The bosses found out that I HAD NOT been just “playing the female card” when I transferred to another location over an hour drive away to get away from him and things went to hell. The operation almost shut down due to his actions. I have seen it happen my entire career, to other females too. The pretty young things can get away with anything as long as they put out or “put the goods on display”. I have regularly been paid less than my less qualified male coworkers doing the same “job”, although I’m the only one who seems to get assigned the paperwork. I have 3 college degrees and have never “chosen to take time off for children”. Please explain why paying me less is OK. I went to the Women’s March and you know what I saw and heard? Women of color echoing my experiences, immigrants suffering simply because of their religion and how they are perceived, and LGBT and disabled women who are scared too. All of us are concerned because of how our treatment is getting worse, how the hate against “different” people is esculating. And I saw a LOT of men there supporting us. Men and women from 2-92 were there. Was abortion rights mentioned? Yes by ONE speaker only. Did I agree with everything that everyone said ? No. But you know what, the rally I attended was civilized, polite, and no one got out of line. What a thought! Civilized discussions? Imagine what we all could accomplish if that happened a little more.. BTW I am not a Democrat, and didn’t vote for Clinton (either of them). Because of Trump’s actions and behavior towards anyone who disagrees with him, I couldn’t bring myself to vote for him either. I pray daily that I am wrong, but I’m worried about where this country is going.

  291. Dear baby bird.
    I didn’t march so now you don’t have the right to vote or open a checking account
    Susan B Anthony

  292. Why are there so many women out here screaming how agry they are. They are so full of hate. How horrible to live such miserable lives.

  293. We do what we have to do because we are women and our kids come into this world knowing , they will do the same for there kids , raising them in the way we know .. men & women r different , but you will realize that as you become a mother one day … there a bond that no one can distroy ! We’ve come a long way , but the bond will never be broken 💞💞

  294. It’s very easy to argue against thousands of people when you so simply summed up EVERY one of those person’s ideas, reasons and emotions (which seem only to be based in anger in your POV)! And how convienient each of the reasons you gave for the march happens to be a perfect lie from your POV as well. I can really tell you are coming at this from an objective and loving place…

    Maybe if you and the other people writing such reactions to the Women’s Marches actually (dare I say) SPOKE IN PERSON >gasp< to one or two individuals who attended a march you wouldn't need to write a letter to ANYone.

    (Speaking of fhe whole premise of your post) Since the letter is obviously to your current adult followers why don't you cut the wanna-be cutesy "to my daughter" b.s. and just say outright what YOU believe. If you respect yourself and your ideas you don't have to cut anyone else down to explain them. The women's march was not an attack on your views. And if you felt that it was, just say so and go on defending. But then think about how close that gets anyone to understanding and a peaceful world….

  295. It’s posts like this that make me so grateful for having the parents I do, ones that taught me to stand up for myself and be critical of every. single. damn. thing (like articles that tell you the wage gap is due to women taking lower paying jobs when SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH has shown women with the same jobs and qualifications tend to make approximately 20% less than their male counterparts). Thank you mama for my brains, the ability to think critically, and the voice to stand up for myself.

  296. You are so so wrong. She will not have equal rights. Was this written by a man? Is this a messed up catfish thing? Wow you are living in quite the dream world. Its people like you that make it harder for us to be taken seriously. Shame shame on you. You voted for Trump and am trying to justify that action. You are eother a stay at home mom or a secretary. You disgust me.

  297. I honestly feel that I am reading the journal of a delusional woman. I feel so sorry for your child because she is going to live in a world where she thinks everything is alright. She is going to think that the women making the noise are crazy and that she has nothing to worry about. You are naming all of the forward thinking companies. But the majority of the population do not work for these Fortune 500 companies. I am the only Indian woman on a team of 12 who are all causcasian men. I thought Trump was going to “Make America Great Again,” but according to you we live in Era where everything is perfect. Honestly, I hope you have life experiences that open your eyes and please take off those rose covered glasses.

  298. “No honey, I didn’t march for you. But thank goodness, I don’t have to.” And that, in the end, is what’s so wrong with the so-called values of those who deny and dismiss the suffering of others. Just because YOU don’t have to, and YOUR daughter doesn’t have to, doesn’t mean that for MILLIONS of other women the world is a fair place; it’s NOT. It’s for THEM that you should have marched, in solidarity with those who have less than you. You don’t have to deal with sexism or inequality? LUCKY YOU. But how self-centered and wrong, and how it smacks of white PRIVILEGE, to teach your child, “It’s not your problem if it’s not happening to YOU.” That is how to raise a nation of JERKS who have absolutely NO EMPATHY whatsoever. You betray the very Bible you blithely quote by failing to love your neighbor as yourself, to recognize that all children are our children, and to understand that “if it happens to the least” of your sisters and brothers, it happens to the most important. Such blindness, hypocrisy, and sad failure.

  299. This article misses the point of the march completely! And the author must live under a rock being completely unaware of job discrimination and the rights of women. You yourself must have been born into these rights and have no idea what it would be like without them. I for one do not want to take a giant step backwards nor do I want my daughters and granddaughter to have to live life without them. I will continue to march for them and for ignorant and uninformed individuals as yourself.

  300. Mary,
    To belittle the multiplicity of reasons women (and men) marched is to undermine the very democratic beliefs our nation was founded on….the right to free speech, the right to assemble. I hear your defense for not marching, but I don’t hear any attempt to understand why people marched, because it doesn’t make sense to you, and that is the very definition of xenophobia.

  301. Thank you for writing this letter to your daughter. I’m sorry the beleaguered women who wasted a beautiful weekend to trash up Washington ( I hope they keep a better home than what they left behind), displayed themselves as the private regions of a woman’s body, and allowed females with dubious sexual proclivities lead them without cause for need.

  302. Our ability to vote as a woman, our ability to get credit card (without the need to get the signature of a man) – were earned by brave women who marched before us. Without their voices, we won’t be where we are today. Please don’t forget the history and please don’t deny the truth that has significant impact on our lives today.

    Our world is not perfect. However, we should all be proud to have an opportunity to voice our concern as a constitutional right. It is the hallmark of democracy we all believe in.

  303. Your sources are all either non-existent or poorly cited and from sites that do not have a well-renowned reputation, which is something that you need whenever you are making claims of data that blatantly contradict the CDC statistics, which are well cited and have a reputation for being accurate ( Additionally, the wage studies actually do factor in that women usually have lower paying jobs. The study compares occupations to each other, like a CEO to a CEO, a superintendent to a superintendent, etc. Yes, a large part of the problem is that women are more hesitant to ask for raises, but that is why there are classes directed at women to help them ask for raises in an appropriate fashion. I hope that this explanation helps to clear up some confusing data for readers.
    – From a moderate with no political affiliation or agenda. Just a lover of facts. 🙂

  304. Have you ever asked yourself why you are so eager to be polite? No worries. Sit back and relax. Wait and see what happens to all the rights you think are here to stay. Wait and see if your daughter lives in a world where she has the rights you believe woman have already won.

  305. You left out these facts from the MintPress article you quoted:
    — In 2011, an estimated 19,000 rapes and sexual assaults — overwhelmingly against women — took place in the military.
    — Girls younger than 15 are five times more likely to die in childbirth than women in their 20s. And pregnancy is consistently among the leading causes of death for girls aged 15 to 19 worldwide.
    –Incidents of domestic violence against women occur every 15 seconds in the U.S.

    You interestingly do not give any references for pay gap information. I’m guessing that’s because all credible information shows there is most definitely a pay gap between men and women, across ALL occupations,even CEO’s.

    Here is information from the website for the American Association of University Women. “According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the earnings ratio hasn’t had significant annual change since 2007. The gap has narrowed since the 1970s, due largely to women’s progress in education and workforce participation and to men’s wages rising at a slower rate. Still, the pay gap does not appear likely to go away on its own.” Luckily for your daughter, census data indicates that at the rate the pay gap is decreasing, she may see pay equity in her lifetime, around 2059.

  306. For those who are so upset at these women, for those of you women who are upset at your sisters for marching, think about those who advocated and marched before them. Think of Abigail Adams who reminded her husband John, to “remember the ladies” and Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Lucy Burns, and countless others who marched for your right to vote so that you could choose to vote for whomever you wanted (including Trump). Remember Eleanor Roosevelt, an activist First Lady who paved the way for those who followed after her. Remember Coretta Scott King, Viola Liuzzo, and others who marched for civil rights in the 1960s. And yes, remember those women who when their husbands left to fight WWII, filed into the nation’s factories turning this country into the industrial powerhouse of the world and in doing so laid the foundations for us to hold the positions we do in the workplace today.

    Yes. Remember the ladies. Remember your ancestors before you condemn their descendants.

    I didn’t march and I don’t condone non-peaceful protest. But consider this question: how did women get the rights we enjoy? They weren’t granted in the Constitution originally or open to us in the workplace, etc. They were gained through protest, participation, and persistence of those who came before us. Those who are marching now will insure that voices remain heard for our daughters.

  307. Dear Mary,
    I don’t ever reply to things like this, but you have moved me. I sincerely appreciate the courage it took to write this and the courage of your supporters. I have two daughters and they are also too young to understand why attending the March in DC was both a responsibility and privilege, for me.
    I’m only writing to you, because I know how hard it is to be a mom and to worry if you are being the role model they deserve…the fact that you wrote this shows you care deeply for your daughter, I’m sure you are a great mom. It’s okay you didn’t go, by the time she’s old enough, she’ll know you well enough, I bet she won’t even ask. I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m confident that none of the dozens of women and men I met that day will judge you as less, either. I empathize with how the idea of 1.3 million angry women,with beliefs you don’t understand, yelling on the streets of our nation’s capital could be scary. For what it’s worth, the media made it more dramatic than it was…no one really yelled :/ We did all sing “stand by you” at one point, and there was some chanting…my favorite was was “we don’t want a tweeter, we want a leader” ;). None of the people I was with were “mad” either.. In fact, I’ve never been surrounded by such a diverse group of men, women and children with such strong passionate perspectives, from all different backgrounds, who were able to generate such sincere kindness that literally united 1.3 million people and millions more across the country and the globe… you know there wasn’t a single arrest in DC that day? My point is, I know how scary things we don’t understand can be, but of all the things in the world to be afraid of, the March and the women, women, and children who participated…are not a threat to you ☺
    If by some crazy six degrees of separation, our daughters were to ever meet… I also want you to have peace knowing that my girls will not consider your daughters’ difference of opinions or beliefs–if she has them– as “lies”. I guarentee they will not jjudge her as being a “bad” women for what she believes. I promise if she shared her fears of being treated less for any reason my girls will support her in whatever way they can… even if it’s just to help her see alternative perspectives. Their “world”, even in DC, is a tiny fraction of what the planet holds. I promise they will not form an opinion of your daughter until AFTER they take the time to hear her story, to know her, first hand… and even if they don’t agree, they will not judge her as being mad, ignorant of “truth”, or a liar.
    Above all, I promise that they will tell your daughter that their mom marched in the historic event, but that what they are REALLY proud of, is how she lived everyday before and after.
    God bless you and your family, Mary… and all your like minded supporters… I truly hope some day our girls meet in a time and place that is better because of what you and I have done, not just written about ☺.

  308. I am a firm believer in everyone being entitled to their own opinion. However, I think that it is equally important to address the fact that these are opinions, not facts. It is NOT a lie that sexism causes women to make less money for doing a job exactly equivalent to that of men. As a medical student working towards becoming a physician, that field specifically is near and dear to my heart. I’ve attached a couple of links to a recent article and study (both from 2016) from reliable, credible sources (Time Magazine and the Journal of the American Medical Association) regarding the pay discrepancy between men and women physicians (when maternity leave and other factors that you attributed to the discrepancy are accounted for, studies found that there is still a very substantial pay gap) for you to peruse at your leisure. Like I said, I am not going to berate you because of your opinions, you are entitled to them as much as I am to mine, but trying to educate yourself on the scientifically proven, unbiased facts pertaining to issues you write about never hurts.

  309. Wow, you really have no concept of reality.

    Margaret Sanger was AGAINST abortion, you onow that don’t you? Oh wait, you only talk in right wing propaganda…. silly me.

  310. This is a lie. What planet do you live on? The one that only listens to Fox News? Excuse me, FAUX News. You live in the “bubble”.

  311. If you’ve ever worked in a field that’s predominantly filled with men in leadership positions, you’d know that sexism in the business world does still happen. I look around and I see men, who are my peers, being given more consideration and influence than the women. Sorry, honey.

  312. No matter, we’ll fight for her. And you too. And that is the beauty of the Women’s march. Women raising women up, not holding them back.

    Now we’re addressing intersectionality. It’s truly exciting to connect with women and all our issues instead of denying what we don’t experience. It makes us more educated and more informed – and more able to do more for those without a voice.

    Like you. Did you take time off from work to have your baby? Still getting paid the same amount as your partner? No. But ‘it’s your choice’? Really? For as long as you can remember you played with dolls?

    And you’ll continue to be the baby raiser? Because you’re a woman, right? But you get paid the same. We’ll fight for you, don’t worry. You won’t be forgotten by us even if you have given up fighting.

  313. This was amazing, and even though I don’t have daughters, and I have all three boys in this time where they see all this protesting and marching they have asked me my take on what I feel about feminists, feminism and the March. I read this to them because all I had to do was explain that this was just as important for a young son to also understand. They seemed relieved!

  314. Where were all these crazy liberal women yelling obscenities and dressed raunchy and scantily? These were the chants at the Texas capitol for the most part.( And the most ‘vulgar’ costume was a half naked 6 year old girl if I remember correctly.

    Additionally- bravo to the author for never experiencing any sexism throughout her life. Maybe she should thank all those crazy marching/protesting women before her. 💪 #privilege #womenssuffrage #equality

  315. Meh. If you use a credit card, thank a feminist. If you have an epidural or don’t thank a feminist (at one time, pain relief during labor was considered sinful, because of course pain in childbirth is punishment for women’s sin). If you vote, thank a feminist. If you have a rape crisis center to get counseling after being assaulted, thank a feminist. If you kept your job after getting pregnant, thank a feminist. If you kept your job after you got married, thank a feminist. If you own a home in your own name, a car in your own name, thank a feminist. So, no, don’t march, but don’t whine about those who march for you. And, for the record, the wage gap exists. Even in fields like nursing, where women are the majority. When man does the same job, he gets paid more. So, continue to be a badass who doesn’t need any women to help you, but they are working on your behalf nonetheless. You’re welcome.

  316. Every right that we women have at this point in time comes from some ‘lousy, no good feminist’ who got out and marched or put theirselves in harmsway such as being arrested for standing up and letting their voices be heard. And this crap about the man being the bread winner is why he should make more money then a woman is pure crap. When a woman is making it on her own she needs that equal pay-yes I know there’s good men out there but guess what-there’s a lot of men out there that leave women and then wonder why they have to pay alimony. Well as long as women keep hanging on to the concept that they shouldn’t have to work because they married the bread winner-I guess Alimony sticks around.

    Good grief-this is stupid.

  317. Oh, Baby Bird! If only your mommy looked past what she couldn’t bring herself to embrace about the march…
    The march meant many different things to many different people…more than I or your mommy could ever possibly write. From what your mommy has posted about her life, she seems to have endured little to none of the hardships so many others have had to endure. Though I am judging this very superficially, based on her past posts. And while she seems to acknowledge the fact that others, even the elite of THEIR time – those with big homes and full bellies, have marched for the freedoms SHE seems to treat so cavalierly, Mommy doesn’t realize that it’s merely for the sake of that continuity that some marched. Sure some marched for the reasons Mommy stated above, but they were only part of the movement. And yes, there were some that screamed and yelled and wore “funny” outfits, but Mommy will tell you why they wore those funny outfits. Hopefully she will tell you what the president said, and why you should never settle for a man (or woman) who talks to you or about you that way…hopefully Mommy will tell you that…hopefully Mommy doesn’t think that’s ok…hopefully Daddy doesn’t talk to Mommy like that. That happens in some families…that’s why some women marched. So those women who were too scared to march, would know they weren’t alone, and would perhaps gain the courage to leave a volatile environment. I’m sure your mommy will happily embrace your decision to marry a woman someday, should that be your desire. I know she loves her Bible, but hopefully she will love her Baby Bird more, if it comes to that. I hope she will not try to “pray the gay away” or submit you to conversion therapy, as is the belief of our current VP. I hope that the opportunity of same sex marriage is still available to you someday if you want it…that’s why some women marched. When Mommy shares the story of DJT’s “unprecedented election” I hope she also tells you that it was unprecedented because he lost the popular vote by over 3 million votes. I know Elmo doesn’t count that high, but believe me, that’s a big number! So, while he was rightfully elected by the established protocol, he wasn’t elected by the people, which is kind of sad, don’t you think? I mean, according to her other post, even Mommy thought it “sucked” when DJT got the nomination. On May 6, 2016, Mommy sounded pretty “mad” about the man who is currently our president. I wonder why she DIDN’T march, Baby Bird? Not for the things she posted above, but for all the reasons she didn’t even want him to be the candidate, let alone the President. She could have walked for THOSE reasons, Baby Bird. I’m sure there were those out there who did. Oh Baby Bird, I hope there are great advances in maternity leave by the time you have your little ones. That way you won’t have to leave your career like your grandma did to raise Mommy and her siblings. If you want to stay at home and raise your own little birds, that’s terrific! It’s a lot harder to support four little birds nowadays on one income though, so if you want to keep your job, I hope there will be programs in place to give you lots of time with your baby birds, maybe even paid time! Right now, the US is ranked next to last out of 185 nations and territories for this…that’s why some women marched. Mommy suggested a few companies you should go work for that might give you this kind of leave. I think Mommy was right about this one! It’s only been one week into the current presidency, and Amazon has already filed a lawsuit against DJT’S most recent executive order, Netflix is in the process of filing, and Spotify has created a “Refugee Playlist”. Perhaps the enormity of the march gave those mega – corporations the courage to stand up to a violation of the law. It’s because our current president isn’t a fan of treating certain immigrants justly. Which is pretty scary considering your strong Mexican heritage, right? He’s said some pretty awful things about Mexican people. He’s doing some pretty scary stuff…planning walls, blocking certain media, signing scary executive orders, making lists of the bad things certain types of people do (not all people – just a specific group) firing people left and right…it gives me the shivers! It reminds me a lot of another bad man that lived in Germany a long time ago. Mommy seems pretty smart. I’m sure she’ll point out the parallels to you someday. When Mommy tells you about Madame C.J. Walker, I hope she also tells you about Sally Yates…I wonder if that is a name you will know, Baby Bird. She was just fired because she did her job, because she told the president he was wrong, that he was breaking the law, breaking the Constitution, which is a pretty important document I’m sure Mommy will tell you all about someday. I’d like to posture for a moment, and think that perhaps Sally got her courage from the millions of women who marched ALL OVER THE WORLD. You see, Baby Bird, it wasn’t just the privileged women of the USA that marched. Sure they were there, because they realize their privelege came at the price of someone else’s sacrifice, and perhaps they felt the need to pay it forward, as is the Christian way. But there were others, in major cities all over the world, who, for the most part, marched peacefully, in solidarity, so that so many things, things that have been promised by this current administration, DO NOT come to pass, and others DO come to pass…for all the baby birds of the world. I hope you grow up in THAT world, Baby Bird.

  318. Dear baby girl,
    I have written this letter to help you understand why I did not march for you. However, I realize that I am writing this letter to ease my own conscience. For I know you will never read this letter. It’s too late now, but because I voted for the evil one in 2016, the world I brought you into no longer exists. Please forgive me.

  319. I’m proud to be the antithesis of your ignorance. I am a well educated, advanced degree holding, in-demand technical professional who was paid significantly less than a man with only as associates degree and less experience. Not only was this man allowed to harass me for 3 years without any response from management, but when I reported this, they fired me for having Breast Cancer. I also completed an average of 30% more work than this man, even while actively undergoing chemotherapy. But you’re right, sexism MUST be a giant lie, right???

    It would appear that you don’t actually know what the real working world is like from your work history, so I’m not sure why you would lie to your child about something you are clueless about, and why you would fraudulently represent on your blog that you do. For MY part, I’m raising my daughter to not be a doormat to this, and to stand with the rest of us who have backbone enough to do so. Kudos to your great imagination, though!

  320. You are amazing and I wish that I can teach my daughter half of the things you speak of. Thank you so much for opening my eyes to things I didn’t think about!

  321. So very well said!! I’m so sick of all these cry babies that think they have it so bad! Every word you said is how I feel. I, along with all the other REAL WOMEN applaud you!

  322. I loved this and so very true.
    Thank you so much fo this message in
    answer to the so called march on Washington DC, which I am so ashamed
    of their filthy mouths and indecent
    language and indecent signs that were
    In this march. Half theses women in my opinion did not even know actually why they were there in the first place.

  323. Another article that explains the ease of being a well off white woman that does not highlight any of the challenges faced with being a woman and ______ (colored, disabled, gay etc)
    Glad your life is easy, maybe care about someone that isn’t your blood.

  324. This page full of statements based on inaccuracies and assumptions is such an overflowing cesspool of politely worded BS that I don’t even know where to start!
    Let’s just lay down a coup!e of ideas that might –*might*– help this woman notice where she based her opinions on beliefs, rather than facts, and perhaps just what she’s been told?
    One thing is obvious: there’s a clear assumption that anything she and the people she knows haven’t experienced, didn’t happen.
    We should all be looking at what we know or believe to be true with a critical eye and asking ourselves questions. When you look stuff up (and you SHOULD be looking things up!), you shouldn’t be looking for things that will comfortably agree with you. You should be trying to disprove your opinions, looking for anything that might put the lie to what you are accepting as truth.
    Why do I believe this? What are the FACTS–Look ’em up! Where did my knowledge come from or who told me this? What benefit is it to that source that I, and others like me, believe this? How does it benefit me to believe this? What if I am wrong? What would that mean to my life, my children’s lives, my neighbors’ lives, and the lives of people I will never meet?
    Ugh.x I’m not sure why I am trying so hard to encourage “out of your tiny, limited, little box thinking” when I feel like I’m speaking to someone who is set in their ways and proud of it, completely closed off to anyone else’s experiences or any facts that disprove what she thinks is true.
    Even on the issues where the numbers are out there, what she has said is wrong. I mean, just flat-out inaccurate. And she put it out here in public as though it were a batch effects, and she’s feeding it to her child like it’s the truth, and believing smugly to herself that she is being a good mother and an example to other women by declaring falsity in things that she has clearly never done any research on, and probably has never talked to anyone outside of her own circle about, unless it was to tell them how wrong they were. I am so sad that she has been convinced that she is a strong, powerful, independent woman, when she can’t even think for herself and doesn’t even know that she just can’t. No only that, it’s really depressing that even one woman should be happily agreeing with this because it confirms their own worldview without them having to put in any effort to make sure that what they’re seeing is the real, honest-to-god truth.

  325. Look, there’s nothing wrong with simply choosing not to participate in the March. But there’s so much you’re missing, misunderstanding and oversimplifying here, that I couldn’t begin to tackle every issue. So I’ll use the wage gap as an example.

    Everything you said about the wage gap is absolutely true, except your conclusion that the wage gap is still OK and we should just accept it. Just because the causes are complicated, and aren’t necessarily caused by overt discrimination, it doesn’t mean we should accept them. (In fact, that seems to be the theme of this whole thing. Things are better than they used to be, so we shouldn’t fight for more equality. )

    We should be thinking long and hard about the complex gender roles that lead to the wage gap. Sometimes, bosses have a perception of women being less committed to their jobs, regardless of what individual women are doing.

    I also suggest researching with they call “the second shift”. There is a trend that, when a man and a woman are living together, and both work full time, it’s still tends to be the woman’s job to keep up with housekeeping and childcare once they get home. The man is more likely to see their working day as over. Even men who make a conscious effort to help with these things still in that spending less time on them than women.

    Also, you don’t seem to understand that the fact that men have problems too doesn’t dismiss the problems women have. In fact, the two go hand-in-hand, like they do for the wage gap. It’s still less socially acceptable for men to be stay-at-home dads. There’s this idea that men are somehow inferior nurturers. That means women who leave fathers to fill-in childcare are sometimes viewed as not giving their children the best childcare. It also robs children of closer relationships with their fathers.

    Just because a right is legally there, doesn’t mean everything is OK. (And if you think your daughter’s reproductive rights will be fine if we don’t fight for them, you are very mistaken. It’s amazing how much access to abortion has been chipped away since I first learned about the extent of the war an abortion when I was in college 15 years ago. )

    I suggest doing some reading on third wave feminism. It’s not just about our legal rights. And it’s not just about women. It’s about all the complex social factors that lead to things like the wage gap. Much of our work now has lessto do with passing laws and more to do with understanding our gender roles, and making changes. There is also more focus on intersectional feminism, focusing on the gender inequalities that affect specific groups.

    Regardless of your politics, when you start examining the facts, Hillary Clinton was held to a much higher standard than Trump was. She was criticized more for the dealings of her charity, despite making specific plans to avoid conflicts of interest if she were elected. People question whether her plans were not enough. Trump has refused to divest his business interests at all, and somehow that got way less criticism. And Trump’s conflicts aren’t about charity. They are lining his pockets. Or rather, his children his pockets, which is basically the same thing.

    And then, there is the whole “men are assertive, women are bitches” dichotomy.

    So celebrating Kellyanne Conway is an empty victory. It’s saying to people like your daughter, that they too can strive to help a privileged, rich, sexist man without enough experience gain even more power. ( in fact, she can help him beat a much more qualified woman. )

    You seem to have an open mind, so even if you disagree with me about Trump, I hope you will continue to inform yourself. “Everyday Feminism” is a good place to start.

  326. Under what rock have you been living? Do actually work in the real world? If so, you should KNOW that what you said of the equality of women in the workforce and in society is pure propaganda. I so wish all those sweet words you said were true, but sadly they aren’t. Women HAVE come a long way in this country (thanks to women who sacrificed so much for us to enjoy our rights); however, we have more hills to climb. Anyone who supports a President who said, “Just grab them by the pussy,” and believes he has our best interests at heart scares me. I will continue to speak out for the rights of women and for ALL to be treated equally in this country. If I feel the need to march, I will march. If you feel happy and appreciated in your world, awesome. I hope your daughter isn’t gay; I hope your daughter is never raped; I hope your daughter never finds herself in a position to need an abortion… Should any of the things come to fruition in her life, I hope she will know that thousands of other women marched and rallied for her rights as a female in this country.

  327. Lol, the salt from mongoliberals here is real. Progressivness really makes you allergic to Facts and nunanced, backed-up arguments, doesn’t it?

  328. Well, as if my novel wasn’t enough, I have one more thing I would like to say directly in response to this post.

    Dear Daughters: I didn’t march for you because I had to return to work from my maternity leave the day before the march. I worked a 12-hour shift and then would have to do so again the following day. I left you to go to the hospital to take care of some very sick people. Strangers with illnesses and great pain. Instead of being home singing to you, changing your diapers, reading books, and rocking you to sleep, I dragged my self to work with tear-stained eyes. Because of this, on the day of the march, you were my priority. It meant more to me to soak up every fleeting moment with you. You are my world, you see. My heart was broken for our country, but it was also broken over having to be separated from you. Perhaps had we lived in another country with longer maternity leave where I would not have had to return to work at a time when you still feel so tiny and vulnerable, a few weeks shy of 4 months old, I absolutely would have marched. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful for every second of maternity leave I received, both paid and unpaid. It was still longer than most American women get, yet it still hurt me to my core to have to leave you. That’s something worth marching for in my opinion. I’m also grateful for the privilege I have to be able to work. To bring home income for my family to live a comfortable life. To have received an excellent education thanks to both hard work and a family that valued and invested in my education. To have earned two Bachelors and a Summa Cum Laude on my degree. To have found your daddy who supports and nurtures both my shortcomings and my feisty spirit, and treats me as an equal. To have had the chance to build a stable life with him and plan the right time to bring you into the world. To have been able to purchase two homes before the age of thirty. These are all rights I have because of women before me who marched, and I do not take that lightly. I want you to grow up to be smart, strong women, who know that strong women before you allowed you to be here and have the rights and privileges you have. I want you to never feel entitled, for you must know that it takes hard work to achieve your dreams. The women before you, myself included, didn’t work our butts off and make smart choices so you could sit on a pedestal. At some point, you will grab the torch and do your own march for whatever matters to you. I want you to know you can do anything you set your mind to. I want you to know that you are beautiful, but that beauty fades, but kindness and achievement do not. I want you to know that as long as you remember you have a brain and a voice, and fight for what you feel is right (even if it’s unpopular), I will always be proud of you. I want you to know that I struggle everyday with finding a balance as a working mommy, but I do it for you, for our family. I want you to know you are loved beyond measure and you deserve so much better than the ideals of the current political administration. My dearest girls, I didn’t march, BUT in my heart I did, and I always will march for you. ❤

  329. Good luck to you and your daughter who clearly live in an extremely misinformed bubble. I hope that your daughter has the rudest shock of her life when she realises that in fact you are the one feeding her lies. Good Luck.

  330. Just a reminder that all of the freedoms you list here, and the amazing time your daughter was born into, are all possible because some women marched. And when they did I’m sure there were other women tearing them down too.

  331. Gross. You should tell your daughter she can BE President, not just run for President. Stop whispering you prevented sexism in her ear.

  332. I’m glad you can teach your daughter all this but understand many women don’t have that privelige and have not had this same warm wonderful experience you have. We marched for them. I work in the oil and gas industry that is male dominated and let me tell you I worked twice at hard for everything I got and still got told my promotions happened because I’m a woman. So don’t think it’s okay for you to disparage women that were walking for the future of their daughters just because you felt you didn’t have to work for yours. For all your talk about killing babies, they are not separate human beings till they can live separately from my body. Science says that’s not till a certain number of weeks. We have a separation of church and state for a reason. You should call yourself pro birth not pro life because you don’t give a crap what poor women have to do to feed those babies. Just because you can afford healthcare and a good job doesn’t mean everyone can. You are a holier than thou fake Christian but I am happy your daughter has a mother that loves her so much hopefully one day she can grow up to be empathetic who have less than her because of that love.

  333. I am a woman and a scientist. I have four children. I am a freak in the scientific community, because it is implicitly understood by everyone that women cannot have it all. Meanwhile, my elderly male scientist boss has four kids and it is completely unremarkable. This is sexism.

    You are right that for decades the number of women has been equal to men at the lower levels of science–the undergraduate and graduate level. But women drop out, not because we are less capable, but because we are told we have to choose between a career and a family. We are told we cannot have it all. Men are not told this. This is sexism.

    If women choose to stay in science, we are less likely to be hired into the labs of top men. (This was published in PNAS) Not top women, just top men. But because of historic reasons, the overwhelming majority of top labs are run by men…

    I have rivers of pity for your daughter. I hope she learns she has been lied to early, so she can correct course. What you are telling her is so so wrong.

  334. I hate to bust bubbles but many women in the US are still ignored for male leaders. Women that act like a make leader is called bossy or bitvhy while the man is praised for being assertive. Yes it has gotten better but still has a long way to go. #Whywemarched

    Women still in many jobs don’t make as much as the exact same male counterpart. We are still seen as the ones that can only raise children. Some places don’t even offer paid maternity leave still and most don’t even give paternity leave without pay. #Whywemarched

    Men, how annoying would it be if we acted like you when you lot walk down the street? You would complain. Think of it this way, NO MEANS NO TO ALL PEOPLE AND THEY DON’T OWE YOU A THING. In NYC, many construction workers moaned women wouldn’t walk to work in heels and whined to the news outlets that it needed to be mandated they wear heels. Hell until 1993 a spouse could rape their spouse and today it probably won’t be prosecuted. The man in the White House said he could grab a woman by her pussy and force himself on her because he is a celebrity. #Whywemarched

    Women have been denied birth control and Margret Sanger was thrown in jail for bringing the diaphragm to the US. Today we are fighting to be able to decide, ON OUR OWN, if we want our tubes tied without state regulations. Colorado you have to have four children. Doctors still want to require the man’s signature in case HE wants more children where the same doctors mostly won’t ask the woman about the man’s vasectomy. In my state, we tried to make abortions illegal even in cases of rape and incest. #Whywemarched

    Next time you even THINK the march wasn’t needed and women have 100% equality, remember how many laws are put on women that men don’t have.

  335. I do not agree with this being shared to young girls. Especially the parts where’s she saying what you wear will “cheapen” your body and being vulgar will “cheapen” you. This is exactly the oppression that women marched for. This entire letter addressed to your daughter is basically promoting the ” typical feminine” ways that women are trying to prevent from being forced upon young girls at a young age. Telling your daughter she will cheapen herself by essentially acting like a man is what is the problem. Don’t tell your daughter to be more like a lady, tell her to be proud of who she is. Regardless of what she wears and how she speaks. Regardless of if how she acts isn’t “feminine”. Teach your daughter to love herself and love others. Teach your daughter that having a president who openly jokes about assualting women isn’t the kind of president she should stand with. Teach your daughter that she isn’t a “little bird” but a giant one, who can soar however high she wants because of women who will keep marching for her rights and for all women’s rights. Don’t teach your daughter to be small or that being loud will “cheapen” her. Teach her to raise her voice so that she is heard clearly, teach her to voice what she thinks because most women are taught to be silent. You are a part of the problem if you are teaching your daughter these things. This is why we march.

  336. While I appreciate your view, your “letter” uses limited information and a narrow scope of reference such as pay equality. You make the assumption that women chose lower paying jobs rather than see that female dominated fields are paid lower. In other words, the work women tend to do is devalued from the get go and therefor adds to gender inequality. If you look at the rise of pay in the nursing field you will see that it was hard fought for but also coincidentally rose as more male nurses entered the field. Sadly, some say men legitimized the field and made it a true profession. Finally, when is there ever a letter to a son about what he wears? If your daughter wears a bathing suit on the beach then we can have a conversation about sexual harassment and abuse without subconsciously equating it to her actions.

  337. We all are equal. And God made us women to be a blessing to a man. To be equal partners to work together not for a man nor a woman to be mean or hateful over one another. God loves us and he shows no difference between a man or a woman. So why should we. We should put all these differences aside and work together as God expected us to. And we need to pray for our country instead of trying to destroy it. You know one day we are gonna have to stand before God for all of our actions. And he is the one that’s gonna judge us. And he is gonna say either that your name is written in the Lamb Book of Life or he gonna say depart from me I never knew you. And I pray everyday that this country and the people in it that hasn’t Excepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior does so. May God bless and heal our country.

  338. You didn’t say one word to your baby girl about men’s ridiculously out-sized political power.
    The representative democracy that is supposed to make sure that no group has disproportionate political power over other groups hasn’t done a thing to empower women politically, and was in fact just used to reinforce the patriarchy.
    If everything is so right with the world, then why don’t women have any political power in this country where we’re so privileged?

  339. OMG- this whole thing is a lie. Dear daughter I let others March for you and I. If women, unlike this author, didn’t March, women like this author wouldn’t be voting. Tell the Hollywood actresses they they don’t work as hard as their male counterparts.
    Be truthful- you didn’t March because you want others to do the work for you.

  340. Sorry to tell you lady, but the country doesn’t revolve around you. You cannot speak for all women and you don’t know the story of all women at the march. Kudos for making your life better, you seem like a strong woman, but unfortunately everyone cannot be as strong. You also must realize that as bad as your situation was growing up, people have it a lot worse. Pro-choice means I don’t want to tell women what to do with their bodies. You can be anti-abortion and have as many kids as you want. But don’t you dare take action to prevent other women (whom you’ve never met in your life) from getting a procedure they deemed necessary for their situation. As you said in your post, let them lie to their daughters, so let them march and let them choose abortion should they need it. You are not them and you have no right to oppress them.

  341. Sorry to tell you lady, but the country doesn’t revolve around you. You cannot speak for all women and you don’t know the story of all women at the march. Kudos for making your life better, you seem like a strong woman, but unfortunately everyone cannot be as strong. You also must realize that as bad as your situation was growing up, people have it a lot worse. Pro-choice means I don’t want to tell women what to do with their bodies. You can be anti-abortion and have as many kids as you want. But don’t you dare take action to prevent other women (whom you’ve never met in your life) from getting a procedure they deemed necessary for their situation. As you said in your post, let them lie to their daughters, so let them march and let them choose abortion should they need it. You are not them and you have no right to oppress them.

  342. How is it “right” that men have ALL of the political power here?
    You mentioned anomalies like a woman running for President, but you avoided mentioning the norm, which is men running everything.
    If women’s situation here is by choice, then why aren’t women actually in political leadership positions and actually authoring and signing off on these “choices”?

  343. Well said. My daughter is growing to become a strong, independent, god loving, respectful woman. She is graduating college this spring and already has companies seeking her for employment based on her work ethic, common sense and attitude. This is an agricultural field that has had a male presence for years and she had moved in front of the pack by learning and listening what the needs of the companies are. I’ve worked in a male oriented field for 40 years and with hard work and smarts was paid equally and held positions of leadership. Life is what a person makes of it, male or female. Thanks for your article, your daughter is a lucky girl. 🙂

  344. You’re just a woman and no one cares what you think, baby bird. Get back in the kitchen and stop writing this trash.

  345. I understand the point this woman is trying to make but she clearly contradicted herself when she said women *are* equal and proceeded to say how she’ll teach her daughter no to “cheapen” herself. That is not equality. That is the patriarchal society telling you that you need to dress/speak appropriately to show your worth, but you don’t. When women are fully equal we won’t be judged on the way that we appear or how we speak. But don’t worry, I’ll march for your daughter so she can have the opportunity to express herself as she grows up without being labeled cheap or vulgar.

  346. Excellent writing. True to the core. No better way to show our daughters the correct answer to numerous questions arising today.

  347. Thank you for so clearly expressing the very ignorance people are marching against. I respect the passive agressive and degrading tone masked in the eloquence of your writing. I will pray for you… and your baby girl. I trust in the Lord and his ability to make the blinded see.

  348. Women make 80 cents on the dollar for the EXACT same position as a man. Women make up only 4% of the CEOs from Fortune 500 companies. Women make up only 20% of congress. The March that took place all over the world was not a bunch of lazy, fragile women whining. It was women peacefully assembling to stand up for equal pay and reproductive rights that are being systematically dismantled. Fragile women would have stayed home. It takes courage to stand up for change.

  349. You need to read Susan Faludi. The biggest setbacks to Feminism and Women’s Issues are almost always started by other “well meaning” women. Know your history. If we don’t keep these issues on the front burner, society will assume we don’t care and they will be slowly eroded away.

  350. Thank you so much! Appreciate your encouragement!
    I have two daughters, and three sons! And I am A leader in our community! Nobody puting me down!
    We have a choice on what we waist our Life!
    Wise woman can do a lot when she respect men!
    When she loves children! When she choose life!
    When she is not murder her own baby, but give life!
    Wise woman will not march for things such as have a choise to kill !!!

  351. You do realize that all of those freedoms you listed in the beginning are because women in the past fought against the status quo, right?

    If you don’t want to fight, that’s fine. But don’t begrudge other women because they see the need.

    Oh, and those “vulgarities” we’re first spoken by our president. Don’t turn this around and make it look like we’re the bad people here

  352. Margaret Sanger may have fought for birth control, but Ms. Ramirez, she’s not nearly as bad as say, Paris Hilton or Kim KarTRASHian West, or even half the co-hosts from THE SPEW… oops, I mean THE VIEW>

  353. This ignorant post saddens me to no end. I feel sorry for your daughter. What if the women who came before us would have been satisfied with just being allowed to vote? What if they would’ve stopped there and sat quietly like a young lady should?
    You are contributing to the idea that women should be “seen and not heard.” We have more rights than ever before, so we should just be thankful and obedient? Is that it? I’m so glad that millions of women, including myself, have made a conscious choice to march for all women, including you and your daughter. Women are not equal. A rape culture exists that had been fueled by Trump’s misogynistic rhetoric. Gay people are still fighting for equal rights, including homosexual women.
    You have a right to your opinion but I couldn’t disagree with you more. I pray that a woman in your household stands up for your daughter and teachers her the beauty of strength. I hope she teachers your daughter that women deserve every single right we have fought for and more. Most importantly, I hope you teach your daughter that complacency is what got America into this mess of having a deplorable president in the year 2017.

  354. I am in complete awe over this and I thank you from bottom of my heart.
    I am a single mom who’s had tears of struggles and worked hard and raised two amazing young ladies ages 19 and 23. I lost my home I’ve been thru so much but I persevere and my daughters truly see what it is to be a fine example of a strong woman. The 3 of us have weathered many storms but I never gave up. I never relied on public assistance I just busted my butt to figure it out on my own. Because of that I have raised my daughters as strong young ladies. I’ve given them gifts of teaching them tolerance and appreciation for simple things in life; they know that daily blessings are truly the treasures in life and God always provides for us and he walks with us everyday; that the tough times aren’t to suppress us but to mold us and make us stronger women ; and to be able to use our experiences to help others. My daughters never saw color. As my youngest started college in the EOF program which is low income program to those with very old high school grades she was one of handful of white students. She was bombarded by the school with lessons in racism but only defending people in races of color. She had to quietly suppress her voice her thoughts her feelings because she was white. She was picked on by students of color because there was only a few whites in program. She fried to come home. I kept her going. She knew she was not raised to be like this and it was very disheartening to her. When she finished the 6 weeks of torment her senior year of summer to earn state aide to help her pay for what SHE deserved and earned she began her freshman year at college. I to her sophomore year she realizes that even though she went thru hell that summer just 3 days after graduating high school it was all worth it and it made her stronger. In meantime she watched her bullies slowly fall off track and be dropped from program. If it was t for me raising my daughters to be strong she would have given up.
    Giving up is never an option.

    These marches make me so angry. As I’ve struggled all my adult life I’ve never felt suppressed or denied anything. My choices were just that; MY CHOICES. The government did not make them, men didn’t not make them , I made them.
    It’s such a disgrace how these women march around in vagina suits no less expect people to listen and be drawn into their lies and their delusions and as a woman and a mother of two amazing daughters I’m offended and appalled.
    We live in such an amazing country with the women to have such rights that other countries don’t have. The women of the past who have fought for us would be so shamed and disgusted at this behavior. Being cry babies and not appreciating the incredible life as American women we can have here is a disgrace.
    Thank you for posting what you did. As I read I it I felt like wow she feels as I do and I’m soooo thrilled at it and shared it on fb.
    Thank you from one conservative mom to another- we are the faces of true American women not these crazy cry babies. God bless you .

  355. Dear Mommy – your daughter will grow up to be as clueless as you unless some incredible strong superwoman can break through her conditioning and show her the facts, the truth – not just some Stepford blather. I hope she can then forgive you.

  356. I pray that your daughter grows up to be a thoughtful, compassionate and ethical woman who understands her role as a leader because of people like Margaret Sanger, Betty Friedman, Gloria Steinem, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ruth Bader Ginzburg and Hillary Clinton. They have a lot to teach you, too.

  357. Thank you for a well written, intelligent and graceful article that empowers women without stooping to vulgarity.

  358. I for one think this is a beautiful letter for her daughter. I also think those oppose of this letter need to understand she has a mind of her own, it’s not what you believe so you are cruel to another woman who you do not even know. Yep, I believe you should be ashame of yourselves for marching than disrespecting another woman’s beliefs. You do not speak for all woman in the USA we were born with a mind and voice of our own. So when you go bashing on other woman what does that make you yourselves???

  359. This propaganda BS. Yes we as women do enjoy many freedom we didn’t have a generation ago, but there is still a fight to go on. Equal pay, the right to choose, maternity leave and affordable health care so we can care for our families in time if need and obtain preventative measures. Please stop concealing your fascist ideals in a sweet leather to a child. It’s not that hidden.

  360. I followed the article that was linked on sex trafficking in the blog and found that the information in the blog is incorrect and not factual. If you follow the rabbit hole of information you will find that this is where the information is supposedly coming from If you read this research summary you will find that the research was only on NYC youth and that there is nothing in their findings to indicate that “boys make up half of those who are sexually exploited commercially in the United States.” After reading the research article the only place I can ascertain the “half” came from was this regarding the subjects included in the research: “Gender and age distribution: The final sample of 249 youth was 48% female, 45% male, and 8% transgender; and the average age of entry into the market was 15.29 years.” Again these numbers only indicate the demographics of who was interviewed for this research and does not in any way indicate victim numbers. If anyone is interested in actual facts on this here is a source: You can see that of the 7,572 sex trafficking cases reported in the US in 2016 that 6,340 were female and 978 were male. My hope in providing all of this factual information is that others will realize the importance of fact checking and doing their own research. I stress that I am not dismissing other points brought up in the blog or any of the other trillion (not actual data haha!) issues the US is facing at the moment, again I am just using this one as an example of how “facts” on the internet are not always actual facts. I am also not trying to sway anyone’s opinion that does not agree with or support the women’s march, just fact checking.

  361. Women at the march also marched for peace, for the rights of immigrants and refugees, for the soldiers, and simply to protect their future to ensure that they can still be heard when there is now a president such as Trump where many women stand against his demeaning and sexist remarks about the woman’s body and position in his eyes. Many women marched for this. Personally, I did not observe any women marching for birth control or for abortion. I’m sure they did too, but there were so many other valuable reasons as well that women went to this march that you neglected. I did not like your article. Too many generalizations. It’s brave of you to share though I’m sure you offended many women and I hope the America you see is going to be a good one for your daughter, but for some women and people we can see the very big issues that it is already beginning to have with this newpresidenancy and that is why we march against injustice. I am proud of those who marched for not being quite when such wrong is already being done. Just because America provides what it can for your daughter now figuratively speaking, doesn’t mean that that will be the America she grow so into. That is why women march for their daughters. A peaceful protest. What’s so wrong with that? Do you have to be so mean and generalize so much about why women went to march? Or did you do what many women did? Stand up for what you believe in even if it doesn’t make everyone happy? You did, and women that marched did. You just did it behind a screen. There were many men out there as well fighting for women’s rights to continue, because I do believe we already have a lot of rights, but that they can be threatened by the new presidency that also threatens many immigrants and refugees, and people that are different than him essentially. Many people were maced or abused for doing nothing, but protesting. There is a problem, and sometimes getting on your computer to write about it doesn’t make a big enough wave in the ocean of the United States of America to make a difference. Women and men that marched made a difference. But for your sake and your daughters, I hope America stays the way you see it now, because it was great and it was safe. But now, many people are already being deported. Students that study here from different countries already cannot return home to see their families and come back without major flight delays or problems. Some cannot even come back. Many people are already being affected by this new presidency and just because you and your daughter is protected by being citizens does not mean that America is a good place for others. Just because you and I have the privilege of being citizens does not mean that we shouldn’t stand up for those who don’t. Right now, we have a voice as women and that is why we marched. Once Muslim women did not have to wear the coverings they wear now and they were able to enjoy full freedom of dress. Now they do not. Things can change in government and powers. They can change for the better or they can change for the worse. A lot of what is happening already is taking away and hurting a lot of innocent people. That’s injustice. Women marched for injustice and to protect the justices they already observe and many men came along side of them and also marched because they also care and see value in it. Not every women was loud even. A lot were just there peacefully protesting. However, I do not see it as such a bad thing to be loud and to raise your voice for what you believe in. I’m sorry that you do and that you were so offended by women and men who marched against injustice and stood up for what they believe in. You just did too. Good. But just because others did it differently than you doesn’t mean it is worse. Nor does it mean that all were out for the same reason or were all loud, or the likes. If you were out there or paid more attention to each woman and man you just threw under your umbrella you would know that. I see your perspective. It’s helpful to know and talk about our differences and to learn and grow from them. We would never have been able to do this had you not shared your voice like women and men who marched shared theres. We are not so different. But I stand for those who do not have the same voice. Even the vocielesss stood for themselves. For different reasons that should be payed more respect to than what you just did in telling your daughter how wrong everyone was and how right you were just because we did some different things while also doing a lot of similar things.

