How the Clinton WikiLeaks scandal impacts you

“Give me a word, any word, and I show you how the root of that word is Greek.” That’s Gus Portokalos, the fiercely proud Greek father in the film “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” as he tries to prove to his daughter that all things lead back to Greece. “Ok Mr. Portokalos,” one of the…

Here’s What We Never Hillary Voters Should Be Doing

My daughter has hit that phase. Parents, you know the one—where screams and sippee cups launched across the room have replaced your sweet baby who once just stared up at you and cooed from the bassinet. It’s testing time.  She’s trying to figure out just exactly where her limits are—and just how far she can…

#NeverTrump, #NeverHillary: Let’s Talk

If you’ve read my work for any length of time, you know by now how much I love movies (see here, here and here), and how much they tend to make their way into my illustrations. So, unsurprisingly, I want you to think about another scene from yet another movie. It’s “Hook,” where the late,…