  362. FYI, Margaret Sanger was anti-abortion. I 100% did march for you and your daughter. If every other country can provide paid maternity leave, then obviously the US can. If your daughter submits the same job application and resume under a man’s name and a woman’s name, the man will be rated higher, even by other women. This has been tested and proven time and again. I’m sorry you have your head so firmly in the sand, and I expect your daughter will realize how wrong you are as she grows up. I will keep marching, in the hopes that she won’t have a 20% chance of being sexually assaulted in college and that she will make 100% of the pay as the men in her job. (Just like the suffragettes marched while women like you fought against your own right to vote.)

  363. I feel sorry for your daughter
    That you use transparent and wake justifications not to take action

    But like you said, we have certain freedoms and liberties here, so you have the freedom not to march.

  364. Good to see that you bring white have no compassion or understanding for other women not as privileged. Sad to see yr raising yr daughter to be as selfish and self centered as you.

  365. To the people being ugly with their comments: stop. It’s unnecessary. I don’t agree 100% with her letter but I took something away from it; that we (women) have the ability to change how we are treated. We have to keep working hard and be successful to make change. The more we do that, the more we pave the way for future women to being equal. It’s not going to happen overnight, history shows us that, but it will be worth it. I personally didn’t like the Women’s March, but some women thought it was necessary and I support them as a woman. I support this woman’s decision on how to raise her daughter, to be a respectable and reasonable woman. She supports her daughter in whatever she decides, and that is (in my opinion) is true feminism…the ability to choose your life. 50+ years ago women couldn’t choose.

  366. Wonderfully and truthfully written. I am thankful there are still God fearing people who are not afraid to speak the truth! Thank you ma’am!

  367. That is the best way to explain to our daughters, that what these women (the ones that marched) are doing and saying is wrong. I’m a smart woman and got my degree while being a single mother. It’s all in the effort we put forward!

  368. How refreshing and encouraging! Thank you for sharing this positive personal position which so many agree with, including myself!

  369. You didn’t have to because COUNTLESS COURAGEOUS WOMAN IN HISTORY ALREADY DID! You should be saying nothing but THANK YOU to those that DID march and continue the fight. And you are beyond disrespectful if you don’t realize that all of those rights your daughter now has are because someone marched for them. Your welcome.

  370. “Honey”, I did not sideline myself for years while I raised my children. Instead I chose my profession and got $10,000 less a year than the male ‘kid’ below me.

    I found out that women are getting advanced degrees at a much higher rate than men, in engineering, political science, computer science and those other ‘girly’ professions that men apparently do not want. Yet women are getting paid much less than the men doing the same jobs.

    Martin Luther King Jr. shouldn’t have had to march either, but he did. I mean who cares if someone burns a cross on your lawn, rapes you because you’re black or calls you names. That’s right, those who didn’t march consider you a ‘snowflake’ and think you should ‘suck it up’ and deal with it.

    So “honey”, you should learn to do the same thing because what you have right now is good enough.

  371. Praise God for a lady with an understanding of the very special role women have! I admire your honesty and delight in the joy you express of being a woman. We need so many more women to understand these principles!

  372. A wish “bloggers” had to pay for each post they wrote. 1,000 for truth, 10,000 for drivel… This is sanctimonious crap. A hundred years ago, you would not even to be able to spout off your nonsense.

  373. I hear ya, but I still don’t understand the opposition. Men thinks they can use female bodies still as instruments of pleasure, we’ve come a long way from being an ornamental prize but should we stop there? Should we no longer inspire our young ladies to take control over their bodies? Some women like to condemn women who feel victimized by rape, we should stand together. The women fighting for more equality are the same women who will ensure harsher punishments for rapists and that more women will feel confident to report to win those cases. As a mother with a daughter this should appeal to your best interest, when I told my mother I was raped she was devastated. Her whole world crashed down too, we’re in this together. P.s. Hispanic females make 54 cents to every dollar a white man makes. Its a fact not an opinion. So is global warming. So it the fact the most of Trump’s cabinet is involved with ALEC and Koch Industries which is an oil company, greed is instrumenting devastating changes in our country.

  374. Breathtakingly stupid. Sounds like it was written by a misogynistic man. Or a Stepford wife suffering from advanced internalized sexism. Too many big words for you? Get yourself woke!

  375. Some of the comments I have read on here degrading our new President and men in general SICKEN me.. Sure men can be straight up assholes, HOWEVER if it werent for our men and their hardwork, or putting their life on the line to give us our freedom DAILY we would have nothing, its because of men that we have the freedom to raise our children, stay home, and if we chose go out and get good jobs.. Take a look back on your history, sure there are some really great women but don’t forget our forefathers etc etc… I praise the hard work of many men ….my father, my husband, brother, and now son… Im ok with a man being maybe “a step above me” after all, they deserve to be put on a pedestal too….

  376. The link you have used to reference male victims of trafficking doesn’t work anymore, but I have spent several years researching this issue both in a non-profit and academic setting and am pretty sure you are referring to the “Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in New York” study among others. I am very passionate about increasing awareness of boys and men who are victims of sex trafficking- and many studies like the one above indicate that while most people assume that victims are mostly girls there are many more boys victimized than we used to think. However, it is incorrect to say based on the studies that have been done that we know that “50%” of victims are boys. Simply measuring the number in New York, or who report to the national youth runaway hotline, or who are recovered by certain advocacy groups cannot tell us the “real” number of boys in general who are trafficked. I don’t think this was your mistake, I think you were likely quoting or some site that said this information. However, it actually does a disservice to promoting continued research and understanding to perpetuate an untrue use of statistics or a “fact” that isn’t true and I hope you will re-consider how you state it. If we go around saying we know that 50% of trafficking victims are boys when we really don’t, then someone in the future can pick apart our argument and discredit the whole notion that boys deserve help and attention. The truth is we don’t know, because it’s so hard to measure and we want people to know that we don’t know- so they will continue to finance the research that will help us understand what’s going on.

  377. Go get a pat on the head from your husband!! And then go make him a sandwich!! Teaching your daughter that other people’s opinions are a lie?? God bless her!!

  378. I believe this was beautifully written and very well fact checked. It took a lot of thought and heartfelt compassion to talk about the lies we are told and the bold truth of who and what we are and where we can go as a woman. If those who march spent as much time, energy and money representing “the truth” we would certainly be a stronger nation free of smut, lies and degredation….they would be part of the solution to a free, decent and strong nation. Don’t they realize those spectacles only set women apart and stifle the “true” American Dream? Thank you for helping me confirm that how I think and what I teach my children is far better than the examples those marchers are setting!

  379. What you really should have said is, “Honey, I didn’t want to march because I didn’t want to.” Just leave it as that. Seriously? That whole you-can-be-anything-you-want-to-be crap is awful. How unequal? Let’s take a look: 4% of women are CEO’s of the Fortune;500; 20% in congress; there have only ever been 4 (FOUR) Supreme Court justices, in history, since 1776. Then there’s professional sports, hope your daughter doesn’t like basketball, the highest earning WNBA players earns 1/5 of the lowest paying NBA players. I don’t think you can say any of those women that I listed ever took time off or were soft spoken about raises. Those in congress had to be elected which meant that we, the people had to decide if she, a woman, was as good as a man and so often we subconsciously don’t think they are. I live in IL, one of the few states that taxes just about everything except pads but will tax all prescription and OTC medications.

    Did you have to march? Of course not. Is anyone thinking less of you? Well maybe now they are. I didn’t march because 1. it didn’t really occur to me, 2.I didn’t realize it was nationwide, 3. even if I did, I’m kind of lazy, 4. marches have been known to lead to riots and 5. I don’t like crowds. If my daughter at some point asks, I’ll tell her no and leave it at that.

  380. Stealing this quote from someone else….”When was the last time you spoke with someone who wasn’t exactly like you?” Your article comes from the realm of privilege. And the fact that yesterday I saw anti-rape underwear was actually invented and exists means women are nowhere near being considered equals. Otherwise we wouldn’t have to lock ourselves up like that.

  381. You are delisional..
    * women make 72 cents for every dollar a man makes
    * women are 4 times more kikely to be victims of violent crime than men
    * women only hold 19% of all legislative offices in this country
    * there are only 3 female ceos leading fortune 500 companies
    * the US is ranked 83rd in the world when viewed through the scope of womens rights and equality

    Women need to vote as a block in order to get their proper seat at the table. White men do it, african americans do it, hispanic americans do it…but women dont. And that is why the female gender continues to be under-represented, misrepresented, and made to be second class citizens.

    Men divide you, men keep you from speaking your minds, men violate your bodies and your rights. Yet you keep voting us into office and giving us power over your lives when you clearly hold the majority.

    Women of the world unite. We need you…because men certainly arent doing a very good job of providing inspiring leadership in this world.

  382. I didn’t march.

    I am so incredibly fortunate to have been born into this country and these times. When I stop and think about what women have endured throughout the ages and what they continue to endure today in some parts of the world, it’s difficult to even conceive of how lucky I am. Even on my most miserable days, I am grateful to whatever deity, force, or random chance placed me here, now. Of however many billion women who have walked this earth, I am one of the very most fortunate.

    That is WHY I should have marched.

    Because for all we know, the rights enjoyed by many (certainly not all) American women today is a flicker of light in the history of civilization. There is no law of science or, evidently, God, that says these rights won’t decay. Only our own, and as we know, those are malleable. There is no assurance of forward progress or even the status quo. In fact there are examples in history where the modest rights afforded to women in a given society eroded over time. So what’s to stop our rights from eroding? Only us. That’s it.

    So I should have marched.

    That there are places in the world today, where not only do women lack basic rights as citizens, but are treated as sub-human, makes it MORE important to stand up here, not less so. Why would we give a fraction of an inch, knowing that there are people out there that believe it’s perfectly acceptable to inflict horrendous abuse upon anyone with female genitalia? Why wouldn’t we want to set the highest example we could? Why on earth would we shrug our shoulders and say ‘Hey, at least we don’t have it nearly as bad as them’? Shrug enough times, over enough generations, and we could.

    And one doesn’t exactly need to peer back through hundreds of years to find egregious gender inequity in this country. Within my mother’s lifetime, single women weren’t allowed birth control or credit cards. Women could legally be fired for getting pregnant. When I was a child, a man could still legally rape his wife in some states. These things are right behind us. What’s keeping them there?

    I have been fortunate, even among the fortunate. And yet I have the gall to want more for my daughter. I don’t want her to be held ‘prisoner’ by a gang of boys on the playground. I don’t want her to be kissed against her will by a much older boy. I don’t want her to be told by the adult manning the booth at a high school career fair that his career wasn’t for girls. I don’t want her to hear an umpire have an absolute tantrum because delicate, fragile girls were too close to the ‘dangerous’ boys’ field. I don’t want her to make $.25 less per hour than a young man hired after her with the exact same qualifications. I don’t want her to overhear a man tell another man that women shouldn’t be bosses because then they think they have something to prove and turn into bitches. I don’t want her to have to argue with a man who doesn’t believe that women can be the best at anything other than child rearing. I don’t want her to be stopped and sexually harassed on the way home from class. I don’t want her to leave a job, in part, because of sexual harassment (I’ll be honest, there were a lot of reasons). I don’t want her to be approached in the dark by two men and asked ‘aren’t you scared?’ No, none of this was ‘that’ bad. Like I said, I’ve been fortunate even among the fortunate. Plenty of women I’ve known have experienced SO much worse. But I still believe that my daughter, everyone’s daughters, deserves better.

    I should have marched for them.

  383. Hated this article. Some of the lessons you are teaching your child are good. What you are not teaching your child is empathy and gratitude for the women and men who got us where we are today. What you are teaching your child is that her privilege comes from hard work and not the luck of circumstances she was born into. You are also simplifying sexism and using her experiences as facts and not opinions. It is an article of justification for someone burying their head in the sand. For the commenters who told me they are not privileged and did it on your own – None of us did this on our own. The march wasn’t about a single cause it was about women. There are plenty of issues that involving women everywhere that you could choose from. Every continent and 693 marches around the world tell you this. If you feel you have earned everything you and the world offers you the same opportunities as they do men then great for you. It is not the case for all women. Stand up for them. Don’t tell me what other past politicians did or did not do. Tell me how you as a woman are going to start speaking up loudly and vocally for all women. Unify and join together. It was heart warming and encouraging to participate in the march and know you are not alone.

  384. Contrary to the reasons you’ve shared as to why you believe women participated in the largest peaceful protest in history, which may or may not accurately reflect the viewpoints of some participant, the leaders of the Women’s March published a document reflecting their reasons for organizing the event:

    Click to access WMW+Guiding+Vision+%26+Definition+of+Principles.pdf

    For your convenience, I’ve included it here.

    I urge you, when you sit down with your daughters after presenting them with you letter, to go through this list and explain to them exactly how each of these viewpoints are, “Terrible, horrible, no good very bad lies.”

    ● We believe that Women’s Rights are Human Rights and Human Rights are Women’s Rights.
    This is the basic and original tenet for which we unite to March on Washington.

    ● We believe Gender Justice is Racial Justice is Economic Justice. We must create a society in
    which all women—including Black women, Indigenous women, poor women, immigrant women,
    disabled women, Muslim women, lesbian, queer and trans women—are free and able to care for and
    nurture themselves and their families, however they are formed, in safe and healthy environments free
    from structural impediments.

    ● Women have the right to live full and healthy lives, free of all forms of violence against our
    bodies. One in three women have been victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate partner
    within their lifetime; and one in five women have been raped. Further, each year, thousands of women
    and girls, particularly Black, Indigenous and transgender women and girls, are kidnapped, trafficked, or
    murdered. We honor the lives of those women who were taken before their time and we affirm that we
    work for a day when all forms of violence against women are eliminated.

    ● We believe in accountability and justice for police brutality and ending racial profiling and
    targeting of communities of color and Indigenous peoples. Women of color and Indigenous women are
    killed in police custody at greater rates, and are more likely to be sexually assaulted by police, and
    women with disabilities are disproportionately likely to experience use of force at the hands of police,
    and sexual assault in general. We also call for an immediate end to arming police with the military grade
    weapons and military tactics that are wreaking havoc on communities of color and sovereign tribal
    lands. No woman or mother should have to fear that her loved ones will be harmed at the hands of those
    sworn to protect.

    ● We believe it is our moral imperative to dismantle the gender and racial inequities within the
    criminal justice system. The rate of imprisonment has grown faster for women than men, increasing by
    700% since 1980, and the majority of women in prison have a child under the age of 18. Incarcerated
    women also face a high rate of violence and sexual assault. We are committed to ensuring access to
    gender-responsive programming and dedicated healthcare including substance abuse treatment, mental
    and maternal health services for women in prison. We believe in the promise of restorative justice and
    alternatives to incarceration. We are also committed to disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline that
    prioritizes incarceration over education by systematically funneling our children—particularly children
    of color, queer and trans youth, foster care children, and girls—into the justice system.

    ● We believe in Reproductive Freedom. We do not accept any federal, state or local rollbacks, cuts
    or restrictions on our ability to access quality reproductive healthcare services, birth control, HIV/AIDS care and prevention, or medically accurate sexuality education. This means open access to safe, legal, affordable abortion and birth control for all people, regardless of income, location or education. We understand that we can only have reproductive justice when reproductive health care is accessible to all people regardless of income, location or education.

    ● We believe in Gender Justice. We must have the power to control our bodies and be free from
    gender norms, expectations and stereotypes. We must free ourselves and our society from the institution
    of awarding power, agency and resources disproportionately to masculinity to the exclusion of others.

    ● We firmly declare that LGBTQIA Rights are Human Rights and that it is our obligation to uplift,
    expand and protect the rights of our gay, lesbian, bi, queer, trans, two-spirit or gender non-conforming
    brothers, sisters and siblings. This includes access to non-judgmental, comprehensive healthcare with
    no exceptions or limitations; access to name and gender changes on identity documents; full antidiscrimination protections; access to education, employment, housing and benefits; and an end to police and state violence.

    ● We believe in an economy powered by transparency, accountability, security and equity. We
    believe that creating workforce opportunities that reduce discrimination against women and mothers
    allow economies to thrive. Nations and industries that support and invest in caregiving and basic
    workplace protections—including benefits like paid family leave, access to affordable childcare, sick
    days, healthcare, fair pay, vacation time, and healthy work environments—have shown growth and
    increased capacity.

    ● We believe in equal pay for equal work and the right of all women to be paid equitably. We must
    end the pay and hiring discrimination that women, particularly mothers, women of color, Indigenous
    women, lesbian, queer and trans women still face each day in our nation, as well as discrimination again
    workers with disabilities, who can currently legally be paid less than federal minimum wage. Many
    mothers have always worked and in our modern labor force; and women are now 50% of all family
    breadwinners. We stand for the 82% of women who become moms, particularly moms of color, being
    paid, judged, and treated fairly. Equal pay for equal work will lift families out of poverty and boost our
    nation’s economy.

    ● We recognize that women of color and Indigenous women carry the heaviest burden in the
    global and domestic economic landscape, particularly in the care economy. We further affirm that all
    care work–caring for the elderly, caring for the chronically ill, caring for children and supporting
    independence for people with disabilities–is work, and that the burden of care falls disproportionately
    on the shoulders of women, particularly women of color. We stand for the rights, dignity, and fair
    treatment of all unpaid and paid caregivers. We must repair and replace the systemic disparities that
    permeate caregiving at every level of society.

    ● We believe that all workers – including domestic and farm workers – must have the right to
    organize and fight for a living minimum wage, and that unions and other labor associations are critical to
    a healthy and thriving economy for all. Undocumented and migrant workers must be included in our
    labor protections, and we stand in full solidarity with the sex workers’ rights movement. We recognize
    that exploitation for sex and labor in all forms is a violation of human rights.

    ● We believe Civil Rights are our birthright. Our Constitutional government establishes a
    framework to provide and expand rights and freedoms–not restrict them. To this end, we must protect
    and restore all the Constitutionally-mandated rights to all our citizens, including voting rights, freedom
    to worship without fear of intimidation or harassment, freedom of speech, and protections for all citizens
    regardless of race, gender, age or disability. We honor and respect tribal laws and jurisdictions.

    ● We support Indigenous women’s right to access, own, develop and control land and its
    resources. We affirm that now is the time for the U.S. implementation of the UN Declaration on the
    Rights of Indigenous Peoples and to honor existing treaty rights and fulfill promises made.

    ● We believe that all women’s issues are issues faced by women with disabilities and Deaf women.
    As mothers, sisters, daughters, and contributing members of this great nation, we seek to break barriers
    to access, inclusion, independence, and the full enjoyment of citizenship at home and around the world.
    We strive to be fully included in and contribute to all aspects of American life, economy, and culture.

    ● We believe it is time for an all-inclusive Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
    Most Americans believe the Constitution guarantees equal rights, but it does not. The 14 th Amendment has been undermined by courts and cannot produce real equity on the basis of race and/or sex. And in a
    true democracy, each citizen’s vote should count equally. All Americans deserve equality guarantees in
    the Constitution that cannot be taken away or disregarded, recognizing the reality that inequalities
    intersect, interconnect and overlap.

    ● Rooted in the promise of America’s call for huddled masses yearning to breathe free, we believe
    in immigrant and refugee rights regardless of status or country of origin. It is our moral duty to keep
    families together and empower all aspiring Americans to fully participate in, and contribute to, our
    economy and society. We reject mass deportation, family detention, violations of due process and
    violence against queer and trans migrants. Immigration reform must establish a roadmap to citizenship,
    and provide equal opportunities and workplace protections for all. We recognize that the call to action to
    love our neighbor is not limited to the United States, because there is a global migration crisis. We
    believe migration is a human right and that no human being is illegal.

    ● We believe that every person, every community and Indigenous peoples in our nation have the
    right to clean water, clean air, and access to and enjoyment of public lands. We believe that our
    environment and our climate must be protected, and that our land and natural resources cannot be
    exploited for corporate gain or greed—especially at the risk of public safety and health.

    ● We recognize that to achieve any of the goals outlined within this statement, we must work
    together to end war and live in peace with our sisters and brothers around the world. Ending war means
    a cessation to the direct and indirect aggression caused by the war economy and the concentration of
    power in the hands of a wealthy elite who use political, social, and economic systems to safeguard and
    expand their power.

    I assure you, these are not “lies,” nor do they seek to blame “sexism” for some very real, truthful, hard facts about the world we live in today.

    Lucky for both of us, the 1st Amendment guarantees the Freedoms of Speech, Press, Religion, Exercise & Assembly.

    Speech- What you were able to do here expressing your viewpoints about something you clearly struggle to understand.

    Press- Allowing you the ability to cite various publications that were able to share their own biased vies, to support your very own.

    Religion/Exercise thereof- Something that is clearly important to you, but has no place in our nation’s governance, as the the word “freedom” signifies one’s ability to chose (something one could equate to Christian principle of “free-will”)–which could be different from and hold beliefs contrary to your own religion.

    Assembly- What the participants on January 31, 2017 did, peacefully, to express their opinions, that should not be disparaged simply because you failed to do your research.

  385. Nope. This is completely wrong. Any research on the facts of gender wage gap, domestic violence, and sexual assault would clearly show this woman is wrong and sharing only her singular experience and opinion. And the assumption that anyone chooses to be sexually assaulted because of their clothing is dangerous and appalling. The reasons she says she doesn’t need to march are either false or only true because women before her have marched for those rights.

  386. Dear daughter,
    I’m the future when a disgusting old man grab your private parts and later on go brag to his buddies, who probably do the same, you vote for him and elect him president of the free world, because it’s totally fine to behave like this. After all, is a men’s right to that.

  387. You are an amazing woman
    I am 69 years old.I was,submissive
    To my Hispanic husband
    His word was the law.i obey
    My father to the fullest extend
    His word was the law.
    I was verbally abuse to the extend
    I was made to feel like nothing.
    My husband has bee dead 29 years
    I rejoice his death I was finally free.
    I felt like a butterfly learn g to fly again.

  388. This article is the definition of privilege. It’s amazing that your life is so insulated that you can’t even comprehend that others struggle in ways that you don’t.

    You suggest that some women just choose low paying fields. Well, how about those of us who work in fields that are traditionally well paid dominated by men? Women in high tech make as much as 20 percent less than their counterparts. And we are faced with sexism every day.

    For your daughter’s sake please wake up and join the real world. Look outside your comfort zone and past your privilege.

  389. My sincerest condolences to your daughter. It’s gonna suck. A lot. Having such a condensing & small minded woman for a mother.

  390. Wow! What a powerful message! What an eloquently written letter that speaks so well to how I feel. Thank you for sharing this with us. You are momming right!

  391. I am very pro life but there are some items here that bother me.
    First, I didn’t march, not because sexism doesn’t exist or becausebI think that it’s a petty concern but because pro Life women’s groups were not accepted by the march’ s organizers.
    It must be recognized that incredible women like Madame CJ Walker are phenons who overcame in spite of incredible adversity. I would have wanted to march because I want my son’s to know that sexism and misogyny is not okay and because I want my grandaughter not to know what it’s like to be passed over for promotion or not to be selected for a job and because I want her to be always be treated with respect.
    For over 20 years, I supported my husband’s active duty military career. I had the opportunity to work for civilian, government and my family.
    Most discrimination is not overt, it’s bias. I worked for someone overseas who hired 2 very attractive local nationals to do a job that I was hired to do. I was laterally assigned another job but required to review all work completed by the 2 secretarys. I didnt get paid anymore and would have to work late. So my family was deprived of my time and earnings and tax payers paid for 2 unnecessary employees. I’ve worked for a very competent and honest woman who faced a HUGE wall in her career specifically because she was a woman. She had to spend a significant part of her commission to hire men to be her mouthpiece. Last month, I watched my current manager receive an award for her work. She was recognized for doing an excellent job leading our department while the executive in charge’s seat was vacant. She was literally doing her job and the executive job for several months so we’ll that she was recognized company wide for her efforts. One week later, a man was hired to replace the last for the executive position. She was asked to train this person. For the record, whether it be state or federal tax, we shouldn’t have to pay tax on feminine hygiene items or health insurance just because we were born female. Yes, having children will impact our careers/long term earning capacity… ask any woman who found herself widowed or divorced after years of working for her family and re-entering the job market.
    This happens EVERY day. In the 1960s there was the “I am a man” protests by garbage men who were not given the same pay, working conditions and benefits as their white counterparts. Women do deserve the same opportunities for their efforts. We should not have to endure cat calls, etc or depend on age and attractiveness to get ahead in positions that do not require it. Most women don’t have the luxury of not going to work or the financial ability to quit when there’s some type of infraction. Being quiet good girls will yield no results. Our families will suffer as we are frustrated from these small infractions of disrespect and know that are earning potential is diminished because male counterparts do not feel comfortable and/or have the same confidence in our abilities due to our sex. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. No one cares if we don’t show that equal pay and treatment matters to us. Especially if we are women of faith, we have a duty to resist like Rosa Parks, fight like Harriet Tubman and sound our trumpet like Sojourner Truth by marching for our girls.

  392. If America is so awful to live in why do you just not move…maybe you would enjoy living in Syria, Iran or Iraq. You will find out very quickly what it means to not have rights and freedoms. So you get paid less than a man Stacey Rae…boo hoo. At least you have the right to work, to be an executive and I am sure boss quite a few men around. Try living in a country where you can be married off when you are 13 to a man you have never met, not being allowed to go to get an education or vote, to be stoned to death when you were forcibly raped because it had to be your fault. I am proud to live in America and I have never, not once in my life felt inferior to a man. And if I ever did…I am sure I would be taken oh so seriously with a vagina shaped hat on my head.

  393. I could have agreed with some of this if you hadn’t said we were liars. Why do you expect anyone to change their minds when you purposely use words that offend them? Do you really think that will bring anyone over to your side?

    I’m glad women matched for you.

  394. The onslaught of these open letters and continued nastiness and outrage (whether passive aggressive or outright agressive) toward the women who marched is totally baffling to me. People have been marching on Washington and protesting presidents for 150 years. Many of the rights you enjoy today are the direct result of someone else’s steps in Washington. Like to drink alcohol? Someone marched for you. Against nuclear arms? Someone marched for you. Support POW’s? Someone marched for you. Against {insert War here} someone marched for you. For the rights of a minority, immigrant, LGBT, farmers or in favor of peace? Someone has marched for you. Against the policies of Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, Teddy Roosevelt, Carter, Johson, JFK, Ford, both Bushes, Obama, Trump? Well someone took to Washington for you. Disagree with abortion, domestic violence, unemployed workers?? Yep, someone marched on your behalf. In support of nuclear disarmament, women’s reproductive rights, women’s voting, religious freedom, civil rights? You guessed it ~ someone marched for you. Stop being so critical of women who were marching for cause. Perhaps you take offense to the name of the march or you don’t agree with the but just be thankful. My point being WE SHOULD ALL BE VERY THANKFUL, we live in a country where people can assemble and protest ~ the alternate would have us living in a very different country. If you can’t do that, at least check your outrage when you hear someone say “He’s not my president”. Sounds an awful lot like “she didn’t march for me”.

  395. I totally agree with everything you said. Thanks for standing tall for your daughter. I have done the same for my 3 daughters. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR DAUGHTER.

  396. This post defines privilege perfectly. Just because you don’t see or believe the injustice doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Also, regardless of what you think, you are reinforcing the patriarchal view of women as procreators whose bodies and lives are to be controlled by men. To those in power, you are indeed a second class citizen. It’s one thing to not actively support the women’s movement (which historically won the rights you cite above through marches, protests, and other activism), but there’s no need to actively tear down those who are fighting for your daughter to actually possess the rights that women only superficially have at the moment.

  397. I’m sorry. Did you forget why you have the right to vote or get an education? Did you forget why you have the right to make choices about your body? Did you forget that thousands of women over the last 100 years have marched, protested, and been shunned in order to fight for your rights that you so lovingly share with your daughter? Study your past so that you may know our future.

  398. Disheartening how many “Why I didn’t need to march…” posts have women sanctimoniously telling their daughters, “Don’t dress provocative if you want respect.” and “Be less this or less that, it makes you look like meat.” You can disagree with the statistics all you want, but maybe figure out why no one seems able to do do without insinuating that an entire gender of marchers (you know… the crowd where I was had almost as many men as women, yet I hear next to nothing disparaging the language, attire, class, or intelligence of the men.. and a group of dudes at my march had Trump drawn as a literal poop emoji) are worth less due their attire. I’ve seen everything from tank tops to sweater dresses called “inappropriate”. I have seen everything from swearing to speaking up called “unladylike”. There is no end to it.

    Dearest darling son, so help me if you ever dare to treat a woman like less than a full human being deserving of respect no matter WHAT she’s wearing or whether or not she says bad words outside the bedroom, I will throttle you myself. I hope the hypothetical daughters of these independent women never, ever accept anything less.

  399. You are seriously mistaken, & a fool. Glad you are not speaking for my right. Might as well take this garbage down before you misinform others who may have half a brain to believe the crap you spew.

  400. This is beautiful because it is so true and what mothers should be telling their daughters not what the mixed up women with problems, Hollywood degenerate, and the unchristian woman are trying to get us to believe. They are pitiful and we need to pray for them. The points in this message were well taken.

  401. I have three daughters & this is beautiful 💗
    My adult daughter is a mentor for middle school kids at a large church in our area & sets the example daily; that with hard work you can be and do anything! She is 18, has her pre- nursing college done & is taking her text to apply for her RN program (yes at 18)…her heart is to help others in need & has gone to Mexico (3times) to help others who are less fortunate the we, yes “we” all who live in America. She is making a difference not by “marching ” for rights we have had for decades (they are not new) but by showing love, compassion, respect (for herself &a all others) & kindness!
    My other two are in middle school & have compassion and love for those in need.
    I feel it is our job as women to raise strong, smart, compassionate, respectful & women of strong character & integrity! Marching for rights we already have is ridiculous, instead of being loud and disrespectful, showing poor judgment & character…Do something to help those who don’t have rights or freedoms. Go to third world countries and do something to improve or show love!
    FYI-I was blessed to stay at home and raise my children while they were young (it is the most important job & my husband was supportive with a great career)
    now I’m a single mom that had to start at a “lower” pay scale because of my freedom to choose!

  402. I pray that your daughter never gets sexually assaulted. Because with this letter she will feel that it’s her fault for wearing clothes that improved her self image.

    I pray that your daughter never gets passed up for a promotion to a man. Because with this letter, she will think she did not work hard enough.

    I pray that your daughter never gets smacked by a boyfriend or husband. Because with this letter, if she instigated it, she deserved it.

    I pray that your daughter can speak freely and curse loudly and raunchy if she so chooses to get her point across. Because it is no difference than a man saying it…not even the President.

    I pray that your daughter never makes a mistake and gets pregnant. Because with this letter, you give her no choice.

    I pray that your daughter will be able to make up her own mind as to what is a lie.

  403. She did not march because other women and men marched to give her the right to voice her opinion, vote, work at a job where women could work at one time, to get her self educated, to have a right to her body and not be harassed in the work place. She did not march because others marched so that she could stay home to raise her kids if that is what she choose to do, that she could own her own business and all those other rights, just the fact the you forgot to tell her that because others marched so that she could right and publish this article shows that because of others and she should tell her daughter is because of others this is the reason why she did not march.

  404. This is the most condescending letter I have ever read. So happy for you that you’ve led such a privileged life but your experience as a woman does not represent all women — and I would imagine couldn’t be further from the experiences of minority women or women who are extremely poor. I hope your daughter reads this one day and tells you to STFU.

  405. I love life, all life. And I love Jesus and the distinctions that He placed in us to make us women.

    But this post makes me want to vomit.

  406. I am thankful people in this country have marched and demonstrated in the past… This country has been striving for a “more perfect union” since its inception, and we are still working towards that goal. Women’s rights?! Absolutely! Of course, I’m all for it! Just because I lean conservative doesn’t mean I think women are inherently “lesser” than men or deserve fewer rights. Thank you to all who fought for equal pay for equal work, sexual harassment laws and the enforcement of those laws, etc. My family’s “privilege” (as many of my liberal friends and extended family members have been trying to assert) is actually the same “privilege” every United States Citizen enjoys. My background and family are a blessing. There’s a definite difference between the two, but I am thankful for both. (I would appreciate it if those who have turned “privilege” into a progressive buzz word would look up what it ACTUALLY means!)

    What I am NOT thankful for, however, is 1) the distortion of real/verifiable facts to support a particular world view or 2) the total abandonment of reality to put forward fantasy in its place… People all over the country marched in progressive protest recently – but protesting “what”?! The only clear answers I’ve heard sound something like this: “We’re marching for equality!” and “We’re tired of women being treated like second class citizens!” Unfortunately, there aren’t statistics ANYWHERE nor is there ANY verifiable data I can find that substantiates the position women have fewer rights than men OR that they are treated “like second class citizens” in this great country! The writer of this blog did a fantastic job citing sources debunking the propaganda being touted as “fact” when, at best, it is opinion corrupted by false and misleading data. Anecdotal fallacies can be effective rhetorical devices until they get called out for their clear error in logic – so thank you for doing so Mary! Too many people appeal to the stone and subscribe to a furtive fallacy (and if you don’t know what that means – please look it up!) and I applaud you for calling it what it is in such a cordial and respectful way.

    There are numerous laws already on the books being enforced in this country dealing with essentially EVERYTHING these left-wing bigots have said they’re protesting for! “But not everyone is following the law!” Imagine that?! There are people in this world who care less about others than they do themselves. There are people in this country who decide to break the law… And no, I’m NOT just talking about mayors of sanctuary cities who have decided THEY will decide which laws to follow and THEY will decide which ones to disregard!

    1) I’m in no way excusing the behavior of those who deliberately pay female employees less than their male counterparts working the exact same job with the exact same responsibilities requiring the same number of work hours given they have equivalent experience and credentials – but don’t pretend a woman in that situation doesn’t have numerous remedies at her disposal (most of which don’t cost a dime!) and don’t pretend that is still somehow “the norm” in the United States because the non-partisan data (and there is a LOT of it) simply doesn’t back that up…

    2) No man (or woman for that matter) has a right to touch another person without that person’s permission and consent. There are some monsters walking the streets of our great country doing deplorable things to people, and these horrible excuses for human beings should be dealt with accordingly. Sexual abuse and/or domestic abuse is NOT limited to male on female assault though… If you want to entertain a debate about how to more aggressively pursue and deal with the perpetrators of these disgusting crimes, I’m all for it; If you want to discuss ways to break the cycle of abuse, I’ll welcome it and even bring the coffee and doughnuts – but don’t pretend like it’s strictly a “woman’s issue” when it most certainly isn’t! Attempting to change the narrative doesn’t change the cold hard facts…

    3) I’m gonna leave the issue of abortion alone except to say this: 20th and 21st century scientific and medical breakthroughs have yielded very convincing evidence to substantiate that a fetus (baby) is NOT part of a woman’s body, even though it grows and develops within a woman’s body. The left’s unwillingness to entertain a reasonable conversation about this issue is the most disgusting display of hypocrisy imaginable. At what point does that living organism qualify and/or quantify as a “human life”?! THAT is the conversation the intellectual right is attempting to entertain with the closed-minded left. It is a very basic “human rights” discussion at its core; and, as a rape baby deliberately carried to term by my mentally challenged birth mother and later adopted by loving parents, it is a deeply personal issue for me. I believe that HUMAN life begins at conception – and I have both religious and scientific evidence to base my belief on; but I want to have meaningful and civilized dialogue with those who disagree! I want them to bring the evidence they base their beliefs on to the table so we can better understand the other’s position… It’s unfortunate that “open-minded” liberals shy away from such a proposition…

    And I guess my last sentence (above) is the sum of all the reasons I decided it was worth my time to write this exceedingly long “comment” to post on this forum… Mary – it is quite evident that those who most strongly disagree with what you wrote failed to actually read what you wrote. They failed to research the sources you cited. It’s difficult for most of us to accept facts over feelings; but thank YOU for an excellent read that was clearly well-researched and (just as importantly) well cited! I am sick to death of people shouting their opinions and expecting others to accept it as fact. The vitriol has GOT to stop. Until we are willing to sit down at the metaphorical table and accept what IS and what IS NOT reality, I’m nervous that we’re going to continue to see disparaging divides separate us further and further… I can absolutely respect differences of opinion and honor differences in the way people “feel”; but let’s put the propaganda aside and base important discussions, debates, conversations and an ongoing dialogue on facts, not feelings and fallacies!

    • Really?!?!? “Unfortunately, there aren’t statistics ANYWHERE nor is there ANY verifiable data I can find that substantiates the position women have fewer rights than men OR that they are treated “like second class citizens” in this great country!” Uhh… can I introduce you to google? It’s this cool search engine where you type things in and it helps you find them. Here let’s do it together, shall we?

      In case you don’t want to join me in the adventure that is reality, here’s a few links:

      So, let me start with #1:

      Really? We have numerous remedies at our disposal? Pray tell, what are those? Do you mean the EEOC? An agency where you go, file a complaint and then wait several years to be told that despite a crazy amount of evidence, they can find no evidence of discrimination? (I was fired IN WRITING for being “too sick to work” while fighting cancer. And this is what the EEOC told me. ) So you file this complaint, which also makes it illegal to retaliate against you. But, you know, they don’t actually STOP any retaliation, and employers just don’t care. The truth is, standing up to harassment and discrimination is more likely than not to destroy your career, and leave those who did it untouched. You will spend YEARS in litigation in which the plaintiff’s burden is extraordinarily hard to bear, and so even good cases are lost all the time.

      We need to recognize that just because something is wallpapered over, doesn’t mean the wall underneath is not rotten. The equal pay act has been around for over 50 years, and yet it’s nearly impossible to bring a claim. 87% of employment related cases settle, so you never get any change, they just sweep it under the rug and move on the the next victim. (VERY few people bring suits in the first place, so they don’t worry much about it)

      Regarding your abortion comments, the actual problem here IS a human rights issue, but for the mother. While there is an interesting philosophical debate about when life actually starts, it becomes irrelevant because it See, the thing that most of the people here don’t seem to realize is that we have “rights” not RIGHTS. Once you give other people’s rights away, you lose yours too. It is a slippery slope when you start agreeing that the government should tell people what to do with their bodies. NONE of us want what would inevitably come from that. I personally would never have an abortion and I never have. However, it’s not my job to judge or control another person, so I will leave them to grapple with that, and with any consequences that may or may not come from it. Just like I do with your religion, how you choose to discipline your child, and what shoes you think are “cute”.

      And finally, most people are mad not because they didn’t read her sources, but because we have experienced first hand the things she says doesn’t exist and then tries to say are our fault somehow.

      Here is the truth: a fact is non-negotiable. You don’t get to decide that things aren’t happening because you personally aren’t seeing them. While statistics may vary over time, these problems are not “Lies” and it’s incredibly insulting and destructive to pretend they are. Why not reach out to the organizations who deal with these things and see if you can volunteer for them? You’d learn first hand about all of this stuff.

  407. Yikes, that’s the first time I’ve heard a parent dash the aspirations of her daughter(s) to be treated fairly; to say that this is as good as it gets, and — to emulate this lazy-ass mother — not to bother trying harder. Sad. Sad. Very sad indeed.

  408. Be glad that others did march for you today and generations ago that you now can exercise the right to vote and are no longer considered your husbands property. I’m glad your bubble is problem free of societal and institutional bias.

  409. Great article
    It’s hard to see women bully other women in the name of impowering women.
    They actually make women look bad, really bad!

  410. Aww, sweetie, honey, I’ll use a condescending voice to you right now in this article, so you can get used to it, because you’re just naturally less likely than boys to understand what I’m saying! Just cross your legs and don’t you worry your little head about it! As long as you’re not a filthy vulgar slut, nothing bad is going to happen to you!

  411. You have captured my heart with your ability to beautifully express how I have felt always.
    My husband and I blessed with 2 sons have as parents believed our role to be one that instills in them and helps them develop a well formed moral conscience. We know this is the guiding compass of their existence which helps them discern throughout life what is true, good, and just.
    They must learn how to stand up against morally corrupt people who by selfish self-serving choices will constantly use their time and energy to try to confuse them.
    We teach them that this barrage against them is the toughest and longest fight in their life.

  412. I’m happy for you that your life experience doesn’t include sexism. Others do however. We march for your daughter anyway.

  413. You are blind and an elitist. Your condescending tone and letter full of lies is an offense. You write to your privileged daughter as if all women are equal. They are not. Read the book Random Family. Get some empathy and perspective on other people’s plight. Your entire piece is full of self righteous misguided self centered remarks. You wrote this out of guilt for your own complcity.

  414. Ms. Mary,
    Thank you so much for putting into words what some of us truly want to say. Everything you wrote was correct. Blessings

  415. March. Don’t march. That is up to you. The same with voting, religion and abortion. Those are choices for you to make. Raise your daughter how you see fit but remember that women marching is what gave you and your daughter the rights you have today. You can look down on us if you want to, but we’ll still keep fighting for a better future for you and your daughter. You’re welcome.

  416. You are able to write this and publish it because of women who marched before you and will continue to March after you and your daughter are long gone as long as there are injustices and gender inequality. Some of your facts have been cleverly disguised or are they the new norm aka “alternative facts?” With privilege, which you obviously enjoy, comes responsibility. Please don’t forget to include that when educating you daughter. Peace and Love!

  417. What a crock of sh*t. You decided to take the time to write a post against millions of women AROUND THE WORLD because it helps you to minimize what this march was about it. If you don’t agree with it fine, but to post an article telling your future daughter that the world was lying in order to make yourself feel better for not having the guts to admit there are discriminations, that women are constantly put down in the media, shamed for how they dress, how they talk, whether they say excuse or sorry in a meeting but please future you will tell your daughter that “boys will be boys” and that they need to be headstrong and ignore them. You continue to change the attitude of your daughter when mothers of sons are too intimidated to change their sons. But that’s fine because my daughters will talk to your daughters and teach them what real respect looks like, what it means to demand equality in school, on the playground, on the soccer field, in the workplace and in their marriage. My girls will teach them that many mothers were too embarrassed to say their lives are not suburban perfect or that in 2017 women still don’t hold even 5% of CEO positions, women judges, politicians, lawyers, doctors, etc. etc. etc. are still the minority even though we have a higher ivy league graduation rate. I and my girls will fight for you and yours until this conversation is no longer even needed.

  418. You are living under a rock. I hope your daughter’s health benefits cover what she needs and if she chooses birth control she can afford it. I also hope a man like Donald Trump never becomes her boss and expects favors or she is financially stable enough to quit her job. Let me guess who you are: a white, wealthy woman who didn’t really like science, math, or history in school. You were a member of a sorority, and if you went to university you really went to find a husband. So sorry for your daughter. She will hopefully rebel someday and find out what the world is all about, oh but you’ll send her to a school that teaches alternate facts instead of real science and history.

  419. First of all let me start by saying all you have really done here is skew the issue by presenting surface data instead of truly digging into the issue and looking at the “why”. If you don’t want to march for your daughter hey that’s on you and if you like to talk down to your daughter like she’s some idiotic moron, also on you. In addition to not knowing much about social issues, you must not know much about early childhood education either.
    Today is your lucky day, here I am willing to give you a lesson for free! Something my students have to usually pay for.
    Yes it is true much of the wage gap can be attributed to job selection. BUT YOU ARE LEAVING OUT A VERY IMPORTANT PART!!!! THE WHY???
    Why are women more likely to choose low paying jobs and why are men more likely to choose high paying jobs? Bet you didn’t do your research here, and WHY ARE THE JOBS THEY SELECT PAID LESS?
    Gender socialization happens from a very young age- from birth. As soon as children are born we ask. What is it? A boy or a girl? We then proceed to treat them differently based on their sex. Think about the types of toys we give boys, think about the types of toys we give girls. What types of careers do these lead to?

    Furthermore, think about the types of traits we tend to value in girls vs. boys- again what types of careers are these traits are most valued in. We teach boys to be tough and assertive- we tell them not to cry. We teach girls to smile and be passive. It’s kind of hard to fit in certain fields without being assertive.
    Also, think about the types of television shows and cartoons kids watch who is more likely to be the leader and who the follower. Because we have such a lack of women in positions of power and in the STEM field there are a lack of female role models for women to look up to. Therefore they are more likely to grow up feeling those careers are not a good fit for them and less likely to enter those field.
    I want to point out you named a few powerful women CEO’s; however, you failed to mention despite making up 52% of the population just 6.9% of Fortune 1000 chief executives are women. Usually, women are more likely to be represented in a C-level position such as chief marketing officer or chief human resources officer. Again ask yourself WHY?

    Not all of the wage gap has to do with job selection women still face things like the “child penalty” Again ask yourself why women are more likely to experience these things than men. Why are women more likely to take time off from work than men? Why are women the ones that take a day off from work when their kid is sick? (Hint- who gets baby dolls to play with? Who makes less?)
    As far as maternity leave goes you should let your readers know that of 41 industrialized nations the US is the only one that doesn’t offer any maternity leave policy. How come they can afford it but we cannot?
    Also you are approaching this from a very colorblind perspective rather than an intersectional one.
    Meaning (YOUR PRIVILEGE IS SHOWING) all these choices you have to stay home, to go to work. Sorry to burst your cis-gender, white privilege bubble but guess what not everyone has them. So maybe you don’t have to worry if you don’t have access to affordable birth control or if the Affordable Health care Act is repealed, you’ve probably always had coverage, but not everyone has.

    True men experience domestic violence but it at a lower rate than women. You left out that it is the patriarchy that makes them ashamed to come forward with the abuse. The same patriarchy that has led to an emergence of hegemonic masculinity in this country and the need for males to assert their masculinity through violence. For reasons I have described above (gender socialization) women do not face the pressure to assert themselves in this way.

    Moreover no one ever said this country doesn’t care about a “women’s smarts” to use your words. If I was talking to my daughter I would have said a “women’s intelligence” again I don’t know why you choose to talk down to your daughter. A word of advice- if you want your daughter to develop an expansive vocabulary so that she may “choose” to become a future leader someday speak to her like she is a human. Anyway, yes it is true women have overtaken men when it comes to college degrees, yet we still make less- thank you for driving home the point. Again part of it has to do with college major selection and gender socialization….

    By the way the type of clothes you put on your body doesn’t cheapen it. Only the way we police and objectify a body can do that.
    Someday in the not too distant future we will all look back at which side of history we were on… I wholeheartedly know I with my young daughter beside me was on the right side.

    Click to access motherhoodpenalty.pdf

  420. You would have to be practically retarded to believe some of the dumb stuff in this article. For one sexism and wage distractions is not a lie you dumbass. If you would spend two minutes with your head out of Donald Trumps ass you would be able to read the real research and not just your propaganda opinion you spew to your daughter. Sad times for America when we are overpopulating this planet, destroying the environment and you have ms mom over here telling her daughter that you dont have control over your own body. What happens if you daughter gets raped by her father and gets pregnant. We will see then who is lined up at an abortion clinic then!!!! Or did God bless you with that incest rape baby??????! Dont pretend you know what other people are going through, you are a narcissistic troll spreading your propaganda all over the internet.

  421. This is a condescending dumpster fire of words that mainly serves to divide women further. I didn’t march, but I wholeheartedly support the women who did. If I had marched, it may not have been for my daughter, who has privilege like yours. It would have been for the many millions of women worldwide who aren’t as lucky as you and I and our daughters.
    Take a minute to really try and understand the pain and distress behind why so many women would march. Hint: it isn’t for attention or because of media or because they are confused.

  422. While this all sounds lovely- a good portion of it is simply not true. You also failed to mention the countless other legitimate reasons that prompted people to march- peacefully, may I add. This is democracy in action. Whatever helps you sleep at night!

  423. So wrong. At Fema for example, qualified.women I know habve applied for 27 higher level positions over the last few years. Every single one of those positions was given to a male.

  424. So many opinions. People (meaning men, women, black, white, or yellow….) are able to have their own opinion. What I don’t get is the words and violence this has come to. Just because someone else doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean their wrong. It means they have a different look on the situation. Some fear what the future may bring and others hope for changes this new leader may bring. What I feel we are loosing with all of this is our humanity toward each other. I definitely don’t wear rose colored glasses and what I see is sad. There is so much hatred and violence going on how can we move forward? If you don’t move past this we won’t be moving forward and our future looks pretty bleak. So here I am not mentioning whose side I am on but I bet I get slammed anyway because that is what we have turned into.

    • It does if they facts show otherwise. she misused the facts to prove a point, and she had the numbers all wrong. that’s not disagreeing, that’s manipulating numbers to suit your beliefs. she can hold whatever opinion she chooses, but if she’s going to reference data,she better have it right.

  425. “Garbage Advice From Your Mother, Honey”

    Honestly, this is utter garbage.

    Women, educate yourself with this “letter” so you don’t teach your daughters how to be subservient and weak-minded like this woman.

  426. Dear daughter, we are from a mainstream religion, and the “right” color. We live in a privileged area. We, I’m sure, are heterosexual. We don’t have to worry about Those women. I am sure you’ll never be raped or have a pregnancy that risks your life (I’m pretty good at seeing into the future) Of course, with a president who insults women who are not pretty enough, who insults women who are not thin enough, who divorces them with the ease of getting a new car, and who laughs about grabbing them … well this could possibly increase the possibility that you will have be harassed and abused. Sorry about that. I hope you are never foolish enough to fall in love with a man from a different race, religion, opinion, or a woman of any type. That will get you a load of trouble. Sorry about that. Oh wait I’m not sorry, just wrote a whole letter about how it’s not MY problem.

  427. You are awesome! You articulated everything so precise. Ignore the haters on here, they just don’t know anything else but hate. I am a 51 year old woman that’s had success and it was my choice. I didn’t finish college because I had a son but that did not take my determination away. We can be who we want to be. There really are no valid excuses that you cannot succeed living in this free country. Women Marching for invalid reasons makes no sense and frankly makes them look stupid. I do my research when I question things I see in the media and I can tell you that most of it is twisted lies. I quit my job 3 years ago and moved to a warmer climate. I took a job 22k less than what I was making. They were my choices. Women out there BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE. I don’t care if you are democrats or republicans, or what color your skin is. Don’t listen to the rhetoric or lies. YOU ARE EQUAL SO BE EQUAL!!!

  428. Beautifully written. This is what I wanted to pen myself…We, as women, already are free and have the right to choose to live responsibly. If I were going to march, it would be for women who are abused, to stop human trafficking, and to stand against those few ignorant men with outdated demeaning perceptions of women.

  429. You have completely missed the point in your quest to inform your “baby bird”. Women marched because historically, women have always marched to be heard and make change. That’s why you can vote. Women turned out in droves to show that we will ban together and in a blatantly mysogynistic newly-installed government, we won’t go quietly into the night or, realistically, backwards. We marched to make loud and clear that Roe vs. Wade is relevant and needs to be respected. Let’s hope your “sweet one” doesn’t learn about anatomy so early as to become a pregnant teenager. Probably makes it harder for her to get that higher education you tout is more inclined towards women. All you taught your daughter was that you are a woman who takes her rights for granted and relies on others to speak for her. I would bet more certainly than not that your future daughter will grow up and be embarrassed or ashamed or at the very least disappointed that you didn’t march for women’s rights but instead wrote a cute, smarmy, and condescending blog that assumes all will work out the way it has. You are the person who is robbed in the night because you leave your doors unlocked in your safe neighborhood. I marched and am proud of it, and by the way, your welcome.

  430. I wonder if people who write articles like this even took the time to try to understand WHY people chose to march. Sure, it was called the “Women’s March,” but there were so many issues that people were marching for (which doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to understand if you REALLY tried to educate yourself on the issues and the movement). It was about so much more than birth control and abortion. Unfortunately, people will generalize and try to fit everything in a box rather than dig deeper.

  431. This is a pretty sick letter. Margarey Sanger wanted birth control to be available so that women wouldn’t have to havecabirtions. If your going to publish something like this, get your facts straight. Your opinion is one thing, but try to keep your “alternative facts” from twisting the truth..

  432. I did not need to read through this entire post to say this is your truth.

    My brother and I are both interpreters. I work for a company that hired my brother 5 years after I started working for said company. I have senior status and I am nationally certified with 3 certifications. He, my brother, holds NO certification and was hired at a higher rate of pay than I was making after 5 years of employment.

  433. Awesome thanks so much I enjoyed reading it.finally someone who is amazing thank you for standing up for the SMART WOMEN WHO WON’T RIOT OR PROTEST .

  434. So sad you weren’t there. You might have had the chance to see what really happened. Oh, and it’s OK “Honey, ” I marched for people like you. And people like me, and people who don’t happen to be like either of us.

  435. Why shouldn’t the tax payer pay for maternity leave? Because some people will choose not to have children? And yet, then it will be other people’s children who will be paying – with their tax dollars – for childless people’s medicare…

  436. This was so disappointing to read. Completely wrong across the board but I’ll single out one point that I take issue with.

    “Women choose lower paying jobs”

    Did you ever consider why women might “choose” lower paying jobs? Did you even read the Pew Article you referenced or watch the video? Yes, women often work jobs that pay less than men but that alone doesn’t mean these are roles they would choose had the deck not already been stacked against them. Women are often pushed, sometimes subtly sometimes not so much, into these roles because of bad gender stereotypes and sexism. Science and Engineering positions (typically the highest paid) are dominated by men not because there’s something about women that makes them prefer lower wage occupations but because society tells women constantly that they are not welcome in these roles.

  437. What the f!! The 1st half of the speach made me hold my head up, the 2nd , well, made me feel sad for you, embarrassed and totally nauseated. I will puke for you.

  438. Thank you for so eloquently expressing not only your thoughts, but the thoughts and feelings of countless others who are not nearly as gifted as yourself in getting their point across! I applaud your efforts and encourage you to continue:) As a male in this life, i have been bestowed with expectations that can be beyond my reach: “you can do anything you set your mind to”, for example. I can only suspect that we all have the same struggle in deciding what it is we love and pursuing it with all of the talent we were allotted. Cheers, and all the best.

  439. “But these ladies think that being a woman gives us gals the right to decide what happens to other people’s bodies”

    The hypocrisy of this statement literally made me stop reading. Maybe you should take a second and think about that.

    Here I’ll even help: “But these people think that being pro life gives you the right to decide what happens to other people’s bodies.”

  440. Thank you for being a voice of reason in a sea of denial,righteous indignation and hypocrisy. You have beautifully expressed what so many of us feel and either don’t possess your elequence to express it or simply are so exhausted with the current social climate we just don’t want to hear the blowback. We are woman… us soar!

  441. clearly the ‘woman’ who wrote this is married to a man whom makes more thatn 100 K a year, does not work, maybe wanted to go to the march but was afraid to go as she was told by the man that she is ‘taken care of’ . the ‘woman’ who wrote this is probably white, came from an upper class family, was forced to go to church every sunday, and went to an ivy league uni. The ‘woman’ who wrote this is most likely the same woman who has been abused by the man in her life, probably saw her own mother abused by her father, but is too afraid to speak up because she does not want to bring shame on her lilly white life or that of her family. The ‘woman’ who wrote this likely wrote this with a man standing near her and the same ‘woman’ who wrote this has likely never thought that she needed to fight for the right to have the right to choose what happens to her body, she probably never thought she needed a raise at any job she had because her husband or daddy made so much money. Her money was for lipstick only. So to the ‘woman’ who wrote this… wake up and write a new letter that starts with..’ To my daughter, I didnt march for you and now you will have to understand that mommy was afraid and because of my fear, a world has been created for you where you will not have equal rights, pay, or a voice. I helped create a world that you are more likely to be abused by men and raped because as I sat home writing the first letter, I was sending a clear message to you that you didnt matter as much as the nice house we lived in and the nice care we had that daddy paid for. And now it is my fault that you look at me the way you a loser, a cheater, an ignorant woman that cared more about herself than she did her daughter. So to my daughter, when you walk away forever and leave me to rot in the prison of my own mind for not standing up for you, I can not ask you to stay because I deserve your hate and I deserve to be alone. A real mother would have marched and gave up all her possessions to make sure you had all the things that are rightfully yours becasue you are a free person and a smart person. ‘ This is what I want to see roll out of every womans mouth that did not go to the marches and blasted the ones who did go. I want to see every woman that voted for trump held accountable in a court of the young women who will pay for their midguided votes. A REAL WOMAN STANDS UP but a ‘kept’ woman hides behind religion and untruths that are set out from the men.

  442. WOW beautifully said. I’ve never been comfortable protesting because it requires anger and I know how holding anger inside me and being the subject of it has hurt me. I’m still in recovery from all that and working at being more generous of heart.

    I agree totally with your points which are supported by fact. We do all make choices and not all of them take us to a path filled with money or children. I’d rather have the latter and while I have more of the former than many, I work damn hard for it. Always have. Thank you for writing a rational piece that explains my thought process almost word for word.

  443. Just because you, as a white woman, in a world where racial inequality is still so prevalent, feels liberated and free and equal, doesn’t mean the rest of us are. As half of the country that went to a women’s march. this is not feminism. Teach your daughter about intersectionality, acknowledge your privilege, and use that to raise the rest of us out of the mud. That’s why we march. for women of all color and class to feel as liberated as YOU are.

  444. Yes, we have come a long way in making women equal to men. But we have so much farther to go. The march was about keeping the rights that previous generations fought and sacrificed to earn, and taking steps to close the gap that is still prevalent in our society. When women are no longer sexualized, expected to fall into certain categories to be considered attractive, when women don’t have to worry about the “mommy track” setting their careers back ten years, when I can choice – according to my own beliefs – what I want to do with or to my own body, when men are held to the same standard as women when being judged for being sexually active, when so many, many, things change in our society, then and only then will I sit down and not march, not make my voice known.

  445. I am sorry you feel that there is no longer any work that needs to be done when it comes to equality. I am sorry that you feel this movement has left you out in the cold. I am sorry the world has come to this divide. Perhaps you don’t come from privilege. Perhaps no words anyone will ever say will change your mind. But coming from a woman of colour, I can tell you, that not everything this movement has said is a lie. I am a professional. I have a nice home, nice clothes and everything my country can provide. But I can at least acknowledge that this did not get handed to me. That there are people in different social economics that get by-passed because of where they come from and even the colour of their skin to the sex they were born into. I wish you could see this injustice. And to see a government such as the States wipe out so much in the little times it has been in office while testing it’s checks and balances, well it is terrifying. I hope you can continue to believe your truth. But when the bubble burst, I hope you continue to use your voice. This is from a woman who has privilege but sees the much needed work that needs to be done for both women and men, women and men of colour, women and men going through a transition, women and men who are not straight.

  446. “Dear daughter, I didn’t march for you because I didn’t get it… at all.”
    (And this is why your oldest didn’t want to hear it).

    Here is what it was, as written by my little sister:

    “There are many people that do not understand why we marched. Some people think it was simply a pro-choice march; so that we could have the right to “murder babies.” Some people believe it’s because the marchers believed women don’t have rights, and are wondering what rights men have that women don’t. Some people think it’s just a big temper tantrum because Trump won, and we need to get over it and move on.

    It was not any of those. This march was organized by women, and a large majority of women marched to make our voices heard, but it was bigger than that. The march was a unifying, rallying cry. To all that have been threatened or insulted by our new president. This was a unifying cry for women that have had to put up with rape culture, that it’s perfectly acceptable for someone to joke about non-consensual sexual grabbing, and it be downplayed as “locker room banter”, for women whose worth have been based on looks, who have been teased that their moods or actions are because of their periods.

    But this wasn’t just for women. It was for the other disenfranchised communities that have been mocked or threatened by our new president. Muslims, Latinos, LQBTQ, BLM, Native American water protectors, disabled community, scientific community, allies, and more. It was a rallying cry that despite the rift in the election that caused us to lose the election, we are not going to sit back and be silent or complacent. We will not quietly stand back and watch rights be taken away when there is still so much work towards equality and inclusion that needs to be done. It was a message to Trump (even though we already know he won’t hear it) to not forget about us. We are the fabric that makes America great.

    It was a message of peace- that when you turn on the news and see a handful of anarchists and rioters destroying property- that is not who WE are. We will not use hate or violence to get our message across.
    Yesterday as I walked alongside Mexican, Muslim, trans, gay, straight, black, white, men, women, children, teachers, disabled, scientists, allies and many more people, I never felt more proud to be an American. Yesterday as I saw people high-fiving and thanking police, I saw people helping others, I saw people laughing and smiling and talking to strangers. I saw Christians and Muslims hug. I saw people from the elderly community waving rainbow flags. I saw acceptance, inclusion and unity. And THAT’S what this march was about.”

    • Thank you! You’re little sister is an amazing writer and an extremely bright you’d lady! Thank you for marching for me! As I sadly was unable to come and march alongside so many wonderful and loving people! (A family member hospitalized with a terminal illness, has kept me from doing much these past few months) thus is what the march was for! It was NOT a riot, like so many try to perceive. Or a protest to show off vulgarity or nudity! Those are the people that make peaceful protests look bad! They make it look as if all of it is bad and just a chance to start chaos! It isnt! It is the people that stand together for many causes, but stand for the same outcome! It is the peace and unity that make these people known! Because this is how all of us become one, when we stand together! No matter what our gender, race, profession, sexual orientation, ect, is, we are all united for one outcome! And that’s why I wanted to be there! I am a dosabled, white woman with a 1 year old son! I have grown up by parents that taught me, yes, I can do anything I set my mind to. But was also taught the history of a time when women had very little to no rights at all! They were the homemakers. They were to basically worship their husbands or men folk. They took care of the children and cleaned and cooked. They were the puppets of men. And I learned of the history of how women fought for their rights. Not by violence or force, but by speaking out and rallying together for their cause! Peaceful protests for anything can be heard if they are done right without chaos or violence!
      As I said, I am disabled, I came from a middle to low class family that both my grandparents(my parents for all intents and purposes) fought to keep on our feet! My grandfather was a veteran of the Vietnam war. After I was born, his disability from the war (he was injured and discharged honorably with a bronze star) was just not enough to cover all costs, so he worked as a painter and carpenter for a small business that he ended up partnering in! My grandmother finished her degree and worked as a RN and worked in many hospitals, nursing homes and small practices! After that, we were able to get by. But what many don’t seem to understand is, the cost of living is much higher than the average working income! Even people I know who work high paying jobs, are struggling to make ends meet these days, and even back then as well. These people agreeing that “if you take a top dollar job, you won’t have any problems” are delusional! Just becuase you (man or woman) have this top paying job, doesn’t garuntee that you won’t struggle or you won’t run into hard times! Just like someone who works for a fast food chain, you can end up having more bills/debt to pay for then you have money to pay with!
      Anyways, as I was saying, I was disabled from birth! A physical disability that leaves me in a position that I can not work most careers! Not because I am lazy, or because I can’t handle it or whatever. But becuase I am a threat to people’s lives if I make one small mistake. I am legally blind in both eyes! The only way I am reading and writing on here is through the gift of text to speech and zoom magnifying software! As I was going to school, I had to be taught seperatly from other kids becuase I was “too distracting”! Not becuase I am a female, but becuase the devices I had to use to be able to see what I am doing, were causing the other students to stare abd constantly ask why they didn’t get the sane treatment! I was put in special education classes for kids with mental disabilities and learning delays! Not that I didn’t love each and every one of those kids, they are so smart and misinterpreted to be stupid by so many, including the teachers. But I felt like I was bring held back. Like I was being made to learn at a slower pace becuase of my disability. And this is what angers me most about this post. That we all have the ability to do what we want and that if we cant, we are basically the only ones holding us back. No. That is simply not true. We can not control everything in our lives. Not everything is by our own choice! I wasn’t put into those classes by my choice! I wasn’t given a disability at birth by my choice! These things were out of my control, therefore, holding me back from the things I desperately wanted and even worked so hard to achieve against what professionals and specialists told me! I am unable to drive. My vision is far too poor to pass the vision test. Another disappointing to my then 16 year old self! I was taken out of my drivers ed classes, and put into a room where I would just be told to sit or listen to music until the class ended! At the same time, my other normal core class’s instructers, didn’t want to continue to make the accommodations that my Individual. Education. Plan. (IEP in schooling terms), demanded! These special plans that are drawn up in front of all your assigned teachers before the school year even starts, is made to accommodate the individual it is signed for! This is a binding state law for boards of education that have to be followed, if not, that will result in a lawsuit that can cause teachers their licenses to be suspended. But mine didn’t care, they made every excuse in the book as to why they didn’t do it. They forgot, they were too busy, they didn’t do it becuase they didn’t know if I’d be there, ect! For one, I was a perfect attendance kid for all of my freshman year and most of my sophomore year(when this all started)! Before high school, I was an almost perfect attendance kid for all middle and elementary schools except the very rare times I was sick! So that was never the issue and the teachers knew it! Thry used whatever excuse they could except the real reason! I found this out after I left, a teacher that was a close friend of my families but never had the opportunity to teach me, showed evidence to the real reason. Which was, the teachers assigned to me in my sophomore year(nearly the same as my freshman except 2) were angry that they were not getting paid extra for having to accommodate me! That it took away time from their breaks in the school day to have to make sure my accommodations were ready! They had all actually gone to the schooling board to seek financial help for teachers with students that required my kind of accommodation!
      So during the time they stopped making my accommodations readily available to me by the beginning of class, I was given a pass to seek a special education instructer to help get those accommodations ready for me, then send me back to the class. The time it took to find someone, get things ready and get back to the room, I was missing my whole lesson. When I get back, there is more things that need accommodations! So then I have to do it all over again for the next class. It was an endless cycle of me spending my whole day in the hallways, seat ching for help that was supposed to have already been done. So eventually I did stop coming to school. I hated spending my whole day just walking around for the help I was entitled and promised to by the teachers who sat at that meeting and signed the papers, showing that they understood what was expected of them!
      When I told my family, a meeting was called where someone from the school board attended as well as the principal and the teachers! Nothing was accomplished other than their excuses to blame me! Which at this time in my life, I was dating a girl in high school and was looked down apon by so many faculty members becuase of this! So discrimination played a large role in it as well!
      My junior year went the same. I am not tooting my horn, but I am a very logical and smart person. So even though I wasn’t learning becuase of the teachers inability to do my accommodations, and not coming to school because of said reason, I was still able to ace tests and quizzes without issue! So I had plenty of credits to make my last year pretty easy. But I eventually couldn’t handle the stress of staying in school where nothing was being done for the negligence of my rights as a disabled student. So, my family signed me out. Then I signed up for a GED program where I completed it.
      I started classes at a community college in my area and did well. I even took classes online. Until more issues with my disability came up. It is a degenerating issue and will only get worse with age. So my life goal to become something I wanted desperately, was told impossible to me. That I would put too many lives in danger. That I had to find a career that didn’t require too much vision reliance! Wow! How was I ever going to find something like that. And if I did, how was I ever going to know if I’d succeed in it?

      I didn’t. I fell into a depression after that. I felt I’d never be independent! I wouldn’t be able to drive, so how would I live on my own? How would I pay bills or have any kind of life with no career to have income? I wasn’t going to settle for some minimum wage job (no offense to anyone who does work one, it’s just not me), I wanted a career to build on and set goals for myself! I just felt so helpless. Like I wasn’t meant to be anything other than a dependent disabled child of my grandparents! But I eventually got out of that mindset with professional help! I did find something I’ve been perusing for the past 3 years. And I’m happy to know that not every career I wanted was doomed because some doctor said so. You can get accommodating help from specialists who help people like myself in their work fields! So now, I have a beautiful son, I am getting my degree, I help contribute to my family and home. I still can not drive, but I have help and use public transportation, and that’s fine with me. Someyines, we all need a little help!

      But that doesn’t mean that everyone else has had it easy. Not everyone disabled was able to get the independence I got! That’s why I wanted to march. For the dusabled. For the women who are still treated not as equal as men! For the equality of the LGBTQ community and right to marry who your heart chooses, and not be turned away because of genders! To fight to keep equality for all. Not just women, but everyone who is different. For the races that are treated as not equal to white, including my heritage as native american! This country was supposed to be for the free, but that has not always been true. We are not free when we are not treated equal to the people standing next to us! And for the rights that have already been passed to women, still need to be fought for, to keep then in place for our future women!
      Just becuase some people are lucky enough not to exsperiance inequality, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!
      For everyone whose commenting on here,
      Please do not bash others for their opinions! Everyone has the right to their opinion. If this author beleived her opinions are facts, then let her learn the hard way. Do not bash her or treat her badly with horrible name calling! Let her learn. Let her daughter learn. Everyone eventually finds the truth to things in life! Even the things they feel they strongly are right about. If we just sit around bashing them and trying to make them see things our way, we will have done nothing but create the hate we are trying so hard to distinguish! Don’t continue the debate that will never end! Just let them fond out for themselves! Everyone does eventually! And hating each other becuase of the man that has no political background in the first place, became president, doesn’t make any sense. If you voted for him, that’s your right. If you didnt, that’s also your right. But you do not have the right to verbally assault one another for not voting the same! When the four years are up, and everyone sees what is the outcome of his time in office, then you can share your opinions about whether it was a smart choice to vote for him, or not! In my own personal opinion, I beleived neither were fit for office! I didn’t vote and will continue not to until I feel we have a candidate that will essentially be fit, have plans that will benefit all americans, and help change the terrible ways that this country has deemed acceptable over the
      And that is my view on this world. My vision may be horrible, but I am not too blind to see the world for what it is! Which in my opinion, has become a darker place over the course of 30 years or so! Yes, we still have the privileges we did then, I’m not speaking of that, I’m speaking about people in general. People have become the dark cloud over our planet! People are the ones causing hate.and the people, is what needs to be fixed. The way of thinking needs to be fixed.
      But that is my opinion. Not everyone elses.
      Sorry for the long post. I just thought I should explain myself better! Thanks for reading if you did and have a wonderful day!

  447. That was amazing! Thank goodness there are women such as you who can put into words, so eloquently and honestly, what so many of us feel! Your daughter is very lucky and so are all of us who can read your words. Thank you!

  448. Someone I know on FB shared this. I can’t believe what I read. Yes men are assaulted, but women are wayyyyyy more like to be assaulted or raped than men and a simple google search will show you the statistics. What is 1 out of 5 or 6 women are raped in college compared to 1 in 17 men? And wage discrimination exists I have seen it and so has my husband. How condescending absolutely absurd! Yes we have more rights than we did in the early 19th century, but we still have work to do. Give me a break!

  449. I don’t have any girls, but do have nieces and I am a mother of 2 boys that will one day find a wife, and I can only hope and pray that they will be blessed enough to find one that has the noble, yet strong and honorable character you have described and that is described in Proverbs 31 as well. Thank you for taking the time to post this and I am grateful and glad I took the time to read it in its entirety.

  450. This piece focuses on how women have choices, and it makes me wonder about the choices that women have in other countries. For example, all employers in Sweden give women long, paid leaves when they have new babies (men too!). And because of family-friendly policies, Swedish women don’t as often choose to leave the workforce while raising young kids. So even though I agree — women make choices — our options seem to be better or worse depending on how our government is organized. Our system, though not as bad as some, could do much, much better, no?

    Look at this:

  451. You have no idea why we marched. We marched for ourselves and for you. You didn’t March because your a follower. Not a leader. We will continue to march for you.


  453. I’ll teach you that you don’t deserve respect of you want to wear a tank top in summer that happens to expose your cleavage because your body is dirty and shameful and men aren’t expected to control themselves around you and if they can’t it’s your fault and that a clump of tissue that was put there that can’t live without using your body is more important than your psychological wellbeing.

    Because I’m a bloody apologist who thinks I have the right to make choices for other people. I’m poorly educated about the wage gap that is a real thing in highly paid careers.

    Because I’m afraid that if I don’t indoctrinate you, you’ll make poor choices and I think that it’s more important to think for you than teach you critical thinking skills, and when I call someone wrong and a liar, I won’t bother to source it.

    And I didn’t march because someone indoctrinated me and I never learned to think. Sorry, love. Always remember, my love is conditional upon your obedience because I’m really just a total piece of shit.

  454. This article is so wrong it’s potentially harmful. I really hope someone at some point explains what REAL equality is to your daughter.

  455. Dear Baby Girl,

    We write this to you as the “other” your mother speaks about. We are women and men who will not fall victim to the cowardice of complacency. We will not rest until each and every individual in this world is treated with the respect they deserve as human beings. The election that just happened was a wake up call.

    During the Vancouver Peace Summit in 2009, the Dalai Lama said that the “world will be saved by the western woman.” Your mother, unfortunately, is not one of these women. We therefore, are hoping that you will be able to stretch — to look past your mother’s unfortunate conditioning — and be inspired by our efforts. We hope that by the time you are able to make your own choices, the world will be obviously and noticeably a more fair, just, and equitable place through our efforts. And we will all look at your mother’s justifications for her own self-obsessed narrow mindedness with compassion and as a reminder of where fear can take you.

    So Baby Bird, we — all those who stand on the front lines in this very perilous moment in history — do it so that you can have a future that truly is free. WE. DO. IT. FOR. YOU.

    With love,
    The “funny outfitted” women who changed the course of history.

  456. Pingback: feminist and proud of it. – hopeless blog

  457. Beautifully spoken. Yes everyone has the right to voice their opinions but ignore the people who feel the need to cross the line with their harsh and mean words. Great job ! Very lucky daughter

  458. You are convincing her early . Reinforce it enough and she will buy its all true.Then she
    mightv hurt others or her son . Or at least
    try to start a marriage believing it. The social world is changing far faster than you can imagine. In 20 years you will marvel at how little it has stayed the same much to your desires for parts of it. And your daughter, will reap the winds of change, good or bad.

  459. This article is full of propagandist nonsense. Sexism does exist, and that is fact based. This article was obviously written by a woman who is sexist. Granted she provides a great counter to the movement, and I wish I had the time to be more eloquent and counter it with hard facts that are out there to disprove it. Ignorance is destroying our nation and this is just another well-worded bout of ignorance. If companies can’t afford maternity leave, why is this a right granted by other countries? Is it more important that working class citizens who can barely scrape by on minimum wage, protect the rights of their employers and their shareholders profits?! Corporate profits should come second after making sure each employee is granted a living wage and is taken care of medically. These are rights inherent to humanity in a first world country. Here’s a cold hard fact- the U.S. is the only country of its type that does not have socialized medicine. The billionaire class is now in power. 99% of the world’s wealth is controlled by 1% of the population and that 1% is now in power and determined to take away even more from the working class. Protesting rights for women were also protesting the inequality of all people. Regardless of what one believes, one should be able to look around and with common sense recognize that the world isn’t an equal playing field.

    Also, the UN has declared abortion a human right, citing a case where a woman was denied an abortion and gave birth only to have the child die in 4 days which medical professionals knew would happen. A woman is not in control of her body of she is denied the right to make that choice. No woman is having an abortion for fun. It’s either medically necessary or they are in a dire situation. These people deserve our kindness and sympathy not judgement. People who cite religion forget that if they care so much for an unborn zygote, they should also care about the fully formed refugee children that are dying in the waters off Greece trying to find a better life. People are people regardless of their ethnicity or religion.

    Women were not just marching for their rights as women, people of all genders gathered to make a statement against facism.
    I’m a woman, I have been blatantly told by employers that due to company politics I would be passed up for the same exact job for a man even though I was more qualified. This article is reductive to the fact that everyday there are women who are in a similar situation. They make less then a man at the same job at the same company, even though there are also examples to the contrary. It’s not a black and white situation. It is nuanced. This article is on the wrong side of history and I feel bad for the daughter who’s being raised to believe in a false mythology that the playing field is equal when it’s not. The majority agrees, the majority recognizes sexism is an issue. People who refuse to believe it only set the movement back.

  460. Is this a joke? Seriously, is this a joke? Look around you. Women and men attended that march to do more than wear a funny costume. Unreal.

  461. Maybe you were born into privilege. Maybe you never made less than your less experienced and educated male peers, but where I was born, in 1983, in Philadelphia, PA, I wasn’t…and if you take off your rose colored glasses you will see your daughter wasn’t born with that privilege either.

  462. “They’re mad because we women have to pay extra taxes for things that Mommy will tell you about later, while men don’t pay taxes for other things Mommy will tell you about later.”

    Nobody actually thinks that there are not taxes on products that men use. It’s the fact that a company will charge more for a product marketed towards women than essentially the exact same product targeted towards men, because women will pay more.

    At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone is now dumber from having read this. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  463. This is just awful. I don’t feel like going into detail why it’s terrible, but jeez, that’s some ridiculous reasoning and really not a great message. Really eloquent anti-abortion, religious nonsense.

  464. Love, Love this! it’s very true and i totally agree with you? You wrote the truth, thank you.

    Mot Davis
    North Carolina

  465. It’s sad you are also showing your daughter your lack of respect for women, you don’t have to agree with their issues but it would be such a great role model for your children to show respect and compassion.

  466. I understand that for many people it does not feel like sexism, racism, etc. still exist. If you’re lucky enough to not have it effect you directly and/or jaded enough to walk through life without seeing it happen to others, then I get it. It doesn’t exist because it doesn’t happen in “your world”. I was pretty blind to it too until 10 years ago when I married a labor and employment attorney.

    He lives this everyday and I am shocked by some of the cases his firm deals with. Large corporations, small business, municipalities, schools, hospitals… it’s everywhere. We have come a long way but if you think sexism is not alive and well you’re just wrong.

  467. Well, that was an exercise in condescending idiocy. Why, praytell, do you think women don’t push for a raise? That’s one of countless loose ends in this simplistic, moronic piece of right-wing tripe. Hope your daughter doesn’t come out as brainwashed as you.

  468. “I do not believe that just because you’re opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don’t? Because you don’t want any tax money to go there. That’s not pro-life. That’s pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is.”

    Sister Joan Chittister

  469. “Mommy” is quite the condescending cunt. Good thing women marched for your right to vote, for your workplace equality, and for you to have access to contraception. I wonder how this little girl will feel when she realizes her mother didn’t stand up against a president who brags about sexually assault and calls women pigs because she was too busy sitting at home, mocking other women.

  470. I’m glad to see you’re writing down these things. When the history books are written and shows how many of you did nothing, this will be a nice addition to show just how far removed from reality you can be when it doesn’t directly affect you. Let me guess your white, married to a man that makes good money so you can stay home and raise your planned, healthy children without the threat of wondering how you were going to feed them or clothe them. A women of God. You can’t let little things like children who are green card holders being detained in our airports, handcuffed, bother you. I understand. I’m sure you’ll be ok when your child asks you why you didn’t try and help. Why you were on the wrong side.

  471. This is perhaps the most disgusting piece of filth I’ve ever read in my life. True blog porn. You should be ashamed of yourself. I’m embarrassed for you. How you can hold your head up with such a distorted view of the world, knowing other people know the malignant thoughts running through your warped mind, is beyond me. It certainly takes courage to br you because I’m pretty sure most folks would be as disgusted by you as I am. How dare you open your filthy mouth about our peaceful powerful March. You’re just jealous. It comes pouring through your every word. Ew. You should really see a doctor and get some meds because you’re clearly suffering from postpartum depression. The please don’t fill your daughter’s head with this kind of garbage. Thankfully, one day she’ll be able to think for herself and will realize what an idiot you are. A true throw back to 1950. How dare you try and control the medical decisions made by other wimen for themselves. Maybe you should tell your poor daughter that you’re a voyeur with your nose stuck in other people’s bedroom windows. Just because you can’t compete with men and very sickeningly are trying to keep every other women down does not give you the right to impose your fanatical beliefs on everyone else. Your poor child. She really lost out in the mommy lottery. Prayers for her. And for you too because someday you’ll have to explain yourself to a higher power and it isn’t going to go well for you at all.

    • I’m confused about why you think what you do about the women that wrote this. I have a masters degree, have a management job with a company that pays all of their managers equally no matter what their gender, sexual preference, color, or religion is. I have made a decision to not take a regional position with this company that I wad offered over many men because I still had a teenager at home and I didn’t want to move him to another part of the state while he was in high school. That again was my choice. I worked for what I have, I have 4 adult children that also work hard and are not discriminated against because of who they are. I do have a daughter that made the choice to stay home for 2 years with her children when they were born and knows it was her choice to do so. I did get maternity leave when I had my children but so did my children when they had theirs, both my boys and girls. You call the women that wrote this all sorts of names. But I didn’t once see you defend why you think that women don’t have these things that women are protesting for. Why do you believe that women are second class citizens? If you put yourself in that category then you are part of the problem. Maybe you feel that I have my head in the sand but if you decide to work flipping burgers at McDonald’s rather than go to school to get a degree isn’t it a choice in life that you made? When my children were young I stayed home with them, I got my degree when my oldest was in high school and now have moved up a corporate ladder that wouldnt have been possible to climb without additional school. “no different from any man that went on to get a degree” if you want what men do, you need to work for it just like men do.

  472. Does this also mean you do not believe racism exists? Do you believe racism is a figment of ones imagination that can be overcome with hard work and dedication?

    I mention racism because of how you very conveniently threw Madam C. J. Walker’s name in at the end of your response.

  473. Wow. Someone hasn’t ever heard of fact checking…. wage disparity is a real thing and a point of vast research and legitimate statistics. It has nothing to do with what careers women choose or their motivations for taking time off. Sexism in the workplace and every day life is valid. Please do your research. You should responsibly own a vagina. And that’s just point number one. But thanks for making it so much harder to get a sympathetic ear, especially these days. I’m ashamed to be the same gender as this madly biased author.

  474. Mommy,

    Just some food for thought here.
    First, you cite that women choose professions that pay less than men and take more time off for children. While this may be true, I offer another perspective: why are professions that men are traditionally in paid higher than professions women gravitate towards? Are they harder? More labor intensive? More important? Do men simply deserve more than women do?
    Second, I find fault in your sources. Here are a few examples:
    1. Your source regarding the tampon tax was opinion-based and contained bias.
    2. The link to the source you cited claiming that “boys make up half of those who are sexually exploited commercially in the United States” does not work.
    3. In “in the 71 percent of nonreciprocal [meaning, where violence is inflicted by only one side] partner violence instances, the instigator was the woman”, the study itself reported its bias within the survey: “All measures were assessed using only participant reports about their own perpetration of violence and that of their partners. The data are thus subject to all the biases and limitations inherent to this form of data collection, such as recall bias, social desirability bias, and reporting bias.” And I cannot find that actual statistic within the study itself.
    4. You named several women CEO’s as anecdotal data to suggest that women are not choosing leadership roles. It’s worth noting these are white women and in fact, white women earn more than any other race of women. I would like to here the intersectionality that both gender and race can create. We must be mindful of ALL women, not just white women: “Among women across all races and ethnicities, hourly earnings lag behind those of white men and men in their own racial or ethnic group. But the hourly earnings of Asian and white women ($18 and $17, respectively) are higher than those of black and Hispanic women ($13 and $12, respectively) – and also higher than those of black and Hispanic men.”
    Third, I’m really sorry that a portion of your maternity leave wasn’t covered by your employers. And I simply disagree that it is acceptable that company cannot offer this, regardless of job. In fact, the US is the only high-income country that doesn’t offer maternity level. I do not believe it is, as you say, “simple economics”.

    Click to access paid_parental_leave_in_the_united_states.pdf

    Finally, I do hope you pass these freedoms of speech and independence onto your daughter with nonjudgement and love, even if they might be different than yours. After all, in order to be leaders we need to be open, think freely, love, respect and learn from people who are different from us. While you may have never experienced sexism in your life, I certainly have. And while your experience is different, it doesn’t invalidate mine (or yours, or your daughter’s). We’re all just trying to live and do the best we can. No sense in judging others in the process.

    This country that has granted us the gift of holding these opinions without consequence. I hope you can do the same for her and all the other little girls out there. Even the one’s who felt like marching in their funny hats and big signs.

  475. This is my rebuttal to several of the points you made in your article. I’m not going to address everything as that would be way too long (unfortunately I don’t know how to embed links):
    1. Wage discrimination. The gender pay gap does exist in the U.S. The 77% figure often cited is based on median income of men vs women, which you noted in the article you wrote for The Blaze. However when adjusted for things like education, age, job title, etc the pay gap is about 95.4%. This difference may not seem like a lot but it can amount to a significant difference, as stated by the authors of the study quoted before, “At today’s real median earnings for full-time working women of $39,621, that is a pay loss of $2,140 per year or more than $64,100 over a 30-year career. For those who earn more than median wage, they could be losing a lot more each year. For example, if a woman earns $100,000 per year, she loses about $5,400 per year or more than $160,000 over the course of a 30-year career.”
    1.1 You stated that women simply “choose” careers that pay less but it is a lot more complicated than that: “…occupational differences between women and men—are themselves often affected by gender bias. For example, by the time a woman earns her first dollar, her occupational choice is the culmination of years of education, guidance by mentors, expectations set by those who raised her, hiring practices of firms, and widespread norms and expectations about work–family balance held by employers, co-workers, and society. In other words, even though women disproportionately enter lower-paid, female-dominated occupations, this decision is shaped by discrimination, societal norms, and other forces beyond women’s control.” The authors of the quoted study have a good discussion of gender occupational sorting as well as other factors relating to the gender pay gap so I’ll leave it at this.
    2. “It’s a lie that because of sexism, we women are the only ones who have to worry about harassment and abuse” Please show me where people have said this because this seems like a straw man argument. Every abuse victim deserves the utmost support however it may become harder for them to get it as the Trump administration is considering cutting the Violence Against Women Grants some of which can apply to men and grantees are required to provide services to men as well as women.
    3. While women are now able to take on more leadership roles they still only make up 14% of executive officers. ( Additionally factors that people perceive as good leadership traits are often at odds with behavior considered acceptable for women and they have to come up with roundabout ways to communicate with male colleagues to be taken seriously.
    4. Providing paid maternity leave doesn’t seem to have many negative side effects. Of companies studied in California “89 percent to 99 percent of employers say [paid maternity leave] has had no effect or a positive one on productivity, profitability, turnover and morale…Nine percent say they saved money, because of decreased turnover or benefit payments.”

    Unfortunately we do live in a sexist, misogynistic society. While progress has definitely been made there is still progress to be had. And I don’t have faith that Donald Trump will help move us forward because of the many, many disparaging comments/actions he has made against women, which you linked to above.

  476. Did Steve Bannon give this to you to post? This is emotional manipulation to mask real hard scientifically studied facts about gender bias and inequality in America. This post reads very much like Breitbart decided to write Chicken Soup for the Soul books.

  477. Mary, Cowering in your privilege in the name of your daughter and her present and future freedom is not the act of a woman of courage or of God. Over 3 million peaceful people worldwide, assembled in unity for all people of God’s green earth. These are the people of God. Your daughter’s freedoms can be taken away in an instant if they aren’t continuously stood up for and protected by good people who show up. Democracy is a team effort, a work in progress. Dear lord child, where is your kindness and respect for others?

    I know of what I speak. I have raised three beloved children, two fine daughters and a fine, son who we lost two years ago at the age of 28. My daughters have dedicated their talents and intelligence to the practice of law and public health. I’ve worked extremely hard as a mother and as a professional and in my everyday attempts to just being a kind person. My ancestors came to the colonies as immigrants from Germany in 1732. They worked and fought for the freedoms you and I enjoy today. And it is in their honor and all those who came before us, that we show up and never take our freedom for granted.

    Have you any idea how you have portrayed yourself here? Do you know what many of us see in you? You criticize others for their stand and yet cowardly pronounce them as liars in your blog. You’re an imposter, a hypocrite with so much to learn. God grant you toil, the grief, the strife to open your soul and teach you to love.

    And it’s interesting. You neglected to say that you didn’t march out of love for your daughter. No. Not once did you mention the love of your daughter. A loveless letter to your daughter.

  478. Well… I chose a career in accountIng/finance, have the same professional certification as the men I work alongside and more years of relevant experience, no years off for having kids, and I’m paid 20% less **AS A SUPERVISOR** than a male employee hired to do the job I just got promoted from.

    So your argument about equal pay is not even close to what happens in real life.

  479. Ahh another bible thumper that doesn’t look more than one foot in front of them. Enjoy raising a child who won’t stick up for anything and will probably stand for nothing outside the blinders of the church. Enjoy your bubble as some day it will burst.

  480. Bullshit article. I’m sure your child will def absorb all that BS! Hahahaha! Keep perpetuating the cycle of stupidity and digression. You won’t be able to avoid the truth much longer.

  481. Too bad you missed it. It was wonderful comeraderie, I met *so* many amazing people, and I learned a *lot.* One thing that solidified for me is the hidden misogyny, mostly that women are happier if they know their place and/or know how to defend themselves. Think about that a second. I marched for a reality in which women don’t have to employ every.single.tactic to compete with men, or just maintain. I marched for actual prison terms when white men rape. I marched for child-support payment enforcement (they really aren’t). I marched for my daughter, who may not have the financial means yours does, but will know when to say “no ” I marched bexuae people like you perpetuate a social system you don’t understand is hurting you because you’ve never known anything else.

  482. Can’t believe so many of you drank this koolaid. Stay home, don’t march. The rest of us will carry the burden of the horrific president you elected. I marched in DC, and I will march over & over agin.

    Ps. Your mom lies to you, just like our president.

    • Oh, but I was told by lots of pwople the march had nothing to do with the inauguration of Trump…hmm. So many people seem to have way different views of this march. Nice unity there. Gets confusing. Lets keep dividing our country though so we can just destroy ourselves from the inside. Im sure we will love what happens then.

    • What burden? Spending one day walking down the street with other like minded fools? What did yoiu accomplish? What great victories were had? At the end of the day, this was just a self gratifying exercise. No laws were changed. No minorities were saved. No one can even say what the point of this march was. The only thing that was gained was a large number of middle aged white women walking around patting eachother, and more importantly, themselves on the back for saving women everywhere. This whole thing reminds me of the “walkout” that occured at my junior highschool to protest Desert Storm. Made absolutely no difference whats so ever.

  483. There are so many inaccuracies and misconceptions in this article its hard to know where to begin. I’ll start with the quote “in the 71 percent of nonreciprocal…. partner violence instances, the instigator was the women.” What this statement fails to recognize is that there is a much higher incidence of injury in reciprocal violence than in non-reciprocal violence. When there is injury in reciprocal violence, most of the time, the victim is a woman.

    Differences in frequency of violence and reported injury between relationships with reciprocal and nonreciprocal intimate partner violence.
    Almost 24% of all relationships had some violence, and half (49.7%) of those were reciprocally violent. In nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases. Reciprocity was associated with more frequent violence among women (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=2.3; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.9, 2.8), but not men (AOR=1.26; 95% CI=0.9, 1.7). Regarding injury, men were more likely to inflict injury than were women (AOR=1.3; 95% CI=1.1, 1.5), and reciprocal intimate partner violence was associated with greater injury than was nonreciprocal intimate partner violence regardless of the gender of the perpetrator (AOR=4.4; 95% CI=3.6, 5.5).
    Men are subject to domestic violence in large numbers… but they are less likely to be physically hurt than female victims…. Social and economically disadvantaged groups in the U.S. regularly face worse rates of domestic violence than other groups. For example, about 60% of Native American women are physically assaulted in their lifetime by a partner or spouse.[4]
    On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States — more than 12 million women and men over the course of a year.[i]
    Nearly 3 in 10 women (29%) and 1 in 10 men (10%) in the US have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by a partner and report a related impact on their functioning.[ii]
    Nearly, 15% of women (14.8%) and 4% of men have been injured as a result of IPV (intimate partner violence) that included rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[iii]
    1 in 4 women (24.3%) and 1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[iv]
    IPV alone affects more than 12 million people each year.[v]
    More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[vi]
    Nearly half of all women and men in the United States have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime (48.4% and 48.8%, respectively).[vii]
    Females ages 18 to 24 and 25 to 34 generally experienced the highest rates of intimate partner violence.[viii]
    From 1994 to 2010, about 4 in 5 victims of intimate partner violence were female.[ix]
    Most female victims of intimate partner violence were previously victimized by the same offender, including 77% of females ages 18 to 24, 76% of females ages 25 to 34, and 81% of females ages 35 to 49.[x]

    Next, regarding the tax that women have to pay for sanitary products. Items are sometimes taxed or not taxed (depending on state laws) according to if they are considered necessary or luxury items. The last I looked, tampons and sanitary napkins are a necessity for many women unless we want to go back to the days of literally “being on the rag.” However, Rogaine for men is sometimes considered a necessary product rather than a luxury item. I guess people are worried that the damage to some men’s ego is a medical problem. I’ll leave out other examples due to space considerations; however, I have to ask that if men don’t pay tax on Rogaine, how come women still have to pay tax on hair coloring products?

    Next, regarding the gender wage gap: there are many factors that affect the salaries earned by women. The types of jobs and careers that women choose can explain some. However, even taking into account education, experience, region, race, union status, industry and occupation, there is still a discrepancy. The author of the article you posted states that women are “special.” Most working women I know don’t want to be treated special. They just want to be treated (and paid) fair and equal.

    See the following excerpts:

    Click to access gender-pay-inequality—-us-congress-joint-economic-committee.pdf

    Evidence Suggests That Some Women Still Do Not Receive “Equal Pay for Equal Work” In many professions, women continue to be paid less for doing work that is substantially the same as work done by men. For example, among nurses, women make 90 percent of what men typically make; among lawyers, women make 83 percent of what men make; and among financial managers women make roughly 67 percent of what men make.134 This suggests that there may still be gender-based discrimination in the workplace. After taking into account differences in observable factors such as education, field of study, occupation and experience, multiple studies have estimated that there is an unaccounted for gap between women’s and men’s average earnings of 5 to 9 percent.135 In other words, as much as 40 percent of the overall gender pay gap cannot be explained by factors that would affect earnings and may be due to discrimination. A 2011 study by the American Association of University Women found that one year after graduating from similar universities, with the same major, and working the same number of hours, female employees earned 7 percent less than male employees. 136 That unexplained difference grew in subsequent years, reaching 12 percent a decade after graduation. 137 Similarly, a recent study by Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn estimated that about 40 percent of the difference in earnings between full-time working men and women—or roughly 8 cents on the dollar—was unexplained by measurable gender differences in education, experience, region, race, union status, industry and occupation.138 Another study, which used slightly different data on earnings, found an unexplained shortfall in women’s earnings of approximately 5 to 7 cents for each dollar earned by a man. 139
    Nearly 40 percent of the wage gap cannot be explained by occupation, work experience, race or union membership.
    Research has broken down the wage gap to show that more than half is due to differences in the types of occupations and industries in which men and women work. Additionally, about 14 percent is due to the fact that women are more likely to leave the workforce to provide unpaid care to family members. Yet the wage gap persists even when men and women have the same background: After controlling for gender and racial differences, 38 percent of the gap is unexplainable by measurable factors. This means that gender-based pay discrimination is still a significant cause of the discrepancy in pay between men and women.
    Women, on average, earn less than men in virtually every single occupation for which there is sufficient earnings data for both men and women to calculate an earnings ratio. – See more at:…..
    IWPR’s annual fact sheet on the gender wage gap by occupation shows that women earn less than men in almost any occupation. IWPR’s Status of Women in the States project tracks the gender wage gap across states. IWPR’s report on sex and race discrimination in the workplace shows that outright discrimination in pay, hiring, or promotions continues to be a significant feature of working life. – See more at:

    The last thing I will address is the comment that “… these ladies think that being a woman gives us gals the right to decide what happens to other people’s bodies…”
    Wow, talk about twisting around who is trying to control another person’s body! The author is referring to “other people’s bodies” as the embryos that are growing inside of pregnant women. No matter how you look at it, a clump of cells in early pregnancy is not a baby. Also, many abortions at later stages are usually because of abnormalities in the pregnancy. Occasionally, late term abortions are because the woman involved could not access safe and affordable abortion earlier in the pregnancy. Regardless of the situation, the decision is between a woman and perhaps her doctor and/or whomever else she chooses. If a person doesn’t believe in abortion, then don’t have one, but they should not try to force other people to believe and choose as they would.

  484. Wow- isn’t wonderful to have been born into (and birthed your daughter) into a country that has such incredible rights that women have fought (and marched) to have!
    If you think women have always had these rights in America, you are kidding yourself. Women such as Susan B. Anthony and Gloria Steinem have MARCHED for you and your daughter to have the rights that women in this country have today.
    You are a lazy entitled woman if you believe these rights are a ‘given’ for you.
    But guess what? Women like me will continue to March for women like you. And your daughter. So, you’re welcome.

    • But that’s the whole point to this article. We didn’t have these rights, but now we do. Yes, people in the past had to fight to get these rights, but these rights aren’t going away just because trump was elected. The whole thing was just a bunch of white woman patting themselves on the back for thinking the same as other white women. Total sheep mentallity, no clear goal. Nonsense.

  485. I marched with my son because I want him to show love rather than hatred, I want him to know Muslims are not his enemy, that it is not ok to call women bitches and brag about sexuallt assaulting them.

  486. Wow, this is degrading, not only to herself but to all woman! Yes, we can all teach our children the right and the wrong, we can teach them to be great citizens but remember, we live in a whole wide world of evil, racism, rapists, terrorism and the whole wide world doesn’t hold the same values as us. So, you know what we have to do???? We have to fight for equality, we have to fight for our freedom, we have to fight and exploit the wrong doings, we have to fight for one nation, one world, peace, just peace. We need to ensure the world is safe for our daughters to grow in, we can’t protect them from everything but we can fight for a better society.

  487. She is assuming that he Baby Bird won’t end up with the short end of the stick. I hope baby bird doesn’t end up being intoxicated and orally penetrated in Oklahoma because that’s no longer rape. Mind, Oklahoma is in the US, the same country “where you already enjoy all the freedoms and rights”.

    “I’ll teach you how to disagree strongly and firmly—but honorably.” Try doing that while intoxicated with a foreign object in one’s mouth.


  488. I can’t believe all the responses that are negative here! I am totally in agreement with your letter! I am and always have been a hard worker – served 21 yrs in the Air Force and pulled my own and climbed the ladder – I did this through the encouragement of the men I served with. I raised three sons and maintained and still have a marriage of 38 years. I studied and achieved a BS in Logistics and a Masters in Aeronautical Science (of which I paid for myself because I did not enroll in the military program being offered when I entered the military) and I now earn a salary equivalent to my male counterparts. I am 57 and have held a job since the age of 17 and I have never been fired. I believe that if a woman (or any person for that matter) have a mind to become successful – that is exactly what will happen – yes obstacles happen, but as I learned perseverance pays off – and oh yeah I wouldn’t ever associate with the free loading lovers of hate that Marched in the woman’s march! They did not march for me…

    • I’d be interested in every single detail about your life and how it relates to where you are. You are successful, sure, but you make the assumption that only hard work got you there. That is patently untrue. There are literally a thousand things in your life that get you where you are. Some of them are your own doing, some aren’t. For example, you may be born into poverty but have loving parents who push you to get out. Or you may be born into poverty with NO parents, no role model, no one showing you that you CAN get out. You don’t have access to a great education, no one to tell you why you need to do well in school, etc. There are a thousand small point of light in our lives that dictate where we go.We don’t have control over all of them. It’s easy to look at one’s own overcoming of obstacles and assume everyone can do that, but there is usually something that helped you, even if all it was is the KNOWLEDGE that you can overcome them. Having empathy for people that didn’t have what you have, even if that thing is determination and drive, is what makes the world a kinder,peaceful place. I am not sure what the term “free loading lovers of hate” means, but when I see people, ANY people, engaged in politics, democracy and action, it’s a good thing, not a bad one.

  489. This was so beautifully written. You did an amazing job. Thank you for explaining your and many others thoughts during these difficult times. For those that are making some very disgusting and degrading remarks, SHAME ON YOU. The freedoms we have include everyone being able to state the facts that they see as they do. You talk about womans rights while you wear vagina’s on your head or underwear in public. You make it seem as if you are ok with abortion while destroying and defacing the cities you walk in. I am a woman. I don’t have all the parts due to the challenge of fighting Stage 4 ovarian cancer. I don’t have many of the parts each of you are displaying to the public.

    A WOMAN does not have to degrade themselves or the many woman in this world today. Abortion is an option today which for me will never be an option, not because I don’t have the parts anymore, but because when I was faced with this decision, I choose life and placed my baby into a family who not only gave her a wonderful family, but welcomed me into their lives many years later. I look at the beautiful woman she has become and thank GOD that I thought of her before my own need.

    Now, many of you will say this is to hard, this is my choice I get that. I understand the need to terminate when the life of the child or mother is in the balance. I understand the need to abort for rape and incest. I don’t understand the women who use this as a form of birth control.. and don’t tell me they don’t exist because I know a few that have.

    I also will never understand late term abortion. How can any woman look at how they perform a late term, tearing a baby apart, crushing their skull, and think of this as humane? Really?

    Keep on writing .. your baby future will be beautiful.

  490. I never heard such things get so twisted!
    I think those women had a lot of good reasons to March. One being that we now have a man in the white house who thinks he can grab a women’s p—you anytime he wants too because he’s popular. He totally disrespects women! And there are a lot more good reasons they marched!

    • I agree with you that President Trump’s comment was very inappropriate. I’m sorry that is the only one item you mentioned out of all the good reasons. I’m certainly not defending him, but where were the protesters when President Bill Clinton was sexually exploiting a young girl which to me should horrify women, and men, more than President’s Trump comment. Also, the women who were dressed up as female vaginas in front of future young women showed a bit of crudeness also. I believe the answer is that people are just mad about Hillary Clinton losing the presidential election and will make things as difficult as they can for the Trump administration which is beginning to be very tiring. I don’t think either candidate deserved to be president and hope, in four years, we have the choice between two moral and ethical candidates to choose from. It’s going to be a long four years to have to put up with the Hillary supporters making matters worse by showing the world the people in our country can’t even get along with one another. Who knows – maybe we will see some good things happen under the Trump administration. I hope we do!

  491. I make 40% less than the man who replaced me.
    I have 16 more years of experience than he does.
    But that didn’t really happen according to you.

  492. This is genius! Absolutely hilarious! I haven’t laughed so much in ages, simply one of the best tongue in cheek pieces of irony I’ve read in a long time! The whole tone, as if you’re talking to a rather backwards child with developmental issues is just amazing.
    All your stuff about ‘smarts’ (love the use of a non existent word to describe intelliegence), calling birth control ‘kill(ing) their babies’, & I almost wet myself at ‘pick a path, no one is stopping you’. But my favourite is ‘I’ll lteach you money isnt everything… but it’s important …you make a lot!’ – just fabulous in showing the hypocrisy of greed and self interest.

    Do you mind if I contact you for more comedy writing? Maybe commission a few pieces? You have a great touch for satire and lord knows we need that now.

    • Bahaha! Best response to this article , hands down. You must be a distant relative of J.K. Rowling with that witty reply…her tweets are nothing short of epic.

    • Wow nice to show how people take things out of context and use it for their own advantage… “I’ll teach you money isn’t everything. But I’ll also teach you that if it’s important to you to make a lot of money, that you’ll need to work hard and choose the right career.” That is what she actually said about money, but you know, just take it how you want to by omitting words and making it fit what you want.

  493. I really like your article, you make some great points. Im having a hard time defending your points about rates of abuse for men and women as well as salary differences for men and women in the same job. Do you have statistical evidence to back up these points?

    • I don’t believe she was saying that men face more abuse but rather that it is not exclusive to women and that women like men can and are perpetrators. I believe you will find evidence supporting the statistic stated on the FBI or US Department of Justice websites. As for the wage gap myth it has been debunked multiple times checkout the US Labor Department website they did several studies and found that the wage gap only exists when certain relative figures are left out of the results such as: women often enter the work field later than men and take more sick days than men. Over all the US Department of Labor stated that the wage gap no longer exists due to the laws that have been implemented to prevent pay discrimination based on sex.

  494. I thank you for a wonderfully written letter. As an almost 50 year old woman who has a very well educated daughter, who will be graduating with her Masters in May and blessing me with my very first granddaughter in March, I can’t wait to share this with them. I did not March for these same reasons. I am on a 3rd career. I’m the lead financial provider in my house (I think bread winner and head of household is demeaning to your partner). I provide health insurance for my family. I work in a predominantly female workforce and see how males in our field are treated. (Some walk on water and some are made to feel less than manly) But like you said, we have a choice and can make our own paths. Thank you for sharing these wise words.

  495. I don’t think you understand the concept of equal pay for equal work. What job a woman chooses has nothing to do with it. The fact that men are paid more for THE SAME JOB. That is the problem. ::headsmack:: As far as women paying more for things….one thing that comes to mind is that Viagra has ALWAYS been covered by insurance. Birth control, however, has not. That is something women have had to fight for. Makes zero sense

  496. Baby girl, someday I will write a letter citing all the awesome things that women can do, like vote, and work, and run for office, and I will completely neglect to mention that women only got there by marching in the streets. Because it is in my lifetime that we have had these rights, but we don’t teach women’a history in schools, I will not think to mention the suffragettes being beaten or going on hunger strikes, or Gloria Steinem or Angela Davis organizing protests so that we could be equals, because I will incorrectly assume those rights were my birthright. I will write a letter, baby girl, that enrages those of us who know our history, who marched for your rights anyway, so that you might grow up in a world with less bias, less sexual assault, and more opportunity.

  497. This woman can suck it. She didn’t march because she didn’t have to …. she’s content to sit on the sideline and have others fight for equality.

  498. I hope your little girls grows up and realizes the world is not how you seem to think it is and I hope she educates herself and fights the system that’s put in place to keep her down. The same system you don’t seem to thinks exists. I hope she’s louder than you and stronger than you in every way. Your strength lies in your ignorance and good for you, sometimes life is easier when you’re ignorant. I hope the same misfortune doesn’t happen to your daughter.

  499. Well said. Just looked up Margaret Sanger, she believed that Jews and Italians were unfit to live….Now that was a dangerous woman.

  500. You have cherry picked some rather strange information here – particularly relating to abuse by women. You simply don’t seem to understand or comprehend the global levels of violence against females – in the UK, USA or anywhere else. I think you need to go back and have a read of some of the more over arching literature – and also to begin to understand what it is you’re reading. You at least owe that to your daughter. Preaching conservative values will not end well for your daughter, progressive and liberal values are those that place all people as being of equal importance and value, and you would do well to remember that. There are opinions, such as yours, and then there’s evidence. Just because people believe in your opinions, doesn’t make you, or they, right. And your stance of, ‘ I’m ok no there’s need to march for women’s rights’ is fundamentally what is wrong with so many conservative societies, particularly within the USA which are individualistic and selfish. Even if you feel you are ok (and again your opinions were offered rather than facts) would it not have been more selfless to march with women for other women’s rights?

  501. I marched with my daughter precisely for Mrs. Ramirez’ daughter And the many young women that don’t have the loving guidance
    of the ideal society alluded to in this blog.

  502. You also need to make sure you’re not dressing up moral judgements as facts.

    ‘I’ll teach you not to cheapen it by dressing like it means nothing.’
    I’ll teach you that raunchiness doesn’t make you impressive; it makes you look like a piece of meat.’

    Those are your opinions, and your own judgements about women, not facts. They may stem from religious beliefs, your own personal perceptions or whatever, but they are most definitely not facts. What they do illustrate, more than anything, is how closely you agree with modern patriarchal perspectives on how women should dress and act. And that my friend, is why you should have marched for your daughter.

    • As a human being she is entitled to her opinion on anything and everything just like you are, including how to raise her own daughter. However, she should not have marched for her daughter if she didn’t feel it necessary, so no, she should not have marched for her daughter just because YOU said she should have based on your opinion of her opinion.

      • It’s funny how tolerant they are unless you disagree with them. It’s funny that they say all women should have the right to live as they please– but yet I can’t raise my baby girl as I please. Yikes.

      • I get what you are trying to say, but that is not why this is making anyone mad. I have not seen one person see someone who did not march and attack them,. People are angry because she wrote a one sided hit piece on people who chose to go out and use their freedom of speech. This is why there is the old saying, “If you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.”

      • Mary, You may raise your baby girl as you please but when you put her metaphorically into your political opinions as a prop, you will get push back. Very few here, who disagree with you, are voting intolerance. You’ve created a forum here for comments on your opinions. They aren’t intolerant. They just adamantly disagree with you and are expressing their opinions. You’ve invited them to do so.

      • Mary, you say “It’s funny how tolerant they are unless you disagree with them.”

        How could you post these opinions and not expect disagreement and anger? If you get disagreement, how is it not “tolerant”? Because some can’t “tolerate” your opinion? All that means is that they don’t agree and are willing to say so…which brings us back to how can you post these opinions and not expect disagreement and anger? Also how is saying “they” like those who disagree with you are some sort of other, not intolerant?

      • No, see this is where you are wrong. FACTS are NOT OPINION. You don’t get to have the “opinion” that the sky is green, or that gravity doesn’t exist, or that water is not made up of H2O. Relativism is great, but NOT everything is relative. It is a FACT that inequality still exists. You don’t get to have an opinion that it doesn’t because you haven’t experienced it, any more than I can say Tornadoes aren’t real because I’ve never had one destroy my house.

    • But dressing “raunchy”….isn’t that what men want of women? Isn’t that why more women are settled into doing nudity in roles whereas men rarely ever do? Isn’t that why some actresses were either removed from roles for their refusal or others had to be drunk or high to do it– so they wouldn’t lose their role? Fighting for SOME women’s rights seems to have come down to those such terms. And that to me is settling, remaining under a mans thumb.

    • I don’t even know where to begin. But, it is a fact, not an opinion or alternative fact, that women overall make less money than male counterparts. It’s not that women choose careers with lower salaries; you said it yourself: women doing the SAME job as men, with the same education and experience MAKE LESS MONEY than the men.

      “It’s a lie that because of sexism, people don’t care about our smarts”… me where anyone has said this?? Women are earning more degrees than men and are STILL underrepresented in employment.

      “It’s a lie that because of sexism, we women are the only ones who have to worry about harassment and abuse. “… me where anyone ever said women are the ONLY ones who have to worry about abuse?? You can’t because no one has ever said that. Why don’t you use a valid source of information to cite instead of dubious websites (Mintpress?? It’s more opinion than news and is light on facts – what reputable news source gives statistics without citing where the information is from???).

      I could continue at length, however, I have more urgent business to attend to than to spend (waste) anymore time attempting to educate the uneducable. Lead your ignorant life, raise an ignorant child, live in a deluded world of denial and acceptance of what is given to you because I believe most of what I or anyone else could say is beyond your cognitive ability to grasp. But don’t forget, it’s because of women smarter, stronger and more courageous than you that you are able to sit in happy ignorance.

      • So your trying to say that more women don’t choose to work in daycares, as school teachers, as cosmetologist, as nurses as stay at home mothers with MAYBE a part time job than men? That more men don’t choose to be engineers and computer designers, welders, electricians or even work in construction than women? What world are you living in. What she is saying that because of these facts, when you take all men and women who CHOSE their current jobs or career, of course you will see women with lower salaries.

        The same concept of saying that there is more crime in one heavily populated area… more people =more crime. Just as more women choosing lower paying careers= more women with lower salaries.

  503. What mommy is saying, sweet little bird, is that you need to be silent and settle because you have it better than others and somehow that should be good enough. What mommy did was clip your wings so you will never fully fly. I pray you rise above the mediocrity that your mommy stands for. I pray you fly straight upwards and crash through the glass ceiling; I pray you find your strong voice so that you will speak out for others who settle for ‘good enough’; I pray you emerge and soar as a mighty eagle and not flit about as a timid sparrow. You are worth it, baby bird, you are worth more than just settling.

    • Seriously? Mediocre life? Settling? I think you need to reread the letter…this little girl will have a wonderful, beautiful life given to her by a mother that will teach her to be self sufficient, have confidence, and not to rely on others to make her life better…that’s what is missing today, I hope future generations will find it again

  504. When you read studies make sure you interpret them correctly. Including that your sources need to cite their sources which you did not. NEVER cite yourself unless you yourself carried out the study.

    I am only going to point out 3 absurd inconsistencies in your story but each of them is flawed. So glad your baby girl will grow up among those of us who will set her straight and if your lucky, she will not blame you for being such a fraud.


    1) “Well, for starters, women tend to choose careers that don’t pay as much, which affects the median income everyone’s talking about.”

    As everyone but you seems to know, women have to do this because there is no opportunity in our country for men adjust their job to help care for young children. The couple has to make a choice and because everyone but you know that men make more money, it is usually the man who continues to work.

    And where is your logic for single mothers who must work full time to raise children. Oh you forgot those women in your dream state.

    2. “But these ladies think that being a woman gives us gals the right to decide what happens to other people’s bodies—bodies that are biologically, genetically, and scientifically separate bodies even though they’re growing inside of us when we’re pregnant.”

    Nothing like citing yourself to prove an UNTRUTH. Go read a science book. A fetus are cells incapable of independent life like the cells in your uterus sloughed off each month.

    By your logic, never remove a tumor or cancer because it is LIFE growing inside us.

    3. “Yes, some women do get abused. But so do men. You don’t know this yet, but today “boys make up half of those who are sexually exploited commercially in the United States.” You don’t know this yet, but today, “a man is the victim of domestic abuse every 37.8 seconds in America.” You don’t know this yet, but today, “in the 71 percent of nonreciprocal [meaning, where violence is inflicted by only one side] partner violence instances, the instigator was the woman.”

    From your own source which does not have cited it’s source therefore is unreliable.

    Violence against women
    Women and girls make up 98 percent of the victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation globally, per a 2005 report, though a 2008 report revealed that boys make up half of those who are sexually exploited commercially in the United States.

    Incidents of domestic violence against women occur every 15 seconds in the U.S.

    Female-initiated domestic abuse
    Women are three times more likely to be killed or seriously injured by their male counterpart than vice versa.

    • So just because you stand for the other side you are not ok with her writting why she didn’t march and are offended? I have examples in my own life to support things she says.
      I work as an MA, I wanted to be paid more so I took extra training and became a leader in my work place and got great raises because of it where my other female colleagues did not care to do so.I was making more money than my husband and carried our insurance for a ling time.
      My husband went back to school and started a new career. He went into his new field of work and got hired getting paid less than a female who went to school with him for the same thing, same qualifications.
      My sister is a “Im a woman here me roar” and has an attitude. She eggs on every fight with her husband and escalates it. Im not saying a man has any right to lose control, but she pisses her husband off above and beyond because she just has to keep going for no reason instead of settling arguments peacefully. He has never laid hands on her but its just an example of why I can see things going wrong. Plus what man is going to report his wife/girlfriend beat on him?
      Woman play the victim card too much in my opinion. Some guy in office isnt going to take our rights away, give me a break. I didnt vote for him but Im an American and he is out president the next 4 years. He hasn’t even messed up yet. Lets all stay calm, stay united, and not bring in martial law and let Mr. Trump become a dictator..then what are you going to do..

      • SO MANY HORRIBLE THINGS WRITTEN IN THIS COMMENT. I’m not even going to touch your thinly-veiled “she was asking for it” abuse defense. Not even with a 10-foot pole. I’ll just pray you were never “asking for it.” Moving on to “He hasn’t even messed up yet.” EXCUSE ME. Are you even paying attention? I had to go back and look at the date on your comment because I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe you wrote this before he was inaugurated (and really…your statement still would be patently false even then). Geez, lady.

    • I know 20 men here and now, who stay at home to take care of the kids, house, bills, food,. Why? Their wives make more,much more!

  505. It appears you didn’t ask any woman – not one – why they marched. You instead wrote a condescending pile of assumptions about it. It must be so great to be a middle class white woman in a city. Make sure you don’t try to expand your thinking beyond your own personal experience, though. You might realize that you do have some empathy after all.

    That being said, feel free to look at my page to see why I did march. You’ll note that it has nothing to do with me.

    • Amen. This is the biggest bunch of horse sh!t I have ever read. The author would be better off thanking the women who did march, for her and her daughter, instead of trying to justify her apathy with this package of crap.

  506. I have a feeling this was written by a middle class, or upper class women who has never had to deal with any of the issues she’s talking about. She’s just falling for the propaganda feed to everyone. And frankly, this is very disrespectful for women who have been abused! What if, God forbid, your daughter ends up in an abusive relationship? What if she reads this article and thinks that it’s her fault it’s happening?! Ignorant rants like this make it harder for physically and emotionally abused women to realise they’re a victim, and not at fault. Shame on you.

    • You assume quite a bit, my dear 🙂 I grew up poor. I’ve lived in a third world country. I’ve been stalked, I’ve been verbally abused… I know it exists. It does not mean it is systematic in this country. Shame on YOU for making blanket assumptions.

      • How do you define “systematic,” Mary? At what percentage of women being abused should we begin to speak out and march? 10%? 25%? 51%? Shame on YOU for suggesting that we should wait until horrible behavior becomes systematic before doing anything about it. Women who are marching are doing so to make sure ALL women are and remain protected against stalking, abuse, and general mistreatment.

      • Actually, shame on YOU for perpetuating hate and scorn instead of support and love. Shame on YOU for being so self-important and righteous that you can’t put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Shame on you for lacking empathy, and instead blaming people for not being you. And shame on you for lying-this data you referenced is so out of context it’s almost funny-except it’s not. It’s dangerous because people reading it will believe it. I also grew up poor. I am also very successful now. But unlike you, I understand that the things that brought me here were a combination of hard work AND luck. I understand that many women have not had the opportunities that I have had, and that MY experience is just that-MINE. I can’t use it to assume others should do the same. I also understand that your data is cherry picked to support your beliefs. I understand the difference between fact and fiction.
        I have 2 daughters- they will grow up learning that they are smart,strong, and should take advantage of every opportunity that comes their way.And they will also grow up with compassion and empathy for those who can’t manage to do the same. And they will grow up to fight for them, instead of insult them, demean them, make fun of them, and LIE about them. They will fight to bring them UP, not tear them down.

      • ” …they will grow up learning that they are smart,strong, and should take advantage of every opportunity that comes their way.And they will also grow up with compassion and empathy for those who can’t manage to do the same.” That’s exactly what I said I was going to do for my daughter. Where’s the problem?

  507. Let me guess…you are a white, stay at home mom? You have not been passed up for promotion by a lesser qualified male? You have not raised a young woman of color who employers ignore when they see an ethnic name on the resume? I work in employment have had men tell me they do this when I first started. I was brand new to the industry and he had been hiring for 17 years so I knew that I better not dare stand up to his explicit racism. And, goodness gracious, I am sure it would just terrify you if your daughter ended up being gay or trans….what she would have to deal with in terms of discrimination? But that’s not your exact experience, so everyone else needs to shut their little faces. I am a Christian woman of privilege who marched for the people who do not share the same privilege that I do. I am sorry that you cannot see past your own nose.

  508. Wow. That was a long post. Here’s a shorter answer: you didn’t march because you are stupid and have no critical thinking skills.

    • I did not march because people like you are a$$hol3s. It’s your thinking or wrong. Can other women have different ideals without being called ignorant or stupid? You are shutting out women’s voice because they do it agree. Maybe if the March was more open minded to all women’s values I would have stood up. It’s women on women bashing. What does that teach the next generation of young women. It’s okay to say terrible things to each other. To silence a minority opinion? Or the majority? That ones women’s values is not as important as the other one. Mainly, from people like you who think you are right and there is no other way to think. You ruin the intergity of the March and perception of women who March.

      • We will always call out when you are factually wrong. Though living in this not-so-fact-based reality we are in, that doesn’t seem as important to people.

  509. Mary, the truth hurts and you can see you made some see the awful truth in THEIR false thinking.
    Don’t let anyone tell you that your article wasn’t a good one. It was fabulous and I think your daughter will be a wonderful woman.

  510. Well this was both sad and disappointing to read but that religious reference at the end came as no surprise as it was the only source of validation for her point of view. Denying the existence of sexism and minimize the abuse women face at a significantly higher level than men, discredits this entire piece. The author’s myopic point of view was beautifully illustrated with copious self aggrandizing “I” references.

  511. I would have liked to see more statistics and research on the following lies the author feels sexism tells women: women don’t make as much money as men, women don’t have full rights over their bodies, women have to pay a special tax for products they biologically must use, women are the only ones dealing with harassment and abuse, people don’t care about our smarts, there aren’t more female leaders and we don’t all get paid maternity leave. I also would have liked to hear more about the author’s thesis statement: it’s a lie that any of our human rights as women are going away just because someone whose politics these ladies don’t agree with suddenly became president. Boiled down, this letter only gave me the opinion of the reason many women in this country chose not to march. It didn’t prove or relate to me why any of the points listed are false. It actually gave me more reasons why other women would choose to march. It didn’t serve to change anyone’s mind, but fed into the paradigm of “we’re right and your wrong, that’s why”. It’s curious to me that many assume the march for women happened because a man with politics they disagree with is now in the highest office in the free world. If this were true, their would have been a women’s march every time a Republican was elected to the position of President.

  512. Didn’t read to the end…
    Gee…hope I’m not missing out.
    You are delusional, lady…maybe go hang by the sidelines of these marches and listen to the stories us, terrible, activist, women can share with you.

  513. Reposting this from one of your commenters because it is important and FACTUAL. This article is so insanely twisted. This writer needs to look up some FACTS (which notably seem to be missing from everyone up at the top these days). This article comes from such a privileged, condescending and unenlightened place about the struggle of others it is obscene. Yes, you may think that this comes from a good place, but it is naive at best to think that the women’s marches and all those to come are not a movement to secure the rights that the author of this article so blatantly takes for granted.

    Reposted from commenter RWL. Take time to read this. It’s important:
    There are so many inaccuracies and misconceptions in this article its hard to know where to begin. I’ll start with the quote “in the 71 percent of nonreciprocal…. partner violence instances, the instigator was the women.” What this statement fails to recognize is that there is a much higher incidence of injury in reciprocal violence than in non-reciprocal violence. When there is injury in reciprocal violence, most of the time, the victim is a woman.

    Differences in frequency of violence and reported injury between relationships with reciprocal and nonreciprocal intimate partner violence.

    Almost 24% of all relationships had some violence, and half (49.7%) of those were reciprocally violent. In nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases. Reciprocity was associated with more frequent violence among women (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=2.3; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.9, 2.8), but not men (AOR=1.26; 95% CI=0.9, 1.7). Regarding injury, men were more likely to inflict injury than were women (AOR=1.3; 95% CI=1.1, 1.5), and reciprocal intimate partner violence was associated with greater injury than was nonreciprocal intimate partner violence regardless of the gender of the perpetrator (AOR=4.4; 95% CI=3.6, 5.5).

    Men are subject to domestic violence in large numbers… but they are less likely to be physically hurt than female victims…. Social and economically disadvantaged groups in the U.S. regularly face worse rates of domestic violence than other groups. For example, about 60% of Native American women are physically assaulted in their lifetime by a partner or spouse.[4]

    On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States — more than 12 million women and men over the course of a year.[i]
    Nearly 3 in 10 women (29%) and 1 in 10 men (10%) in the US have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by a partner and report a related impact on their functioning.[ii]
    Nearly, 15% of women (14.8%) and 4% of men have been injured as a result of IPV (intimate partner violence) that included rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[iii]
    1 in 4 women (24.3%) and 1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[iv]
    IPV alone affects more than 12 million people each year.[v]
    More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.[vi]
    Nearly half of all women and men in the United States have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime (48.4% and 48.8%, respectively).[vii]
    Females ages 18 to 24 and 25 to 34 generally experienced the highest rates of intimate partner violence.[viii]
    From 1994 to 2010, about 4 in 5 victims of intimate partner violence were female.[ix]
    Most female victims of intimate partner violence were previously victimized by the same offender, including 77% of females ages 18 to 24, 76% of females ages 25 to 34, and 81% of females ages 35 to 49.[x]

    Next, regarding the tax that women have to pay for sanitary products. Items are sometimes taxed or not taxed (depending on state laws) according to if they are considered necessary or luxury items. The last I looked, tampons and sanitary napkins are a necessity for many women unless we want to go back to the days of literally “being on the rag.” However, Rogaine for men is sometimes considered a necessary product rather than a luxury item. I guess people are worried that the damage to some men’s ego is a medical problem. I’ll leave out other examples due to space considerations; however, I have to ask that if men don’t pay tax on Rogaine, how come women still have to pay tax on hair coloring products?

    Next, regarding the gender wage gap: there are many factors that affect the salaries earned by women. The types of jobs and careers that women choose can explain some. However, even taking into account education, experience, region, race, union status, industry and occupation, there is still a discrepancy. The author of the article you posted states that women are “special.” Most working women I know don’t want to be treated special. They just want to be treated (and paid) fair and equal.

    See the following excerpts:

    Click to access gender-pay-inequality—-us-congress-joint-economic-committee.pdf

    Evidence Suggests That Some Women Still Do Not Receive “Equal Pay for Equal Work” In many professions, women continue to be paid less for doing work that is substantially the same as work done by men. For example, among nurses, women make 90 percent of what men typically make; among lawyers, women make 83 percent of what men make; and among financial managers women make roughly 67 percent of what men make.134 This suggests that there may still be gender-based discrimination in the workplace. After taking into account differences in observable factors such as education, field of study, occupation and experience, multiple studies have estimated that there is an unaccounted for gap between women’s and men’s average earnings of 5 to 9 percent.135 In other words, as much as 40 percent of the overall gender pay gap cannot be explained by factors that would affect earnings and may be due to discrimination. A 2011 study by the American Association of University Women found that one year after graduating from similar universities, with the same major, and working the same number of hours, female employees earned 7 percent less than male employees. 136 That unexplained difference grew in subsequent years, reaching 12 percent a decade after graduation. 137 Similarly, a recent study by Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn estimated that about 40 percent of the difference in earnings between full-time working men and women—or roughly 8 cents on the dollar—was unexplained by measurable gender differences in education, experience, region, race, union status, industry and occupation.138 Another study, which used slightly different data on earnings, found an unexplained shortfall in women’s earnings of approximately 5 to 7 cents for each dollar earned by a man. 139

    Nearly 40 percent of the wage gap cannot be explained by occupation, work experience, race or union membership.
    Research has broken down the wage gap to show that more than half is due to differences in the types of occupations and industries in which men and women work. Additionally, about 14 percent is due to the fact that women are more likely to leave the workforce to provide unpaid care to family members. Yet the wage gap persists even when men and women have the same background: After controlling for gender and racial differences, 38 percent of the gap is unexplainable by measurable factors. This means that gender-based pay discrimination is still a significant cause of the discrepancy in pay between men and women.

    Women, on average, earn less than men in virtually every single occupation for which there is sufficient earnings data for both men and women to calculate an earnings ratio. – See more at:…..
    IWPR’s annual fact sheet on the gender wage gap by occupation shows that women earn less than men in almost any occupation. IWPR’s Status of Women in the States project tracks the gender wage gap across states. IWPR’s report on sex and race discrimination in the workplace shows that outright discrimination in pay, hiring, or promotions continues to be a significant feature of working life. – See more at:

    The last thing I will address is the comment that “… these ladies think that being a woman gives us gals the right to decide what happens to other people’s bodies…”

    Wow, talk about twisting around who is trying to control another person’s body! The author is referring to “other people’s bodies” as the embryos that are growing inside of pregnant women. No matter how you look at it, a clump of cells in early pregnancy is not a baby. Also, many abortions at later stages are usually because of abnormalities in the pregnancy. Occasionally, late term abortions are because the woman involved could not access safe and affordable abortion earlier in the pregnancy. Regardless of the situation, the decision is between a woman and perhaps her doctor and/or whomever else she chooses. If a person doesn’t believe in abortion, then don’t have one, but they should not try to force other people to believe and choose as they would.

    • You didn’t even read your own sources which disagree with you. Regarding the pay gap, the difference in pay is less than 6 cents, not the often spouted lies that were brought up during the march. You also posted two links from non peer reviewed studies. It sucks that you don’t like facts.

  514. Indeed, thank goodness you didn’t have to. And that is because of the women who came before you and secured those rights for you and your daughter. And while you’re complaining about how ‘very loud’ protesters are, I hope you’ll remember that loud women gave you everything you have in this country, and that you are benefiting from their courage and grit, instead of fighting with your own. Is that truly the legacy you want to leave your child?

  515. “I didn’t march for you because you were blessed enough to have been born into a country and an era where you already enjoy all the freedoms and rights (that yes, other guys and gals fought for years ago) that men do”

    Wow, Mary … on what planet do you live on?

  516. To this perfect explanation, I will add one more resin I did not march for you my precious daughter. you were busy hosting a charity event to raise money for the Cherryland Humane Society. Yes my darling 8 year old, you dreamed up a way to be helpful and spent your energies helping the helpless. You heard about the March, and mentioned the amount of money these ladies spent could have helped feed and shelter and help provide homes instead of travel costs, meals out, babysitters for their own children. Yes my dearest love, your efforts were appreciated and nicely recognized by the Humane society. People were also amazed by your robotics competition with your team “Girl Power”. Using your brains toward a future career in Engineering that woman before you have made possible not my marching but simply demonstrating their skills and abilities by their quiet determination to succeed. Both your mom and your grandma have had every success they desired by dedicating themselves to their goals. Before I hear people shouting “privledge” save your breath. I got turned down for jobs because of the color of my skin. Also because of my nationality. We kept up, found ways to get into college and into the career of of choices. That’s our country, 40 years ago and today. Your, my darling girl, run around and amuse people with your Freddy Fazbear suit, which you made just to get smiles and tons of friends. Stop to chat with little people and amaze older people. No, you didn’t have the time to waste making a
    HUGE body part to parade around in to make people believe that is all you have to give, or that is all you think of us . Be proud, write about your achievements and stay the loving caring outgoing bundle of joy that you are, and I will continue to forever let you express your current wishes so that you too can flourish in your chosen career paths and become a contributing member of society. With choices.

  517. Great article, very well said. As a woman, I chose the line of work I do, because I wanted to be able to help people. I do not complain because I don’t make as much as our Police Officers do, because they are out there putting their lives on the line, but the female Police Officers make the same as the male Officers and can climb the latter the same as the male Officers. I myself could also climb the ladder as a Telecommunications Officer if I worked at a larger department and make the same any male in this field. I am so ashamed that there are women out there that are acting in this way, and dressing in the manner that they have done. Have some respect. I to have taught my daughters as well as my son, that if you want to climb any ladder in a profession to put forth the effort that it takes to accomplish this. It is called get an education and get off of welfare, and make your on way and don’t live off of other people.

  518. After your daughter “picks a path of leadership” (over men), check back in with her and ask her if anyone “tried to stop her.” I hope by then they won’t, but I doubt it. Have you done it? If you haven’t, you really can’t say what it will be like. I stayed home with my daughters for eight years, so I’m certainly ok with choosing traditional roles. But to act like sexism doesn’t exist is just plain ignorant. If you haven’t experienced it, great! But that might be because you’ve never tried to stop out of your “place.”

  519. You need to see a shrink as you are clearly two sandwiches short of a picnic. I feel for all of your children not just your daughters that you are teaching them this utter tripe. God bless America from being ruined by numb nuts like you.

  520. I hope your daughter is sucessful…. even though you prepared her not to be. I hope she teaches her daughter that she can be everything a man can be…… better if she chooses.

    I hope she forgives you for not understanding that because something didn’t affect you doesn’t mean it wasn’t a problem.

    I hope when she questions you, you try to see her point of view and widen you horizons to include woman everywhere, not just in your body.

    I wish you peace… because nobody deserves to be hated.

  521. I appreciate all your words because I feel the same way. I was born o the 1950’s and since then have never felt oppressed. I have two daughters and neither feel oppressed. One of my daughter’s is disabled and doesn’t feel oppressed and the other has done very well. Neither are marching and We are proud to be Americans. We are all hearing the marchers and those who protest but we don’t all agree. All the special interest groups woulld have a better chance of being heard if they stopped trying to jam their agenda down the throats of those of us who voted for Trump

  522. I think that many people here want to believe this nicely written article but much of the information simply is not true. Please look up the facts for yourselves. If someone from your political party says the earth is flat (and you didn’t know otherwise) would you believe it because it’s in a blog or tweet you respect? Please do your own research before believing posts on FB, blogs, and unofficial sources. For example, I read that Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos is homophobic and believes in conversion therapy for gay people. Even though I’m a Democrat, I didn’t jump on the bandwagon to believe this and feel angry immediately. I know many Republicans approve of her so she must have some merit as a candidate and person. I researched this statement and found that she provides mixed signals in this regard but overall her prior actions show her to be very tolerant and gay-friendly. Please do your research before sharing or accepting what you read because it agrees with your initial views. We must all lift each other up. Peace to all my sisters.

  523. Wow, lets bash on other woman and name call like a bunch of little children. She has her right to publish what she feels. According to all you woman being downright mean you are hypocritical for what you “stand” for. So keep cherry picking your facts to support your opinions. Keep name calling and try to bring down other woman who have their own opinion because that is what you stand for right? Go burn a bra and march around naked with it and cry about it when a man lusts after you. Sickening.

  524. You are the kind of woman who represents me.
    What a beautiful letter to your daughter. It says everything without going over the top with outrageous statements.
    This is a beautiful legacy to leave… your daughter is a lucky girl.
    Thank you.

  525. The tone of this “letter” certainly changed. It started out loving and maternal and ended with thinly veiled disdain for others. I can’t imagine that anyone would want to teach their daughter that. I also doubt there IS a daughter. This is carefully scribed tripe meant to heave a political message at the reader and had nothing to do with speaking to a daughter. NO ONE would speak to their daughter like that. This was a method meant to protect the writer as it was written in the guise of a letter to a child….how could we blame her for merely telling her daughter why she didn’t march??? It’s meant to tug at the heart strings just enough to get us past feeling anger and disappointment at the message. Utter tripe.

  526. You are a sad example for any woman that comes into your life. A lazy sad, example. We didn’t need you at the march, we simply needed you to understand that women are out for the same pay, better care and just more respect. Guess you head was too far up your ass to see that is a reality, and your precious daughter will suffer due to your lack of common sense.

  527. Women choose lower paying jobs? Are you 12? How can you speak for women of different ethnicities when you are white and uncultured? Tell me, how do YOU know for a fact that a colored woman willingly chooses a low paying job. I grew up with a mom like you. Who held me back because of HER beliefs and wouldn’t let me speak for myself. I grew up in the ghetto watching my fellow sisters fall into drugs and prostitution. So I chose for MYSELF to not follow in those footsteps. I worked to my fullest to get into university and follow my dream of becoming a successful business woman. I was 1 out of 200 blacks in my college of about 8,000 enrolled students. Now I offer my insurance company in 27 states, and I live wonderfully. I was ridiculed because of my ethnicity, I was told that I will never make it. I was raped by my fellow colleague and called a “failing n***er”. I had to fight hard to see my rapist behind bars because I’m a black woman. I was told, that because I wear bright red lipstick, I deserve it. Tell me white woman, what do you know about equality? I hope you are not married to the same kind of man that raped me, because your beliefs are the same as that rapists.

      • There is a photo of her on this website. Guessing you’re white as well. Uncultured, privileged, and entitled. Ever been raped? Ever been told you don’t matter because of your skin color? Unless you have stood where I have stood, don’t open your mouth about how ‘equal’ we are.

      • Actually she’s definitely white. I know her through a friend. And also definitely close minded and short sighted.

      • Alina you act like you’ve been a slave 😂 Get off your lazy ass and work for what you want. Get the F out of here with that racial BS.

      • She’s Latin!! I’m gonna assume Alina did not read the entire blog…. I’m sure she would have used you success story as an example had she known.. goodness, it amazes me how some people can only pull the negative from everything! Yes I am a white girl… blonde hair green eyed white girl, who happens to love with blinders!!!

      • Hey Alina L, why do you think you get it because of being reportedly “raped” and have “skin color”? What a silly post. I would never think or claim to be “equal” to you, I would only claim to superior to you.

      • She actually is white if you check the “about the author” tab and read her bio, there’s also a picture of her included. I do think the other commenter “assumed” anything. I highly doubt the author, Mary, has experienced prejudice as a “seemingly” white woman.

      • THIS NEEDS TO BE MADE CLEAR: I am latina… but I am ALSO WHITE. You get it? I can be latina AND white because hispanic is my ethnicity and white is my race. So this stupid white lady could still be hispanic AND benefit from white privilege/supremacy.

      • Alina L – Actually yes I have been raped. Not once, not even twice, but 3 times. And out of that only 1 was from what you call a “White Man”. The worst was an African American man that was my superior in the military. And yes all 3 where while I served. I was raped because I was a women that they could overpower and had absolutly no respect for. And I had to fight against my own Chain of Command for my safety because these where men that I was supposed to trust with my life. At least your rapist is behind bars. I still had to serve with mine everyday and even take orders from my supervisor because they didn’t want to ruin there careers and I should just get over what happened to me. But because I’m a ” White Women” according to you I am uncultured, privledged and entiled. I am not entitled to shit without earning it first. I sure as hell am not privledged because nothing is given to me. And I am obviously more cultured then you are because I have spent time learning and around multiple cultures. I wish you the best of luck in your success of you company. Now maybe with all of your success you can do more to further your community as I am doing for the female veterans that have dealt with the same things I have.

    • Sounds to me you need to blame your mother for just not being a mom..I know alot of women who make more than their husbands like 3x as much. They are the bread maker but you don’t see men getting mad about it..Or maybe you need to blame the 75% of black men not being a Father to their kids like you.. But like you, there are other women of color across this nation that has gone thru what you did. Alot of them are WHITE and was RAPED by a BLACK MAN so don’t bring your racist talk on here. You women have more rights in the USA than any other country. If you don’t think so, go to another country and pull this crap you doing here and see how quick you are stone to death or burn to death.. why don’t you women fight for them or raise hell for them go protest for them. They have it worse than you will ever understand. Now, you have a story to tell young beautiful women out there how you became what you are today, by working your butt off and not listening to other folks. I’m glad you are very successful young lady.. but don’t come on here and bash this woman when you don’t know nothing about her.

      • Besides that fact that just throwing anecdotes at the argument pretty much makes your point useless, did it ever occur to you that the reason women have so many rights in this country is that they fight for them? “You women…” pretty much cancels your whole argument. Just because other countries are worse than us doesn’t mean women should be happy with what they have. Striving for better is why this country is great. Anyone telling someone else to just appreciate their lot is anti-american and selfish.

      • Exactly. People find a way to blame race. Any woman can get raped, regardless of skin color. Women are allowed to get the same education, same job, with the same pay (yes, my male counterparts make the same amount), they can life their life the way they want. They don’t need a man to buy a house, buy a car, or anything like that. Are they not eligible for the same benefits? I worked for what I wanted and put off starting a family so I could be financially stable. I made smart decisions in life and things didn’t hold me back because I am a female. Maybe if I dropped out of school and had a child as a teenager, my life would’ve been different…because of decisions I made.

      • Hailz yeh kudos to you!!!👍
        And I agree why don’t women in this Country who think we have it so bad.
        Start a Protest for women in other Countries. Then you will see truly how you are wrong about our Country.
        We have it easy. I had a friend who fled w her sister from Nigeria. Cuz they were gonna mutilate her for coming of age. My friend was already of age and they already did.
        2 reconstruction surgeries and still horrific for her… And another friend from Egypt who saw horrific things done to women.
        So I am pretty sure we got it easy.
        I was raped by the way… And I still don’t agree w all the hate bashing…

      • I know of way more white men who are rapist, don’t say “don’t bring race into this” then bring race into it -_-

      •…please check your facts. 57% of rapists were white. 27% were black. Also please read the report on the impacts of rape on women. The Women’s March was worldwide – so what are you talking about Women don’t fight for women in other countries? “You” women? How about you don’t vote anymore – women fought for that right for YOU women. You just bashed a lot of women…but that is OK? Get a grip Lady.

      • …Because everywhere in the world (except of course the USA) women are getting stoned and burned to death. Honestly… You should take your nationalist glasses off and school yourself before you comment on anything like this in the future.

      • This might be the dumbest reply I’ve seen on this page. You’re kidding yourself if you think men are okay with woman being the bread-winners. Most woman with high incomes don’t even get married and have a hard time even finding someone who is accepting of it. Typically when they do, they are a no good bigot who sits on the couch everyday and drinks beer. Now I will say, this is not every man but these are the men that typically exist here. I don’t know where you got that statistic but 75% of black men not being a father is completely false, stop listening to everything your racist grandpa told you. Next, you’re not minority and you have no idea what it’s like. Don’t compare your situation when you don’t know theirs. (Fun fact: more woman are raped at frat parties than anything else, so stop with your racist idiotic remarks already)! Also, you really must be so uncultured to think the US has the most freedom for woman. This isn’t the 1600’s and several other countries actually have MORE freedom for woman. Like literally, thirty seven countries have MORE than the US so stop with that alternative fact. Stop saying “help those woman” and “those woman actually need help” when you’ve known about them just as long as we have and I bet you’ve never done a single thing to help those woman! You probably don’t understand what they are going through either… Please, don’t come on here and bash woman for standing up for what they believe in. You know nothing out them! =)

      • I find it interesting how she mention proverbs 31. Yet I don’t see a post about how Melania should be welcoming refugees as stated in Proverbs 31:

        She opens her arms to the poor
        and extends her hands to the needy.

        I love how you use the bible as is convenient to your life. God is watching and is not impressed.

    • Wow, being angry isn’t going to get you far in a discussion. I can see what Sally said and she did not mention anything about equality. You are just making mean and disgusting acquisitions towards someone. Mary never said she spoke for all woman. Just as you have a right to your opinion, she does to hers. If you worked hard and didn’t settle for less good for you, you are an example for many other woman. I feel like setting an example like you have speaks a lot more than a march does.

      • How dare you give a false fact that 75% of black men are horrible fathers. You should be ashamed of your self. I only said that the author cannot relate to minorities because she is privileged. And seeing as only Caucasian women and men have commented, proves my point. If an African American stands up and speaks, they’re rascist. If a Caucasian stands up and speaks, they are applauded. You see nothing wrong with that?

      • How many Caucasian women have commented on this post talking about their hardships, and yet when you hear an African American tell the story, you take the time to talk about how SHE is mean. Look at the other comments. Calling the author the C word. But no, the black woman is the mean one, the harsh one.

    • I’m so glad you feel safe and free in America. It is what I wish for everyone, men as well as women. And thank you for exercising your first amendment rights to free expressions.

    • Wow, Alina – you’re obviously not a feminist if you can speak to another female that way! And yeah, a bit of a racist too. Probably a white apologist!

    • Wait, so just to understand your rhetoric. Did you really just criticize her because your mother didn’t teach you these things; as stated in your introduction. This article isn’t titled “your position in the socio-economic ladder based on the color of your skin”…this was about general values. Regardless of our skin or economic position these are true values every person should adhere to. And you went and turned this into a race issue. Coming from a double minority (quite funny saying that) I’m ashamed.

    • This article did not say all women choose lower paying jobs , she said some . The article as a whole is spot on. It does not 100% apply to all and does not imply that it does. Tearing it apart like it pertains to EVERY women is nuts. Her points are legit. And yiur mom seems to have done a great job raising you because you are succeeding. Have you ever thought that your mom did the best she could with the knowledge she had? My parents never went to college and they were honestly unaware of the classes I needed to take to go to college. But they loved me and did the best they could. I went to college at 27, I am now 55 and I chose the greatest job with the best pay and benefits . I am a mom and wife. My choice, if I ever return to the work force I won’t make what my male or female coworkers make who have been there for years and they may have missed out on a lit to be where they are .

    • You would think that after you came from nothing to working hard enough to have what you have, you could at least be empathetic. You did not choose a lower paying job and that’s great. A lot of women would rather be a teacher, that’s ok too.

      What she is trying to explain is a simple concept, when you put a higher concentration of something into one group you will end up with more of it. That is all. No need to assume all white people who believe something different than you are racist and wrong.

    • Thank you Alina for sharing your part of the story and correcting some of the ridiculous claims in this stupid post.

    • The author that wrote this load of twaddle is talking about women’s rights in her country like these weren’t fought for. If her daughter grows up to be the 1 in 5 women that experience rape in her life you can bet your bottom dollar that this male chauvinist mother will no doubt blame her daughter for the attack on her. Patriarchy is the breeding ground of white male supremacists, and we have one of them sitting in the White House now. Never has the world been able to study this breed up close and personal, and he is not a pretty sight with his legion of brown shirted supporters. I pity your daughter for the narrow, inferior life you will make for her.

    • Blame her for being white really you seem like the racist. She not once said anything about being black see this is what the f…. I cant stand black people like you that assume things. She is speaking of women. Im so tired of some not all blacks trying to pull the race card. Im sorry but did you all forget about all the white Indians and what we went through but yet dont bring up alot of stuff from the past. Read your history white people was slaves just as much as blacks but its not known because we dont bring the shit up and we live for the future not the past.

    • Men go through the adversity that you described as well. So do white men, and white women; just because someone is white, does not mean they were born with the privilege that you think they are, as said from experience. I admire you and am glad we both overcame such hard situations, but that is a part of being human. Your claim that her beliefs are the same as rapists is pretty outrageous and nonsensical.

    • Her last name is Ramirez. I’m not profiling, but that is usually a Hispanic surname. You are assuming she’s white. She’s got an opinion and you threw it in her face and compared her to a rapist. Whoa!

    • I fought to get my 36 year old rapist behind bars cause I was a pretty little 16 year old who “asked for it” because I was already in a size F bra. Didn’t matter that I wore huge baggy t shirts to hide it. Guess what? He was sentenced to a year for “statutory rape”, got out after 9 months for “good behaviour” ON my 17th birthday and proceeded to stalk me for 5 years. Nothing the cops could do. I was called a slut, told to get over it, my boyfriend at the time left me cause I was “spoiled meat”

      I later went to work an auto parts store/ shop and became manager at the age of 23. After everyone told ME I’d never make it. Sure, a lot of guys assumed I was a cashier but how many women do you know who are bad ass mechanics? Can you even change a flat tire?

      I thank God EVERY day for being born in a country where my husband doesn’t define me. A place I can wear whatever I want, be whatever I want. Get medical help without a man’s permission. Own property, go to school, walk down the street without fear of being sold into a sex trafficking ring.

      How about instead of pissing and moaning about how “unfair” everything is try to be thankful for what you DO have. Use your past as a “I beat the odds and so can anyone else!” success story.
      What I know about equality is that it starts with saying “I understand we have different views, let’s share them in a non confrontational conversation because we’re all human beings who deserve respect.” Being equal is just that, equal. Not “you can’t comprehend my suffering!” Because guess what? We’ve ALL suffered in our own ways! I wouldn’t dream of walking up to a little girl who’s being picked on for her buck teeth and telling her she doesn’t understand suffering because she’s white.
      This all just makes me sick. No one is thankful for what they have these days, they all just want to piss and moan about the grass being greener on the other side.

    • I’m white, and I have been told I don’t matter….because of my skin color. I’m a man and everywhere I go, I get to hear how I’m a privileged asshole, just because I was born a whit male. I’m a Christian and everywhere I go I get to hear how I’m crazy, delusional…a believer in fairy tales “I bet you think Santa is real, to”…being white, I get to hear, everywhere I go, how I was born into some fictitious dynasty where I get everything handed to me, instead of having to earn it myself…yet, I have lost jobs to blacks…I’ve been hated on because I am white (and they were either black or Mexican)…I’ve been treated differently simply because of the color of my skin, my gender, and my religious beliefs. Yet, today’s society trains all those minorities to believe they are not as well off as I am, when in fact, they have the exact same ‘privileges’ that I do. I’ve gone back and counted…out of all the jobs I’ve had, over the last 20 years of working: 11% of my bosses were white males. I don’t know the percentage of them that were Christians, but I can take a guess that it wasn’t all of them. Percentage of my bosses who were black women was around 50%. Well, I guess your ‘male privilege” and “white privilege” theories just got thrown in the dump. But, people like you will probably never go actually research statistics for yourselves, and will continue to just regurgitate lies that were told to you by either the lying media, lying government or your racist parents, who got their ideals from THEIR racist parents….who probably are the only ones around who CAN be racist. But, on that note, since when does it help to return the hatred? Yes, our grand parents and great grandparents were in an era where REAL racism existed, but does that really excuse them from continuing that behavior in today’s society? The NBA is made up of 78% black men. The NFL is around 66% black men. “Privilege?” Nope. Won’t believe it. Not when men like Ben Carson and Herman Cain have had good chances to become president (but were bullied out by people YOU like to call the good guys/gals….Hillary Clinton being one of them. Yes, she is the reason Hermain Cain and Ben Carson had to drop out…same reason Bernie had to drop out. She bullied people…threatened them. Yet, blacks, for some reason, choose to attack her opponents, and idolize her. Oh…yeah…that…..she’s a woman. She supposedly won ‘majority vote’ in the US…..yeah. You can take your lies and bullshit ignorance and shove it up your self-indulged ass.

    • Check her last name Ramirez sound Hispanic to me and said she walked in Mexico to work to cat call. Alina sorry you experienced the thing in your life that you did but doesn’t sound like you grew up with the mother the same this lady is in the way she talks about how she’s going to raise her child. I raised three wonderful smart young women that are all doing well in their lives but I also taught them that they have to work for it and not put themselves in a position to have things happen to them that they don’t want to happen. i’m glad your life is better now but don’t write on this woman for wanting to raise her child up in the way they should go so i’m glad your life is better now but don’t rag on this woman for wanting to raise her child up in the way they should go what does the Bible tells us if you raise them up the right way and not feel like society owes them something because their woman

    • Alina L…It’s a shame that you were raped and I’m very sorry that happened to you but just because someone wasn’t raped doesn’t make them uneducated or uncultured…and just because someone is white doesn’t make them privileged or entitled…im white…grew up without my parents, couldn’t go to college until I was a parent myself, work 2 jobs to pay for it and was raped in high school…am I privlidged and uncultured? Didn’t think so. So before you assume someone doesn’t know equality because of their skin color, maybe you should walk in their shoes.

    • What does race have to do with anything? Sometimes women do chose lower paying careers like social work. banking, etc. Some women chose to take some time off while raising children and most women chose family over career. As for uneducated women with multiple children surely their earnings capacity is low but so is a man’s in the same situation. Women who are raped are twice victimized once by the. Attacker then by the legal system. Just ask the 12 year old child Hillary Clinton blamed for her rape an attack so violent it left her in a coma for a few days. However men who are sexually harassed and even raped (yes men can be raped) are victimized by society and particularly by women. So I don’t know what world you live in but here in CT I do not feel oppressed or degraded held back or anything else you guys whine about

    • I’m sorry about that crime that happened to you, but even though crime happens to others of every ethnicity, not just your own, that doesn’t mean you as a woman don’t have opportunities to still succeed and follow your dreams and aspirations. Crime doesn’t just happen to women, either.

    • Waaaaah. Your white and its not fair…waaaaaaahhh. Your bitterness is the only thing holding you back……well, that and your so called “community leaders.”

    • Hi Alina,

      I agree with you that women or people, in general, do not choose lower paying jobs. That would be idiotic of anyone to be like “hey I want to make minimum wage because I don’t like paying my bills” – it just isn’t logical. You worked hard and became successful out of your own volition. Those who have not gone through what you have cannot understand it because they would be filled with fear themselves. If everyone saw the world and this country for what it is – good, but far from perfect – everyone would be marching every day until true equality existed. Don’t take what this woman wrote personally – this is simply how she sees the world out of her own experience or lack of.

      I’ve not gone through anything near what you have, but you are an inspiration to me none-the-less. Thank you for speaking your piece.

    • Alina,
      You are an amazing woman. A woman I would be proud to call my friend, boss, or colleague. I hate that you’ve encountered terrible individuals and that the cards have been stacked against you. I don’t know what it is like to be black, but I know what it is like to be hated for being a woman. I know it is a harder fight than it should be to put away a rapist. I know what it is like for your co-workers to wish you to fail and to kick you every chance they get. Call me privileged, if you would like, but I do not see things as you do. It is illegal to not hire me based on my gender, color and so forth. It becomes my responsibility to report and take action, but it is impossible to prove. It is illegal to abuse and rape anyone, but the legal process is painful in general, even more so when you have to face the b*****d. The government does not have any power over an individual’s opinion, even if it is wrong. That’s up to you and me. Some men will never see women as worthwhile, but strong women like you fight past it and succeed. The point is, that there is a path, some people have easier paths than others, but it is not illegal or unheard of for you and I to succeed. The rest is up to each and every individual to carve their path be it in granite or sand.

    • Alina
      Great points!
      I’m a white woman who grew up in suburbian neighborhood. Yes I was sheltered however we have similar stories . I was told I wasn’t college material by my high school counselor!!!
      I too was held back because of beliefs and wasn’t allowed to speak up. No I didn’t grow up in any ghettos but we all have our own stories no matter who we are . I don’t agree with the article because I as a young girl did not have a choice too choose my career . Yes, I’ve had struggles and yes I have beeen discriminated against (as a white woman) during my life time . I’m thankful for the Jane Adams and Ashley Judds who have and now speaking up for our rights. I think my point is no matter the color we as women all have our stories and rights .
      Remember when Jane Adams protested and she had marches – how she was black listed because of her strengths , beliefs in women rights? Well the sane thing is happening now to women who are still trying to break the glass ceiling effect.

      To power Deb please read my comment……

    • So, how one looks determines their ethnicity. In the letter to her daughter, that are her view points and how she wants to waive her daughter…which sounds to me as a woman of God….she mentioned walking to work in Mexico…I’ve seen different skin colors for different races, including Caucasian. Just because you disagree with her view, doesn’t make it wrong. I sure wouldn’t have my daughter out there marching with a ridiculous “hat” on her head!!! That’s what is wrong with society….we have fallen so far from what is appropriate and what is not!

    • I do believe that you just proved her point. You CHOSE (by your own words) to build yourself into a highly successful, strong woman. You have proven that it can be done. That women only have to CHOOSE to do so.
      I might be a white female, but let me tell you, I have never been privileged. I was incessantly and oftentimes violently persecuted throughout my childhood and early adulthood. I was raped at 16 years old. Then my first husband was abusive to the point of nearly killing me on multiple occasions. He also raped me many times in the two years that I was with him. Yes people, it is possible for a husband to rape his wife.
      Until 10 years ago, I CHOSE to work in lower paying jobs. I didn’t think that I could make myself into something any better.
      I say this to let you know that I have been where you were. I have experienced the dark side.
      However, I CHOSE to rise above it. I CHOSE to make a better life for my children and me. I CHOSE. And by the grace of God, I succeeded.
      I now own a very successful company and have started another venture that promises great rewards. The author of the article is only pointing out that women can be successful if they choose to be.

    • You seem to be someone who thinks that all white people are privileged. I can tell you that is not true. I grew up with nothing but I also learned that I have to work for what I want. It’s not going to be handed to you. I couldn’t got to college. I didn’t and still don’t have the money for that. I am trying not to sound racist but we don’t have a group to help poor white kids go to college. If that was the case I would have been able to. It’s not race in most jobs that keep people from moving up in the job. It’s the additude of the person. If you keep pushing and showing them that you can do the job you will eventually get it. So get over yourself. Also it’s not just women at some jobs that get passed up. One place I worked at my boss would hire a man for a manager position and then she would do whatever she could to make them quit. In the two years that I was there she had hired 3 men and all of them quit because she would not teach them anything and wouldn’t have the other day shift managers show them anything and she had a crew member he would have been a great manager but she passed him up for girl who took a customers $15.00 in change brought it back the next day and got to keep her job and then gets promoted. Where is that fair. So it’s not just about black, white or any race or sex. There is discrimination against ever race and sex. Some maybe be worse than others but it is there.

    • Lord have mercy you dont even know it and you are as big a bigot and racist as they come . So sad so very very sad ;-( I bet its all whiteys fault you had bad luck as a girl . “Come on white woman”?? What would you say if I was white and said “come on black woman” ?? You were called a failing Ni**er by a fellow colleague?? Do you here yourself or are you so full of hate that you are deaf to your own words ?? When would anyone ever call someone a “failing Ni**er ” that was raping her. You may have been raped and for that I am sorry but to sweeten up the story with lies just to make it sound better is wrong and malicious. You tell her she can not speak for women of different ethnicity because she is white yet you can speak for her because you are black?? You know I hate to pile more badness on top of more ugliness but you my dear are the exact reason why your people have problems . You are always the victim. You have learned to play the victim so well you dont even realize it . You know I had a an african American friend of mines dad tell his son and I one time that to say someone is a racist and or bigot when you are not is not true . He said that if someone says to you “I dont have a bigoted bone in my body that not only are they bigots but that they are lairs also. He told us that his folks didn’t want him to marry or date anyone other then a black gal and that if he was to bring a white girl home that his grandma and grandpa would roll over in there graves . He said that ALL people have some racism in them and to say they have none now they are not only still bigoted from time to time but also a big fat lair to boot . This coming from an African American man who was married to a black lady and had 4 kids . You know I myself was not accepted into my first choice of collage because I was not ethnic. They took 4 people of color instead and I was told it was so that the school could get there quota to look good so they could keep getting federal and state help . I was able to go to another prestigious school so it worked out but this is the first time I have told this story and I will and do not use it as a crutch for my shortcomings in life. If you are truly a person of color the best thing you can do is NOT use your shortcomings as a crutch and to NOT keep playing the victim card. Hard working educated people do not like it and it makes you look cheap. The world is full of people who blame others on there short comings. Heck people of color to this day are still blaming the slave trade for there short comings and thats been 200 plus years ago. Stop the blame game and get on with life . Its much more attractive and you wont look so pitiful. Oh and whatever you do dont lie or stretch the truth . You may have had some bad things happen to you but to embellish on them is not only dishonest it also looks cheap and lowdown .

    • We wanted inferior jobs that paid less? You should also tell your daughter how you publicly demeaned our sisterhood regardless of your ethnicity. You do not now nor ever speak for me! I am a 70 year woman that has worked alongside men my entire life so I am qualified to speak against this irresponsible rhetoric.

    • I am truly sorry for the things you have been through. I want you to know there are good people, men specifically, that would treat you fair regardless of your skin color.

    • Why are you so angry? You should be celebrating your success. Only in American could you have been given the opportunity to overcome and achieve what you have achieved given your life situation. You are actually the perfect example of the point of the article. Work hard, make good life decisions and, as woman, you can achieve whatever you set your mind to! Wishing you all continued success professionally and personally.

    • Sorry, where did she say that women of color specifically choose lower paying jobs? As for the rest of your statement, I think you pretty much prove her point. If you work hard for it you can make what you want of life.

    • Well then you are just what she is talking about you went up against odds and won didn’t fail and cry about it because your black or from the hood that’s what makes what you did more powerful and white women see this all the time ya you had your struggles but so did everybody. My mom was poor raised four kids by herself and went to school we eventually saw nice things and she set the standers on how we act, treat peeople and achieve goals . It’s when you think the grass is greener you soon realize when you get there it isn’t so white black or blue your problems where different and soon most of those who did see racisim we’ll be old and the kids today have every oppertunity like any body it’s if your going to take it or take the easy way out and blame it on your color your gender your Effen l or walk past the idiots burning a flag while you’re walking in the school to get your education you didn’t fall into the moronic idiots in your neighborhood. And you are a successful black woman that came from the ghetto so I Kinda makes most your statement wrong and contradicting

    • She is myopic in her small world. I will continue to march for you and all women. We have a long way to go. I am glad she wrote this. It gives me insight to the thinking that sunk the ERA and I now see it as sadly as relevant a concern today.

    • Thanks for the well articulated rebuttal, Alina. I read a few of the other replies and find them to be just so divisive. Women should support one another, as well as their children. Why must even what we tell our daughters be a forum for partisan political expression?

    • No matter the skin color most women have a hard time convicting their rapist. The woman is looked down on as if she “deserved” it. Or she asked for it. So don’t think you are alone in that respect. I am glad that you worked your way out of the ghetto. That says a lot about you as a person… Congratulations…

    • You know that white women get Raped by white men too. You survived being raped and you escaped a bad childhood good for you. Use it to empower other women not to bash one for stating her opinion which is her right because we live in country where we can speak our peace.

    • I know what it’s like to be a white looking Cubano and told every day that I don’t understand my own culture based on the color of my skin.
      I have been taught to fear women thanks to same sex sexual abuse.

      I have been taught that no matter the gender, the good or bad is the person… Not the race, gender, etc.

      For those who are arguing this post…
      Obviously you are grasping at straws. Not only has she cited sources but she has absolutely explained her point with honesty and grace.

      I hope you stop judging and start learning, because if you are judging others based on their beliefs and not their character .. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM

    • I think the writer is Hispanic…not white. I agree with her beliefs. Great article Mary Ramirez and thanks for telling it like it is.

    • Someday I’ll tell you about how Mommy walked to work every day in Mexico to cat-calls of “ayyyyy güerita.”) this is right out of the letter

    • I was raped because the monster wanted a white woman like his son had (his words). I left a job because my boss wouldn’t approve me for a raise because she didn’t give raises to white women (her words) and her best friend kept bringing her kids in for me to babysit (while I was trying to do my job) because that’s all white women are good for (her words). It DOES go both ways.

    • Alina- I am a 36 year old white man and I just want you to know how sorry I am for your experiences, and that to add insult to injury, these people are “blessing” you with their ignorance and made up “facts.”

      I cannot give you empathy as I can’t have experienced this, but I do give you my sympathy and support. I stand behind you and FOR you, and applaud you for being the successful and self-made woman you are.

      I felt you needed to know that, at the end of the day, with all the subtle and not so subtle racism being written here, you are not only supported, but also celebrated.

    • I’m not a woman of color, but I’m disabled and have a chronic illness that causes brain and spinal tumors.

      I look fine despite everything. Regardless of what you are, if you are a minority here and a woman, you’re treated horribly. I’d have to abort and pregnancy because being forced to carry one out would literally kill me. But these people want to give me less rights than a corpse. They call me a murderer and tell me abuse was my fault, that I should have had the child of the man who abused me and died in the process. because “thats what I deserve for being a whore”

      I’m told to either stop doing normal things humans do, to “stop being a whore”, or that I deserve death. None of them understand that birth control and contraception has a margin of error. None of them understand that not everyone can afford the blood loss associated with surgery.

      I know you’ve experienced much worse than me, and while our plights are entirely different, you’ll never stand alone. ❤

    • when you choose not to educate yourself, then you are choosing a lower paying job. and she is not privileged because she’s white, she is so because she lives in America. There are ways and means for everyone to be equal in this country. If you don’t like the situation or life you are living, get off your pity pot and stop bellyaching and do something about it.

    • Girl bye 😂😂 You should go sit tf down..
      Us privileged White Folk aint got no worries and we marry rapist men…… Jesus Fuck, Lady! You sound like an uneducated idiot.
      Maby if you paid a bit closer attention to the story you would have realized the woman writing this is Spanish. Shes not white dummy shes fucking Spanish the most cultured fucking race in existence!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      You should be ashamed of your self for pulling a race card. Its because of people like you that colored children will grow up thinking they are more entitled than any other race because you think your fucking oppressed.. If your as successful as you say you are then instead of fucking running your mouth with lies go help the kids whos parents had all the same opportunities as every other American but choose food stamps and welfare and now their kids suffer because the white man oppressed them.. Lmfao STOP BLAMING WHITE PEOPLE FOR BLACK SHORTCOMINGS! Yall have the same damn opportunities I have. Heres some facts before I go. 1. African Americans collect the most welfare 2. African Americans commit the most crime. I could keep going but im done wasting my time. Next time you want to say some stupid ass shit remember those facts I just gave you and remind yourself why most blacks are treated the way they are!!!!!!! I know some very successful amazing colored folk who came from the bottom of the bottom and they reached and made shit happen. They didnt blame the white man once. They joined as an equal and came out in the same place together.
      Fuck you just made me furious lady.
      Happy friday to me….

    • Have I ever been raped and had to fight my rapist to see him behind bars?

      Let me tell you a story. I’m Native American. I look very white. I was sex trafficked for 16 years. In those years I saw more boys trafficked than girls. When I got out I learned that it was going to be a hard fight to geutvabyone behind bars. I fought though. I fought hard. Loud and hard. Do you know who didn’t fight? The little boys who were now grown men. Why? Because no one believed that a man could be taken advantage of for sex. Sure- I was questioned on “what was I wearing that made me vulnerable? Was I flirty? Did I enjoy any parts of it” but I wasn’t told that I was all fabricated because “if you can get hard you clearly want it”.

      I have severe PTSD. When I go to the doctor for medicine I get told “here you are. Enough for 6 months than come back and see me”. When my male friend goes for PTSD for rape he gets told “I don’t know if a female can give a man PTSD. Why don’t you try therapy first and talk out whatever else is going on”

      As for jobs. I’m a teacher. I get paid the same as male teachers. I have a friend who is a teacher. Her husband is an engineer for the city. Guess what? He makes more. But guess what else. HIS female boss makes more than him.

      My point? EVERYONE has different experiences. Just because yours fits the agenda right now doesn’t mean that it’s always the case. And for someone who claims they were stereotyped- you sure like to put men and women (and rapists) in a stereotype of your own. Maybe if people like you had less assumptions of what roles people SHOULD be fitting into- it would open your mind in roles we COULD be fitting into.

    • And you are a prime example of what she was just talking about. You are an example of how you became successful because of your CHOSEN path. Nice try at invalidating this beautiful piece….but you just validated it completely. By the way, I’m proud to know you did you. Congratulations on changing what could have been your destiny! You should be proud.

    • Let this Hispanic female who was raised by a single mom with no child support and who faced many many more challenges than you described — rape being Disneyland in comparison –tell you that the author IS ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT in everything she stated –to the T. Your hardships don’t deserve a pity party and neither do mine nor do anyone else’s. Opportunity is there — not everyone works for it therefore not everyone gets it. People choose their careers for different reasons, and whether you like it or not the fact is that women choose lower paying careers. Perhaps it’s because they have a serving heart and service jobs do not pay as much as jobs in financing or industry. That is simply capitalism, simply the way things are and that has nothing to do with male versus female. Most men choose jobs that pay well, and most women choose jobs that are fulfilling. And there are those who cross the line either direction —which is entirely their prerogative. As a female I chose a job that pays well. Is it the most fulfilling? No, not in the least, but it’s what I chose. People have to live with their choices but the reality is that the choices are there, and to blame MEN or say men have it better than us is the most asinine selfish hateful and immature thing in the world. So let me ask YOU, with the hardships that you have endured and overcome, are YOU 12 that you didn’t have the sense to think this through and see things from her perspective? Oh that’s right, she’s white (in your mind) therefore she doesn’t know anything and can’t relate to the real world because she has had life easier (in your opinion). Well you don’t know her so you can’t judge her. If you feel inferior or feel that women are inferior and have less opportunity, then you are simply choosing to believe a lie for Convenience. Granted, a small portion of the population has it easier than the rest of us, but that doesn’t in anyway mean that any of us in this country have it bad, ( the exception being those who have had opportunities stripped from them or who have not been given opportunities, and ironically it is our current president who is rallying and working to give these citizens the same oopportunities -equal opportunity for all citizens. But for the most part, we have the same opportunities already. No one is inferior to anyone no matter what your gender, race, political affiliation, etc. As Eleanor Roosevelt said. no one has the power to make you feel inferior but you yourself. All the angry women and men who feel that women are not equal to men in this country need to go look at the world around them, and grow the hell up. Quit blaming white people and men and anybody else you feel is against you for your lot in life. And another thing, drop the racist attitude. It’s sickening.

    • You just made her point. You chose to fight for yourself to make your life better and you succeeded. You could have chosen to stay behind with drugs etc. Congrats to you!!!

    • I’m sorry you were raped. I was too. I’ll pray for you. Please don’t let what happened make you filled with hate. You sound so smart but you also sound mean and I’m thinking you would never want to come across to someone as the type of person(s) that were bad to you. If you want to be friends, I’m on FB. With God, we could be a good and positive help to each other.

    • So sorry you went through what you did. What a strong woman. The person who wrote that to her daughter I believe referenced herself to being Hispanic. No, I don’t know what is like to be a black woman because I am a white woman. I too have a horrible background as a female, too much to post. The point of the letter is that we can now write a letter like she did because of what the older generations of women went through.

    • … I’m white and have been raped, and told I don’t matter because of my skin colour. Have been turned down from
      jobs for being white, and have had racial slurs thrown at me for being white. But wait what am I saying, white people dont experience such things 🤔

    • So she’s “uncultured” because she has a different opinion than you? No where in her article did she claim to speak for every woman. Her last name a Hispanic name…yet you assume she is white. Obviously, you have no idea that there are Latin/Hispanic women who look white. Nice job at assuming tho 🙄

    • As a fellow Black woman, I actually agree with most of her points. And I will say, my difficulties in life have been far more closely related to my race than my gender. I’ve actually experienced no major discrimination due to my gender

    • And egocentric is without regard of others feelings or desires. It’s all about perspective. What they see is not necessarily what you see. That said, if you can’t understand whomever you deem egocentric and privileged then you can’t change anything. Leading to guess what? A definition of a word rightfully describing the perpespective of the writer. In this case, YOU!

    • And what about those of us who realize there are bad things going on, even if they don’t happen to us specifically, yet we still don’t believe in the whole “privilege” bullshit that has been force fed to the nation by our media and government?

      You should read my comment above.
      Just a little bit of it….
      I did the math on the percentages of all my past bosses, and half of them were black women. Only 11% of my ex bosses were white men.

      The NFL is made up of roughly 66% black men. The NBA is made up of roughly 78% black men. The WNBA is around the same for black women. Hermain Cain and Ben Carson, and Condoleeza Rice have all have good chances at Presidency, yet were bullied out by lies and money when they started doing well. Hillary Clinton just won majority vote (even though she lost in electoral vote).
      You can’t use the whole “privilege” logic when it isn’t the same for everyone.

      Plain and simple…the statistics in this blog are correct. Facts. Logic. You can’t argue against facts. More women are getting degrees than men. Black people are given free scholarships, when the majority of whites have to pay for theirs. I don’t see no “white privilege” there.

      Sorry. I don’t believe in “white Privilege” or “male privilege”..and, it’s not because it “doesn’t happen in my area or effect me, directly.” It’s because I see actual facts and statistics that prove otherwise.

    • Ignorant people on this post are trying so hard to equate someone who is successful or wealthy as being “privileged” and then unsuccessfully attempt to equate the word “privilege” with a negative tone. Being successful and wealthy is the result of hard work, and those who desperately attempt to equate it with a negative connotation simply scream that you are not doing well financially because you made poor decisions with your life and have been to lazy to work hard to earn what those supposed “privileged” folks have. Keep on marching and protesting during the work week why us successful “privileged” people go to work and continue to be successful. The world needs ditch diggers.

    • 100% agree. This woman does not understand how she came to benefit from the privileges she enjoys. Moreover, she doesn’t understand the circumstances of those who do not have them.

    • If you actually did DID march you would know that it had very little to do w women’s rights and everything about himanr rights that you seem to take so lightly….I proudly marched for my husband and son and you and your daughter and many like you so that one day you dont find yourself on the other side of the spectrum…..

    • Amen. Just because one woman doesn’t need a women’s march does not mean that NO women does.

      Why does the women’s march make so manny white upper and middle class women feel the need to defend themselves? Nobody cares that you didn’t march.

      • If you’re nervous about sharing your opinion or using your voice, perhaps the women’s march was for you after all?

  528. This is literally the best thing I’ve read with regards to the March! Thank you so much for sharing and saying what so many of us have been nervous to share for fear of vehement retaliation from others who want their opinions and beliefs respected but refuse to give the same courtesy to those who don’t agree with them. Bless you!

    • I haven’t retaliated against anyone who doesn’t believe what I do. If you’re nervous about sharing your opinion, that suggests insecurity about how you feel. Respect and tolerance beget respect and tolerance. Consider looking at something from a different lens – you might be surprised what you look and how they are interested in learning from you.

      • This also shows there is something wrong going on. People shouldn’t be afraid to voice their opinion and so many are. That itself is terrorism: the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes; the state of fear and submission. Terrorism created right here in America by its own citizens towards other citizens. Sad really

    • Please go and defend her on the STFU Parents page on Facebook. There’s about two comments for her, and everyone else is literally ripping her a new one. They’re so sweet, those feminist liberals, all about peace, love and tolerance. You can just tell from their vile, insulting and offensive comments to anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

    • It’s because saying stuff like this is stupid & misinformed, & totally perverts the message of the March by refusing to listen to the women marching, & by continuing to be part of the media distorting the real message.

    • It can be intimidating to speak a conservative view point and get a negative, aggressive response. I stand with you too. There is unfairness in this world and that is why I’m glad this world is not my home.

    • If you’re too scared of what other people think of your opinions to say them out loud I recommend you closely examine those opinions, because it sounds to me like you know you’re wrong.

  529. Mom always said, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

    I say, YES! You’ve summed it up succinctly, and people believe what they want to believe, even when presented with facts.

    • Also if you’re a lady you have to be sweet and nice and polite at all times. No one wants to hear you say something that isn’t nice. So don’t try to say anything smart, educated or in defence of yourself or others, because then people with think you’re mean and unladylike and you’ll never get a husband.

    • Jennifer, does your father know you are participating in an online conversation with strangers? Is this an appropriate thing for a woman to do? I want you to reflect hard on whether or not you, as a woman, should really be stating an opinion in public like this. You should seek to be a baby bird and wait silently for your father/brother/husband (fingers crossed!) to tell you what to do.

    • That might work in a social setting, but in the political/civil rights arena, we’d still be waiting for the right to vote if we only said nice things.

    • There are no facts in Ms. Ramirez’s essay. Putting something in quotes does not make it a fact. There are no footnotes or references tied to each of her quotes. That means they may or may not be true. They could be alternative facts. She could have made them up but we won’t know the truth unless she includes her citations for each quote. What does it say about an author who is unwilling to utilize basic writing rules–how would she expect people to respond to her salacious quotes when she chose not to identify her sources?

    • I find it interesting how she mention proverbs 31. Yet I don’t see a post about how Melania should be welcoming refugees as stated in Proverbs 31:

      She opens her arms to the poor
      and extends her hands to the needy.

      Please don’t use the bible as to back up claims as is convenient to your point. Read the WHOLE bible and follow the life Jesus led. If you are going to pick and choose please don’t say you are doing things in the name of God, I’m sure he doesn’t appreciate it.

    • Thank you Cider and so did I 🙂 , and for that matter I also marched for EVERYONE’s sons too… and for my brothers and sisters from Muslim countries and for Mexican immigrants, and for all people who are told they don’t belong one way or another, for this beautiful planet that deserves our protection and care, and for tolerance and empathy, for love towards people of color, for anyone that has been disfranchised, and for those women (and again some men) who need of the free medical care from a clinic in their local PP. I also marched so that you and all the complacent people who get to dwell in their privilege feel a little bit guilty when they see that there is still a lot work to be done. Some finally decided to join us (most of the people I marched next to were marching for the first time and chanted with us “Black Lives Matter” and “this is what Democracy Looks Like” and “No fear, no hate, everyone is welcome here.”) I can’t express how your life would be changed if you gave yourself a chance to believe that maybe you are wrong and that over here at the resistance your sisters will welcome you with open arms.

    • …because you are right and she is wrong. Did you try to see things from her point of view – “no, don’t confuse me with facts!” Did you dress up as a giant vagina? Sorry Cider, a real woman know her worth, she doesn’t need to shove it in everyone’s face.

    • “No means no, Feminists.”

      I’ve never felt like my voice was stolen by any men. But people like “Cider,” who write stuff like this? Yeah, they talk over me all the time…

      You’re including me in your activities, without my consent. See that? WITHOUT MY CONSENT. But, it’s so typical for the controlling narcissist to justify it by saying “this FOR YOU…for your own good,” isn’t it?

      You’re out of line. No means no.

    • You didn’t march for me or any of my daughters … because I don’t raise my daughters to wear vaginas on thier head and have an ex con murderer a Hollywood whore and an idiot represent women… a real women does raise her daughter to be strong assertive and know that everyone will face adversity and possibly injustice in this world .. the true power is not allowing it to control who you are who you become or what you tell others to be ..we have 11 children … 8 are adults .. 5 of them are daughters … no smokers no heavy drinkers no drug use … no babies out of wedlock … all highschool graduates 3 college graduates with the other 2 married raising children working and in college … no need for abortions no welfare recipients … you know why we raised our children especially our daughters to be strong and educated but we also taught them to value thier womenhood in regard to parenting and the sexes being equal but different men and women compliment. One another naturally not compete … not imitate not replicate … compliment … my daughters were raised and my younger ones will continue to be raised to respect and honor thier womanhood and thier motherhood not walk around with a vagina on thier head demanding to be respected …

    • I marched also. I can assure this blog writer that discrimination exists. I started out in the geologic field in the early 1970’s, when there were only 5 female majors. It was difficult to get help from several male professors who did not want women in the profession. To get an interview with an oil or mining company, you didn’t use your feminine first name, you used your initials to at least get a face-to-face interview.

      In the 1980’s when I went back for an advanced degree, lo, there were more women in graduate school! Because women were overwhelmingly laid off from industry during the oil bust in the mid 1980’s. Acceptance is much better these days…but damn…but the government and industry is still so very much a good ole boy’s club.

      Perhaps the blog writer has never worked in the research science fields.

  530. I’m incredibly saddened for you. If this is truly what you are teaching your daughter, then you are setting her up to assume and believe that she doesn’t deserve as much as anyone else. Because sexism exists. The wage gap exists. I know that YOU haven’t experienced it – and I’m thrilled that you’ve been so privileged, but just because you haven’t dealt with something doesn’t make it not true. Rape culture exists, even if you plan to teach your daughter that the way she dresses gives others permission to do what they wish. A fetus is not separate from a woman’s body, not in any way, shape or form, but again, that involves believing in science. I’m not convinced that you do.

    Aside from all of the wrong turns I believe you made, you did exercise one lovely right – the right to your own opinion. When I marched with my friends and family, I marched for all people to have equal rights. Because I believe that that is important. Your daughter will encounter many situations where someone believes differently than she does. She is allowed to think differently. She is not allowed to put someone else down because they think differently. She is not allowed to require tolerance without showing any herself. And you clearly have no tolerance for those who think differently than you. If you did, your tone would be completely different. And that is incredibly sad.

    Finally, you’re right, you don’t have to fight for your right to vote, go to college or get a job. And that makes you incredibly lucky, because SOMEONE ELSE marched for you. Fought for you. And the worst way to appreciate that gift is to take that for granted. Which you are clearly doing.

      • Hmm who to believe… or a website for an organization that by its name alone is extremely biased and needs women to think there is a problem to keep their business??? Geee that’s a hard one. 🤔

      • The wage gap does exist. I have lived it. I was a manager, in charge of employees (who got hired with prior experience), making $0.25 an hour more than my male employees with no prior experience in anything (even working) and female employees in the same positions (sometimes with more experince than the male employees) made a dollar less an hour than the males. I did not hire them or decide their pay because that was for a different manager to do but I did submit payroll quite often and saw this. I ended up leaving the job for the sex discrimination as well as other reasons. And that is just one example that I have lived through. Don’t try and tell me it does exist because I have lived it.

      • “Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.”

        it’s an opinion piece, published by Forbes.

      • Hahaha Annoyed…yes, who to believe, a website like Forbes where ANYONE can post whatever they want and it LOOKS legit, or an agency who has made it their entire purpose to research these VERY issues? Your logic: I don’t know if a huge blizzard is coming? I mean, who should we believe, NOAA or “Bob’s psychic weather predictions”? After all, NOAA has to be biased because their ENTIRE job is weather!!!

      • @Annoyed
        If you look at the aauw *sources*, you’ll see they are sources from outside the organization—they utilize census and department of labour data. Whereas the forbes article has “Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.” under the byline which indicates an OpEd article. The writer doesn’t cite any sources for her argument, only sources for the data that’s counter to her argument. She’s basically saying “this isn’t a problem that I’ve seen or experienced, so I don’t think it’s a problem for anyone else.” which is a simple confirmation bias fallacy.

      • I worked in Payroll at Canon for years. Female sales reps with far more experience, expertise, and higher volume made $1,000 less a month than their less green male counterparts.

      • I worked in Payroll at Canon for years. Female sales reps with far more experience, expertise, and higher volume made $1,000 less a month than their greener male counterparts.

    • This ^^

      The wage gap exists. Domestic violence statistics show a predominance of male perpetrators; it’s a gendered issue – and don’t forget lgbtq DV. The statistic in this article is so far from international and national data. This article drips with smug righteous entitlement that has clearly not been hard won. Your battle has been fought for you by people you now look down on.

    • This “privileged” argument must end. I’m a white woman. I came from a poor family. But I worked my ass off to graduate from college at the top of my class and enter law school. Many of my fellow law school classmates were ethnic minorities and had nowhere near the grades/accolades I had, but their bar was lowered because they were ethnic minorities. I competed against these same individuals for top law firm jobs: they got most of them because of affirmative action. Law firms had to hire ethnic minorities, even if they weren’t as qualified as I. They weren’t better; the color of their skin simply elevated them. Nonetheless, I worked my tail off to prove I was better. I’m now enjoying the fruits of my labor as a lawyer and a GD amazing mother. I share my story and I’m told “I’m privileged.” I don’t want any special treatment because I’m a woman; I don’t need my bar lowered because I am a woman; that goes against the message that women are equals. I work hard and prove it. That’s why I’m rewarded equal (if not more) pay than my male counterparts. Stop marching and start working.

    • A baby, within 8 days of conception, has its own beating heart, it’s own blood that is not the same as the mothers. You’re truly an idiot, thus no further discussion is necessary.

    • An example of our need to continue fighting for women’s rights using women in science an example: in a 2008 Yale study, professors were asked to rate fictional applicants for a lab manager position. When given an application with a male name at the top, professors rated the candidate more competent and hireable than when given an otherwise identical form with a female name. This bias was found in both male and female faculty members.

      And that’s not all women in STEM fields have to contend with: A July report found that a full 64 percent of women in various scientific fields were sexually harassed while doing fieldwork.

      These disadvantages—along with a history of men getting the credit for discoveries and inventions made by women—help explain why only 9 to 16 percent of tenure-track positions in math-intensive fields at the top 100 US universities are held by women. According to the American Mathematical Society, the share of women earning Ph.D.s in math has remained stagnant for decades

    • The only people that have fought fur our freedoms and privileges are the Military men and women. The ones who have marched at the anoguration have no idea that they truly have done NOTHING to change anything for women. The ones who have marched do not understand or appreciate what rights and privileges we women have in this country compared to the rest of the world. As a woman, I make great money, I’ve grown through hard times, along with my husband. I guess you don’t understand that men have similar issues too. YOU DO NOT STAND FOR ME!!!! I actually feel bad you don’t enjoy and appreciate what you have in your life. That to me is very sad!!!

  531. I teach my girls all the same lessons. I didn’t march either, but quite honestly, I am pro life, so I was not welcome. I started to say that the only thing that is keeping women down is other women, but I don’t think that women are being kept down. I think that is a fallacy. I agree with you, Mary. My girls can do anything they want, they can be anything they want. I just hope they do it with dignity and respect and without the negativity that will be put on them, not from a patriarchal society, but from other women.

    • Hi Denise! I disagree with what you and others have posted (but honestly feel happy for you that your life has been so privileged that you do not experience any of these things). Writing only to let you know that I marched in Washington alongside many women who consider themselves “pro-life,” and they were welcomed. It was the sponsorship from a “pro-life” organization that was not allowed (just as Planned Parenthood wouldn’t be welcome as a sponsor at a march with a “pro-life” platform). Sounds like you wouldn’t have wanted to march anyway, so this might not matter to you, but I still wanted to let you know. I am adamantly pro-choice, but would happily have marched alongside you had you wanted to be a part of it for any of the other reason(s) we were there.

      • I don’t understand how being pro-life is anti woman? If I am a strong woman I will take control of my reproductive choices. There are so many options out there. Do strong women really believe that abortion is a form of birth control? Isn’t it really just an easy way out to solve an inconvenient problem?

      • It is interesting to read all of these comments and the part of being “privileged”. I am white. What is wrong with that? I have friends of all “colors”, but I don’t dwell on that. I grew up with little extras, but we didn’t know what we were missing. At times we had to wait in line at the free clinic for healthcare or dental. I was a tomboy – I could do what guys did, I was smart and could have worked for any job I CHOOSE. I earned scholarships. I went to college. I choose what I wanted to do, I didn’t let anyone else do it for me. I work for what I want. I pay my taxes. I am a Teacher. The choices we make, no matter our age, are our choices. People died so that we have that right to choose. There is an ad that has been circulating on facebook that shows a woman protesting for pro-choice and the baby saying, make your choice before you get pregnant, not after. No I did not grow up with the “black hardships”, but I am not a racist or a white privileged – I am a woman with a choice that relates to me.

    • Most definitely you were welcomed. My group of friends who marched next to me are all Pro-Life. I honestly dislike the meme that goes around of a fetus and the Syrian refugee next to each other questioning Pro-Life people as if it’s a one way or another. My friends are pro-life and that’s why they support women’s health, and refugees, and fight for inequality and care about women of color, and single parents, and the planet.. This march was one of unity and while for some of us PP and pro-choice is very important, it was definitely not the only issue nor the most important.

    • There were many people marching with Pro-life signs and they were welcomed. The march was against Trump’s policies–plenty of pro-life people are sickened by him, as they should be. Any true follower of the bible is too. He fails on the seven deadly sins alone! Let alone going against the majority of the teachings of the bible. I think if anyone who is pro-life were to really pray on it they would see him for the false profit he is–and not just be swayed by the single issue of abortion. Matthew 7:15

    • Your girls can do anything they want until a man says otherwise, I suppose. Asking that women do whatever they do with dignity and respect is asking that they do things according to what is implicitly expected of them, no matter the situation in which they find themselves. I say this as a women who always behaves with dignity and respect. I am a woman who has compromised herself, very subtly and never dramatically, for or because of men. Part of the truth is that women have been made to believe that they may be saved by men, when in fact we should all strive for and teach a culture of partnership. That includes supporting women who choose to march for women because they believe in protecting and furthering women’s rights, and in reminding this newly elected regime that women have a voice — the antithesis of what this author is promoting.

  532. *This* My parents – mother and father – raised me to be the best PERSON I could be. The most successful PERSON I could be. Never once did they burden me with the notion that I was possibly somehow less because I was born female. I never had to rail against preconceived notions due to my sex. Yes, I’ve had to deal with people (PEOPLE – male AND female) who judged me unfairly based on their own experience/notions/what-have-you – but that did not hold me back. That did not change who I was, or how I performed. It did not change my perspective. It did not affect my ambition.

    I have a career I worked hard for, and as far as I am concerned was never once hindered due to my gender. I earn just as much as my counterparts – male AND female. I never took a large block of time off while building my career, I worked long days, put in extra time when it was required. I made the decision to put off having a family until I secured my career, purchased my home, built my savings (<–this is not a male only path.) I am the breadwinner in our family, my husband works from home, takes care of our child. We share responsibility. We share equality.

    Equal treatment requires equal effort.

    • Yes! To everything you said, CC. You worked hard to get where you are. I too put off starting a family to build my career. That was my choice and I’m happy with it. My counterparts (with the same amount of education and experience) earn the same amount. In fact, I’ll add that there are many more female bosses here. But like you said, I never let my gender define me. I worked hard for what I wanted. I know many women that earn more than their husbands. Like you said, equal treatment requires equal effort <– amen to that.

    • I am so happy for you that you were able to have a prosperous and happy life. While you had these options, many women have not. You point of “Equal treatment requires equal effort” is true, but the issue is that often times in women’s lives their equal treatment is *not* met with equal reward. Both genders have enormous challenges to face, but women’s rights, opportunities, and education are the number one indicators of prosperity in a nation. Protecting the rights we have fought for is extremely important.

      This article is from the world economic forum, which is self-described as “The World Economic Forum publishes a comprehensive series of reports which examine in detail the broad range of global issues it seeks to address with stakeholders as part of its mission of improving the state of the world. Besides reports on its key events and standalone publications such as the Global Competitiveness Report, the Global Risks Report and the Global Gender Gap Report, the Forum produces landmark titles covering the environment, education, individual industries and technologies.”

      It highlights the gender gap among countries in the world. The US is ranked 45th. Under countries such as Rwanda, Mozambique and Estonia. The U.S. prides itself on being the land of the free which defends the unalienable rights of it’s citizens, so advocating for equality is an inherently American endeavor. There are women in your country who are worried for their personal rights and their position in society, and there are documented reasons for these concerns.

      Instead of blaming woman for not putting in an effort, recognize that women’s rights are an issue in society and advocate for a level playing field.

    • Bravo. I wish more women understood that concept. Actually, there are many men who don’t get it either. Most of the snowflake generation are clueless.

    • Just because YOU haven’t experience unfair treatment, doesn’t mean you should ignore the millions of women saying they have. You are very lucky that you have been treated kindly and fairly. Maybe it would benefit America if people stood up for other people who’s experiences are fair and just.

  533. Where did you come up with your statistics regarding domestic and sexual abuse??? They appear to be quite off. Go to

    Do you plan on giving this to your daughter when she’s still young? I’m not sure that ‘baby bird’ is going to understand all of this.
    Lastly, why do you want to show your daughter what a judgemental woman looks like and says?
    I’m not putting down your parenting but it seems like you’re making a lot of judgements.

    • I don’t believe the author was being judgemental at all. She is writing about her own opinion and beliefs……those who participated in the march voiced their opinions and beliefs and now a women who has a different (or even opposite) opinion and writes about it is labeled judgemental? What happened to the freedom to express your own self…..I guess its considered ok only if the thoughts and opinions agree with the marchers. Hypocrites!

  534. Thank you, that is so well written and every word is true, and you found a way to say what was and is necessary without demeaning anyone who does not agree with you.

  535. Please remember the Golden Rule posters! Those who disagree with her should not feel free range to say horrible things. Does that behavior make you feel good about yourself? Mary sounds like a wonderful, caring mother and person who is standing up for the facts that she knows and beliefs she supports. If you think her facts are misguided (as I do) present other ideas respectfully. Remember your humanity, please.

  536. I am so happy for you. You live in such a perfect and wonderful world! Can you send me the address, please? If not tell me what I have to do to enter in this parallel reality for privileged people where you dont care about others anymore?

    • My dad was a liberal Democrat. He had the biggest chip on his shoulder, too, always thinking that others had a perfect life. He was always so jealous and angry that he never realized he had a wonderful wife who loved him despite of his faults, he raised smart and healthy children who loved him despite of his faults and he lived a truly wonderful life despite thinking others had it better. Just sayin’…

  537. You are a smart woman! Not to wear a pussy on your face in disgrace. ….. Not to fight for the right to KILL your own child (WHICH IS NOT PART OF ANY WOMANS BODY). Etc… And as a man I will stand with women that quietly use our system to make changes that are best for them as women ARE different than men. But women that vote for Hillary because she’s a woman and ignore the fact the she fought to keep child predators free and in our society is totally hard to comprehend. And the riots (not protests) show Americans the type of people that are bringing this country down and are Hillary supporters. I believe in equality in America. I believe these rioters need an education in how all previous laws were changed, and it wasn’t through rioting! , it has always done great things to protest in masses, peacefully. …. NOT WITH RIOTS!! Thanks for being a great parent with common sense, smart,educated,informed,rational, woman in society. Maybe one day you should run for president, you already qualify more than Hillary Clinton could ever be qualified. Thanks so much for this wonderfully awesome message. We need more woman with common sense, informed, and the true belief that America is still Great where you Can accomplish anything….. Like You!

    • I hope you don’t ejaculate when not trying to procreate because that is NOT PART OF YOR BODY and you DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO KILL THOSE LITTLE SPERMIES THAT HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BECOME A HUMAN BEING.

      Crawl back under the rock you came from, you oppressive male.

      • My, my … what a bitter one you are. Oppressive male??? LMAO. Unbelievable and totally classless. In addition to charm school, I’d recommend you sign up for a biology class. You seem pretty confused on human reproduction.

      • Eggs are the female equivalent to shown, not a baby. You should take a biology class. A baby is a separate being with its own heart, blood, brain, etc, separate from that of its mother. Remove your ovaries (that’s where your eggs are) no one cares. A baby is a person.

      • Some of these protesting women like to think of themselves as strong, independent women, then rush to the government to protect them. Are women incapable of demanding the same wages if they are indeed as qualified? Why should a woman expect the same pay if she chooses to stay at home with her child for a few years or decides that part time is a better option for her so that she can raise her children. People have lost a grip on reality. We are not victims.

      • It’s February already. While I loved her, why are non- HIllary voters still riled up about Hillary?

      • Katy. Yeah… because a sperm that hasn’t joined with an egg is the same as a sperm that has joined with an egg creating a baby. Really?

        Technically yes he should have the right to “KILL THOSE LITTLE SPERMIES ” because the DNA in those are 100% his DNA. Not so with a fertilized egg (baby!) that has its own DNA separate from the mother or father.

        Have a great day in your world where a sperm is equal to a fertilized egg! 😁

    • Lol I HAD AN ABORTION! Me! Right here! Fucking proud of it. I would be living with my parents while they helped raise it and the father refused to assist. I would NEVER change my mind. That kid would have had an absolutely HORRIBLE life. I am more than happy to have made that decision .

    • Drivel. Some people love the sound their own voices. If she doesn’t feel the need to march, why is it taking up so much real estate in her head. If the march is not important, her daughter won’t even know it ever happened. Why this justification? Again loves the sound of her own voice.

    • I got laid off on Wednesday during the middle of my shift two weeks before my rent was due was only making enough to cover rent bills gas and $50 a week in groceries I didn’t get a severence because I worked there less than 90 days It was two weeks before I would start receiving benefits like healthcare , $3000 a year tuition reimbursement…..lies lies lies apparently, I work hard , I was over 100% production and in the top 2% production for my area every day I worked, I was laid off due to lack of work and since I was two weeks from my 90 day period I was at the top of he lay off list, over 200 people were laid off in my department, I contacted the local food bank because I knew with my last pay I would be short on rent and have no money for food I was sent a location that I could pick up food next Saturday so I guess you’re right my kids would probably only be hungry a few days because they eat at school. It’s only two weekends so it’s not really hungry.

  538. Anyone following the links that are “supporting” her comments? They are either articles written by MEN or EDITORIALS – which means OPINIONS!!!!!!

    • Why if it’s written by a man is it less creditable? I am prochoice all the way and I do believe there is a wage gap for people who work same job with same credentials with the same effort put into it. But isn’t saying an article written by a man isn’t creditable sexist? I thoughts we were trying to eraticate sexism? Not reverse it so that woman can be the biggots and sexists

  539. You won’t march, but you’ll stand on the shoulders of the women who marched before you to give you the right to vote, own land and work outside the home.
    What a privileged life you lead, never experiencing harassment walking down the street, never being picked over a man for a job, never being told how to dress so as to not upset the boys in your school and distract them with your shoulders.
    It’s too bad that you won’t consider that there are women who are not as privileged as you are.
    While some of us have had it good, there is still even more who are not getting equal treatment.

  540. Your ignorance proves that our march was completely necessary. Congrats. And, since you weren’t there, I’m happy to let you know that your gross generalizations of the march were inaccurate. It was an atmosphere of peace and unity.

  541. You are indeed free to post your story and teach your daughter what you wish. She may even grow up to believe the same thing you do. Or perhaps she will experience a different reality that she will not have the tools to deal with. But it is my experience that you are wearing blinders and you are not living in the reality millions of other women live in. If you believe that women want to make the same as men for doing different jobs than the men are, you are delusional. What women want is to get paid the same as a man for doing the same job. Still does not always happen and I have experienced this myself. We did the same job, brought the same experience to the table and yet we were told when we found this out that they were giving him more because he “had a family to support”. Like our households and families didn’t matter.

    Catcalls as you walk down the street are not the only thing women experience as sexual harassment, even if though that can certainly be an annoyance. Men- like trashy trump that some people voted to put into the highest office in the land)- clearly stated he assaults women whenever he wants. He talked about how he would walk into the Miss Teen USA pageant dressing room even though there would be teen girls in there in various stages of undress and he could get away with it “because he owned the pageant”. How disgusting. Bad enough he did the same thing to the older girls and women in the other pageant, but when it is teens? Did you vote for him? Want to leave your daughter alone with him? Think it’s appropriate that he said of his own daughter “if she wasn’t my daughter, I’d be dating her”? Think it s OK that he allowed another man to call his oldest daughter “a hot piece of ass” on the radio and had no objections to it while he sat there on the radio with him? If not, you should be supporting the women who marched because they were protesting him and his policies too. They were saying no to a misogynistic, narcissistic, egomaniac who by all appearances is suffering from mental illness and he has plans to dismantle much of what matters most to women as well as the fact that he is unqualified, undignified, and just all around a terrible trashy excuse for a man.

    Oh yes, while you are at it, I hope you teach your daughter about the women who marched, bled and even died so that YOU were able to sit home and feel smug and untouched by what is happening in these United States. And for her sake- not yours- I hope she isn’t touched by the violence, discrimination and misogyny that has touched too many women that I know- including me and others in my own family. Because it is my own personal opinion that her mother is not necessarily the brightest bulb in the lamp.

      • I fear nothing will help her and all in all- I think I was pretty tame in what I wrote. I looked to see the background she states on here, being on the Blaze network- started by the king of hateful Glenn Beck- doesn’t put her very high up my list and I certainly believe she is delusional. She was denigrating women and the men who joined them in a very snarky manner and ignoring all the bad things that trashy wants to do and has done. So no- I don’t think she is very smart and she wants to raise a child that way. We have far too many children running around that don’t know a damn thing already- don’t need more.

        So which part do you think is hateful? And where is your responses to those who actually called her much worse than I did?

      • I don’t think that comment was hateful, I think it was a constrained reply to an extremely sexist and insulting blog post.

      • Please clarify what was ‘hateful’ about hr response? I just can’t find anything that isn’t thoughtful and well-reasoned.

    • At least you told some truth here, the MARCH, wasn’t about nothing but bashing Trump and the right to kill , women walking around dressed like vaginas, and we are going to take them seriously? Really???
      What rights have women lost? I don’t know of any.

    • You and others like you are victims of your own mentality. The author is 100% correct. I and millions of other women are living proof of that. What are you willing to sacrifice to get where men get in life? Make the same sacrifices, you will have the same rewards. It’s as black-and-white as that.

    • Darcy, you clearly didn’t read my piece. That’s the second hyperlink in the piece. So if you manage to actually READ and absorb all of the elements of the piece… then we could talk.

      • Mary Ramirez, this comment is hilarious since you so obviously did not absorb all of the elements of the March, yet wrote this piece anyway.

        It’s actually a really good piece, other than not understanding what you were responding to, & therefore not really making sense.

  542. I wish that someone had taught Donald Trump that vulgarity doesn’t make you strong. Also the whole thing about wage discrimination is completely counter my experience. I had a job where I was hired and then a much younger man with less experience was hired and paid 5 more an hour. I had a job where I was hired and then accidentally saw a male coworker’s paycheck and found it was 1000 more a check. I had a job where the previous employee ( male) left his paystubs in drawer. He had way less experience and education and he was making 7 more an hour.

    Also some women were protesting the fact that a person was elected who has made grotesque remarks about women, even his own daughter.

    • Maybe mind your own business and stop “accidentally” seeing how much others make. You don’t know every detail of that persons life, and if it is a real issue, REPORT IT! dont just sit around and whine about it.

    • SOME, of you women keep bringing up what he said 10yrs ago in a locker room.. Most every man has said the same thing and even women have said the same thing about men. But here is a Fact.. Trump has More women in high Office ranking jobs than those like FORD and CHRYSLER comebind.. he also has more women in the WHITEHOUSE than most PRESIDENTs.. I raised my daughter as a single DAD, walk over 12 miles one way to get to work until I can save enough to get a car.. I know alot of women who wouldn’t even walk to the curb to get a job, like I said before. You women have more rights than any other country… Pull this stunt in other country and you would be beheading or burned to death.. why don’t you fight for their rights, Why do you think that those WOMEN (who NONE of you will EVER go thru what they go thru in your life time) want to come to this GREAT NATION USA and live.. BECAUSE Women have THE RIGHTS to do what they WANT and become anything you want to be.. ENOUGH SAID…

      • Your point about “Most every man who has said the same thing”, is exactly the issue. By having a leader who has made such vulgar comments about assaulting women it is showing people that this kind of behavior is acceptable. It is not acceptable to force yourself on a person who has not consented. It isn’t okay to assault a person, why would it be okay grope them?

        Your point about Trump having more woman in office than past Presidents is extremely encouraging, but not necessarily because Trump is such a fan of women. It shows that because of the rights women have fought for they are actually receiving opportunities that were not available to them in the past. The fact that qualified women are in the white house is a result of their efforts to be there, not the men who have allowed them to be there.

        Being a single dad is tough, being a single mom is tough, being a single parent is tough. I commend your dedication to supporting your child, However, your statement about women who “wouldn’t even walk to the curb to get a job” is completely anecdotal. Women are people, some people are lazy and some people would work just as hard as you do to support their children. I am sure you know lazy women, but I am also equally sure you know some lazy men. Assigning traits based on gender is sexism.

        The reason women flee from persecution to the United States is because it is a better situation for them. This is undeniably true, but that does not mean that we stop fighting for women’s rights when women stop being stoned on the street. The United States has many opportunities, but women STILL face discriminations that their male counterparts do not.

      • I really don’t understand the argument that because other women in the world are treated worse than me, I shouldn’t ask to be treated better. Its like saying I shouldn’t complain about getting slapped once a month because other people get punched every week.

      • But most men aren’t in one of the most powerful positions in the world.

        He does not have more women in the White House.

        I know a lot of men would not walk to the curb for a job.

        Plenty of other countries (mostly Europe and Scandinavia) have greater rights for women.

        Please do your research in the future.

    • There are already laws requiring equal pay for equal work. Why didn’t you file a lawsuit? The law was on your side. Instead, you chose to whine here about how unfair life is. Wahhh, poor you.

    • Maybe these guys were better negotiators then you when it came to salary. All salaries can be negotiated. I have negotiated many salaries which earned much more than my counterparts. Part of that is the experience i brought to the company. You have to feel strong and confident about your abilities and be able to convey what benefits you can bring to a company in order to negotiate a salary.

      All I see in your response is hate and a lack of self-confidence.

    • if he left his pay stub in the drawer then you must have been going trough his desk drawers, That’s something to be proud of, The only thing I don’t understand reading these comments is she lived a privileged life, How do any of you know that? how do you know what she went through in life, Your making a lot of assumptions about someone you don’t know, Where is her freedom of speech, It only applies to those who agree with you,

  543. Your one sided view on woman’s issues shows your privlage. Just because you personally have never been effected by sexism doesn’t mean it’s a non issue or that your daughter won’t be a victim one day. Many woman in this country work EVERY day To Be Seen As A Person And Not A Sexual Object. Your article and your one sided view on a woman’s right to choose, while attempting to give hope to your child’s future, is disrespectful to these woman and any woman who has fought for change.

      • Mary,
        Trying to follow the logic there, and missing it. As a previous poster pointed out already: Privilege is when you don’t think there is something wrong because it doesn’t affect you.
        I’m thankful that you have never experienced it, but assuming that you won’t in the future or your daughter won’t is a bit naive isn’t it?
        I sense some gross generalizations and overdependence on opinions rather than facts.

      • So because YOU’VE not been assaulted you don’t have to give a shot about the people who have been? You’re an asshole of the highest magnitude.

      • That’s the point, just because some people have food doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help starving people. The same thing applies to sexism. It is not fair for people to be discriminated against due to being a certain gender. And if we allow other people to be discriminated against, how can we expect people to stand up for our own individual liberties if they are threatened?

      • This sounds like you think some women experience sexism. How can it be a lie if you think someone has experience it? Or what is sexism to you if not the things above that you say are all lies? I am asking sincerely.

    • Sophia,
      Your inability to spell and use the correct words is a reflection of our new society. “Privlage” is not a word. “Effected” is not the correct word in the way you are using it. It is “Affected”. Not EVERY woman gets treated as a sex object but for some reason it seems to center around those that show a lot of cleavage in the workplace. How is that even tolerated? That is bullying in the workplace, but women seem to think they have the right to wear that and damn to hell what everyone else thinks. Women expect management to take us seriously? I don’t see men dressing in a provocative way in the workplace, therefore they get more respect.

    • True, but sales tax doesn’t exist on necessary items such as food and medicine….. Are menstrual products considered unnecessary then? The tax does bring in a lot of state revenue but if it didn’t exist on these products consumers would save $10m a year nation wide (according to BBC).

      • May I recommend the Diva cup? While it’s not right for everybody, it’s a sanitary menstrual product that you’ll only get taxed on once.

      • Those taxes are different state to state. In Texas groceries aren’t taxed here in TN where I live they ARE taxed. Just like tampons or pads.

      • Sweetie tax exists on food medicine gas and most everything else in most states in America .. only a few states have limited taxes … North Carolina has a sales tax on everything including meds food gas … don’t spout facts you clearly know nothing about…BBC is not where to get your facts

      • Sales tax is a state and local tax. Petition you local legislature to exempt feminine hygiene products. Not something that can be done nationally. Also keep in mind that some states (GA is one of them) even tax food.

  544. This has to be one of the most poorly reasoned blogs I’ve ever read. Well done! The fact that you cite such credible sources as “The Blaze” really says it all. In fact, I see you work for “The Blaze;” self-citation is generally frowned upon, but fortunately, none of your key points are even remotely based in empirical evidence. I fear for your daughter’s future. Maybe “mommy” should stop infantilizing herself in a blog allegedly written for other adults if she wants her daughter to believe she has even a shred of self-respect.

    • This is her blog that you spied upon and deemed to make opinions. These are her words and her experience only, it is none of your business.

      Remind yourself that we each have our opinions and she wasn’t spouting them off on your blog or FB or whatever. This is HER space.

  545. So, how exactly is it a lie that viagra, rogaine, and men’s razors being tax-free is due to sexism. If it’s not sexism, then why are they tax-free? What possible argument could someone make to normalize Viagra as tax free?

    • Last time I checked you buy men’s and women’s razors in the same place… quite possibly (actually definitely) BOTH are taxed in some states and not others, but that’s the point she’s making. I’ve never seen a men’s razor that wasn’t taxed the same, unless you’re talking about a straight blade, or clippers, which is a totally different category, mostly purchased by professionals (who are more often than not… WOMEN) and can also be used by a women if she chooses.

      Also just one example of many… a women who holds a barbering license today traditionally makes… wait for it… MORE money than a male barber.

      • Women’s razors of the same brand cost more than men’s. I actually use men’s razors because they are exactly the same yet cheaper. Women’s shaving cream costs more, so I use men’s even though I can’t stand the smell, it’s cheaper so I use it. Women’s body wash costs more than men’s. Even men’s clothes cost more than womens. I can go to the store and buy a men’s t-shirt for $5 and go to the woman’s section for the same exact brand t-shirt and pay $10. Almost everything that you can buy is cheaper if it is made for a man.

      • Why do women who are hair stylists make more than men? Do women get their hair cut more often? Pay more for hair cuts? If so, why do women get their hair cut more often and pay more for it?

      • Not hair stylist, specifically barbers. A barbering license takes more to obtain in most states. It’s because of the use of a straight balde. They make more because men tip better. Doesn’t matter what the reason is, just a statistic

    • Viagra is tax free because it is a prescription medication. Rogain is only tax free in the States where there is no tax. Tampons & other feminine products are also tax free in those states. To test this theory, I actually bought rogain at a target in Arizona where there is tax, and yes I paid the tax on it.

    • Viagra is a medication…. It is a bloodpressure medication to be exact. That’s why it’s not taxed just like Motrin for cramps at a prescription level isn’t taxed and razors and rogain is taxed

    • I wanna know where you are buying those things tax free? We are taxed in TN for ALL of those things. Whether it is milk and butter or men’s razors or tampons.

  546. Dear Daughter,

    I watch conservative YouTube videos so I don’t need to think for myself. Please enjoy a world without healthcare. Your Wallmart-installed tracking device and combination Fitbit will tell you when you need more Xanax.

    Love Mommy,

    PS: Cervical cancer? Pffftt sounds made up to me.

  547. I disagree with the entire premise of this piece, but my favorite part is where she states maternity leave is expensive, and it’s your responsibility to deal with it (by basically quitting your job, or getting such a good job that you can afford it, which is clearly out of reach for many people)…and then at the same time says that women have equal opportunities to have a career as men. It blows my mind that she can state these two things at the same time without any irony, and then talk about equality.

    • Do you know how EASY it is to get a job for Amazon?? They have one of the best maternity leave policies in this country, and all you need is a high school diploma or GED, theres the same backround check as most retail companies have and you have to pass a mouth swab. You walk into a hiring event with your information and the give you a tentative orientation date… sometimes the initial orientation is done right there. Even easier than it was four years ago. Not many peoples first choice for a career but you certainly can make one out of it. Yet tell me again how far out of reach it is??

    • It means that you can plan for it. Or find out your company’s policy first. Some women hold off starting a family to focus on their career. And some company’s don’t offer paternity leave for the father. So they do have equal opportunity.

    • Exactly. Something like suck it up, women. And let me be clear, I’m ok with people sucking it up if they have to–I have many times in my life. But how is it that we, as an intelligent society, can’t some up with a better system that recognizes circumstances in a humane way and provides for them fairly, to maximize everyone’s abilities and opportunities to contribute to society? Are we smart or aren’t we? Can we do this or can’t we?

    • I love that people don’t even care that we’re the only developed nation that DOESN’T have paid maternity leave. Or that a commission of women from around the world studied the U.S’s quality of life for women and found it horribly lacking as compared to most of the rest of the world.

  548. I agree with many of the points you made here.
    It was my interpretation that the primary reason driving the women’s march was in opposition of President Trump. Much of what I have seen in interviews has reinforced this, though not all.

    Question, will you talk to your daughter about Donald Trump in regards to women? Grabbing them by the…., not having time for political correctness (in regards to name calling women), repeatedly saying/suggesting that looks are the more important factor in a woman’s success.
    Do you find it important to discuss how a man who says things like this about women can become president of our country?

    • Where where you when Bill Clinton lied under oath about having sex’. It seems it only matters when you don’t get who you voted for

  549. Wow…what a wonderful bubble you live in… I hope your daughter breaks through, wise enough to see that her mother has bought into first class BS.

  550. “I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.” –The 45th President Of The Country In Which Your Daughter Was Born

    • Well said. This article makes me so incredibly sad 😦 I can’t believe there are actually people out there who believe this…and who are passing it on to their daughters.

    • What do you think about Bill Clinton molesting all those women? Did you have any comments on that? The hypocrisy of liberals is astounding. But you continue to bring up comments made by Donald Trump as if he’s the only man to ever utter the word pussy. News Flash!! The majority of men talk that way when they’re alone with other men. Silly and immature, yes. But nothing like the big deal being made if it.

  551. How misinformed this woman is! She is doing what is comfortable rt now for her. Wrong about her info on wages, women’s rights etc. 51% of white women voted for Trump! How sad n distressing. Get over ur father figure issues. Trump doesn’t care about anything except his need for power n control n money. Terrible misinformation!

  552. Wow! You certainly are privileged. Try having a shred of empathy for other women and maybe you’ll see how utterly wrong you are. Also, reading real news is usually a good place to start. I’m truly dumbfounded that you don’t seem to have an ounce of self respect, let alone respect for other women. Pop that bubble you’re living in and step into the real world. It’s not as nice as you think.

    • Really? See, I look at it this way, I have stage 4 ovarian cancer. I know I will die from this. But… I embrace each day. I look at each day as a gift and enjoy this beautiful world with the wonder of a child. I don’t believe the world is as awful as you say. I believe life is what YOU make of it. This world is what YOU make it. Stop being such a negative nelly and realize that this is not what many are portraying this to be. I am not in any way priveledged. I have worked my ass off to be where I am. I have the love of family. I am still alive. I enjoy being able to know that I can make my own choices. I can be a positive influence. I don’t have to be afraid that my life will be cut short if I say the wrong thing, think the wrong thing or believe the wrong thing. I know that I can hold my head up as a woman and not be afraid of being killed. I know that I will die from my cancer but the time I have been given is a gift and I am blessed to be here in the USA while I live. I have been been a single mom, homeless, married, divorced, angry, happy and I choose my choices on how I live, Love and enjoy each and every day. I will pray each of you find the same peace I finally found through CANCER

      • A Woman With a Heart I don’t think that poster was calling YOU privileged, but was speaking to the author of the article. And it’s fantastic that you’ve found such peace with your diagnosis.

      • I love you. And your post conveys true love to us all. I completely agree that happiness is a choice. Life is such a challenge, but this life is only temporary. I will not waste my precious time here fighting and arguing and being scared and being “of such little faith.” We all need to realize that in the end, we are not all going to agree with one another, but for goodness sake, can we all just respect one another? Each and every one of us is a beautiful part of a whole. Words can sting, but they can also elevate. And NO. I am no pollyanna. I have had immeasurable loss in my life. I just won’t let it bring me down. By trade, I am a nurse practitioner. Through my career, I intimately have seen people at their best, and there are some days that I can’t fathom how he/she thinks its okay to open their mouth and say whatever they want because its our right to free speech. What?? Its not okay to be unkind. But I have to hold my tongue, or I would be out of a job. So we can chose our words with patience and put our egos aside. Now see me out on the road, and that’s a completely different story, lol.

    • Nice name – At least if you are going to make a reply that you want others to believe, use your own name. It is like the protesters hiding behind masks and causing violence. So sad.

  553. LOVE that she never once directly badmouths anyone who did march, yet every other comment is directly putting her down, saying she’s “privileged” and calling it trash. Maybe you should actually read the whole thing, and think about it. I feel like too many people are just looking for excuses, time to grow up and take some responsibility for your choices. I’m not where I wanted to be in my life by now, and there are a lot of things that have gotten in my way but why did those things get in my way?… Because I made a choice to put myself in that situation. Not because I’m a women, not because some one else was more “privileged” than me, and not even because of a pathological lier that I chose to believe over and over again. I am a citizen of this country and was given the same opportunities as every other citizen, I chose what I wanted to do, I used help when I needed it, and sometimes didn’t when I could have, and I am responsible for ALL of it.

    Not saying that you choose everything that happens to you but the bottom line is you can choose to rise above it and overcome, or don’t. It’s not always easy, I’ve been manipulated and lied to, I didn’t choose the things he said and he was not the same person I knew when I met him but at some point it clicked and I realized what was happening, that’s when I had the choice and for once I made the right one.

    If you choose not to rise above your hardships, if you deny the help that is offered in any situation, don’t put others down for doing it.

    • You make the gross assumption that we all have people who will offer help.

      Privilege is when you don’t think there is something wrong because it doesn’t affect you.

    • You may not be exactly where you want to be in life right now… but, if you keep hanging on to the truth and taking the responsibility for changing your situation, you WILL get there.

      Peace and Love. 🙂

  554. You put it so well! We live in America where as women we have the right to vote, get a job, stay home, go to school, and become what we want to be. There is no wage gap for people doing the EXACT same job, statistically more men are CEOs or own companies than women and because of that when numbers are crunched they make more than women because they are in higher positions, but women can be CEPS too. There is no special tax for tampons, just sales tax like for everything else. We have the same rights as men and why should I have to fight for rights that I already have? Or rights that someone in the past has already fought for and won for me? Yes, sexism does exist, but I still have ALL my rights no matter what some men might believe or say about me. I am free to say what I want, go to school where I want, become what I want, and go where I want to go, and I don’t see any of my Constitutional rights being taken away from me.

    • “CONDOMS AND OTHER FORMS OF CONTRACEPTION: WHY THEY ARE EVIL” her next blog post. Lol I hope my kids don’t practice safe sex and get pregnant. Maybe they’ll get an STD.. That would be cool… ESPECIALLY BECAUSE IT WILL BE HARD AF TO HAVE AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE. But it will be good because my kids will CHOOSE to go into tons of college debt to be the CEO of Netflix and have some good benefits. Needless to say, this post has me fucked up.

      • That’s called a straw man. The blog-author explained exactly what she meant by Sanger being a bad woman, and there was nothing about “practicing safe sex.”

        Sanger taught women it’s okay to kill their children and that the races aren’t equal. (She was a eugenicist who said she wanted to “exterminate the Negro population.”) But, yeah, let’s pretend like the blog-author is the one saying outrageous things. 🙂

    • This is a direct quote from your hero Margaret Sanger.

      Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

      “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

  555. I have read kbozeck’s reply on other women’s opinions, and it’s oozing with anger and hate.
    If she wants to discredit all the information presented by this author to further her cause,then she should present an equally eloquent and professional blog as to why women of this country should’ve marched.
    To the author,Thanks so much for writing this article, it clearly provided some facts and reasons why majority of U.S. women didn’t March in Protest …

    • I’ve unliked her page today. It’s nothing more than a liberal’s bitching place now. Blair has turned into a liberal loon completely obsessed with how Trump is going to ruin Murica and all following her page are now just her sheep. I think she’s lost a lot of followers.

    • All these haters are poor and they are pissed about it. Understandable, but these haters are poor because they chose to do something besides things like work, get an education, do everything it takes to get ahead. These haters are poor maybe because their parents were the same way and didn’t work hard and passed down that lovely quality to their lazy children. Stop marching and go work!

  556. Thank you for this – you are currently being hung, drawn and quartered by feminazis and loony liberals all over the internet, but I found you on STFU Parents where you are being called all the names under the sun. I unfollowed the page today after years of laughs. The owner of the page, and all her little sheep are now just a bunch of whiny little lefties who rip apart anyone who may have another opinion.

    You do you, ignore the rubbish from the hypocrites who are supposed to love and be all for other women – yet tear them apart when a woman thinks differently to them – and raise your daughter not to be a whinging snowflake. Good for you!!!

  557. First, the women who marched are not mad. They are angry. Animals go mad . People get angry. Her daughter is young and by the time she grows in to a woman and takes her place in whatever career she wants, perhaps her mother’s words will be the truth. Right now, mommy needs to open her eyes and rethink .

  558. I am sending this to you on your blog as I felt compelled to respond to your comments on the women’s March. Honey you are very ill informed . As a 65 year old Christian women who has seen much in her life, women marched for a variety of reasons. We are as diverse of a group as you can imagine. Do we all agree on all the issues, probably not. What we share is a deep concern for the direction our wonderful country is going and we as women wanted to stand up in sisterhood and let the world know we are concerned.It was a wonderful positive experience one in which I posted pictures of my family, grandchildren,children ,nephew,son in lay and daughters. What we believe is not lies . . Just as what you believe is not lies, rather a combination of life experiences that lead us to believe as we do. Putting down women is not in the spirit of Christ. Seek first to understand.

    I would like to share a few of my beliefs that led me to March so that you can try to understand why someone might March. Wage discrimination is real, example : my beautiful daughter who is an IT director took over the same supervisory job same experiences and made less money. There are many examples of this ,it is real in my world.

    Sexual harassment exists for women,because we marched for it is not a lie, because we marched for this doesn’t mean we do not care about the boys who are exploited as well. Our world view is bigger than that.

    You stated that many women took time out to raise their children, well honey I can tell you that is a lovely thought, but many women could not afford to do so. And guess what , I see lots of dads at home pushing strollers during the day as a choice for child rearing. Love it .

    Your remark about nonreciprocal partner of violence is 71 percent instigated by women is also not accurate. Try sitting in a group with women why have been abused and you may develope insight into the real problem and perhaps some emphaty. Women have been abused it is not a lie, it is a problem just as abuse of young boys is a problem. However sexual harassment is much more common in the workplace than you may know. Women are tired of locker room talk as being okay.

    When we talk and about not being respected for our smarts we mean that in our culture looks and what our bodies look like are valued far more than what is in our heads. As you age you will begin to understand this more. I can tell you it exists and many women have experienced this.

    I could go on but I believe you get my point women marched for many other things which you may or may not support, global warming and equity for all regardless of skin color,religion or sexual preference.

    You see we women are marching for so much more than what your blog suggested. In the spirit of sisterly love please spend some time talking to some of us and you will find we are not so different.than you. We have things we can agree on and things we cannot and it is best to agree to disagree. Blessing on your family from an old social worker who has seen much.

  559. Very well said. I have two beautiful daughters and a son. I plan to uphold morals and values as well. Thank you for this lovely letter!!!

  560. Very well-written article. More women need to embrace the beauty of being a woman instead of walking around (or marching around) with a huge chip on their shoulder. Ignore all the nasty, angry comments from the miserable haters.

  561. If you believe this is true you live a sheltered & privileged life. Next you are going to say racism is no longer a issue, the environment is not a issue, our government is not a issue. Look I wish all of this was true. And it is definitely easier to believe that. But You are living in a fairy tail land. And if you want your daughters to have a future you will wake up open your eyes and see what is really happening.

  562. The only reason you get to write this post is because you stand on the backs of women that went before you. Women who did fight. Women who did March for your rights, rights you clearly take for granted everyday. I am sure those women, the ones you’ll even teach your daughter about, would be horribly disappointed in the woman of privilege you’ve become and the loss of insight or appreciation you have for those that came before you. I know I am.

  563. Sweetheart,
    You are as ignorant as they come! God Bless you! But don’t invalidate someone else’s experience because you’re too narcissistic to have compassion for another. There are no absolutes. Good luck to you though!

  564. I did not march for me, my mother, my sister or my future daughter either. Yes some (less or more) of the women out there are blaming it all on the men “Men are bad, men suppress us, men harass us”, which I absolutely disagree with. I believe that men and women are equals, but I also believe that they are different. But the women who went on the streets, fighting for their rights, they’re not telling lies, “bad lies”. Why shouldn’t a woman be ABLE to CHOOSE if she wants or not to have a baby? Not just the woman the man by her side as well? You call that “killing a baby”? And giving birth to a child, that you are unable to provide for, to nurture, to give warmth, love, time, food, clothes to .. is this giving a life? Is this a life? It is a tough choice, I’ve often wondered what I’d do if I ever found myself in that situation and I haven’t yet found an answer. But I want, if one day I do find muself in this situation, to be able to have a choice.
    And to the people who fight for women’s rights and at the same time call someone privileged and uncultured just because of their skin color (white or black or .. purple??)? How are you any better than anybody who ever harassed anybody because of their gender or color or age ..?

  565. Well, everybody is allowed to raise their child they way they see fit.

    I, for one, teach my children that women are equals to men, and if a man is trying to tell you that you only exist as a checklist to being a grownup, then he is a POS.

    and I also teach my son that women should not only be respected, but listened to. And when she say she doesn’t want to do something, well stop trying to convince her… or pass fkuking federal laws to make her.

  566. Wow. Such hateful and attacking remarks here. It’s Mary’s right to state her opinion. Just because you don’t agree with her stance does not give anyone the right to reply with such rude, hateful, sarcastic, etc. words. I completely support women’s rights. I believe that women could run the world. There is no greater strength in this world, than that of a woman’s.

    I don’t agree with everything written in Mary’s post, but I REFUSE to respond to her post with negativity as others did. Again, she is just as entitled to her opinions as everyone else here is. It seems that has been forgotten by many. I think maybe if people would actually stop and think (before they get behind their keyboards and just start persecuting someone with words because you don’t agree with their opinions), of how to objectfully and respectfully disagree with someone, that just maybe, things wouldn’t spiral into a nasty war of words.

    When respect is given, it is 100 times more likely to be reciprocated.

  567. What difference does it make if a woman is born into privilege or not? We all deserve respect, to be treated decently and earn enough money to keep our families going without having to rely on others for help. But since I don’t work (and before any of you pass any judgements on my husband and myself), we are both disabled. We both have mild traumatic brain injuries and I have diplegic ataxic cerebral palsy. Why should we have to march to get the same rights as our male counterparts? It’s wrong when we have to march to get the same rights men have. We shouldn’t have to march or protest to be heard. Oh, but I forgot. We’re not supposed to say anything. I was raised to not say anything when mistreated. Well, it’s time we rise up and say we are better than that. We need to start treating each other with dignity and respect.

  568. Women are oppressed around the world! If your only concerned about the freedoms women in this country. Your an asshole! Get it right! Lots of woman and girls around the world need us to march for them!!!! Your clearly an entitled white woman!

  569. You are haters because you are lazy and pissed now that you don’t have all of these privledges. You didn’t study hard in high school so you could get into college, and you didn’t go to college so you didn’t get a good start a real career, and now that you don’t have a real career you don’t make much money. So you haters find yourself poor and still lazy. So lazy you refuse to do anything about it like go to college, get a good job and then work your butt off to get ahead. Nope, you haters are poor because you are lazy and now feel entitled or owed because you are poor. But we already discussed why your poor. Go to work and stop protesting during the work day. And maybe if you do work your butt off you will get ahead and your children won’t wind up as worthless as you and the lazy parents that raised you.

  570. It was your right not to march but why does everything that women were marching for have to be characterized as “no good very bad lies”? Seriously? YES! It’s all a giant conspiracy simply because you personally are threatened by the idea that your America is somehow flawed. My god, grow up and stop being such a ridiculous stereotype. Why does being pro-life have to be synonymous with being a doormat for the patriarchy and an enemy to other women?

  571. I’ll tell you how I raised my daughter. I raised her that what she grows up to be is up to nobody but her. If she doesn’t want to work at a low paying menial job her whole life, then it is up to here to work for better. I taught her that nothing is owed to her by anybody, and that if she wants it, she has to work for it.
    I raised her to know that the only opinion of her that matters is her own, and if others don’t like it, that is their problem, not hers.
    I taught her to treat ALL people with respect, even those that she disagrees with, because nobody will show you respect if you don’t show it in return.
    I raised her to know that we all make choices in our lives, some of them good, and some of them bad, and that those choices are OURS alone. Nobody else is responsible for the choices we make. In the words of song “If you chose not to decide, you still have made a choice”.
    I taught her that, in most cases, the reason somebody else has a better job, nicer house, nicer car, etc., it is usually because they worked harder at it. I taught her that if she wants that, she has to work hard for it, because nobody is going to give it to, and even if they did, you wouldn’t appreciate it as much.
    My daughter is now 26 years old, she is working hard to pay for college, which takes time because she is working full time to be able to pay for it.
    She is strong, she believes in herself, and she values what she does have, because nobody gave it to her. She doesn’t expect, or want, handouts.
    Finally, in reply to the first commenter, she kind of makes the columnists point. She worked hard, and she runs an insurance company. Not because somebody gave it to her, but because she made the choice to work hard and do what it takes to succeed.

  572. I normally don’t take the time to reply to articles like this, but here goes. This article is ridiculous on a so many different levels, and YOU (the author) should be ashamed of yourself. It is equally shameful that uneducated and ignorant people, like yourself, are being influenced by your wikipedia-esque, lack of scholarly cited sources, STUPID blog post. That’s right folks, just about anyone can start a blog and write whatever they feel like, even the dumb ones.

    Just to clarify…just so that I can be perfectly, crystal clear, WOMEN are the ones making these choices for themselves? Women “choose careers that pay less?” Why would any woman make that choice? Are you listening to yourself? Do you not understand that women are told from a very young age that they are more sensitive, not as good as boys at math/science, more left brained, less logical, etc. When you’re told something as a child, you tend to believe it and make it part of yourself. YOU are part of the problem by continuing those lies with your child.

    Also, these are not “lies” being proliferated by women. They’re facts. Your article on the other hand is made up of uneducated opinions, and stupid ones at that. Hmmm, let me just drop everything, move to Silicon Valley and apply to Netflix so that I can have a reasonable, well deserved maternity leave. Yeah, great idea. I’ll move to the most expensive place to live in the country for some basic rights/needs, because everyone has that “choice.” Right.

    You’re nuts and brainwashed, and now you’re brainwashing your daughter. Sad. If you took just one women’s history course in college you would learn about something called coverture, which has never been fully abolished in the US. Never. Look it up, learn about it, and learn about your rights or lack thereof.

    Here’s something that I wrote after the election. Enjoy:

    “I’d like to title this post, “Remember the Ladies…”

    Have you ever heard of something called “coverture”? If you’re familiar with terms like “liberty”, “democracy” and “equal rights” then you should probably know this one as well. If you have, read no further. If you haven’t, read on as this might be of use to you in understanding why some of your friends, mothers, daughters, and female counter-parts are upset that you voted for the Donald (whether consciously or subconsciously). Coverture is a long standing legal practice in European colonies, including our great nation. What does it mean? In essence, coverture means that when a woman is born she does not legally have an identity – she’s “covered” by either her father or husband. Property – nothing more than that. In the 1800s this meant that a woman had very few legal rights, because when you’re nothing more than property, anything short of being beaten to death was considered “a-okay.”

    You might be thinking…well this has long since passed and…what does this have to do with me? While coverture has eroded, it was never fully abolished. Yep, as we sit here today, in our “evolved” and “modern” society, coverture is still a thing. Coverture is why women weren’t allowed on juries until the 1960s and martial rape wasn’t a crime until the 1980s, or why even TODAY women encounter coverture during real estate transactions, taxes, employment, life…etc.!!! OR, with arguments concerning our own bodies – because when you’re property, you don’t have control over your own body…right? That’s the funny thing about coverture, its vestiges are deeply rooted and engrained in a woman’s everyday life and belief systems, without even knowing it sometimes. This is getting somewhere, I promise…

    It seems very clear to me, based upon the language that our president elect uses and his current track record with women, that he values me/us/them very little. And while I was never a big Clinton supporter, I will say that she was fit for the job, and the thought of having her as a president did not scare me as a woman.

    So, if you have daughters, grand-daughters, a wife, a girlfriend, etc. – especially if they are or will be of child rearing age in the next four years – and you voted for Trump, I would like you to go home and tell them that you don’t give a crap about them and their health, and that you essentially view them as nothing more than property. Do you have someone who is alive because of the ACA? Hug them tight, and thank the good lord that happened before Trump came into office. And while we haven’t hit that glass ceiling yet (even though you might not have realized it), our moment will come.
    It’s a long one, I know. Thank you for listening.”

  573. I normally don’t take the time to reply to articles like this, but here goes. This article is ridiculous on a so many different levels, and YOU (the author) should be ashamed of yourself. It is equally shameful that uneducated and ignorant people, like yourself, are being influenced by your wikipedia-esque, lack of scholarly cited sources, STUPID blog post. That’s right folks, just about anyone can start a blog and write whatever they feel like, even the dumb ones.

    Just to clarify…just so that I can be perfectly, crystal clear, WOMEN are the ones making these choices for themselves? Women “choose careers that pay less?” Why would any woman make that choice? Are you listening to yourself? Do you not understand that women are told from a very young age that they are more sensitive, not as good as boys at math/science, more left brained, less logical, etc. When you’re told something as a child, you tend to believe it and make it part of yourself. YOU are part of the problem by continuing those lies with your child.

    Also, these are not “lies” being proliferated by women. They’re facts. Your article on the other hand is made up of uneducated opinions, and stupid ones at that. Hmmm, let me just drop everything, move to Silicon Valley and apply to Netflix so that I can have a reasonable, well deserved maternity leave. Yeah, great idea. I’ll move to the most expensive place to live in the country for some basic rights/needs, because everyone has that “choice.” Right.

    You’re nuts and brainwashed, and now you’re brainwashing your daughter. Sad. If you took just one women’s history course in college you would learn about something called coverture, which has never been fully abolished in the US. Never. Look it up, learn about it, and learn about your rights or lack thereof.

    Here’s something that I wrote after the election. Enjoy:

    “I’d like to title this post, “Remember the Ladies…”

    Have you ever heard of something called “coverture”? If you’re familiar with terms like “liberty”, “democracy” and “equal rights” then you should probably know this one as well. If you have, read no further. If you haven’t, read on as this might be of use to you in understanding why some of your friends, mothers, daughters, and female counter-parts are upset that you voted for the Donald (whether consciously or subconsciously). Coverture is a long standing legal practice in European colonies, including our great nation. What does it mean? In essence, coverture means that when a woman is born she does not legally have an identity – she’s “covered” by either her father or husband. Property – nothing more than that. In the 1800s this meant that a woman had very few legal rights, because when you’re nothing more than property, anything short of being beaten to death was considered “a-okay.”

    You might be thinking…well this has long since passed and…what does this have to do with me? While coverture has eroded, it was never fully abolished. Yep, as we sit here today, in our “evolved” and “modern” society, coverture is still a thing. Coverture is why women weren’t allowed on juries until the 1960s and martial rape wasn’t a crime until the 1980s, or why even TODAY women encounter coverture during real estate transactions, taxes, employment, life…etc.!!! OR, with arguments concerning our own bodies – because when you’re property, you don’t have control over your own body…right? That’s the funny thing about coverture, its vestiges are deeply rooted and engrained in a woman’s everyday life and belief systems, without even knowing it sometimes. This is getting somewhere, I promise…

    It seems very clear to me, based upon the language that our president elect uses and his current track record with women, that he values me/us/them very little. And while I was never a big Clinton supporter, I will say that she was fit for the job, and the thought of having her as a president did not scare me as a woman.

    So, if you have daughters, grand-daughters, a wife, a girlfriend, etc. – especially if they are or will be of child rearing age in the next four years – and you voted for Trump, I would like you to go home and tell them that you don’t give a crap about them and their health, and that you essentially view them as nothing more than property. Do you have someone who is alive because of the ACA? Hug them tight, and thank the good lord that happened before Trump came into office. And while we haven’t hit that glass ceiling yet (even though you might not have realized it), our moment will come.
    It’s a long one, I know. Thank you for listening.”

  574. Men earn more than women in the top three job sectors that women dominate (ie “The easy jobs”).

    If you’d like to test your world view regarding gender lines, you can take the test titled “Gender-Science” or “Gender-Career” here:

    If you would like to read about what your daughter might face in the future if she were to pick a ‘hard’ career, here’s one that reveals the tip of the iceberg:

  575. Everyone I know marched, Honey, because never ever ever before, in this country’s history have we even vaguely considered for our President a man who holds women in such utter contempt that he bragged about grabbing them by the “pussy’. A man who blatantly admitted that he has no respect for women. And, sweet little boy of mine, he came to power among the vilest group of woman-haters this country has ever seen, trying to legislate women’s reproductive abilities, men who are abysmally ignorant of the same. Please son, dear boy, know that I brought you to this March just so you will not grow up to be an ignorant misogynistic egotistical asshole.

  576. What a load of BS. This is a horrid letter and I would have been disappointed to have a mother like this. Thanks for trying to set women back and belittle every progress they have made. You should be ashamed of yourself. This is bad and you should feel bad.

  577. I wish I had been able to march! But I was working, I’m nurse. Yes I choose a predominantly female profession. I did this as I love to care for people when they are going through some of their most difficult time. Because of this does that mean I’m not suppose to make a decent wage? Do you realize how many of us have bachelors and masters? I love working with my patients, not in administration. Yes that is a choice I made but would you want someone like me caring for you or your love one with my several decades of experience or the nurse that is there to put in her time so she can land work in administration? Yes, I did try it for a bit but I missed holding a hand of a person who is taking their last breath and family has not made it yet to be by their side or giving a hug to the parent that has just received some terrible news about their child. Yes there is also the happy times you get to share such as the birth of child or being there when you hear the great news such as “your cancer is in remission.
    Yes, I’ve done my share of marching in the past. I marched in hopes of having the ERA passed. I’ve march in reguards to pro choice. No rape victim should have to continue a pregnancy, that resulted from what happened unless she wishes to. No young girl who never was told about birth control should have to pay the price for her parents irresponsibilities. I’ve protested against nuclear weapons outside of military bases to hopefully help keep our world a little safer. I’ve called and wrote to our federal, state and local government leaders in hopes of getting laws passed that I felt passionate about.
    I was the victim of domestic violence. I felt the need to remind the male police officers that yes you can be raped by your spouse. There still are people who still regard woman as property of their husbands. I had an older male lawyer say to me ” your his wife, how can it be called rape”.
    I took my 10 year old granddaughter to the Woman’s Hall of Fame this last summer. My hope at the time was for her to realize what the strong women in her past has done to get her the rights she has now. Also my hope was to have her realize that every one of those rights came for hard work and speaking up!
    So please just because you chose not to march don’t make out the women who did into villains. Unless you think all those women, so many years ago, who help earn you the rights you enjoy today were villains. Also when your daughter losses some of her rights and choice, that you have enjoyed, remind her that you didn’t march.


  578. Oh my! My experience of the women’s march in Cincinnati was so different. It was more a solidarity March with all those who have been discrimated against in this last electoral campaign. I humbly passed one man who was disabled, could barely walk. A Muslim family joined us as we past their home. There was some chanting, no screaming, in fact people were very welcoming. Signs addressed the rights of women, and those of different races, creeds and sexual orientation, and for the dignity of all including the disabled, immigrants and refugees. Many, including me, carried signs for the protection of the environment which will benefit this little child and all children and all life on this planet. There were families, Catholic nuns, elderly on canes, those in wheel chairs. Yes, there were a small minority who carried signs for abortion. Reproductive rights are valid but the right to life is the predominant right. I am strongly pro life. I didn’t vote for either candidate. There were black lives matter walkers, and there were many shaking the hands of officers we past. The protests here and around the world were responses to the hateful remarks we all heard during the campaign and what we fear is ahead.
    Not paying equally and violence against anyone are against the law, though of course these wrongs continue. Sexual harassment in the work place is illegal. What many women are hoping for now, and some posters addressed this, is that crude and demeaning behaviors toward women (anyone) are not acceptable. Groping women’s private areas because one can get away with that is not acceptable! Most women have had experiences of inappropriate touching and lewd language addressed to them. Mostly young women and girls, some very young. A societal change is needed. I was glad to see on fb that so many men posted that they do not engage in nor were witness to any. so called, “locker talk.”
    There have also been protests on behalf of Muslim people since the Women’s marches. How are parents explaining to their children today that a President, who has demeaned women in his actions and words along with other groups, who continues to tweet people and put them down, and more, is a bigot, sexist, racist? Yes people are angry. We have never had a president who openly talks and behaves like this one. People are also frightened! I am.
    Besides the criticism of other world leaders, Pope Francis has referred to this president as not being a good Christian. Fr. James Martin, SJ has posted two articles on fb. One is about pro life that is not only in regards to the unborn but includes swell, all children and adults, including the marginalized, the immigrants, the refugees. His second was about “the Wall” and how we are called to welcome the stranger.
    Today I listened to the Beatitudes at a dear friend’s funeral. We are called to be peace makers, to seek justice, to do what is right for others. I saw a post that said that stating there isn’t a problem of oppression because I’ve never been oppressed is the same as saying “I’m healthy and don’t need a hospital, why should others need one.”
    I believe this writing is oppressive because it has grouped millions of people who marched into a category of radical feminists. I would offer to tell this little girl to always look lovingly upon others. Accept them as more like her than diffetent. To try to understand their stories. To check her facts so as not to judge others wrongly. To celebrate our differences and gifts. To seek common ground where we disagree. Each one of us, i would tell her, are God’s very own.
    Though I did disagree with some of the issues presented, everyone sincerely believed they were marching for the rights and dignity of every man, woman and child. I’m sorry this hypothetical mother judged them and me and others I love so unfairly, so wrongly. I’m sorry one of my friends posted this. But I do not judge this writer nor her. They have failed to see the goodness of their sisters (& brothers) on these marches, and perhaps not heard the warnings of the Pope or the prayerful appeals of Fr. Martin and others. They are misinformed, as many of us are about varied issues. People are more complex than labelers assume. And more loving, on all sides.

  579. I guess she’ll leave the part out about how we achieved the rights she she enjoys, from the women who marched before her. The women who raised their daughters to be fierce instead of submissive.

  580. I applaud you Mary!!! We can be STRONG AND DIGNIFIED WOMEN that do walk in marches with ALL women, even if they are prolife….. AND WE CAN HAVE LOVING AND KIND POSTERS! hmm I do NOT understand why tolerance is only going one way in America?! I love all women who feel the need to march and stand up to oppression, however I was stationed overseas and have traveled a lot, and American women I feel bad, you are NOT oppressed! March all you want! and I support you, however please to it in a more positive way, because it CAN be done, or even better yet write letters to your Reps, that will get more accomplished!!
    with LOVE

  581. I’m an engineer. Did not pick a women’s job, whatever that means. It has never been that easy. I know I have been fighting for equal or more money because I’m worth it and I work harder t Han a lot of people. This letter is ridiculous. I marched and my daughter was proud of me.

  582. Better watch out, your privilege is showing. I wish I can get back the 5 minutes of my life I just wasted reading this bullshit blog.

  583. I so love this ..words can’t say…true and perfect.. .keep for all the women..daughters today and in the future….love

  584. I don’t understand why women choose to tear down other women! You should be proud that women are fighting for their rights. Maybe even the rights you didn’t even know about. You’ll absolutely ruin your daughter. These women got where they, their daughters and granddaughters are by protesting.

  585. You’re an idiot. I can’t wait for the day your daughter learns the truth and fights for all the things her coward mother wouldn’t.

  586. Yes it is all really good that we live in a place where we are not forced to be circumcised at the age of 13, or else alienated from our entire family, or a place that legally sets women on fire. So go back to your toy kitchen (back to the kitchen?) back to playing with Minnie Mouse ( Minnie Mouse is all about Mickey Mouse and her ribbons) . This writer really did use a poor choice in toys here, can you not see the irony? We have our rights in the U.S., we do, but we didn’t always. Women still earn less than men in a lot of professions here, mostly top male run professions. The statistics are there. I’m not saying what someone else believes is wrong and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the inequality in our society is more subtle than say in Pakistan or Somalia. It is fed to us as children in our toys, our movies.. Also saying that 71% of IPV is provoked by women, is the same as saying she deserved it.

  587. Wow… calling millions of people liars with false information is pretty judgmental. Yes, there were a population of people marching with tacky costumes and “yelling”, but the vast majority of the marches across the WORLD were peaceful. I’d also challenge you to do more research on wage discrimination in the USA, especially amongst minority women. This article (presumably written by a white woman) does nothing more but tout her privilege. She may not have to March for her daughter, who sleeps in a warm house every night, with clean water to drink and bath eat, food that she can access whenever she feels a nudge of hunger, healthcare provided by her parent(s)’ employer.
    I’m not “angry”. I’m an ally… to everyone in this country that is scared, vulnerable, and at risk.

  588. Will you also teach your daughter that its perfectly acceptable for a man to grab her by her private parts without her permission?

  589. From RAINN, a fantastic organization that supports women who have been abused and/or raped:
    “82% of all juvenile victims are female. 90% of adult rape victims are female.”
    “Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.”
    “Women ages 18-24 whoa re college students are 3 times more likely than women in general to experience sexual violence. Females of the same age who are not enrolled in college are 4 times more likely.”
    “1 out of every 10 rape victims are male.”

    Yes, men and abused and raped too, of course. But it is very well documented that women are more likely to be abused and raped in this country, and I find it hard to believe that it has nothing to do with sexism, the power that men hold over women, and our society’s acceptance of rape culture (definition: a society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse.) So yes, girls get to go to college, but they are at risk there, and we should believe that, and help to reduce that risk. (Why else would nearly all colleges have those blue safety lights?) We should help reduce this risk for all women, and all men, by believing this statistics, supporting women and men that have been through trauma, and advocating for their rights. To say that because men experience it too, that this somehow negates the issue?, is a very scary view.

    Yes, women may choose lower paying jobs, may leave the workforce to bear children, may not be as “assertive” as men regarding asking for a raise, may work fewer hours per week in order to provide childcare, care for an elderly parent, or simply out of a desire to work less than full time, for whatever reason. I don’t think any of those claims are false, or that a woman or man should HAVE to work if she or he chooses not to. But having read numerous meta-analyses on this topic when I was researching it regarding nursing in 2014 (a female dominated industry where men make more money despite working equal hours), I found that this the gender wage gap was a really well researched issue not just here in the US, but internationally, but also that there is a wider racial wage gap, which disproportionately affects women of color (this issue of course being well known to WoC). There’s no reason to cite anything here, as it’s clear that we all know how to google ‘gender wage gap’ or ‘racial wage gap’ and read articles that come up, but if you have access to a library with subscriptions to academic journals they tend to be a little more trustworthy as far as reliable sources. I just find it strange to be dismissive of something like the gender wage gap, or the racial wage gap when it seems like such an obvious and inevitable issue, even if you ONLY consider workplace competition – simple greed – and not even include other factors such as discrimination against women, women of color, men of color, LGBTQ folks, etc.

    Bottom line is that I 100% disagree with Mary’s views as stated, but I appreciate that this blog post and the resultant conversation/argument – and yes the angry, negative stuff too, because this is real and it matters, on both sides – has got me thinking about the very real divide in this country and how we can realistically approach this divisiveness, if we can. Clearly we will not all be getting along and holding hands anytime soon, but honestly, is compromise even possible? I’m being sincere when I say that for me right now the answer is no, compromise is out of reach.

  590. Don’t worry. I marched for your daughter, so that the day she learns she has an awful, narrow-minded mother, she’ll still have some rights left.

  591. It’s crazy how everyone says we have to stick together we have to March together but the 1st person who has a different opinion then you is privileged is white is a racist a bad mother a bad wife a bad women, so we bash each other we demean each other we are hateful to each other put each other down, instead of saying cool that’s your opinion that’s your view I respect that but this is my view and these are the reasons. Everyone wants to yell scream fight but no one wants to sit talk, learn, fix it, it’s easier to complain and bash then to be part of making things better. I might not agree with her or anyone else for that matter but I respect that she is women enough to have her own opinion.

  592. I raised two baby birds. I hope for a wonderful future for your baby bird–I pray for no incompetence induced catastrophe in the next 4 years. Donald trump has demonstrated that he is a sexual predator. Predation is so common that women are willing to dismiss it as “just how they are” and embrace it in their president. That acceptance is reason enough to march.

  593. I feel like we need to have a national conversation about the difference between FACTS and OPINIONS.

    FACTS are things that are PROVEN usually through scientific methods, these are OBJECTIVE. Examples of FACTS: Gravity, the earth going around the sun, milk containing calcium, etc.

    OPINIONS — Things that differ from person to person, that are NOT facts. These are subjective. Examples include: Thoughts about fashion, thoughts about tv shows, whether you like or don’t like something or someone, etc.

    You have a RIGHT to your OPINION. But you don’t have a RIGHT to have an OPINION on a FACT. No matter how much you may want to disagree, the EARTH travels around the sun, not the other way around. The earth is round, and not flat.

    Inequality is a FACT, you do NOT get to have the OPINION that it is not.

    • Too many parents don’t bother to teach their little darlings that life is not fair. Life experiences will never be exactly the same for any two people. Some of us get kicked in the teeth every day of our lives. Others are more fortunate or “privileged” as the snowflake generation likes to call it. Life is not fair. The sooner you accept that, the better.

    • Ok I’ll speak as a white woman who has been raped who was a teen mom at 16 who worked 2 jobs or worked and went to school who is hardly entitled privledged or anything else… I agree with every single word she said in her blog…. feminism started when women left thier homes during the war to earn money while thier husbands were away … they wanted to continue to work to have a choice to stay home or earn money … feminism is not putting women down who choose to stay home or demanding to be treated not equal but better than thier male counterparts … feminism is not about demanding tax dollars for abortions … it is your body when you walked past the condoms or spermicide it’s your body when you don’t get the free birth control pills available at the health department and it’s definitely your body when you took off your clothes spread your legs and had sex … you had ample opportunity to control your body … if you are not ready for the baby don’t take the penis … period … after you do so and you get pregnant it is not your body you share it and are responsible for it … if we were discussing a a set of Siamese twins who shared. Digestive track would any of you find it appropriate for one twin to decide it was her body and she no longer wanted her half of the digestive track to support and keep her twin alive???? A baby is a separate human being … people seemed more concerned about animal cruelty than the way we treat our unborn Babies and for that matter the entitled way we are raising are youth … if your a woman you deserve this or that if your black you deserve this or that if your an illlegal immigrant you deserve this or that if your a man who dresses as a women you deserve this or that and everyone cries and boo hoos until big brother fixes it … grow up people … put as much effort into being a productive part of society, participate in the greater good and stop the give me give me give me attitude … to the author of this piece thank you for speaking for us women who don’t feel oppressed entitled or abused … for those of us who don’t have nor want the whore of Hollywood ,an ex con who committed a hate crime against the gay community, and Ashley Judd screaming pussy 100 times as the representation of women hood in America … for those of us who don’t need to wear vaginas on our head and hate Donald trump to feel like we are a proud woman a proud American and a proud member of society…for those of us women who understand what feminism really is the right choose! To those of you who marched … or supporter the march .. kudos for exercising your right to gather and protest but if you were truly marching for women’s rights then that includes my right to disagree with every thing you stood for … after all I am in fact a women

    • How have you proven that it is a fact that in the eyes of the law, there is inequality between men and women in the United States? You literally just gave your opinion, backed up by zero factual evidence, and called it a fact, all after lecturing that we need to learn the difference between facts and opinion. This is why people are getting tired of this feminist nonsense.

    • Well stated Heather! This is the crux of the matter. With made-up facts and fake news circulating, and the social media and informal forums perpetuating this we have a difficult problem on our hands. Being a cautious and educated consumer is key.

    • Could you please give me some hard data on these FACTS of inequality? Because I am very curious. I only know that I work for a company that is led by both men and women. The head of my department is a woman. The majority of women whom I know and am friends with a the major breadwinners of their families.

      I have a master’s degree and while getting that degree, I was fully supported by my family, my boss, my coworkers and the odd person I met off the street.

      I’m single and providing for myself because I haven’t found the right partner yet. I don’t have children because I haven’t wanted to at this point, and have taken the responsible steps to prevent pregnancy. If I wanted children, I would have them, or adopt. No one is telling me that I should or shouldn’t – although I know my mother would love grandchildren. 🙂 My father doesn’t care either way.

      If I disagree with someone’s opinion (as I do now), I am well within my rights to make a comment stating that I disagree without fear of reprisal. In fact, if I’m going to get bashed for said opinion, chances are 4 in 5 it will be by another woman – irony, no?

      No one has ever told me I can’t do something because I’m a woman.
      No one has ever held me back because I’m a woman.
      I’ve never been told being a woman makes me less intelligent – in fact, my brother wishes he’d inherited my science brain – and I wish I’d inherited his gift for geography and public speaking.

      Please show me these facts. I’m very curious. If you can’t, then maybe it’s because you also have an opinion not supported by fact. If that’s the case, you’re entitled to it, just as the author is entitled to her comments.

      • Exactly. Perfectly stated. Some people are just lazy. They think they should be handed everything in life instead of working for the things they want. We all get knocked down at times. If you want something bad enough, you keep at it.

      • Everyone needs to get a life. Get over yourself. There’s bigger issues than yourself. Think outside the box. Who cares. Love yourself and believe in whatever you want to believe in. Quit trying to make everybody think like you. Live for God. Find yourself. Search your soul and believe however you want. I have an opinion but do you really care. No so why bother. This is for the entire blog in which I read several times realize that you all need to get a life

      • Here’s one for you. A girl or woman has a 1 in 5 chance of being raped at some point in her life. A boy or man has a 1 in 71 chance of being raped at some point in his life. The overwhelming majority of rapists are men. The overwhelming majority of victims are women. Yet if a rape case actually goes to trial, the victim faces scrutiny that’s just as rigorous as the defendant. Her wardrobe choices and previous sexual history are put on trial. A fraud victim’s history of being victimized is never brought up at trial. If you were mugged, you don’t have to prove that you weren’t asking for it. If someone smashed your window, you’re not shamed for having a window in the first place. But when you’ve been raped, you have to justify your behavior for years before the assault, in front of an open courtroom, when none of it should matter.

        Oh and If you happen to fall pregnant from the rape? There’s about 16 states where your rapist can prevent you from getting an abortion, and 20 or more where he will have visitation rights if you choose to carry the pregnancy.

        These are facts. They are very important.

      • Heidi – I totally agree. Keep up the good work. You are an example to some woman (won’t say all, because it won’t fit for all)

      • They don’t HAVE any facts! Asking for facts from a feminist or a liberal is a waste of time! They’re like MPs, they just deflect the question, answer something that wasn’t asked or tell you you’re stupid and a waste of their time and leave. All obvious signs they have nothing to back up any of their claims!

      • Because you are a knitwear designer, I suspect that you will discover many things about the world, among them the possibility of workforce inequality, in the course of your lifetime. But because I love handmade goods, I hope that you will not 🙂

      • My family has never told me to i couldn’t do something because i was a women. But girls harassed in my school never got helped. Women in my family who work very hard are not given their deserved positions or pay. Being mixed rude comments are often made to me anyways. Women marching is what got us to our “equality” that we have now. People marching and protesting in general is how a lot of laws have been shifted and changed. The author is allowed to say as she pleases but of course if you post something online it is meant for other people to see which means other people are going to comment. And yes women are the people who comment back because we really don’t need a man putting an input into something when it doesn’t effect them. I’m glad you’ve never been harmed or disrespected to feel that you were unequal to men or to make you feel as though you didn’t have control over your body but some women do not and need people like the ones who marched to be their voice.

      • In 2015, female full-time workers made only 80 cents for every dollar earned by men, a gender wage gap of 20 percent.
        – See more at:
        Sexual violence affects women disproportionately, the researchers found. One-third of women said they had been victims of a rape, beating or stalking, or a combination of assaults
        Tampon tax is real. Women everywhere pay their governments extra to have periods
        Not to be rude but there is facts everywhere. Even if these problems don’t effect you individually.

      • The fact is that just because something hasn’t happened to you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I have been passed over at work for no other reason than the fact that I was not a man. You might not believe that and it’s not exactly possible for me to prove it to you. But again, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

        “In fact, if I’m going to get bashed for sad opinion, chances are 4 in 5 it will be by another woman a irony, no?” No. The fact that more women than men have passionate viewpoints on how a women is treated in this country, from a women’s point of view, is hardly ironic.

      • Sure. Move to the south. I had both men and women panic because I was there to load their car. “Where’s a man!” Where I come from we don’t wait for men, we use our brain and muscles to accomplish the task at hand long before a man can be found.
        I was celebrated as the first girl to be allowed by the company to drive the forklift. (This was 2015 btw). Women there were all excited then would spend hours tracking down a guy to tap a nail in a wall for decor. Also had a female closing manager demand a guy come and take power equipment away from me. When confronted they claimed it was from the owner. Owner was baffled when I brought it up to him. This chauvinistic crap comes from both women and men equally.

    • “You have a RIGHT to your OPINION. But you don’t have a RIGHT to have an OPINION on a FACT.” Erm, wrong!!! It’s a fact that Trump is President, but I think we all have a different opinion on that. You’ve basically just written a load of total rubbish! But I’ve come to expect nothing more from liberals.

    • Yes, agreed! Even women can participate in sexism and patriarchal agendas, unfortunately. I see this a lot lately in women’s anger toward other women protesting and marching and speaking out.

  594. Alina I got news for you honey, I’m as white as bread and I’m not privileged at all. I work for EVERYTHING myself and my children have. I’m college educated, I just got my degree in forensic science and I fully intend to make good use of it. I don’t live in no big house nor do I drive a fancy car nor do I live off of my government as I said I work my ass off every day. I was also raped and I was denied justice in a court of law because the man who raped me also happened to be my now ex-husband. I was denied justice because he cut a deal with the DA so don’t you ever sit there and tell me I’m privileged. I grew up poor, both my parents worked to support myself and my 11 (that’s right I said 11) sisters. Don’t tell me white people know nothing about struggle due to the color of our skin. I’ve known struggle and I overcame it. I didn’t march to represent my daughter. You care to know why? I didn’t march because I (being an intelligent woman) knew that none of my rights nor my daughters rights were being taken away by OUR new president. I’m sorry if you and others like you believe that abortion should be bought and paid for by the tax payers. I say if you want to kill your unborn child you should pay for that murder yourself. I give props to the woman who wrote this at least she was brave and smart enough to be honest. I’m sick of people like you bringing others down because it makes you feel better about yourself. Let me tell you one more thing sista I highly doubt you are as successful as you claim to be because if you were you would not spend your time cutting others down the way you do, you would instead be helping to raise them up so that they too could be right beside you at the top of the pinnacle. You and all of your pussy hat wearing bitch friends make me sick and you are what is wrong in this country today.

  595. You cite a 2014 news article that reports findings from a 2001 study. You include the statistic that a man suffers domestic abuse every 37.8 seconds. What I find striking, however, is that you ignored the same article’s statistic that a woman suffers domestic abuse every 15 seconds.

  596. Sometimes when you come from a long line of true powerful females, like my 90 year old mother who worked her whole life and raised a family of 6 on a teachers salary, with a husband in a wheelchair, you just don’t need to shout. Just pull up your damn bootstraps and figure out how to move forward. Carry on strong women. Happy Birthday to the strongest craziest most true feminist I ever knew🎉🎂❤🍷

  597. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this, Mary. I echo your words as do so many women. Your world is what you make it and directly related to how hard you work. I was extremely successful in a male dominated field, I was promoted and given raises and never once felt like I was discriminated against. I just worked hard for what I wanted, just like a man that was my coworker. Thank you Thank you Thank you !!

  598. P.S. Mommy forgot to tell you that your private parts are up for grabs by any man who wants them, and especially by the man that all those women marched against. I’m sorry, honey, you will just have to learn that when a man wants to grab your pussy (I’ll explain what that means when you get a little older), it’s okay for him to do so whenever he wants.

  599. Jeese people. Everyone has a different upbringing a different story and a different outlook on life. Just because it’s not the same as yours does not make it wrong. To me this was simply a mom who loves her daughter telling her something that is valuable to her, and that to me sounds like a good mom. It really does not matter if it is valuable to you, she is not telling your daughter this. And according to my google search there are 308 million women in the US…. and I have heard a few million marched as well as some men…. so my guess is there are quite a few women who feel the same way as she does. That doesn’t make them right or wrong. And for those who claim they feel sorry for her daughter think about that for a minute… I am sure there are a lot more children in this world who deserve your sympathy.

  600. I sadly did not enjoy reading this as a woman. Do we as females have it better in this country than others sure. but for example I do not believe a man works longer hours, or asks for raises is a reason why they would get paid more.. sadly I think it’s regret to not have felt some passion and love for the women’s march turned world march.

  601. I didn’t see where the writer was was mentioning anything about ethnicities. I thought she was speaking about women’s rights in general. I though the whole women’s march was about women’s rights in general. Why was the color of skin even brought into this?

  602. You do have have to you pathetic excuse for a mother and a fellow women. So much for solidarity and I hope your living your life in ignorant bliss is good.

  603. Must be so nice to be so high and mighty that you don’t have to care about what other women might need. You may have not had to march for your privileges but when your daughter has no rights to her reproductive healthcare because a bunch of men made that decision for her, I hope she sees what a disservice her Mommy did for her generation.

  604. You do realize that Margaret Sanger was vehemently opposed to abortion, don’t you? I’m happy to provide you with the links to her archived papers at NYU.

    Also, there is absolutely a wage gap between men and women when you look at specific careers. I’m happy to provide you with that evidence as well.

  605. You really shouldn’t lie to your daughter like this. You need to give her the strength to demand that she gets equal treatment so she can be all she can be, not just what you imagine she can be.

  606. That’s fine. Disparage us. But I can bet you in 15yrs time, your baby will be asking *why* you didn’t march. You can tell them that you believed in the patriarchy, you were safe because you believed. Until you weren’t. Your president has made us unsafe. Your president has made us cruel. Tell your baby how you support that.

    I’ll still march for you and your babies. Because this is not the America I want or believe in.

  607. When college tuition for women is LESS THAN college tuition for men (for the same education & degrees)… then, MAYBE we’ll START to talk calmly and rationally.

  608. I refrain often from putting my own thoughts out there because of just this type of thing going on in the comments. We live in a time that everyone and their brother can be a keyboard warrior AND can write their OWN life to meet their beliefs. TBH here I am not a liberal, a democrat or a republican. I have NO affiliation with any one ‘side’ I believe in love who you wanna, be who you wanna, believe in who you wanna and do what ever you wanna to your body. BUT I am also pro life. I am pro 2nd amendment to a certain degree, I also think our world was a much better place to live in BEFORE the internet gave all of us yahoos a google or bing search engine to look up and read some VERY biased and untrue articles and ‘research’ I also spent 8 years in college writing properly researched papers. Also, thing thing about empirical research is that if you sample the ‘right’ amount of the ‘right’ demographic then even so called empirical research can be not really as empirical as it should be.

    The thing is we actually DO live in a country that our opinions won’t get us killed or ostracized to a certain degree. I just would like to know why being a female stops anyone from doing anything they want to do? Oh, wait…My opinion is invalid because I am a God forsaken white, middle aged female who was raised in a conservative home but was also encouraged to go out and get what I wanted in my life by working my butt off for it. I don’t agree with every single thing the author wrote but my God that is the beauty of living in a free country and acting like an adult. Those news snippets many saw (I turned it off after I was disgusted by women acting like they had not one iota of common sense or had some kind of pride in who they are aside from hating what the evil doer aka middle class, middle aged white man. Wearing vagina hats and marching in public wearing tape over their nipples. C’mon, we do NOT have to go to extremes to get the attention we seek to voice our opinions. This whole extremist lean is what has turned me off from MANY coalitions of causes. Animal rights included. I have literally thrown my hands up and walked away from so many of these causes due to the extremism associated with them. It is NOT necessary. The negativity I’ve seen just in these comments reminded me of all of them. The animal groups screeching for the torture and death of a 10 year old girl who was posing proudly next to a white tail deer that she brought down in the most humane way a hunter can AND she was spending time with her Daddy. The same Daddy who had served more than one tour in this seemingly endless war. No thanks, I’ll do my own part for animals quietly taking in the unwanted and unloved, vetting them and keeping the ones who would never really have a chance finding a home because of one ailment or another. We call them special needs because anybody that buys a pet store yorkie knows that they never poop inappropriately or come down with something that makes them lose their ability to have control their bowels. In fact, author thank you for saying what many of us were thinking, also thank you for raising your daughter in the way YOU want her raised and not falling prey to the helicopter, super mommies of the world…Just seeing some of these comments makes me realize all the more I’d much rather spend time with my ‘faulty’ pups.

    Sick of the Entitled Generation

  609. Gross. Sounds a lot like your mommy and daddy handed everything to you on a silver platter then you got knocked u and basically will just keep living off your mom, dad, and baby daddy – who all have means (and yet you have none of your own) to keep you satisfied. sounds a lot like you didn’t march for your poor baby girl because you’re so content living your subordinate life. I hope your baby girl grows up to realize all the terrible, terrible lies you’ve just said to her.

  610. You are a horribly ignorant dope. I mourn for your daughter and the things she will do without because you laid back and took it.

  611. And after your daughter reads this letter, I hope she’ll check her mom’s privelage. Because dear girl, you’re not equal and mommy isn’t either. If by some chance you’re reading this years from now and you actually *are* equal, it will be because of those women who marched. They are your only chance at equality. Like the women before us, we will march for you, even if your mother won’t. We will fight for your equality when your mother won’t. And for your mother, I hope she says thank you.

    “Thank Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul for your right to vote.
    Thank Elizabeth Stanton for your right to work.
    Thank Maud Wood Park for your prenatal care and your identity outside of your husband.
    Thank Rose Schneiderman for your humane working conditions.
    Thank Eleanor Roosevelt and Molly Dewson for your ability to work in politics and affect policy.
    Thank Margaret Sanger for your legal birth control.
    Thank Carol Downer for your reproductive healthcare rights.
    Thank Margaret Fuller for your equal education.
    Thank Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Shannon Turner, Gloria Steinem, Zelda Kingoff Nordlinger, Rosa Parks, Angela Davis, Malika Saada Saar, Wagatwe Wanjuki, Ida B. Wells, Malala Yousafzai. Thank your mother, your grandmother, your great-grandmother who did not have half of the rights you have now.
    You can make your own choices, speak and be heard, vote, work, control your body, defend yourself, defend your family, because of the women who marched. You did nothing to earn those rights. You were born into those rights. You did nothing, but you reap the benefits of women, strong women, women who fought misogyny and pushed through patriarchy and fought for you. And you sit on your pedestal, a pedestal you are fortunate enough to have, and type. A keyboard warrior. A fighter for complacency. An acceptor of what you were given. A denier of facts. Wrapped up in your delusion of equality.”

    And sweet girl, if 20 years from now you really are equal. I hope you’ll thank THE WOMEN WHO MARCHED for you.

  612. I managed a tech department. Male clients would address my male subordinates with questions instead of me. It was assumed that I had some sort of secretarial role.

    I was addressed as “sweetcheeks” and the like while inspecting an oil refinery prior room an installation of our technology.

    When it came time for maternity leave, I took it instead of my husband because I had to physically recover. No, I was not on “vacation”, as male colleagues might think. I was at home in pain.

    The march was also about letting society, men and women, know that we won’t put up with “locker room talk”, and that we expect men to do housework too so that we can work. That teachers and professors need to also suggest “engineer” and “hedge fund manager” to girls on career day, and that an absence of “no” isn’t consent.

    So I’ll continue to march. For me, my daughter, and your daughter too.

  613. I think you missed the point. They were not marching against gratitude they are outraged because The person who occupies nation’s highest office in our nation sexist remarks:,

    “A woman will never be a 10 if she is flat chested.
    That ranking women’s looks is all in good fun.
    That Alicia Machado’s weight was ‘a real problem and called her Miss Piggy. ”
    That no one could possibly vote for Carly Fiorina because of her face.
    That he still believes sexual assault is an expected consequence of allowing women to serve in the military.
    This is not OK.

  614. I’m a while male, and I have to say… Everything you’ve just said makes me sad. I’m sad for you but
    most of all I’m sad for your daughter. Living in Trump America is really making me sad. I’ve felt those feelings in the past where I didn’t know what everyone was whining about but I have to say after looking at the evidence those opinions I had couldn’t have been further from the truth.

  615. Your opinion but you’re teaching your daughter to be submissive. Great job. This is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever read. But we’ll still march for you and your girl and hope that when she gets older she realizes how dated Mommy is.

    Your opinion is wrong.

  616. There is a difference in pay if you don’t have kids, our president thinks it is ok to grab a women if he wants to, but according to you that is just how it is. It is expensive for maternity leave but so many other countries have figured out we can, why can’t we! Oh maybe because they work place does not value women as much as men in the work place. The only way to get things changed it to speak up and make your voice be heard. Not sit back and except what is going on around you. Teach your daughter to stand up for what she believes obviously you don’t.

  617. This is an utter and complete insult to ALL women! I work in Human Resources and I can say for one that women are NOT paid the exact same wage for the exact same job, clearly you’re not in the work force to know this. I did March, and I marched for all those things you think clearly don’t matter or that we take for granted. I also marched with HONOR, and I can’t wait to tell my child one day why I marched. I marched for the right to do what I want with MY body. You and others have NO right to tell me what I can and can’t do with MY body. You don’t agree with abortions, great – don’t get one, but don’t cast shame or try and tell their women what she can/can’t do. You are the biggest problem of them all. You would never see a group of women sitting around a table in Washington signing bills on men’s rights so why does it happen with our rights?! I hope your daughter grows up as a strong independent woman, and doesn’t listen to crap like this. This country elected a sexist, racist bigot, and clearly you’re so small minded you can’t see that, baby……

  618. Reading through the comments on this blog really disgust me. Every person who has agreed with the writer has been attacked for their opinion, yet the ones who disagree with her blog are not getting attacked back through the replies. This really is sick how us women are treating each other! I have friends who MARCH but they do it in uniform across seas, just so the ungrateful can keep their rights in this country. These riots; women vs men, whites vs black, rich vs poor are stirring up a civil war in our country & you will have to actually fight for yourself & family, not just hold up a sign & yell your opinions.

  619. Aw, how nice! Yet another upper middle class white woman telling everyone how she’s not oppressed. (duh?!?!) So Christian to be incapable of stepping outside of your privileged bubble to make yourself aware of the millions of women who are not lucky enough to live the life you do.

  620. I am a white 37 year old female. I was not privelaged. My white father is in prison for killing my stepmother and trying to kill me. My white mother is an alcoholic. I was sexually abused at many points in my childhood. Even through all my trials and tribulations I held it together. Paved my own way, no matter what anyone else said or did. I graduated with a degree in dental hygiene of which I paid for with no help from my parents, government or scholarships/grants. I am married to a biracial man with 3 healthy beautiful wonderful children. I am the bread winner in my home. I am blessed with the life I have been given. I am blessed to live the life I chose and to be an American Woman. Blessedly for me I’ve chosen to live the kind of life that the Lord wants for me and because of that I haven’t encountered any obstacles that have kept me from my dreams or becoming a better me. I always strive to walk in the Lord’s Light, it isn’t easy for I am human and have many faults but it’s much much harder when I am not following in the Lord’s light. He guides me, strengthens me and makes me feel whole. I was not born into a christian family not an ounce of religion while growing up but the Lord saught me and bought me with his eternal love and for that reason alone I am content and happy in this temporary home on Earth. That is what I gather from reading this woman’s article. She is content and happy with what she has been given; her freedoms, her family, her choices, her America!! I am so GRATEFUL, HONORED AND PRIVELEGAGED to be an AMERICAN!! LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE!! By the way Mary I agree with your article 100%!! It is not any woman’s right or freedom to take a life and that is just what abortion is!! Plain, simple TRUTH! I will not argue this fact with anyone EVER! It is WRONG, it is MURDER!! A man kills a woman who is pregnant and is charged with double homicide?? A woman chooses abortion and this is allowed because it’s her body? No, her body then becomes the vessel; it truly isn’t her body anymore @ least for 9 months. If she doesn’t want the child, fine. Don’t keep it but please DO NOT kill it!

  621. This is both a fascinating look at the way some women have been brainwashed and a disturbing stream of white privilege crap. The only thing she forgot to mention was bootstraps.

  622. I love how the word privilege is thrown around in these comments. Just because some women have worked to get where they are doesn’t mean they are privileged. It means they set a goal and went for it. I make more than my husband and am the bread winner in my household. They have made sacrifices in some areas so they could succeed in others. But my husband and I are a partnership I wouldnt think less of myself if 5 years down the road the roles were reversed. Just because someone is successful doesn’t always mean they are privilaged.

  623. Very powerful words and real feelings on both sides of the aisle. The one post that stood out to me more than the article and all the others was the woman who has cancer. From what I’ve read, there is a person who has a real perspective and knows how precious and short life can be. I’m a caucasian woman married to a hispanic man with a partly jewish family. I’m the first and only grandchild out of 26 grandchildren to graduate college with a bachelors degree. I paid for my own education by waitressing, working retail, and student loans. I have had to deal with men who both made inappropriate comments and actions in and out of the work place. I have made less and more than male counterparts but I have always worked for it. I now raise 3 children, one being a physically disabled 15-year old daughter. My best friend is a 56-year old black female who went to school in the south. I don’t think of myself as privileged, I don’t allow my daughter, who does not have use of her four extremities, but has a mind, feel sorry for herself. The point I am trying to make, EVERYONE has their own experiences, troubles, challenges, and set of circumstances. We are all different but live in this country. Which I think is a pretty awesome country! When did everyone on both sides of the aisle become so angry, hateful, and negative toward their fellow man or woman? We are not going to change each others minds, but at least lets be respectful and show human decency to others. While I may not have marched and do not understand it, that is those women’s rights just like it was this authors right to express her thoughts and feelings on the subject. I choose to be grateful that my child only has physical disabilities and is not fighting for her life with some disease like cancer. I appreciate the women who fought for my freedoms before me. I appreciate our military who protect our freedoms. At the end of the day, when we’re on our death bed, are we really going to be upset that a man made more than us, that we had to pay tax on tampons? Or are we going to be thinking about our loved ones that we’re going to leave behind? Everyone just needs to be nice and respectful of others thoughts even though they differ from our own because we’re never all going to agree but at least lets all get along!

  624. Couching your political views as a letter to your daughter is selfish. Try engaging in real dialogue with your fellow women. I pity you for your limited world view and assumptions that are without factual basis.

  625. Thank you! Realism trumps the self-fulling prophecy that is Liberal Falsification. Those whose realities enable success, are successful. Those whose realities disable success, fail – succumbing to lesser expectations, acceding to the lie that it is their lot and surrendering all valid reasoning and refraining from all possible action to alter their situations – they flounder, complain, seek inappropriate relief and behave contrarily to the expectation, but they never overcome it.

  626. This is literally one of the most ignorant articles I’ve ever read in my life. Definitely written by a white, middle class woman who probably believes in reverse racism and doesn’t know the definition of systemic racism or systemic sexism. Please educate yourself. Stay blessed.

  627. I am afraid you make a lot of assumptions about 1.) why other women marched and 2.) based on your own, likely relatively privleged, life. Many women marched because the policies that our now-president supports are anti-woman. He also has a history of objectifying and being demeaning towards women — including the regrettable taped incident. I think the biggest fallacy you make is that because you have maybe not personally been affected by these things, then they don’t exist. Get involved in social action outside your small, partisan sphere, and you’ll see there is a whole ‘nother world out there. Do you really think the volume of women and their supporters that marched that day are just a bunch of sad-sack whiners? I challenge you to look more deeply into it than this surface treatment.

  628. View at

    This is why you are wrong. I’m sure you won’t read this tho. What if it has ideas contrary to yours? You are frightened. I get that. But the time has come for you to be strong for your daughter. Open your eyes and see that what you think is true is only how you protect yourself. As an ordained minister, I am disgusted that you use the word to excuse your fear. Your support of the misogynistic culture in this society does not make you a good Christian. It makes you a fraud.

  629. I am guessing the writer is a white woman from at least a middle class background. She is too biased from her privilege to see that wage discrimination is most certainly real. My brother, who is in the same line of work as my mother and lower level makes more than her. Her young male colleague, that she trained, makes more than her (even when she was training him), with less experience. She is a naturalized US citizen for 25 years with an accent. Her work begged her to stay when she wanted to leave, they fell apart without her. Begged her to come back even months later. They thought they could continue to pay her less as an immigrant female and get away with it, because they always have. My best friend, a white female, told me her female colleagues of color are getting paid half of what she gets paid, and she doesn’t have the guts to speak up about it because it pays her rent. She also admitted she has minimal responsibilities at that job while they do the brunt of the work. She also admitted she did not ask for that high pay. Of course, this is a small sample size. But to say this is all just a coincidence…gender & racial discrimination actually overlap.

  630. This is beautifully written. A couple of contrasting points, if I may:

    * “It’s a lie that because of sexism, we don’t all get paid maternity leave.” I think to call this “a lie” is strong, but I agree that this isn’t due entirely to sexism. The fact is the burden is disproportionately on women. It’s a biological fact. Many seek paid maternity leave in order to balance that disproportionate burden. Others feel that maternity leave is a social good because a good birth rate is the sign of a healthy nation and an economic necessity, so we should support that through maternity leave. So, my contrasting point here is I agree sexism is not alone the reason we don’t all get maternity leave. In fact, I think it’s reductionist and superficial to claim that it is. And there are lots of reasons to support maternity leave beyond sexism.

    * “There are things you can do, though. Like working hard and landing a job at companies like Netflix or Amazon or Spotify, which have privately decided to give their employees well over the paid average.” Yes, one can do that. (I take exception to “working hard” as though the only thing keeping women from working at an employer like these is that they don’t work hard.) But in a free market economy, yes, this is exactly how it would work. This doesn’t help out the people who don’t have employers like these in their area or whose skills are a mismatch — but I suppose women could “work hard” or plan years before getting pregnant to work in a field where companies offer these benefits, and hope that field and those companies are still around when they’re ready.

    * “It’s a lie that because of sexism, women don’t make as much money as men.” There are many, many studies that control for career choice, experience, and time out of work that demonstrate women are paid less. Although I haven’t experienced that in probably 15 years, I know for a fact I was paid less than my male counterparts when I worked in retail and in marketing and my managers were candid that it was because I “would never be responsible for supporting my family.” The author raises many good exceptions and I agree with her, but much anecdotal experience and data disproves her statement.

    I agree with 85% of the post and appreciate the pleasant way it’s written. The 15% I disagree with is above. But I also disagree with the sprit of it. The author, like many other men and women I speak to (and certainly dozens of memes I’ve seen) feel that there’s no reason to speak about issues that have already been addressed. Like once something is a done deal, it never needs to be revisited because we’ve moved beyond it.

    Is that true for gay marriage rights? No, direction has changed many times and I’m not positive we’ve seen the last.

    Is that true for abortion rights? No, while Roe v. Wade has been the precedent for 40 years, I think it’s likely to change. again Some will welcome that, some will not but the point is, it’s not a done deal.

    Is that true for what insurance covers? No, in my short lifetime I’ve seen my costs rise and fall with almost as much frequency as the waves on a beach.

    People march and people advocate in order to ensure that issues they care about continue to get attention and are cared for. I think it’s like having a plant. Just because your seeds germinate and the plant grows does not mean you no longer need to check in on it. It’s the same thing with rights, liberties, benefits, etc. And it’s true no matter which side of any issue you fall.

  631. Mary Rameriz,
    Sincere thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am genuinely trying to understand (in a nonjudgmental way) women who didn’t feel the need to march (and social media’s selective bias towards my liberal views unfortunately make that difficult).
    Your daughter seems very lucky to have you. I am guessing you only speak for yourself and not the millions of other women who also didn’t want to march. To that end, My only “counterpoint” would be that applies in the other direction. Until recently I also felt grateful & content with my opportunities and options. Like you indicated, I also feel grateful for the rights our predecessors fought for. So I marched with my daughter in support of the rights I already have (to choose whether or not to carry a fatally deformed fetus full term), would like to have (better protection against sexual harassment) and mostly to send a (loud) message to the world that the way our President speaks about women, immigrants, and people of color is simply unacceptable. I love your optimism and will try to absorb some to balance my realism that is in response to day to day facts. I mean this all literally.
    Lauren Boucek

  632. I am sure that they were probably many women back in the day who thought nothing was wrong with being a housewife and not having a job or a right to vote. Luckily for you, they weren’t the majority and now you have a right to post your opinion on the internet and vote for whatever president you chose.

    One day you will be history. When women have equal pay, don’t pay extra taxes for women products like tampons etc. We will say there were women in the past who were fine with the way things were, luckily they weren’t the majority.

  633. Well said, I was so ashamed of the hatred spewed at the March, the mess they left behind and the ugliness of their protest, and so many had different agendas, it was difficult to keep track! I feel they pushed all we have worked for backwards.
    The March certainly did not represent me.
    Thank you for so eloquently expressing how most of us feel.

  634. I am a minority. I have been raped. I worked in a male dominated work place. I worked just as hard as the men and got paid just as much. Nobody stopped me from becoming what I wanted to be. I was the only one holding me back. I applaud you Mary for teaching your daughter to grow up to stand on her own two feet. Not blaming everyone else or her color for her short comings. It’s about time people start taking responsibility for their own actions.

  635. I’ve been reading the previous replies, no wonder these women have not faired Well, they are an angry bitter bunch, if I was hiring, they would be the last on my list!
    People need to take responsibility for their actions! Go back to school, I had to ! I raised children, went to school part time until I got my second degree so I could make a better living.
    This country is so full of opportunities, I feel blessed everyday I was born in the US.
    I’ve traveled the world, if they want to do some good, they need to help women in countries where they have no rights

  636. How dare you go to her blog and tell her she is raising her daughter wrong. You are no better then anyone. Sitting on your pedestals looking down on people. Judging them God will judge not you

  637. This was the most painfully ignorant thing I’ve ever read in my life.

    Maybe instead of procreating you could take a break and get some professional education.

    Excuse me while I go vomit.

  638. Wow! I’m so glad I don’t have children. How dare anyone express their opinion these days! The way ADULT WOMEN conduct themselves these today is a travesty! I wouldn’t want to explain to my child why people can’t simply be kind to one another. For those of you that can’t, or simply didn’t read, Mary states that she walked to work everyday in MEXICO. You also probably didn’t notice that her last name is RAMIREZ. She doesn’t sound like a privileged white woman to me. Nice try though. Some of you are so blinded by your own inadequacies and laziness that you have nothing better to do than hate others. I work in healthcare. I’m not a nurse. I’d make more money as a nurse, but guess what? I didn’t want that responsibility. My CHOICE. I did well in school. Me. I got good grades. I received financial aid because my family could not afford to send me to community college. When I needed more, I applied for a student loan, which I paid off! Many Americans live like this! We all have that same opportunity! Some just CHOOSE not to take advantage of the opportunities in front of them. They’d rather complain and march with vaginas on their head. Also note, abortion is not a form of birth control. Take responsibility for your body if you don’t want children. Don’t create them in the first place. To Mary, thank you. I can’t love this article enough.

  639. Thank you!! Thank you for having the courage to say what many are thinking but feel like they can’t say anything without being judged. It is very hard to speak your mind when society is telling you you are wrong. So THANK YOU! This was beautifully written.

  640. How positively arrogant and clueless. Hate to burst your bubble, but your privileged world does not exist for all women. Hurray for you…you are so self-congratulatory. Have you ever been assaulted? Probably not. I’m happy for you. Now get out of my way while I deal with reality.

  641. With having daughters, you should have been out there marching and screaming the loudest. Just because things haven’t happend to you, doesnt mean it doesn’t affect other women. The march was not only about equal pay and cat calls. The march happened all over the world. It was about the woman in India who was raped and got stoned to death for it. It was about the woman who got shot and killed by her jealous ex husband. It was about the rape culture and the woman being made out to be the bad guy for being raped. Its about the rapist getting little to no jail time. It’s about 12 year old girls being married off to 60 year old men. Pay inequality does exist. ( I have been turned down from jobs because they wanted to hire a man, yes this was told to me) You have the ability to vote and a lot of the rights that you have becuse of women going out there and protesting and marching. How do you think women have the chance to go to college, become CEOs, The leader of a country, or anything beyond home maker came about? Half the women you mention WERE NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE. How do you think women got the vote? You need to open your eyes beyond your own 4 walls and really take a hard look at the world.

  642. I am so happy that the only story you have to tell your daughter is about how you were the victim of a cat call. As a woman who LITERALLY had her vagina grabbed by what appeared to be an 80 year old white man at just 18 years old, your article is a slap in the face. I was a waitress at a restaurant and I was wearing black pants, black uniform shirt and an apron… So please tell me again how the way we dress matters when it comes to sexual assault and rape. I could do nothing but cry because he was a regular and always spent a lot of money, not to mention I had no proof. At least he said he wanted to take me out on a date instead of saying he could do it because he was rich. Yes, we have it so much better than a lot of women in a lot other countries, but if that was the way everyone thought, you wouldn’t have the right to sit here today and tell other women why they had no reason to march… Why they are all liars. Have a heart and think about what you say before you say it. Teach your daughter that she should always fight for a better and brighter future instead of telling others how just because you have had a privaleged life, that they must have too.

  643. It’s ok, little one, we marched for you even if your sanctimonious mommy didn’t want to. How lucky she must be, to live in that comfortable bubble.

  644. Yeah, honey.. be satisfied with being a second hand citizen, with doing the same work and being paid less, grow up to be happy to be object-oriented and expect men to tell you what to do, how to dress, when to smile, what to think.. to tell you that you’re only good to be the recipient of that glorious liquid, their semen.. your wishes, desires, genio us and silliness mean nothing because we’re made to please others and we are told from when we are children that what we want doesn’t matter. We are given a duplicitar education, we’re told all throughout our lives that our pleasure only comes second to that of men.. if we’re abused, we’re not believed or of we are believed, so what? It’s just a hole between your legs.. does a man’s future needs to be hurt because he thought he can use it without you wanting it.. everyone knows that no actually means yes if you insist enough and you become hungry while eating..

    I’m sorry for you, honey.. most of all because you’ll grow up next to parents that will believe it’s OK with gently nudge down a path they wont understand until late into your life..

  645. They marched so all those things we have will not be wiped out by the sweep of the pen of a fascist President. There have been decades of women fighting for these rights and they should be never taken away. I hope your sweet child will never have to grow up without these rights and have to ask why you let them be taken away, Mom. Why did you let your guard down and become complacent and not stand up to keep these rights. Shame on you.

  646. What a successful post, Mary. You’ve been shared and there’s been incredible response, on both sides, each going extreme. You should be pleased with this. Your blog is, on a smaller scale, a place where we marched to and voiced our positions. I think it’s wonderful what you started. My position is different than yours and I’m really encouraged that you’re brave enough to allow it. Thank you.

  647. After reading through these comments I’ve come to realize that many women in the United States are demanding respect. What you have forgotten is that you must earn respect before it is received. I have no respect for any of these negative comments.

  648. Amen sister! As a mother of five and a college graduate I made my choices and I’m proud to be a woman. We are special!

  649. I applaud you. You are teaching your daughter about morals, character and working for what you want. These characteristics are being replaced with self-centeredness and entitlement. Very sad.

  650. All you hateful, hypocrital bitches need to learn how to read something you don’t agree with, and move on. Quit trying to force your beliefs on others. She’s not raising your daughter, and you’re not raising hers. Learn to stop throwing tantrums every time someone doesn’t agree with you, and calling names like a school girl. A mean girl at that. Everyone has had struggles. No one gets out alive. Give it a damn rest. Until you pay my bills and raise my family, you can shove your opinions of my life and beliefs where the sun doesn’t shine. You definitely don’t need to feel as if you are my voice either. I have my own. Thanks

  651. Wow she is delusional. She must live in a privileged bubble. Makes me sad that someone thinks this way and she is teaching this to her daughter.

  652. Lie to your baby then because I have yet to encounter any woman in the United states I live in who hasn’t faced discrimination head on. When I was 15 I worked in fast food for $5.50/ hour when I turned 18 I applied for all the factory work I could find one out of ten took me serously. One thank you BJ Drilling services for treating me an 18 year old girl like an equal human being. I applied to be a correctional officer my grandfather’s were both LA county sheriff’s and I was told I was too sexy to work in a prison, other companies wouldn’t even speak to me…. The Manager at CANTEX offered me money to suck his dick….. I moved to another town , I worked in the same fast food restaurant, sonic for Six months, I applied to work in a factory call Jonell Incorporated three times over that six month period, before the asked me why I wanted to work there and I said I need the money to improve myself I am dedicated I work hard I am on time and I want more than 5.50/hour to provide for my family.. and I finally was given the chance I deserved…… So lie to you baby go ahead my mom didn’t lie to me she told me not to get down she told me how men are and not to give in or take it out on myself she told me it was going to be tough, you go ahead and Lie to your baby just don’t be suprised when her dissapointed heart is sucking the guy at Centex s duck for 50$ because she thought things were going to be fair and easy but they weren’t. Lie to your baby don’t be surprised when she gives up.

  653. I’m glad that distorted unenlightened viewpoints like yours are being overtaken by more progressive, humane and just ones. The numbers are not in your favor and there is no stemming the tide of humanists, atheists, progressives and people of color and every shape and form of “the other” who is not white, blind and ignorant. You are on the wrong side of decency and evolution. You and those like you who share your distortions and attitudes are on your way to the dustbins of history. Good riddance.

  654. I’ve worked my way to the highest position in my profession with hard work and an education. We’ve put two daughters through school and I’m proud to say they are able to think for theirselves and make decisions despite my believing in pro-life and that we are all Blessed to have been born in America. One daughter is Liberal, one is not. I respect her beliefs and stand to defend mine. However though my daughter may not believe or vote as I do, she would never disgrace herself in the way in which most of the marchers did. I can’t call a walking vagina suit legit. Threats and profanity being shouted out for the cameras to hear your “cry”. Anger and hatred was all that was shown. I felt bad for the ones who were probably there wanting to make a difference. i felt bad for you all. A woman can say what she wants and others will listen and respect her. To get respect you have to earn it. I really hope that all of you truly are not that unhappy. So a woman is not the President. Get over it. All the rioting is doing nothing but showing that liberals aren’t really very liberal at all. You have to believe the exact thing they believe in to be right. It’s time to be a good citizen. But if you can’t I heard there isn’t a wall in Mexico. Have at it.
    Best article I’ve read. Chris keep putting a mans point of view. They may give you a hard time but they probably have one right beside them.

  655. Interesting you mention proverbs 31.

    Where is your post about how Melania should be welcoming refugees as stated in Proverbs 31:

    She opens her arms to the poor
    and extends her hands to the needy.

    I love how you use the bible as is convenient to your life. God is watching and is not impressed.

  656. Beautiful… the saddest thing of all is that so many women today consider femininity to be weakness at least among average women. Superstars are of course able to be anything because they live on a different planet. The true beauty if women… their grace, kindness, love, compassion … these are considered weakness in so many quarters today. Please check out

  657. I didn’t March because I believe baby’s are a gift and shouldn’t be tore up in my womb I didn’t march because Lil bird I had more class than these idiot women breaking windows spitting on people who have a different opinions than mine. Baby someday you’ll have that choice to kill your own baby or say the dirtiest vile speech that shames every women. Someday you might vote for a president that life means nothing to then we can open up these walls to everyone who wants to come in .this president that all the woman wait this is funny baby all the women dressed in vagina costumes with our head poking out but maybe this president that is ideal in those women who wore shirts this is cute too baby they wore shirts saying I love abortions funny huh he he this new president we vote in will well how do I say this pumpkin this guy will let people in that hate us and we might have to hide from these people we let in with flowers and cheers we might have change everything our strong solders fought for you more than likely not get to have children I’m sorry baby I should have fought for you and fought for your future instead of being so wrapped up in trying to make every American to believe excatly what I believe because freedom of speech religion and the right to prosper just doesn’t matter in less you believe what I and those vagina costumed women do because sweet angel we were raised to get everything we want . Shame on those people that have a different belief oh except for the Muslims who we need to give everything to even our freedom.

  658. Wonderfully written! This is a masterpiece! I agree with your thoughts and appreciate your attention to details. Thank you for writing this piece and sharing it. May God continue to bless you and your writings. May the thinking of many be changed because they read it and saw it as the real truth.

  659. It’s okay dear daughter, a multitude of women and men Marched for you regardless of your misguided mom. Because we stand in solidarity of all people being treated fairly, justly and with dignity. Power on sweet baby and don’t let hatred and little minds hold you back ❤.

  660. Because of sexism, you also decided or were trained to keep your mouth shut. But why criticize those who had a voice and showed the new leaders that they are not going to be bullied by powerful and sexist men leaders.

    • Also, I am a woman who chose a job that pays less and is part time so that I could control my hours and spend more time with my family. I know I’m bringing down the median but also the person on staff paid the least and works even more than I do is a man.

  661. Made me cry. I have a 6 year old daughter and I’m saving this for her when she is order. Awesome article and unbelievable writer.

  662. Pingback: A Glimpse into Liberal Tolerance | A Future Free

  663. I had to laugh at the part about taking time off and choosing a different career to earn as much as men. See, I work in a male-dominated field. From the day I started, I’ve made less than my male coworkers. I know this because we’ve compared notes. A good friend of mine even told me he thought it wasn’t fair since I helped him pass college, he got worse grades, did fewer activities, yet still got a higher offer for the same exact job.

  664. This is honestly one of the most ignorant things I have ever read in my entire life. It is so upsetting that women are fighting against women for rights they deserve. It’s women like you that allow oppression of women. How dare you, honestly. This is unbelievable and incredibly shameful. You are what’s wrong with this country and why other countries are looking at us and laughing. Grow up and open your eyes.

  665. It’s okay dear daughter, a multitude of women and men Marched for you regardless of your misguided mom. Because we stand in solidarity of all people being treated fairly, justly and with dignity. Power on sweet baby and don’t let hatred and little minds hold you back ❤.

  666. I am always happy to see writers attempt to back up their claims with facts. Sadly, you only told half-truths to fit your argument and didn’t share the entire story. My career has revolved around the world of work, and specifically women in the workplace, so I can at least speak to your claim about the wage gap. So here’s the deal – the wage gap has been studied to death over recent decades. Economists, scholars, and experts who study work trends all agree that wages between men and women are different. There is no denying it – it is simple math. So they have looked deeper into why this is the case. When these experts conduct studies as to what is impacting the differences in pay, they are able to tease out different factors and run sophisticated regression analysis models to determine which factors have a significant contribution and how large the effect size is. What they have found is yes, as you stated, some of the differences are due to women choosing different occupations, taking time out of the workplace, and not negotiating. However, this is not the full story, which the writer conveniently left out. When holding these factors constant (the different occupations, not negotiating, taking time out of the workplace, and many others), there is STILL a gap that cannot be explained.

    Harvard Economist Claudia Gouldin is one of the major researchers of the wage gap, and you can read more about her work and the gap that is not explainable. There are many articles on her work – here is one: These articles point out, “When economists examine the gap and control for all measurable factors, there remains a residual portion they can’t explain. For the Government Accountability Office, that portion was 20 percent. For economists Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn, it was 41 percent. It’s in this unexplainable portion where discrimination may be leaving its mark.”

    Researchers have also found that even immediately after graduation, within the same field, earning the same degrees, and after negotiating, there is a 93% wage gap between men and women (part of this is quoted in the article you linked to)! Why would they start out in a different place? What can explain that?

    Here is another interesting study that doesn’t have to do with pay so much as gender bias overall (and their findings have been replicated by others): the researchers sent out identical fictitious resumes (this is a tried-and-true research practice when studying work trends) to different employers and only changed the names to signify gender. They found that the men were FOUR times more likely to be called for interviews than the women. Same exact resume, same field!

    I wish people would look for the truth instead of just writing whatever they feel like because it supports their viewpoint. Why would scholars lie about there being a wage gap? (In addition, there is no way they can lie when all their work is reviewed by panels who are just waiting to find errors in their research studies and rip them apart). There is NOTHING to gain. I am so saddened that women are treating other women this way. If you believe there is 100% equality between men and women, that is great. Power to you. But I wish you wouldn’t knock down people like me who believe there is still work to be done based on what experts and researchers have been studying for years.

  667. It’s sad to me that millions of women – and men – come together and marched for something and your response was to sit behind a computer and nit-pick some items to use to tell them they’re wrong. It sounds like you felt like you might not have been welcomed because of some of your beliefs, but the advancement and uplifting of women isn’t and shouldn’t be partisan. Being a woman isn’t owned by any one political party. If you know a woman who marched, I would encourage you to sit down – face to face – and have a real honest discussion with them. And if you don’t know any women that marched, I would encourage you to ask yourself why.

  668. Assuming that the largest march in history is based on all of these lies you mention…
    Assuming that literally millions of women travelled for hours and hours to stand outside all day and use porta-potties and did this because they are convinced by these lies….
    Assuming everything you say is true and American women have all of these rights, so the “natural” question is: why are they marching anyway???
    Mary Ramirez I read your entire letter to your daughter. I hope you have enough of an open mind to read my response.

    1st question: What about non- American women?
    The President of the United States of America is one of the most powerful people in the world. His policies affect people across the globe. As the religious, anti-choice Americans celebrate his cutting funding to organizations that even mention the word “abortion”, what they don’t realize (or don’t care about) is that these are organizations that among other things, help young girls in danger of being sold into marriage and work to end female genital mutilation (FGM). Female Genital Mutilation is the removal of the clitoris and labia. The vagina is then sewed to make the opening smaller.
    According to the World Health Organization, “over 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation……furthermore, there are an estimated 3 million girls at risk of undergoing female genital mutilation every year.”
    This “tradition” is a manner of controlling women’s sexuality and reducing their sexual pleasure. But the consequences go far beyond that and cause psychological, and physical damage. Women experience more pain in childbirth, and in fact, this practice increases the death rate of newborns because of complications during birth. Innocent babies die and innocent women suffer because of this misogynist practice.
    The organizations that are working to stop this are being hurt by the President’s orders. More women will undergo FGM, more girls, women and babies will die.

    Because these organizations even mention abortion more babies will die.
    Granted, they are primarily black babies in Africa.

    Which leads to question #2:
    What about non-white women in the United States? All of those rights you mentioned that we supposedly all already have. Do you really believe we ALL enjoy those rights?
    The biggest purpose of this march was to demonstrate that ALL Women’s Rights are Human Rights.
    By ALL this means ALL rights (NOT JUST ABORTION).
    The wage gap you call a lie is even greater in the case of women of color. And the argument that women “choose” professions that are traditionally paid less….do we “choose” these professions because we don’t like to make as much money as our male counterparts? Do we “choose” these because we feel we do not deserve living wages?
    Where does this “choice” come from? When we are presented, as young girls, with images of success and intelligence, the predominant images are those of white men. So is this choice of lower paying professions what we choose or what we, from the time we are little girls, have come to believe are jobs we might have a chance to get? Or jobs that won’t intimate future husbands?
    The point that women tend to choose lower paying professions does not support your point—it in fact supports the mission of those marchers.
    WHY do women choose these professions? WHAT factors in our education system, our media and in our culture lead us to choose these?

    Question 3
    What would you do if abortion were not an issue?
    If theoretically, you could guarantee that no babies would ever be aborted…if abortion were a non-issue, if all the marchers were suddenly anti-abortion, could you find ANY little, teensy, tiny issue that might be worth marching for?
    For example, do you think someone groping women and saying he grabs them by their pussies is totally benign?
    When someone says this about or to your daughter, will you tell her that it is just an example of “boys will be boys”?

    Which leads me to Question 4.
    Have you ever heard of “rape culture”?
    You are right. Boys are victims of abuse, too.
    Here are some stats for you:
    • One in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives
    • Nearly one in 10 women has been raped by an intimate partner in her lifetime
    • One in 5 women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college.
    (National Sexual Violence Resource Center
    Here’s another one for you:
    • The majority of the perpetrators of sexual violence against men are white, heterosexual men .

    So you have stats that men are victims, too. But the vast majority of perpetrators of sexual violence against men and women are MEN.
    There is something going on here.
    We can use the same statistics to support our very different views.
    You give me a statistic that says women choose lower paying positions, and I ask: WHY?
    You give me a statistic that says men are victims, too, and I ask: WHO is the perpetrator?

    While YOU may not feel oppressed, this does not mean oppression does not exist. Disagreeing with something or not having experienced that thing for yourself does not make it a “Lie”.
    The definition of privilege is thinking something isn’t a problem because it isn’t a problem for you personally.
    You said you will teach your daughter to be “kind and honorable”.
    This is exactly why I marched. To show my daughters what kindness and honor mean. For All.

    Tamar Bernfeld

  669. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read on Facebook today. The language you use is immature and condescending. Drop the “honey” and “baby” if you want anyone to take you seriously. Also, acknowledge your privilege. You are seriously disillusioned. Time to wake up, honey!

  670. Let this Hispanic female who was raised by a single mom with no child support and who faced many many more challenges than you described — rape being Disneyland in comparison –tell you that the author IS ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT in everything she stated –to the T. Your hardships don’t deserve a pity party and neither do mine nor do anyone else’s. Opportunity is there — not everyone works for it therefore not everyone gets it. People choose their careers for different reasons, and whether you like it or not the fact is that women choose lower paying careers. Perhaps it’s because they have a serving heart and service jobs do not pay as much as jobs in financing or industry. That is simply capitalism, simply the way things are and that has nothing to do with male versus female. Most men choose jobs that pay well, and most women choose jobs that are fulfilling. And there are those who cross the line either direction —which is entirely their prerogative. As a female I chose a job that pays well. Is it the most fulfilling? No, not in the least, but it’s what I chose. People have to live with their choices but the reality is that the choices are there, and to blame MEN or say men have it better than us is the most asinine selfish hateful and immature thing in the world. So let me ask YOU, with the hardships that you have endured and overcome, are YOU 12 that you didn’t have the sense to think this through and see things from her perspective? Oh that’s right, she’s white (in your mind) therefore she doesn’t know anything and can’t relate to the real world because she has had life easier (in your opinion). Well you don’t know her so you can’t judge her. If you feel inferior or feel that women are inferior and have less opportunity, then you are simply choosing to believe a lie for Convenience. Granted, a small portion of the population has it easier than the rest of us, but that doesn’t in anyway mean that any of us in this country have it bad, ( the exception being those who have had opportunities stripped from them or who have not been given opportunities, and ironically it is our current president who is rallying and working to give these citizens the same oopportunities -equal opportunity for all citizens. But for the most part, we have the same opportunities already. No one is inferior to anyone no matter what your gender, race, political affiliation, etc. As Eleanor Roosevelt said. no one has the power to make you feel inferior but you yourself. All the angry women and men who feel that women are not equal to men in this country need to go look at the world around them, and grow the hell up. Quit blaming white people and men and anybody else you feel is against you for your lot in life. And another thing, drop the racist attitude. It’s sickening.

  671. I feel bad for your child. It doesn’t only matter what you teach him/her/them. They still have to exist in society. Scientific studies show that as early as age 6 girls beliefs about themselves are already shaped to think they are not as smart or as talented. Please stop rejecting scientific and sociological studies that show our societal beliefs are still compromising the success of young women.

  672. Lucky us! We don’t have to march! We are so lucky and blessed and privileged, but we can sit safely in our warm homes and make cookies with our “baby birds” because we choose to. I have so many issues with this blog, but I’m going to focus on just one thing. If you insist on writing narrow-minded blog posts that completely lack empathy, please at least consider broadening your worldview. If you truly don’t believe that women suffer at all in the US, please consider women world-wide who do suffer greatly simply because they are women. Please consider using your voice for good in the world and not just saying you “don’t have to” march simply because you are so privileged. What a terrible message to send to our girls.

  673. Thanks, this post was very interesting, I was incredibly bothered by what was happening in that march, peaceful and appropriate protests are needed, but that is not what I saw. I was referred to this by a friend, the entire comment feed has been ruined by a few people, normally I do not comment, I see no point, but let me be the first person on the site to simply say. Thank You.

  674. It will be an interesting day, to say the least, when all of the beautiful women created to be so much more than anger motivated, loose-lipped beings – get to the gates of heaven with their picket-signs and broken hearts only to discover they are unable to get in. That’s when we will experience true ‘inequality’, if you will. As humans, we have been called to love and spread love. God’s love, to be exact. Do you think we will take our hard earned cash, career, mindset, political views, or science past the grave? Please comprehend that there’s a life worth believing in after all of this time we’ve spent here on Earth. If you don’t, I feel sorry for you. Your aborted child, or children, will miss the chance to see their mother’s face for the first time.

    Religion and Science. Those are both written, rewritten and disputed, by humans for humans. They’re intended for the people by the people. The point we’re all missing is RELATION. Where did the sense of building and keeping relationships go? Loving our neighbors? Loving our enemies? Why does disagreement over opinion lead to so, so many hateful comments – from both sides?

    If you marched, march on. Believe what you may. If you did not march, OK. Believe what you may. Either way, every single person in the world, female and male, believe in SOMETHING that they find indisputable. If your belief is indisputable – don’t spend so much energy in arguing it to people who clearly believe differently. If it’s indisputable to YOU, why so much anger, so much hatred, so much ignorance toward OTHERS?

    I hope that nobody that has read this article goes to sleep at night believing that America, a country, land here on Earth, will be their one and only experience of freedom. It goes much further, deeper, wider, longer; when God sets you free, no man or woman, no pay raise, no job title, no President, no skin color, nothing – absolutely nothing, can take that away from you.

    For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.

    We’ve become our own worst enemies. The sense of self has far surpassed any other belief here on Earth.
    Next time you pray on social media for a country that has suffered, say a prayer for yourself as well.

  675. Dear Mary, I would like to respectfully point out that the women who march, and who raise their voices against past and present injustices, are the ones who have given you the berth from which to write this rather smug piece. You sat comfortably at home, but you did it on the shoulders of the suffragettes and the Civil rights marchers. And while our cause today may seem to be problems afflicting the comfortable, there are many rights which appear to be at stake even so. And as someone who attended the D.C. march with a child, I can promise you that the marchers I saw were not rude or loud (though there were chants and some interesting signs). In fact, it was one of the most peaceful and polite public events I’ve ever attended. And I’m pretty sure that one day your daughter is going to ask you, why didn’t you march, Mommy? And you can give her this and she can give you some epic side eye.

  676. Thank you!!!! I do not have a daughter (2 boys), but if I did, these are the words I would tell her! We women, blessed to be in America, are incredibly lucky in all the rights we have. And to cheapen those rights by screaching we do not, is so very wrong.

  677. Shittiest Mom of the year goes to……………The priveledged white lady who can’t see past her own fragile bubble to put herself in anyone esles shoes but her own and will continue to normalize and accept horrible policy decisions designed to keep women down forever.

  678. I marched because I objected to the way a very powerful man bragged about grabbing a woman’s genitals without establishing her consent. I marched because I am horrified that millions of people wanted a man who brags about grabbing a woman’s genitals without establishing her consent to be the President. And I’m sad and horrified that any woman wouldn’t be angry enough to march in the streets after a man who brags about grabbing a woman’s genitals without establishing her consent got elected President. My safety matters. Bragging about sexual assault is unacceptable. That’s why we marched. I claim the author of this article is attacking a strawman, by ignoring the real impetus behind the march! The reason that the hats were pussyhats is that we were objecting to the unforgettably awful statement Trump made.

  679. Well said!
    Women’s marches in the past needed? Certainly.
    Women’s marches in the present needed?
    Nope. Unless you need attention.
    Or like to wear vagina costumes. Or both.
    What an embarrassment to our gender.
    We have so many rights to be thankful for!
    When many women in this world go without, are truly hurting & treated poorly.
    You have shown the world how many selfish, attention-seeking female idiots we have in the United States.
    I am ashamed of your so called Woman’s March.

  680. When I was pregnant, I was reassigned to a different position which would require travel every day between buildings. It was a harder position, admitted by my boss. The decision was made by my then pregnant, female supervisor. I was already pretty far along. I was just stumped as to why another woman who was ALSO pregnant would make that decision. The male college who had the travel position was given my position, kind of a “promotion” for him even though the pay was the same. Nobody wanted to travel between. buildings. I wish I would have fought them on that, but I decided to quit and stay home with my son. I am so glad I did, because I would have never been able to keep up with nursing him with the travel requirements and stress of the new position. I think they did this because they did not want to have to deal with me being gone on maternity leave, which I made sure to tell them I would be taking ALL 12 weeks, and not the 6 they wanted me to take.

  681. Very very sweet to your daughter. But so biased about so many other things that are important for all men & women, for you, as well I would think, and for the future. Just for example, Margaret Sanger. To my mind Margaret Sanger = birth control, NOT abortion. She was NOT a bad woman! While birth control is a personal choice not everyone condones, I do think it is very-nearly universally approved; certainly is by this mom and grandma who grew up in a time when it’s approval was not so embraced. You are right to tell your little girl to respect herself and to avoid vulgarity and to embrace her many educational opportunities. But you should also learn more about women’s history. Like this fact from the time I was growing up: professional schools, like law and medical schools admitted no more than a handfull (3 – 5 maybe?) women per year. That change, when it came, happened fast in the 1970s, but believe me not because the men at the top suddenly decided it would be a nice thing to do. Learn more about this history because to understand it will benefit both you and your sweet little one. And this would just be a drop in the bucket of self education that I would hope you would acquire – for your own sake, as well as those you seek to influence.

  682. So, you’re going to teach your daughter to judge other women based on the way they dress. I guess it’s nice that you don’t think you needed to March and while yes, women in this country have so many rights, we are lucky to be here and be able to do as much as we can. Sometimes it’s not just about us it’s about every woman, and their inequality but clearly you aren’t concerned about those women. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about those women, don’t worry about the women who aren’t given the same opportunities, just teach your daughter to judge other woman.

  683. Well. I read that and I don’t understand why you would not speak up for women or men, there were plenty of men at the march I went to. The women that marched have EMPATHY for other people that are not quite as fortunate as others. That is what I find lacking in this country. Maybe you have been through struggles but other people have been through a lot more and they need help. They need Planned Parenthood to get breast exams, tests for cancer, and other services they provide. We were not marching for abortion. We march for other women that need the health services that Planned Parenthood provides for low income earners. I am a “privileged” person even though I have been a single mom for the whole 19 years I have had my son. I have a good job with benefits. Times are hard sometimes. I have to watch the budget but I feel privileged. Others don’t always have choices like you think everyone has. I march for you and your daughter because I care about all humans not just myself.

  684. Ho-lee-fuck. This has been like by a person on my Facebook feed. No worries ay to comment on the post just the option to share or like. Couldn’t read past the maternity part. Every developed country has found a way to pay for maternity leave, but we should feel for the poor business million and billionaires here that can’t figure it out. This whole article is madness. Enjoy marching in step right over that cliff. Don’t take my country and your child with you.

  685. Ho-lee-fuck. This has been like by a person on my Facebook feed. No way to comment on the post just the option to share or like. Couldn’t read past the maternity part. Every developed country has found a way to pay for maternity leave, but we should feel for the poor business million and billionaires here that can’t figure it out. This whole article is madness. Enjoy marching in step right over that cliff. Don’t take my country and your child with you.

  686. This post has brought me so much joy. To know that their is such an amazing mother out there looking after her daughter and teaching her the truth behind the charades and lies of others. I’ve noticed that many women on the march carried signs stating something along the lines of women being the dominant gender. There were many other signs calling for equality, but others were just extremely hypocritical. So many women attended the Women’s March, but not the March for Life. The March for Life is the REAL March for equality and justice. I am so ecstatic to see someone willing to show their views in a kind, respectful manner as you have.
    Thank you so much for sharing this. I will never forget this letter.

  687. Think about people besides your yourself please. Not every little girl on this earth gets told they can do it all, have it all, and get the health care they need. You could argue that women take lesser paying jobs but if thats true why would they? Because maybe they were in homes that discouraged them from persuing a higher education based on there gender, or in a country that didnt allow them to go to school at all? There is a pay gap. On one side you can argue men get hired for better paying jobs, on the other side you can argue a majority of women dont pursue the higher paying jobs. But whatever side you argue for are either of those sides show that women have equal oppurtunity? No. Women need to be encouraged as equally as men to persue an education and better jobs, and employers need to want to employ women in higher paying jobs. I recently had a conversation with a woman that said to me ” women are too emotional to be president” this wasnt something she came up with on her own- her environment, what she was told growing up, and so many other factors that make women feel like second class citizens made her come to that awful conclusion. Yes things are better for woman today than they were 50, 100, 200 years ago. But what origionally caused the mind set that women shouldnt own property, vote, or learn how to write there own names? If that mind set was true then how can we keep things moving foreword for women? We encorage our daughters and teach them to care about women who are less fortunate, less encoraged, and fight for them. If there is one girl on this earth that feels less because of there gender, thats one too many. March for them.

  688. “Daughter, it is okay you WILL be sexually harassed and might even be abused or raped because some men have to deal with that too. And if your attacker gets you pregnant, You will have to carry that baby to term because women like me were too bible beaten to march for your right to choose to rid your body of your attacker’s baby. But at least then instead of paying crazy high prices and possibly sales tax on sanitary napkins you can instead take unpaid maternity time from work because mommy was too selfish to cough up a few extra pennies a month to cover that for you. But that is okay, you probably work a silly job that does not even begin to cover what you could earn in a ‘man’s’ job. But you were probably asking for it anyway with the way you were dressed and the colorful language you were using. Daughter, I will raise you to only believe the oppressive things the bible tells us and ignore all the laws men sign to make us once again second class citizens, undoing all the hard work of my mother and my mother’s mother.”

  689. You have the right to your opinion.

    However, because you sat by idly while others peacefully protested a self-admitted sexual predator, then your silence and inaction helped to normalize the behaviour of sexual assault.

    If your daughter gets sexually assaulted/harrassed and gets no help when she reports it, then make sure you let her know your role in that as well.

  690. Um, does she even realise that freedoms and rights that she currently enjoys as a woman were marched and fought for by generations of women past? Thank God for those women. Thanks God they marched for her, and all womankind. But the work is not yet done. We DO NOT have gender equality. Now is NOT the time to rest on our laurels. Thank you to those who DID march for my daughters, for Mary’s daughter and for daughter’s everywhere.

  691. Wow!! Impressive, classy, and filled with truth!

    Don’t let Mommy forget to tell you about how the media tries to suppress articles your mom writes because it goes against your opposer’s agenda.

  692. You all are so hateful it’s ridiculous. not everyone has the same viewpoint. Not everyone was raised the same. Some people are very religious. Others aren’t religious at all. Who gives a fuck ehh? My mom was raped. She kept me even though she was 16. She grew up and worked 3 jobs, put herself through 8 years of college. She’s held many high paying positions most of which she was “the boss”. The were a few unfair times and most of it was from women’s gossip and lies. She was lied about and lost her job because of other women not willing to pull their weight but wanted to reap the benefits with their lies and gossip; manipulation. My mother makes a lot of money. Way more than me. If I were aborted to make her life easier I wouldn’t have graduated with honors from high school. I wouldn’t have become a United States Marine. I wouldn’t have put myself through college so that I can pay my bills and get a job starting out at 53,000. A year which is more than enough to pay for everything I need.

    • If for one second think I’m privileged or my mother is your the one who needs help. My whole life I’ve worked men’s jobs. Hard working jobs. I worked in excavation and construction. Many labor, hot, physically exhausted work right along side men and guess what. I got paid the same. I was in the military for aviation electronics, aircraft. I got paid the same. I was medically discharged because my body couldn’t handle the weight of trying to be a man. It’s broken for life. Guess what I suck it the fuck up and I work hard. Very hard, and guess what I get paid the same. What I’d like you pussy ass women to do is go to another country like Germany or Sweden and see how women are being treated there. Sweden is the rape capital of the world… because of muslims. Muslims just held a march in Chicago chanting death to America. We as American women in itself are privileged but it seems you guys are never happy because your spoiled. Go to another country and see how many rights and how much privilege you have there. I’m sure you’ll be happy to come home.

  693. Wow, conformity is clearly VERRRY important among the self-proclaimed “independent” women—“She thinks differently than us, let’s hate her!” Nothing like a gaping lack of introspection to maintain the herd mentality. I’m sure they believe Ramirez has the wrong purse & shoes, too … and therein lies even more proof:
    If such women were truly inclined to think for themselves, the fashion industry would have shut down decades ago.

  694. Oh honey. This really does sound like you thought this through. Question remains, why do you feel so obliged to pretend everything is just a-okay? Do you really not see the bigger picture? If not just USA, why not do your bit and stand up for women elsewhere? Actually, why not focus on the USA. Can you not see how pathetic your maternity leave entitlement is for instance? Do you imagine a man going through pregnancy and going back to work after, what is it in your country, 10-12 weeks?! Wake up and stop dividing women, I swear, I want you and your daughters to be feisty, not complacent.

  695. First of all, a letter isn’t an article. You are just using an easy method of writing to get your biased opinions across. Clearly you just want to rant about the Women’s March so why don’t you just post a paragraph on Facebook? It would honestly take the same effort to write a post as much as I’m sure it took you to write this “article”. Second of all, the women’s match was about raising awareness against those who are actually oppressed, such as women of color and the LGBTQ community. Of course, I’m sure you wouldn’t know that since you are so wrapped up in your own white privilege. Also the wage gap is real, the actual median wage is based on men and women who have the SAME position. Also why do women have to be both wives and businesswomen, why can’t they just be BUSINESSWOMEN? I feel so bad for your future daughter and how she will be brainwashed by your white, upperclass opinions. The fight that women have to face today is real and it is scary. We are judged constantly and taught to belittle each other when we should be creating a community of strong women. For your daughter’s sake, I hope you educate yourself about what is really happening out in the world. You should also take a writing class and learn how to actually write. Don’t bother speaking your opinions when they are ignorant.

  696. I’m pretty sure they marched in protest against trump actually, because they don’t agree with him, and what he’s said. (And he’s said some pretty terrible things, not just about women but many minorities as well) A lot of those women were probably feminists but that’s not what the march was for. The march was maybe a loud protest, but for the most part a very peaceful one. Where people used there constitutional rights to send a message that they disagree with our current president.

  697. I hope that when your daughter is old enough to understand what you’ve written, she only sees the love you have for her, and not all of the lies you are spewing.

    I chose to use the word lies because you seem to redundantly define other people’s reality as false hoods. You’re living with a narrow view of the world and following “alternative” ideals that are veiled from reality.

  698. Mary Ramirez- I think you like to be divisive and I doubt you even have a daughter-at least I pray that I’m right about that. If you do have one, may God give her a smart, strong woman to guide her into adulthood because you clearly can’t pull your head out of your ass long enough to do it. You do not represent womankind, you represent the worst kind of laziness that feels entitled to reap the benefits of those that fight for your rights as a woman.

  699. Pingback: Why I’m a Feminist | truthiswhatisremembered

  700. From the future adult woman that is now a baby: Dear “Mommy”, I think you are naive and a coward. But first as an aside may I say that I do not appreciate you trivialising me as a “baby bird” a “sweet pea” and other cute, fragile but ultimately non-essential things. The way your letter was peppered with them clearly shows how little you are really engaging with me as a potential social agent instead of someone’s ornament. It is clear that you are a very privileged person and that you assume I will also be as privileged as you. You “don;t have to” march for me, and you think that like you I will have such a narrow view that I will disregard the majority of women who don;t have it so easy. You laziness as to fact checks makes me think it is unlikely that you yourself have a good career- perhaps you would say it is because you are not as brilliant as Marie Curie (who in fact could tell you a thing or two about sexism). Have you talked to people you cite such as Meg Whitman about the path she took to get where she is? Did you “choose” to be a “Mommy” so that you could baby-talk your whole life? Is this really what you chose? In many ways I am doubting your claims that you will “teach” me the full range of options open to women since you seem so closed-minded and simplistic yourself and since you seem to see me as a “petal” not a powerful being. You refer to “terrible, no-good, very-bad lies” as if overusing adjectives lends weight to a superficial argument- ah then clearly you don;t want me to be a lawyer or a politician. You quote the bible at me suggesting that I have to be a wife before and beyond all else and need to be valuable to my husband more so than fulfilled within myself (also ignoring the weight of patriarchy on that particular part of scripture and the overwhelming and good scholarship that has deconstructed it). Dear “Mommy”, you eternal child it is obvious that you could not have done something so independent and brave as marched for me, and I forgive you for determinedly closing your mind to quiet your conscience and avoid confronting your cowardice. As a grown woman I forgive you. I pity you. But ultimately I can march for myself.
    Sincerely your not so pathetic little girl
    P.S. Raunchiness and vulgarity do not cheapen me, double standards do. Revealing clothing do not make me less than human, patriarchal values do.

  701. Telling our daughters they can work at Netflix, Amazon or Spotify if they expect decent maternity leave? Ok. What if they have another dream? Should they not pursue it?

    Maybe the companies mentioned above privately decided that caring for families would be to the benefit of the company as a whole. Happy, well-cared for workers equal harder workers. Maybe that’s what progress looks like.

  702. I sure hope your daughter opens her mind and reads more than just your supremely misguided letter and advice. You & your ideas are women’s greatest enemy. Dear Mary’s daughter- think for yourself, your mommy is the liar!

  703. “. . . the glory of the Present is to make the Future free . . . “—that’s precisely why I marched. I will continue to march and to speak up even when others do not see their own oppression or the oppression of others. I am saddened by women believing that they are equal in the U.S. today when they are not (not unlike privileged white women in the early 1900’s). It is exactly my faith in the gospel message that forces me to be aware and active in the face of injustice where it exists.

  704. Oh my god this is awful tell me this is a joke that because everything is wonderful for you and your daughter nothing else matters. Tell me this was written under direction from a controlling male this is awful reasoning wand

  705. The privilege and arrogance that literally drops from this drivel is astonishing. How nice that your precious baby bird lives in utopia. Dear squishy marshmallow pumpkin kitty perfect baby, lucky for you that while your extra yummy superior gumdrop mommy was proselytizing, other women who actually read and understand words and books and facts and history MARCHED FOR YOU ANYWAY. I wonder what your super privileged happy face emoji mama bunny cupcake will say if you ever ask her why she was so willfully ignorant of the very real issues that continue to face women-ALL WOMEN-in this country in 2017. Except I don’t think she much cares about any of those women, only about her sugar yummy buttercup. You are appalling, Mary Ramirez. Your privilege was earned on the backs of women who fought and died so you could be a sanctimonious jerk. The fact that you have the right and opportunity to spew such nonsense is precisely because of all those women you pooh-pooh. Your complacency is despicable.

  706. I agree with some of your points but for the reason way woman and man made I think it is depends. I think woman or man not born in different rules.

  707. I totally agree with this mother. Girl should learn how to protect themselves and know how to be strong enough to against the bad things. Do not believe all the sweet words from the guy who want have a relationship with you.

  708. We won’t agree on everything. After all, this is a diverse country, and the experiences of some may not be the experiences of others.

    And therein lies the danger of denouncing efforts that are made for equality.

    In my bubble of the world, I’ve volunteered outside reproductive health care clinics. I work for a state human rights commission, and just about every workday I hear stories that would blow away the assumptions you made in your post. My daughters, 32 and soon to be 25, not only have already run into adverse gender experiences, they are out there with me, working for better. We’ll stand up for your daughter even if you don’t believe you have to.

    If only I could connect you to the women on behalf of whom I write charges.

    Naivete is okay, at least so long as it is not willingly embraced as factual. I was there once on many things related to say… cutting and self-harm. I had no idea, until one in the field started sharing stories with me.

    Please reconsider.

  709. Pingback: Dear (Future) Daughter: Here’s why I marched for you – Sammi Says

  710. I’m horrified. Not just because of the article, but because of the comments here. We may not all agree but we need to at least respect each other. Snide remarks like “Lilly Bedwetter” and calling people privileged or uneducated gets us no where. Would you say those things if you weren’t anonymously writing behind a keyboard? March or don’t march, work or don’t work, get an abortion or don’t. It’s your choice. Respect that choice and maybe we can grow as a civilization.


    If you’re mocking those who march, you must be cool with your daughters making 80% of what their male colleagues make. And even more cool with the fact that the gender wage gap increases with age. Because nothing says love like devaluation.

    You’ve probably forgotten that women have voting rights because women marched and argued and fought FOR ALMOST 100 YEARS. Seriously, look it up.

    You may not know that women couldn’t have had a credit card in their name until the Equal Credit Opportunity Act in 1974.

    Maybe you’re too young to know that until the Pregnancy Discrimination Act in 1978, women could be fired from their workplace for being pregnant.

    BTW, that same adorable daughter that you willingly educate and send out into the world to make less than men couldn’t have complained about those men groping her at work until a court ruling in 1977. And her company couldn’t be held financially responsible for that booty grab until 1998.

    In 1990, not long after I’d entered the workforce, my father told me that if I didn’t know how to make coffee I wouldn’t be asked to give up my seat at the table to do so. I never learned to make coffee. Over the years I watched countless women leave meeting tables to make coffee for the group. The meeting always continued, but without that woman’s ideas or input.

    In 1996 my employer, The Ritz-Carlton, patted themselves on the back for being so progressive that they began to allow women to wear pants to work. They still required, and checked, to be sure we were wearing full-leg pantyhose. Oh, and 2 inch heels were non-negotiable. 1996, people.

    In 1998 my boss told me to wear more skirts and higher heels, even though my job required me to do a lot of bending, carrying cases of wine, and picking up things off the floor.

    I looked at our new president’s candidates for cabinet posts and was dismayed that there are only four women, and that two of the four, Betsy DeVos and Linda McMahon, have actively worked against the institutions they’ve been tapped to lead.

    So my family and I marched. (Thank you
    for being on board before I even mentioned it.) We know that one march isn’t all it will take. We’re ready to do more, harder work.

    You don’t have to march. But you don’t get to mock others who do or to deny the issues. You don’t get to throw side eye, or passive aggressively support mocking with social media ‘likes’ and emojis, without some sort of response from me.

    You don’t have to march. I’ll do it for you. You’re welcome.

    • Thank you for this! It is baffling to me to see so many women arguing against their own self-interest, not to mention the millions of other women in this country and on this planet. Also, to all the women who think there is no reason to march because you have never experienced discrimination, injustice, or violence yourselves: be grateful for, and aware of, your privilege. If you think that means it’s not happening, you are not paying attention. And if you do realize that it is happening all around you, and you simply don’t care because it’s it not happening to you personally, that is shortsighted indeed. If you don’t speak up for others when injustices are happening, there will be no one left to speak up for you.

    • I hate to burst your bubble but there is a lot of wrong information in your comment. But I am only going to point out one, my mother had a credit card in her name as did my aunts in the 60’s and 70’s. One aunt was a divorcee with a child and a great job for a major corporation. Yes she started as a secretary(everyone has to start somewhere) and worked her way up into management. She was promoted for her skills and knowledge and experience. She made great money and benefits from day one.

  712. Pingback: Dear Daughter: Here’s Why Daddy Didn’t Skip Work Yesterday | A Future Free

  713. Pingback: Dear Daughters of the World: I Did March for You – Alliance in Action

  714. You are a sick women, I feel bad that your daughter has to grow up in a household where its ok to put women behind men. Do yourself a favor and rip that letter up, she may hate you for it one day. I hope your daughter grows up to be a powerful women, one that believes in equality peace love and humanity. I hope she learns from your mistake and pushes women to fight for their rights! I know Im raising my boys to fight for your daughters rights and every other little girl.

  715. YOU might not be treated as a second class citizen in your life, but that is not the same for all women. I work in a field dominated by men in a management position, I am well-educated and I work incredibly hard, but I am still paid less than my male counterparts. I am met with learing glances and sexist comments about my appearance on a daily basis. I am not seen for what is inside my mind. Writing articles like this diminishing the purpose of the Women’s March is not setting a good example for your daughter. Your daughter should learn about all points of view and form her own opinions. You shouldn’t hold her back and limit her world view by telling everything YOU don’t agree with is a lie. She should know that if she is treated as an equal, it is because many women before her fought for her rights.

  716. But it’s okay that our president has said he likes to grab pussy and just start kissing on women?” It’s okay that many women have expressed that Mr. Trump has sexually assaulted them and they have been afraid to come forward because of exactly what happened “people shunning them and making death threats.” Is it okay that he sexualizes his own daughter? It’s so hard to see my daughter and other children see this man as a leader. I marched to show my daughter that when a mans reputation is as such that it’s ok to stand up to him and say “NO, I demand to be treated with respect!!”

  717. Pingback: 5 Lies Modern Feminism Teaches Our Little Girls | A Future Free

  718. “Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh”…this is all I hear when I read the BS you loser feminists have to write (which is mostly, by the way, opinions that are based on COMPLETELY made up statistics and not even remotely close to what’s actually happening in this country).
    You want a raise? ASK for it (if you really think you deserve it). You want to be treated the same as the men around you? DEMAND it. We live in a country where you can be anything you want to be-anything!-no one is stopping you!! What the author said about wage discrimination is SO true…it’s when there is a large discrepancy in pay between two people who have the EXACT same position and EXACT same qualifications. Not what’s happening here. I bet the majority of you idiots haven’t even addressed this with your bosses/supervisors to see what they would say if you demanded equal pay. No? You would rather keep your mouth shut where it really matters but then go get together with your fellow loser feminist girlfriends to hold up stupid ass signs and yell your brains out and block busy streets for bad ass bitches (like myself) who need to actually keep living our lives and who are completely content with our lives (because we MAKE it that way)? We shouldn’t feel bad either-we earned it.
    I work for a small custom furniture and interior design business (which is a feat in itself-to have to compete with the big box stores!) and my boss pays us WELL over the average for those in the same city and who work in the same industry. Also- my bosses ONLY hire women. Not because they’re sexist but because they’ve hired men in the past and they have had a much more favorable and lucrative experience with women. OMG..why aren’t there idiots with signs outside our business?! I’ll tell you why. It’s not ageist, sexist, racist etc if it’s TRUE. I guarantee you the teeny tiny percentage off peens who are going out of their way to discriminate against women are a dime a dozen.
    Stop being lazy. Stop feeling like world owes you something. Life sucks and that’s a hard fact, but don’t go hiding behind false accusations and rumors because you either can’t or don’t want to get your shit together. I’d rather be starving and living on the street than make someone who earned their money feel like they owed me part of it…but guess what- I’ll never find myself in that situation because I’m driven and I’m resourceful. And before any of you come back at this thinking I grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth- nope! Pooooor! I’m in serious debt now because my parents couldn’t afford to pay for college and I am entirely ok with that. Again I CHOSE my path. Wasn’t easy but everything that has led to this point has made me stronger. I can’t wait to share my life experiences and awesome stories with my future daughter. In her eyes I’ll be a strong, awesome, fun woman – not a whiny wimpy BITCH.

  719. Pingback: Arkansas Is Fixated on Abortions No One Is Having | Alt Left Press

  720. Pingback: Arkansas Is Fixated on Abortions No One Is Having – Thinking Port

  721. This is totally inaccurate in regards to the wage gap. Now the is wage gap does not appear in every field, but it’s horrendous in some. In my field, which is business management, women make less than 80% of what a man with the same exact qualifications makes. Also, statistics show, there are less women by a considerable amount in higher level positions.

    That’s the only issue i have with anything you wrote, but it’s a serious issue.

  722. Many are commenting here about how they got a job and were paid the same as their male counterparts. Super for you all! However, that hasn’t always been the case for all women in their jobs. Just because you got lucky and were able to be paid fairly and equally doesn’t negate the fact that other women were not so lucky. All your comment shows is that some were paid equally and some weren’t.

    This just shows how complicated these issues are and none of them are so clear cut as the author of this letter seems to believe. She leaves out all the other details of the march…only focusing on the ones that she disagreed with and not mentioning the rest. Doesn’t show the whole scope of what is happening in our country today. TRUMP in office as the 45th president means the dismantling of our democracy. And that, my fellow Americans, is not good for ALL of us on the right and left. Wake up, we need to stop arguing with eachother and start seeing the big picture. Let those of us who feel the need to speak up for our country, do so. You do not have to like it and you can tell your children what you like. They will grow up and learn the truth for themselves. Maybe instead of brainwashing your children to believe what you believe, just teach them right from wrong and to not hurt others, physically, emotionally or verbally. Let them decide what they believe and trust they will choose to do the right thing based on your disapline of right, wrong and humanely the right thing to do. We shouldn’t teach our children how to think, but encourage them to think for themselves.

  723. Pingback: That's OK, Mary, We All Marched for Your Daughter – Superficial Gallery

  724. Pingback: 10 Things You Might Say if You’re a Feminist in 2017 – The Political Adventures & More of A Millennial

  725. So very well said. Just today I was blocked from a woman’s march Alabama Facebook page for pointing out that a woman they were celebrating because she was racially harassed on Facebook was guilty of starting the whole ordeal by posting something that was racist in the first place. What is so wrong with being able to see both sides of something. This movement is a sad one based out of misplaced anger and entitlement and I hope more people realize this.

  726. Pingback: Leftists Are Hypocrites on Sexual Harassment. Why Should We Trust Them On Race or Poverty? | A Future Free

  727. dear daughter,

    I didn’t march, because it doesn’t bother me in the slightest that we live in a nation where the entitled white man voted to lead the free world believes he has the unequivocal right to grab you by your genitals and kiss you against your will, this is just classic ‘boys being boys’ and his wealth and power allow him to do that. I didn’t march because you will have to work twice as hard to get into the same positions politically as men will, your record will need to be immaculate, and on top of that, you will need to look amazing, because if not you will be torn down first and foremost for your looks, your weight, your age, not your brains. I didn’t march because if one day, you become sexually active, and you make a mistake, or if something happens to you against your will, you will not be allowed to seek help privately, and you do not have sovereignty over your own body to make the decision to continue your life child free. The rights of a fetus growing inside of you are far greater than your right to live child free.

    every woman who marched, fully understands hows privileged they are to live in the united states with the rights they were granted just by being born here, but the president and his actions are a glaring example of the work left to do. We also are marching for the rights of those whose voices are unheard, women who maybe can’t take the day off to march, they’re not granted maternity leave, they’re single moms, they’re assault cases were never heard nor taken seriously, so maybe you see a sea of entitled women complaining about nothing, but we’re speaking up for those who can’t.

  728. Ms. Ramirez, One are one true honest, intelligent woman & I wish there were more like you. You, I can respect more than any other type of a woman. You were brought up by the right parents as well.. Those that don’t agree with you have mental issues, as anyone can see in the responses against you. Most of them are the typical women clowns. What describes a clown? They wear alot of make-up & funny shoes, ya know like: HEELS with the 4-5 inch heel & all kinds of make-up. Alot of them are pissed because of Trump, but were okay with Bill Clinton, or the scum of the earth the Kennedy clan. Stay cool Ms Ramirez ! You are what other women would like to be, a TRUE LADY !!!

  729. Beautifully written. You are a courageous woman. Bless you.

    Since reading some of the negative posts below I would like to add that I do not have a college degree, but I have worked hard since I was a teenager, I worked two jobs for years. I have gone on to own my own company, make more than my husband and am currently Vice President of a large corporation. We live in the United States and WE can accomplish anything we choose to put our minds to do.

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